Children are great! Roar – Life is Wild - Thank you, Jesus, for all of our fantastic leaders & helpers! Thank you to all committee members! God bless you! Thank You Jesus! God is all powerful! Check it Out Deacon Don will be in the audience during Fr. Mitch’s EWTN Live show 8:00PM Wednesday, June 12, 2019 ______________________________________________________________________________ Check out Fr. Pacwa on EWTN! Scripture and Tradition with Fr. Mitch Pacwa (LIVE) @ Tuesday 2:00pm to 3:00pm (ET) OPEN LINE Radio Show @ Wednesday 3:00pm till 5:00pm (ET) EWTN Live @ Wednesday 8:00pm till 9:00pm (ET) Holy Rosary from the Holy Land @ Daily at 7:30am (ET) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Short Bio of Fr. Pacwa Father Pacwa received his B.A. in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Detroit, summa cum laude. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1976 with the Society of Jesus, has a Master of Divinity and S.T.B. from the Jesuit School of Theology of Loyola University, magna cum laude. At Vanderbilt University, he received his Master of Arts as well as his Ph.D. in Old Testament. Father Pacwa has a working knowledge of twelve languages, including Arabic. He has a unique understanding of the peoples and cultures of the Middle East and is respected for his knowledge on Islam and the Qur’an. w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / F r M i t c h P a c w a E v e n t s Au g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 1 9 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 109 N. Main Street Glandorf, OH 45848 Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. EWTN TV & Radio Host Scripture Scholar Catholic Author Fluency in 12 Languages Renowned Lecturer RSVP for Event: (419)890-3724 [email protected] ‘All Things Catholic’ Eucharist, Mary, Prayer Q & A Session 8:00am Mass Coffee/Pastry Break 9:00am Lecture 10:00am Break 10:30am Lecture 11:30am Lunch Break $6.00 Lunch Available (RSVP by Aug 19 for lunch) 1:30pm Q & A Session 2:30pm Meet & Greet 4:30pm Vigil Mass (optional) Free Will Offering Will Be Taken JUNE 9, 2019 Pentecost Sunday MASSINTENTIONS/SCHEDULE MONDAY, JUNE 10 8:00 AM Poor Souls TUESDAY, JUNE 11 St. Barnabas 8:00 AM Edna Gerdeman 11:00 AM For the Parish and neighboring friends - Healing Mass WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 8:00 AM Mel Nienberg 6:00 PM Kathryn Meyer, Ron Meyer 6:30 – 7:30PM Adoration THURSDAY, JUNE 13 St. Anthony of Padua 8:00 AM Edna & Richard Lauer FRIDAY, JUNE 14 6:00 AM George Rupert 8:00 AM Bev Siefker, Elsie Leugers 6:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal- Mary Ellen Halker SATURDAY, JUNE 15 8:00 AM Mary Jane & Daryl Hunt 8:30 AM Confessions 1:30 PM Nuptial Schmiedebusch-Higley 4:30 PM L/D Suzanna Smith Family, Mya Schroeder Family, L/D Edmund & Dolores Schroeder Family, L/D Robert & Alice Schroeder Family, L/D Jerome & Alma Schmitz Family, L/D Paul Schroeder Family SUNDAY, JUNE 16 The Most Holy Trinity-Father’s Day 8:00 AM Andrew B Schroeder, L/D Tom & Mildred Nienberg Family, L/D Albert & Elizabeth Roof Family, Francis Maag 10:30 AM L/D Mel Nienberg Family, L/D Lawrence & Martha Maag Family, L/D Charles & Kathryn Meyer Family, L/D Tom Balbaugh Family, Jim Buddelmeyer, L/D Donald H Niese Family, L/D Charles Nienberg Family, L/D Ruth Ann Stechschulte Family 6:30 PM Parish If you know of anyone who cannot attend Mass on Sundays and would like communion brought to them please call the rectory. The disciples of Jesus made bold proclamations through the promptings of the Spirit. What is the Spirit prompting you to do? Be courageous and act on it! (Acts 2:1-11) That through us the Spirit will renew the face of the earth, we pray. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY June 16 Prv 8:22-31 Rom 5:1-5 Jn 16:12-15 SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2019 From the Pentecost Sunday Desk of Fr. Tony We celebrate Pentecost today. Pentecost is the belief that the Holy Spirit came down upon Mary and the apostles in the form of tongues of fire. This is considered the birthday of the Church. Happy Birthday everyone. We belong to Christ’s church. The Holy Spirit filled the apostles with courage so they could go out and preach the message of the gospel. The sacrament of confirmation, which we received in the 8th grade, gives us the Holy Spirit so that we can proclaim the death and resurrection of Christ. In confirmation we receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, which is courage, understanding, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, and piety. These gifts help us proclaim Christ to the world. The apostles obeyed God by staying in Jerusalem until the Paraclete, or Holy Spirit came and descended upon them. From the time of Jesus’ Ascension into heaven until Pentecost, was nine days. The apostles had nine days to think about and pray about their role as Jesus’ followers. We to must take time to think about our role as followers of God. What does it mean for me to be Christ’s disciple? What does he expect of me? What role do I play in Christ’s church and in the world? God bless you all. Fr. Tony WEEKDAY SERVERS: Mon. 8:00 AM: Dylan Giesswein, Sienna Fry, Larkin Felkey, Carson Faber; Tue. 8:00AM: Braydon Ellerbrock, Dane Duling, Derek Brown, Zachary Birkemeier; Wed. 8:00AM: Hannah Brickner, Megan Brickner, Sophia Bennett, Myka Aldrich; Wed. 6:00 PM: Mary Ellen Halker, Roger Schroeder; Thurs. 8:00AM: Colin White, Mason Welch, Megan Welch, Emma Warnecke; Fri. 6:00AM: Cliff Schroeder, Dan Turnwald; Fri. 8:00AM: Sam Warnecke, Brandon Warnecke, Jase Utrup, Anden Utrup; Sat. 8:00AM: Trevor Strite, Allie Sonnenberg, Ashlyn Siefker, Makenna Siefker WEDNESDAY 6:00PM LECTOR – Kim Rieman TUESDAY, JUNE 11 HEALING MASS AT 11:00am: Lector: Deb Schroeder; Distributors: Lee & Diane Recker; Servers: Paula Elchinger & Cliff Schroeder. NEW SERVERS’ SCHEDULES WERE E-MAILED OUT THIS WEEK NEXT SUNDAY – June 16 SUNDAY SERVERS: Sat. 4:30 PM: Will Schmitz, Sam Schroeder, Kirsten Schneeg, Matthew Schneeg; Sun. 8:00 AM: Abby Schroeder, Brandon Schroeder, Jordan Schroeder, Allison Schroeder; Sun. 10:30 AM: Garrett Schroeder, Chloe Schroeder, Mitchel Schroeder; Sun. 6:30 PM: Mia Schroeder, Lauren K Siefker, Emma Siefker, Jillian Trombley EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS LECTORS 4:30 Doug Deitering Sharon Meyer Diane Deitering Cari Homan 8:00 Deb Leopold Andy Gray Steve Leopold Deb Schroeder 10:30 Julie Grismore Diana Meyer Jane Moening Jay Rump 6:30 Mark Schroeder, Tammy Schroeder Mary Ellen Klear Lori Klausing, Connie Dehnart Dan Klear COMMUNION TO MEADOWS: Karen Parker, Deb Burwell SUNDAY GIFT BEARERS: Sat. 4:30pm: Ken Hanneman Family; Sun. 8:00am: Mike & Judy Niese Family; Sun. 10:30am: Jerry Hanneman Family JUNE SUNDAY USHERS: Sat. 4:30pm: Brian Grime, Richard Schmitz; Sun. 8:00am: Jane Kaufman, Henry Kaufman; Sun. 10:30am: Nathan Schroeder, Al Kaufman; Sun. 6:30 PM: Gary Moening COUNTERS FOR SUNDAY: 3 VIDEOGRAPHER –Sat. 4:30pm– Erica Horstman ROSARY NEXT SUNDAY: Edna & Diane Nienberg JUNE FUNERAL ROSARY LEADERS: Eulitta Spangler, Helen & Leon Meyer, Rose Ann & Kenneth Kaufman, Jane Hanneman, Virgil & Mary Lou Rieman, Henry & Jane Kaufman Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima - Marie Strauer is in charge of our parish’s Pilgrim Virgin Statue, please call 419-538- 6930 to reserve a home visit with Our Lady. Br. Jerry’s address: Br. Jerry Schulte, C.PP.S., St. Charles Center, 2860 US Route 127 Rm 107, Celina, OH 45822. 2019 DIOCESAN ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL: ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA! Our parish goal this year is $39,000. You did it! We reached our goal!!! You have paid $39,897.50. Those making payments please continue to do so. Thank you to those who have contributed to Jesus and his mission. If you wish to donate to the ACA and didn’t receive an envelope there are extra envelopes in the racks in back of church. Thank you & God bless you all, Fr. Tony I wish to thank Fr. Tony & Fr. Rick for their anointings & visits. Thank you to the parish, Dan Ellerbrock and Choir, the nurses & doctors, ushers, Fireman and all who helped take care of me and get me down from the choirloft. Thank you also for the prayers & cards. I greatly appreciate all of you. Dan & Pat Hanneman If you are interested in the Sept. 2020 pilgrimage to Greece and the Greek Isles with Fr Tony, there are 12 spots left. Please visit www.pilgrimages.com/frfortman to sign up and to view an itinerary. If you have questions, or need assistance in signing up, please call Cheryl Kersh at 419.890.8565 or email her at [email protected]. Thanks!! 2020 PARISH PICTORIAL DIRECTORY COMMITTEE: Chairlady – Karen Lammers Marcia Kleman, Mary Ellen Klear, Betty Schroeder, Josie Duling, Stacy Meyer, Sue Duling & Chris Kahle. Thank you to all of you for accepting God’s call to organize our 2020 directory. Family photos to be taken Nov.-Dec. 2019. “May Jesus be our delight, our peace, our all.” St. Gaspar del Bufalo Adult Faith Information Jeanette Schroeder - Coordinator Diana Meyer, Jeanne Schram, Marlene Kleman, Deacon Don and Elaine Inkrott St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 109 N. Main St. Glandorf, OH Is Hosting Fr. Mitch Pacwa S.J. Saturday, August 24, 2019, 9am to 3:30pm Fr. Mitch Pacwa S.J. is well known as an EWTN TV & Radio Host, Scripture Scholar, Catholic Author, World Renowned Lecturer, & is Fluent in 12 Languages.
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