Inside Today: Forecast: A sunny start today ,but increasing cloudiness Valentines Day means different things during the afternoon, highs 35 to 40. Cloudy tonight with a 40 percent chance of rain or to different people... snow possibly some freezing rain in the valleys, lows 25to 30. Becoming partly cloudy Tuesday, see page 21 with highs in the mid 30s. (ttomttfttrut BatUj (Eamjnts Vol.U00CVINo.77 The University of Connecticut Monday, February 14, 1983 \ 2T • -J M i-;r.\':\:- 88 ! ' ^$m >* ■ u. ' / '' X s D:B:n:B;D;a:n B::D;B;D;B;Q;D $ PjBinjBiBJHin *?$j| D;B;B:6! ;:;^.ro:m:n3:ffl.:ffl.:ffl eiaininl BiDiBiDiaioi,: :: a n □ : • a o a ti-Brnio! Blflln-Hliin :E:R1:ffli :: a a a: Happy Valentines Day Poge2 Opinion (Connecticut Sailu (Harxtpm Saving Stars Smce 1896 Monday February 14, 1983 Editor in chief Jeff Denny Acting Managing Editor Dove Krechevsky Business Manager Evan Roklen Office Manager Lois McLean Senior Writer Dave Krechevsky News Judy Benson. Bob Brennan Steve Geissler, Bill Honrahon Sports. Tom Restelli, Dana Gauruder.Kim Harmon Arts Steve Hewms Carta Van Kampen, Dan Dawson Features Jockie Fitzpatrick. Barbara Ann Zambelli Wire Stephanie Rutty. Jean Cronm.Sue Waihonis Copy Shelley Wolf. Kathy Brady Photography Jack Wilson,Charles Hisey.George Edwards Advertising Manager Diane Speigle Asst Business Manager Ilene Feldman Ad Production Manoger Rosemary Homes Asst Ad Production Cathy Fisher Night Production Manoger Sue Dowden Classified Manager Chen 0 Neil Circulation Manager Rhoda Shoponik MMftCfJffl,IT'S A NATURAL— WPW3PU* ITBRTY AHD(>U IT/f^jOWSSUfWMEWURT? Ad Reps Aaron Spicker, Rob Sorcher,Diane Nome Receptionists ... Lisa Durazo .Theresa Johnson,Sharon Landry,Jockie Bonser Production Start Roxanne Ryan. Brian Dion Lynn Bodetka, Dennis Donovan, Lisa Gagnon, Robert Grower, Lawrence Herter David Kendnck Cathy McKmny Julie 0 Connell Jafiona Pino. Margaret Sonntog Jim Peron .Susan Kirwm Jamie Speer .Howard Urban,Laura Uhasz We have a morbid fascination Valentine's Day wishes By Michael Burgan on his brow, the furtive jumping and strain- Liros and Aphrodite, Venus and Cupid, Over the years, the television industry has ing, and the inevitable denial of guilt. But Want love for the masses, the smart and the stupid. displayed a fascination for the American judi- dont let Mr. Stevens' outburst sway you. cial system, using it as the basis for a number "You ,the studio audience .must decide Mr. And though our meter could scarce be called fine, of shows. Crime and punishment, the pro- Stevens' fate, using the electrical devices you To each who deserve, here's a sweet valentine: ducers know, can-be great drama, so they see in front of you. On one side of the box is a have created such programs as "Divorce small thumbs-up symbol, on the other, a Gov. Bill O'Neill, a remarkable fella, Court," which was guaranteed to feature at thumbs-down symbol. Considering all the You no longer deserve the name 'Mr. Ella." least one weeping wife and one indignant evidence we furnished you before the show, husband per episode; "People's Court," with as well as your assessment of Mr. Stevens' For you also proved to not be the boor, its wise, paternal judge, and more recently, actions on stage, you must decide if he gets Who'd rob from the rich to give to the poor. 'Lie Detector," certainly the most sensitive the death penalty of mere life imprisonment. and profound of the lot. Now, an independent Well return after these commercial mes- WeVe heart for Doc Gillis,the financial Jesus, producer has taken the next logical step in sages with the audiences decisions..." the development of media justice. Come this "..JVe just been handed the sentence, and You Ve developed the neighborhood .rewritten the fall, Americans will be able to watch "Death it's ..life imprisonment! Well. Mr. Stevens, leases. Penalty." Here's a preview of that show. that was a close call, but fortunately for you, The businesses purchased new windows, new doors, A funeral dirge, played in a church organ, our audience has a sense of compassion, For this you 11 be crucified by state auditors. rises out of the silence. A figure stands in a though heaven knows why. Thank you, Mr. shadowy room, partially blocking an empty -.Stevens, and enjoy your stay at your local electric chair.) federal penitentiary. From Becker and Donahue, UConn gets no relief, "Good evening, my name is F. Lee Bailey, 'Now we come to the truly awe-inspiring They gave legislators of plenty to beef. and welcome to 'Death Penalty.' the show part of Death Penalty,' where a member of We love you accountants,keep up the good works, that asks 'How tasteless can television be and the studio audience gets to throw the switch That's our recommendation ,you wonderful jerks. how much money, must I be paid to debase on a convicted murderer now sitting on myself like this' (six figures at least, I as- Death Row. Tonight's lucky contestant is sure you). Mrs. Edna Blatz of Duluth. Minnesota. Mrs. A big box of chocolates for USG s Basche, 'In our premier episode,we 11 be sentenc- Blatz, if you would just come over here and You re beating the odds ,you re keeping the faische. ing a convicted murder, Cecil Stevens, a spin the Wheel of Death, we'll see how you II We hope your successors find it equally funny, second-hand sofa seller from Chicago. Cecil be executing inmate number 102743." When your assembly spends most of their money. was caught stuffing a sofa cushion down his 'Oh, I'm so excited. Ill be the envy of my mother -in -law's throat after she publically garden club." taunted him for being impotent. Did 1 shock 'That's right .just give the wheel a big push A valentine,Ma Wiggins .from all IDC kind, you? Well, that s the way we are on this pro- and..ah.there.it s electrocution '.nowait .it s Scorning their input .you Ve made up your mind. gram .brutally honest, hiding none of man's lethal injection.' Lethal injection it is. Mrs. Tis unfortunate .though (this 11 certainly cramp us), perversions and frailities. Blatz. If you II just take this hypodermic nee - My God .those kids 11 live all over campus! "Before our studio audience pronounces die and go with our assistant .shell show you Mr. Stevens' sentence, I'd like to ask the con - the proper procedure for killing a living victed a few questions. Mr. Stevens, didnl human being with a fatal injection of a toxic If violets are red and roses are blue, you realize the depravity of your actions? substance. Good luck. Mrs. Blatz. and good Then Bored of Governors has something for you. Surely you must have known that murder is bye number 102743." With Beatles and hankies ,"oh waow man,let s party,'' illegal and contrary to all Judeo-Christian "As you can see, number 102743 is tightly -Six bucks a semester just to be nerdy? values, and that the pattern on the sofa strapped down and .yes .Mrs .Blatz has given cushion clashed with your mother-in-law's the injection .The poison has slowly worked dress? What do you have to say for your- its way through the tube and is entering the We d love to send gifts of love and affections , self?" body. Look at him squirm! And look at Mrs. To those at the bookstore with Co op intentions. 'My name's not Cecil Stevens! You got the Blatz .She s as excited as can be. Mrs. Blatz, But things as they are ,we re financially thwarted. wrong guy. OX ..so 1 stole a canned ham from what was it like ?" Cause none of the stuff there can be afforded. the A&P. I'm supposed to die for that? This is 'Mr. Bailey, it was really quite thrilling." a big mistake. Please. Mr. Bailey, you gotta 'Thank you .Mrs .Blatz, thank you for con - help..." tributing to the safety of America. Every And everyone else .the slick and the nervy. "The American judicial system doesnt citizen could take a lesson in civic duty from The pompous .the righteous -you too are deservy, make mistakes, Mr. Stevens ,or whatever you you .Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's our Of valentine tributes and outbursts of passion , call yourself. Ladies and gentlemen, you're show for tonight .and be sure" to join us again But we Ve run out of room for expression in fashion . witnessing first-hand the horror that grips a for another captivating episode of Death man who may soon be condemned to death. Penalty.'" But like arrow of cupidor .straight from the quiver, Quite a stirring sight .isn't it? Notice the sweat The Campus comes daily -and we hue to deliver. Bedlam Hall by Paul Catanese USPS 12958000 Second Class Postage paid at Storrs Conn 06268 Published by the Connec ticut Dally Campus, Box U 189 Monday through Friday during the academic year excluding exam periods and vacations Telephone 429-9384 Mail subscriptions $20 per year Postmaster: Send form 3579 to Connec- ticut Daily Campus, 11 Dog Lane, Storrs Conn. 06268. The Connecticut Dairy Campus is an associate member ot the Associated Press which is exclusively entitled to rephnt material published herein. • • I i., ,•!!.. I.I I.l- ( i ■■ • .'',.. .'•.'' Connecticut Daily Campus .Monday .February 14, 1983 Page 3 Krechevsky says that alcohol is the 'wrong kind Letters of escape.the one that leads to poor health or wor- to se ." Making laws to prohibit escape are impossible ? to enforce.
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