2018 Annual Review 2018 Annual Review LT AR.indd 1 29/04/2019 08:48 LT AR.indd 2 29/04/2019 08:48 Contents 5 Introduction 46 Astate of theart conservatoire 7Chairman’sForeword 48 Transnationalpractices:film cultureand politics in China, 1949–1989 8History of theLeverhulmeTrust 50 Rhetorical structures:architecturalsettingsin 10 Grants theTrust Offers EarlyRenaissance Italianpainting 12 Director’s Report 52 Promotingpathwaysfor learningdisabled 13 Summarised FinancialInformation dancers 14 2018 in Numbers 54 The penand theplough:modernBritish nature writingand thefarm 56 BrianAttebery, LeverhulmeVisitingProfessor 17 Grants in Focus of Fantasy 18 Learning aboutageingfromashort-lived fish 58 WartimeShakespeare:the fashioning of public opinion throughperformance 20 ‘The aristocratic traditionatits best’? Shaftesbury, philanthropy and reform 60 Rethinking complexity in facial communication systems 22 Visualisingpower and justice in late medieval romancemanuscripts 62 Double agent: HeinrichSimon’s constitutional missioninneo-absolutistPrussia 24 On thetrail of dinosaursand themammals that replaced them 64 Dynamics of theinner MilkyWay with Gaia 26 Ourfutureheritage: conservation issues of 66 Space–timeand themanuscript: 4D modelling contemporary architecture in medieval book design 28 Uncovering themechanismsofmigratory bird 68 Leverhulme Centre forWildfires, Environment navigation with bigdataanalytics and Society 30 Experimental gravitational-wave physics, designingand buildingthe world’smost preciserulers 71 What Happened Next: 32 Looseends: minor transnationalItalian cultures 72 ProfessorRosalie David 34 Portrait painting today 74 Dr Althea Davies 36 Supporting earlyliteracydevelopment in deaf 76 ProfessorPatrick Haggard children 78 ProfessorCatherine Hill 38 Inflationand collapse of dropsand bubbles 80 ProfessorChris Howe levitated by asuperconductingcoil 82 ProfessorChris Reed 40 Anotherworld?EastAfricaand theglobal1960s 42 Stimulationoffemalefecundity by males: causes and evolutionaryconsequences 85 Grants Awarded 44 Landscape, identity,community Introduction 3 LT AR.indd 3 29/04/2019 08:48 4 Introduction LT AR.indd 4 29/04/2019 08:48 Introduction TheLeverhulmeTrust was established bythe Will of William HeskethLever,one of thegreat entrepreneursand philanthropists of theVictorian age. Since1925wehaveprovided grants and scholarshipsfor research and education; today, we areone of thelargestall-subject providersofresearchfunding in the UK,distributingapproximately £80million ayear. We award funding across academic disciplines, supporting talented individualsinthe arts,humanities, sciences and socialsciences to realisetheir personal visioninresearchand professionaltraining. As well as substantial grants forresearchprojects, we offer fellowshipsfor researchers throughouttheir academic career,grantsfor internationalcollaboration and travel, and support forthe fineand performing arts. Ourapproachtogrant-makingisdistinctive. Ourawardsare madeinthe responsive mode,withthe choice of topicand research design left withs applicant . We look forworkofoutstandingmerit,which is original,important,and hassignificance beyond a single field.Weparticularlyvalue researchthatcrosses disciplinary boundaries or that is willingtotakerisks in itspursuit of newknowledge or understanding. Introduction 5 LT AR.indd 5 29/04/2019 08:48 The threat created by Brexit is not primarily about being cutofffrom European funds.Itisthatfunding eventually follows the foremost minds,and if talented people feel unwelcome in the UK theywill neithercome nor remain 6 Introduction LT AR.indd 6 29/04/2019 08:48 Chairman’s Foreword Iamdelighted to reportthatthe Trusthas had another The Trust’sfirstGalaDinner to celebrateour successful year.Income growth is reflected in thenumbers Philip Leverhulme Prizes washeld inthe impressive and value of grants made. Thevolumeofapplications surroundings of theDrapers’Company LiveryHall, City remainshighand cruciallythe qualityofthe bids of London. These prizes,worth £100,000 each,have continuestoexciteour peerreviewers and the Board alike. beenoffered annuallysince 2001,incommemoration The pages that follow give detailsofthe variousgrant- of thecontributiontothe work of theTrust madeby making activities.However,the headlines arethatduring Philip Leverhulme,the Third ViscountLeverhulme 2018 theTrust processed 3,769new requests forfunds, and grandsonofWilliam Hesketh Lever. SirVenki and madegrantsexceeding£110millioninvalue. Ramakrishnan presented eachofthe thirty winnerswith Threenew Leverhulme Research Centreswere theirprize and praised thewonderful arrayofresearch awarded grantsof£10 millioneach. At theUniversityof talent that wasassembled for theevening. York,Professor ChrisThomaswilllead the Leverhulme Amongstall of this good news it would bersemi s Centre forAnthropoceneBiodiversity,bringingtogether of me nottoacknowledge thelooming threat that is world-leading researcherstounderstand the neglected Brexit.Atthe time of writing, it is notyet clearif, how societal andbiologicalprocesses that underpin biodiversity or when theUKwillexitthe EuropeanUnion. However, gains, in addition to examiningthe causes andconsequences from theoutsetwhathas seemed sadlyobvious to myself, of losses.The LeverhulmeCentrefor Wildfires, Environment theTrustees and the Director,isthatthe discoursethat andSociety,atImperialCollege London,willbeled by hasemerged from thedebateabout Britain’splace in Dr ApostolosVoulgarakis and willbethe first worldwide theworld in generaland within theEUinparticularis to addresswildfire challengesfromaglobalperspective. creating an existentialthreattothiscountry’s hard- ProfessorMelinda Millswillbethe Director of thenew wonreputationasaresearch giant. We have succeeded Leverhulme Centre forDemographic Science,atthe University as acountry in creating a‘hostileenvironment’for of Oxford,where an unconventionalapproachispromised, internationalresearchers. This will in thefuturedeprive uniting scientists from demography,sociology,criminology, theUKofanimportant source of talent,ideas and national economics, statistics,molecular genetics,biology,history, competitiveness. Thethreatcreated by Brexit is not marketingand business;bringing‘science’intodemography. primarilyabout beingcut off from European funds; it is TheTrust’s triennial sequence of ‘£10 million that fundingeventuallyfollows theforemostminds,and if competitions’thisyearfeatured our Arts Scholarships. talented peoplefeelunwelcome in theUKtheywillneither The Board approved 82grantstosupport arts training come nor remain,and in duecoursetheywillbefollowed in 48 specialist organisations.The students whoreceive by research fundsbothcorporate and institutional. scholarships to help furthertheir talentsare invariably On behalf of theBoard,Ishould howeverclose on a amongthe most grateful recipients of Leverhulme grants, positivenote, by thanking everyone whohas contributed and itishearteningtolearn abouttheir many subsequent to theTrust’s success during this past year,byproviding successesand achievemena ts e ch year. theirexpertise as areviewer, panelmember or adviser. The2018LeverhulmeLecture sawDameMinouche Without theenthusiasticsupport of theinternational Shafikaddress thequestion‘Whyare we so miserable research community,and indeed of itsown hardworking when everythingisgetting better?’,beforealarge invited staff,the Trustees could not fulfilthe Founder’swishesto audience, whose enthusiasm fordebatingthe issuecarried provide‘scholarships forresearch and education’. theensuing discussionwellintothe dinner that followed hertalk. ThetextofMinouche’slecture is availableonthe Niall FitzGerald KBE DSA Trust’swebsite. Chairman of the LeverhulmeTrust Board Introduction 7 LT AR.indd 7 29/04/2019 08:48 History of theLeverhulmeTrust 8 Introduction LT AR.indd 8 29/04/2019 08:48 Acommitted philanthropist TheTrust Board throughouthis life, when he died In making decisions about funding, theTrusteesseekthe in 1925 Lord Leverhulme left a advice of arange of peerreviewers andexpertpanelsor proportion of hisholdings in Lever committeeswho offer an assessment of theacademicmerit andsignificance of applications. Brothers to provide‘scholarships for…researchand education’.It Trustees wasthusthatthe Leverhulme Mr NWAFitzGerald,KBE DSA (Chairman) Trustcameintobeing. Mr DBaillie Mr ACButler Born in 1851,William HeskethLever madehis fortune Mr PJPCescau throughthe manufactureand marketingofsoapand ProfessorKGull CBEFRS cleaningproducts.Inthe space of only afew yearshis Mr RHPMarkham companyLever Brothers grew to become ahousehold Ms LNair name and its products,which included Sunlight Mr PGJMPolman Soap and Lux,weresold around the world. Thetitle Mr CSaul ‘Lord Leverhulme’ wasconferred upon Leverin1917 Ms ASourry (‘Hulme’ beingthe maiden name of hiswife, Elizabeth, Mr SGWilliams whohad died four yearspreviously). Acommitted philanthropist from thebeginning, on hisdeath in 1925 Lord Leverhulme left ashare of hisholdings in his companytoprovide forspecifictrades charities, and to offer ‘scholarshipsfor …research and education’.The Leverhulme Trustwas established tounde ertak these charitable aims.In1930, LeverBrothersmerged with MargarineUnietoformUnilever–one of theworld’s majormultinational companies–and thesharesheld by theLeverhulmeTrust became shares in Unilever PLC. Introduction 9 LT AR.indd 9 29/04/2019 08:48 Grants theTrust Offers Research projects Fellowshipsand studentships The Trustoffers threemajor sourcesofresearchproject The Trustaimstoofferfundingopportunities to funding. Allschemes coverfundingfor
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