1914._ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 11961 llouse bUl 5303. to tux mail-order houses; to the Committee Troy, nll in the State of New York. protesting against national on Wnys and ~Jeans. prohibition: to the Committee on Rules. Also. petition of sundry citizens of Quincy, Ill., against By :Mr. TRACHEU: Petitions nnd resolutions of sundry citi­ nntionnl prohibition; to tbe Committee on Rnles. zens of Bourne~ the Methodist Episeopal Church of Hanson· By Mr. KALAXIAXAOLE: Petition of 630 citizens of Hono­ sundq' citizens of Scituate; the Baptist Young People's Unl~ lulu, Hawaii. nud 150 citizens of Oahu. Hawaii, favoring na­ of .Mtddleboro; the First Portuguese Alethodist Episcopal tional prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. Chureh of New Bedford; the Methodist Chureh o-f Chilmark; By ~r. KEISTER: Petition of sundry ritizens of Jeannette, tile New England Yearly :lleeting of Friends; sundry citizens ot Pa.. fa,·oring the passage of the Hobson-Sheppard resolutions. Vineyard Hnven. Wareham, and Xew Bedford; the Bnrnstable l\-·hirb pro,·ide for a prohibition :tmendment to the Federal Con­ Woman's Christian Temperance Union; the Falmouth Woman's stitution; to the Committee on Rules. Christian 'l'emperance Union; the Penttlcostnl Church of the Also. petition of J. William Wellen. of Latrobe, Pa., protesting Nazarene, of Wareham; the Plymouth County Womnn's Chris­ against national prohibition; to the ·committee on Rules. tian Temperance Univn; the Qunrterly Conference of the Metho­ Also. petition of the Baptist Young People's Union of New dist E-piscopal Church of Acushnet; the Quarterly Conference Kensington, Pa., favoring national pro-hibition; to tbe Com­ of tbe Methodist Episcopal Church of Umg Plain; the Senior mittee on Rules. Cbristia n Endetwor of Hanson~ the Quarterly Cooference of the By Mr. KE:\'XEDY of Rhode Island: Petition of Charles E. Methodist Episcopal Cbureh of Murion; and the Christian En­ Dunham, of Pro,·idPnre, R. I., protesting against national pro­ deavor Society of Hanson. all in the State of Massachusetts, hib'tion; to the Committee on Rules. fa '\Ori'ng adoption of nn tionnl constitutional prohibition amend­ By 1\Ir. LEE of Pennsylrania: Petition of sundry citizens of ment; to the Committee on Rules. Luzerne County, Pa., favoring national prohibition; to the Com­ Also, memorial of Geort.....: .W. Perry Post. No. 31, Grand .Army mittee on Hules. of the Republic, in beha If of Gettysburg peace memorial; to the Also. petition of various congregations of the Methodist Epi&­ Committee on Appropriations. copal, Presbyterian, and Vnited E\·angelical Churches of Port Also, resolutions of the city ot Medford~ Mass., for the retire­ Carbon, Pa., nnd sundry ritizens of Oak Grove, Pa .• favoring ment of nil civil-service employees of the Cnitcd States Post nationul prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. Office Department; to the Committee on Reform in the Civil AIRo. petition of 1 ,-oter of State of Pennsylvania, protest­ Service. ing against national prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. Also, petitions of sundry citizens of New BedforcL l\luss., •·e• By .)Jr. LEWIS of llarylaml: lieruorial of the Central lletho­ mom;trnting against national constitution.al amendment; to tile dist Protestnnt Christinn Endea,·or Society, of New I:nket, Committee on Rules. lid., fHvoring nntional prohibition; to the Committee on Uules. Ry 1\lr. VOLLMER: Resolution of Aug, Wentz Post. No. 1, By .Mr. LI:'\DBERGH: Petition of sundry citizens of Requvt, Grund Army of the Re>pnblic, of Davenport. Iowa, nsking f~r Minn., favoring a prohibition amendment to the Constitution; an appropriation of $200,000 for tbe purpose of promoting a to the Committee on Rules. national celebration and peace jubilee in commeruorHtion of the Also, petition of sunrlry citizens of Eagle Bend, Minn., favor­ semicentennial of the ending of the Civil Wr~r in 1805. to be held tug national prohibition; to the CommHtee on Rules. nt Vlcln:bnrg, Miss., iD October, 1915; to the Comlllittee on Ap­ Ry Mr. LLOYD: Petition of 405 residents of the District of propria tions. Columbia, in fnvor of Snbbath obsenanre in the DistJ;ict; to By Mr. WALLIN: Petition of sundry citizens of the thirtieth the Committee on the Distri<:t of Columbia. New York district. favoring national prohibition; to the Com­ Ry l\lr. McCLELI..A£': Petitions of Rev. E. P. Mesich. ot mittee on Rules. Spencertown; Rev. R. ~1. Roberts. of Esopus; M. Gildersleeve By l\fr. WHITE: Petition of C. 1\f. Williamson and 120 others. and .)Jrs. U . .Martin. of IIurleyYille; W. S. Barnes and 9 other of CannelviUe Ohio, and J. p-, Penirs and 00 others~ oi Duncan residents of :diarlboro; E. S. Hycler, of Cobleskill; H. R. Soper, J.l'alls, Ohio, urging the adoption of tbe national prohibition of Coxsackie; F. Walker, of Allnben; nnd 25 citizens of Gernllln­ amendment to the Constitution; to the Committee on Rules. town. all in tbe State of :\'('w York, favoring national prohibi­ By Mr-. WOODRUFF: ~tition of ,·arions re~tclents of :Maple tion: to the Committee on llules. ;Rid~e. Mich .. and various m~mbers ot the :.\letbodist Church u! AlFo, petition of tbe Cent1·al Labor Union of Hudson, N. Y., Tnrner, 1\fich.. in support of the Hobson p1·ohihition amendment; f:n-oring the pnssnge of the senmen·s bill; to tbe Committee oo to the Committee on Rules. the ~Jerehant ~Inrine and Fisheries. Also, petition of the Woman's Christian Temperanee Union By Mr. MAGUIUE of Nebraska: Petition of sundl'Y cltizens of Gaylord. Uich.; favoring national pro.bibition; to the Com­ of Plattsmonth. ~ebr., favoring national prohibition; to tbe mittee on Rules. Committee on Uules. Ry Mr: J. I. ~OL.A~: Protest of E. A. Olson and 49 other HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. dtizens of San Frand~o. Cal., agairfst the passage of the Hob­ son nation-wide prohibition resolution ·; to the Committee on SATURDAY, July 11, 191.1;. Rules. The House met nt 12 o'clock noon. Also, petitions of sundry citizens of the State of California. The Chaplnin, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D .• otfered the fol­ favoring the pa &tge of an amendment to the Constitution to lowln.g prayer: pro\·ioe for nution-wide prohibition; to the Committ1~e on Rules. We thank Thee, Almighty Father, in spite of the widespread By Mr. PETEHS of Maine: Petitions of ,·arious cllurcbes, \'('p­ secularism of our dny, that the Christ spirit obtains to n larger resenting 600 citizens of Skowhegan, HiO citizens of Clinton, 50 degr('e in the hearts of men thnn eTer before; that there is citizens of Rnndo!ph, 110 citizens of Cbini1, aud l50 citizens ot leRs do~mn, more reli~ion. less bigotry. nwre brotbedy Im·e. less GHrdiner, all in the Stute of :\laine, fqroring national pl'o.hibi. sertnri:mism. more tolerntion; yet we are fur fron\ tbe ~ingdo~ tion ; to tba Committee on Rules. and we pray for more of the spirit wbirh makes for righteous­ By ~Jr. PLATT: Petition of 46 citizens of PoughkePpsie, R Y., ness. that wars shall ce.'lse to be. peace nnd good will reign favoring national prohibHion; to the Committee on .Uules. supreme everywhere. in Jesus Christ our Lord... Amen. By Mr. IU;ILLY of Connecticut: Petition o! the Bolton Grange, of Connecticut, favoring Go\·ernruent ownersh.ip of tele­ The Journal of the proceedings of yesterda:v was reall and phone and telegraph; to tile Committee on the Post Office and approved. Post Roads. A VIATI6N SE!:VlCE. By :\lr. ROBERTS of NcvRda: Petition of i\Irs. J. W. Adams Mr. HAY. Mr. Speaker. I ask that the. Speaker lay before H. R. 5304. flDfl .Mrs. Fred Stadt l\lullet·, ln behalf of the Nevada ~ssociHtion the Hou e the bill of Women Opposed to Eqwtl Suffrage, protesting against the The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the bill. propo::;ed ext ansi on of the franchise to women; to the CQmmittee The Clerk read as fotlows: on the JucHC'ifl ry. H. R. 5iW4. An act to increase the effici~ncy of the- Avtat1on Service of the Army, and for other puf~;~oses, with Senate amelldments. By Ur. STEPHENS of Nebraska: Petitions of sundry eitfzens o: Neligh. Nebr., fn voring national prohibition; to the Commit­ The Senate amendments were read. tee on Rules. :Mr. HAY. Mr. Speaker, I move tbat the House concur in the By Mr. STEPHEXS of Texas: Petitions of 200 citizens of Seuate aroen<lroents. The motion was to. Vet·non, Tes .. and 280 citi~Pn~ o.f Quanan, '£~.~favoring national agl'eed prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. 'l'SE SJ\LJia! DISASTER. Ry Mr. T~"'t EYCK (by request} : Petitions of Local Union Mr. GARRETT of Tennessee. Mr. .3peeker. I wl-sh to make a No. 2fl. 1\letnl Polishers nud 13\lffe:rs, of .All)auy; the Central statement for the REcoRD. On the vo.te o-n the appropiatio.n for Federa tlon Qt Labo.r, Albany ; su:o.dcy ci~eDs of Alb~ and the Salem disaster I am teCQl'(l-ed. as Y.Qting u presP.nt." M ' a 11962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE~ JULY 11, matter of fact, I answered "no" and then changed my vote to Mt·. FALCO~~R. Mr. Speaker, I RSk nnnnimous consent to "present," being paired with the gentleman from Pennsylvania, extend my remarks in the RECORD. Mr. MooRE. · He would have voted for the amendment and I The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Wn hington asks unnni­ against it. I thought it would appear in the RECORD ns paired, mous co~sent to extend his remarks in the RECORD. Is there but it does not, and I wish to make this statement of our re­ objection? specti ye attitudes.
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