[D31E _ MAR 1^1957 TRIP "THE STILT" FINeA*TStf%MHJBRARY SEE BORN YESTERDAY SCHEDULED ON CAMPUS ON PAGE 7 $hr THROUGH THURSDAY Published Semi-Weekly by SMU Students' Publishing Company 42nd Year Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Friday, March 15, 1957 No. 39 Will Stilt Wilt Jim in Tilt Tonight? SMU, Kansas Test Ratings S5wi£?S?: arry James At 9:30 P.M. by JAY BROWN Crew Sign Campus Sports Editor All the national publicity will go to the high winds tonight once Mustang Jim Krebs and Jayhawk Wilt Chamberlain meet face to Date face for the starting tip of the by LORRAINE GIBSON provides the them* for decorat­ featured NCAA Dallas Regional Punctuating the gaiety and ing the scene of the Carousel clash. laughter of milling, costumed party Friday night. The Grand Out on that court it will be man crowds, will be the spiel of cir­ Ballroom will simulate the look against man and team against cus barkers, shouting, "Harry of a merry-go-round, and music team, and all the national rank­ James, Haa-rry James," ushering will emulate from a calliope- ings of either team or star will go the light-hearted figures to the decorated bandstand. for naught if they are not lived Carousel party. The terrace will be transferred up to. This will be the scene the eve­ into a brightly-muraled awnings This is the supreme test for ning of April 5, when all-school covered midway. For the in-and- the Ponies, the test which could Manada will be -ably aided in its outers, the snack bar and cafe­ send them flying on the road celebration of Carousel party by teria will be open also. the music of Harry James and his to another NCAA finals bout; In a return to the carefree in­ a bout they want so much to 13-piece aggregation. The event will be held in the formality for which Manada is have the chance to do over intended, the whimisical, mardi again, after failing in their two Grand Ballroom of the Student Center, from 8 p.m. to midnight. gras-like costumes of the parti­ chances last spring. cipants will add the most festive —Campus staff photo by Laughead Long the top-flight favorite But first there is Wilt and his note. Kansas Demons. Only after their HE'S LEAVING BETTY ON THE WEST COAST of colleges and the nation, the Highlighting the 10 to 10:30 defeat can the Ponies start dream­ Gail Griffin, left, and Gwen Lee run through advance pictures Harry James band will feature of Harry James, and members of his band in preparation for the intermission will be the an- ing of the finals or even think bf brunette-lovely Jilla Webb as annual Manada weekend which will be climaxed Friday. April 5, (See JAMES page Q) beating the winner. of the pre­ with the Carousel party featuring James and singer Jilla Webb. girl vocalist. Bob Mario and liminary St. Louis—Oklahoma Willie Smith on the sax. City tilt. Coming directly from the west The game is also a test for Kan­ coast, the band will be making its sas. For the first time this year first appearance on the SMU cam­ they have to lay their material pus in recent years. Their last ap­ on the line against an A-No. 1 pearance in Dallas was at Lou- A coffee honoring freshmen team with an A-No. 1 center. Board Vacancy Set Monday ann's last spring. journalism majors will be held Tonight Will Chamberlain, by DEL AMERINE 3. Be enrolled for at least a min The spirit of carnival invades Monday at 3:30 p.m. in Boom E the young sophomore, will have A special election will be held imum work load in a the campus first on Thursday of the Student Center. evening, April 4, with the frivol­ to prove himself against Jim Wednesday to fill a vacancy on course of study. The event is sponsored jointly ity of the "Faculty Follies," to be Krebs, a smart, much experi­ the student publishing board. Any 4. Have carried at least a mini­ presented <at 8:15 p.m. in the by Theta Sigma Phi, women's enced, and hungry basketball full-time student in the university mum load the last semester of honorary journalism fraternity, player, who probably deserves Grand Ballroom of the Student is eligible to run if he has satis­ residence with a grade average Center. and Sigma Delta Chi, men's hon­ all-American honors even more of at least C on, all work taken, orary journalism fraternity. than the so-called "fabulous factory grades. Recapturing the light-headed The purpose of the coffee is to Stilt". Filing for the election will (See FILING page 5) whirling fun of the carousel But the two giants are not the begin today at 8 a.m. in the Dean meet the freshmen who are ma­ only ones slated to be out on the of Students office and will con­ joring in journalism since there court tinue Monday. The office will is no course in this field offered Three of the five SMU starters close today and Monday at 5 p.m until the students' sophomore year. were picked on most of the all- The vacancy was opened Southwest conference teams this when Joe Dave Scott, who held Functions of The SMU Campus season — Jim Krebs and captain the one position elected by the and the organization of the staff Bobby Mills for the second time— student body, failed to enroll in will be explained to the guests. (See KANSAS page 7) the university at mid-term and Other students, who are not was automatically dropped majoring in journalism, but who from the board. The person worked on either high school SMU-KU Game elected Wednesday will finish newspapers or yearbooks, or Scott's term, which ends May I would be interested in writing To Be Televised 20. for The Campus newspaper, are ; Scott was editor of The Campus invited to attend. WFAA-TV will carry the in 1955-56. SMU-Kansas basketball Voting will be from 9 a.m. to game tonight on a direct 2 p.m. Wednesday. A desk will be Thieves Take 2 telecast from the Coliseum. set up near the information win­ Five other Texas cities dow in the Student Center to col­ Cash Registers and Topeka, Kan., will be lect ballots. Voters must present Two cash registers were taken a part of the network that student activity cards. from the SMU Book store in the will show the NCAA re­ I A 1957-58 board member will be Student Center last weekend gional playoff match. elected in the general election but were found intact with no April 30 and will take office May The telecast will begin at cash missing, announced Reuben 9:30 p.m. after the St. 20. Candidates in the special elec­ Friou, manager/Tuesday. Ilouis-OU match, which will Entrance was gained into the be telecast direct to Okla­ tion may make no campaign ex­ panses. No publicity material or store possibly through a back homa City. window, Friou surmised. He felt Stations in Tyler, Lufkin, service is to be provided for them, according to an SC rule. that although there were prob­ Austin, Houston and San To be eligible to file, a candi­ ably no students involved, at Antonio will also carry the date must: least two persons took part in SMU game. 1. Be a member of the Students the robbery. Plans are now being association. f : —Campus staff photo by Laughead Attempts to open the cash reg­ made to televise the play­ 2. Be a regularly matriculated "EVERYBODY RAZZLE. DAZZLE*.." isters were evident but were not off Saturday pending, an student who has satisfied the en* From left to right. Bill Adams, EUen Decherd, Kay Wall and successful. The machines are SMU win. Tony Scalise get ready to dassle spectators at the Folk Dance tfance requirements of the ml festival in the Grand Ballroom of the Studentdenter this mom* being repaired at present with -mm vjwilty. program is from 9tlS to IS. (See «torf on p«ft J.) insurance covering costs. Friday, March 15, 1957 2 &4MI (HamjntB Kay Barnhouse Announced As DG President Kay Barnhouse, junior from Granville, Ohio, was announced as the new jpresident of Delta Gamma at the sorority's Found­ ers' day banquet Wednesday night. As is traditional, names of other new officers, new initiates and awardees of the group were also revealed at the banquet. Serving with Miss Barnhouse will be Virginia Dare Rufin, first vice-president; Ann Wiegel, sec­ ond vice-president; Frances White, assistant pledge trainer; Binnie duCles, recording secre­ tary; Mary Kay Grey, correspond­ ing secretary; Carolyn Glarner, house manager; Carolyn McCrary, chapter treasurer; Judy Smith, house treasurer; Mary Lyn Tay­ lor, assistant house treasurer; and Montie Shultz, assistant chapter —Campus staff photo by Laughead treasurer. "THE CHALK GARDEN" COMES TO SMU Social chairman will be Linda Frances Beall Harris, Sylvia Shannon and Cash Baxter rehearse Boyce, assisted by Julia Arm­ a scene from Enid Bagnold's "The Chalk Garden." The play will —Campus staff photo by Laughead begin Monday evening as Arden club's contribution to the Fine A QUEEN FOR ROTC strong; rush chairman, Lu Hud­ Arts festival. Pi Phi Medora Doherty, new honorary cadet colonel of SMU's son; assistant rush chairman, An AFROTC unit, danced a royal step with Cadet Col. James Smith canetta Hooper; song leader, "I want you to know, my dear, at the military ball last week.
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