•I IF ALADDIN ~OULD ~~~L(t~K-IN'' AT AARDS If only the wonderful lamp could be placed at the disposal of Mingay Publishing Company Pty. Ltd., HERE it is-the story I promised you last time . .. they could satisfy the demands of their clients who are eagerly awaiting delivery of the Broadcasting . the greatest 8 p.m. line-up in the hist ory of the Edition and Periodical & Miscellaneous Media Edition of the AUSTRALIAN ADVERTISING RATE &. busmess. DATA SERVICE (AARDS). But even the wonders of modern production efficiency have their limits, especially with present·day shortages, controls, lack of material supplies and rehabilitation problems. None the less, every effort is being made to expedite the date. of publication of these two editions of It's a reshuffle of 2UW's night programme to make 8 p.m . on 2UW a ~'must listen" date. Look at the the AARDS Service. shows:- Broadcasting AARDS should be ready next month Mondays: "The Persil Show" with Monte Richardson Subscribers to the AARDS Service have found the Newspaper Edition a definite means of increasing , I efficiency in the planning of space advertising campaigns. Likewise in their respective fields the * Tuesdays: "Opera for the People" Broadcasting Edition and the Periodical & Miscellaneous Media Edition will provide the same efficiency as afforded subsc·ribers by Newspaper AARDS. Wednesdays: "All-Austral ian Hit Parade" ; : Thursdays: "Australia's Amateur Hour" Fridays: "The Telegraph" Sports Parade Place your Subscription now for each edition of the Saturdays: "The Atlantic -Show" with Bob Dyer AUSTRALIAN ADVERTISING RATE J.ND DATA SERVICE Sundays: "The Lux Radio Theatre." '~ "Opera for the People" is just about the finest Subscription to each edition of AARDS is:- musical half-hour you've ever heard. It's really big! Australia, £21210; British Empire, £211010; America, ~10; Foreign, £31310 (Commencing November 19.) · · Check that list again-and you'll see why, now, more PUBLISHED BY than ever before, MJNGAY PUBLISHING COMPANY BOX 3765 G.P.O. SYDNEY, N.S.W. Phone FA 7054 AND AT - BRISBANE (B 5320) - ADELAIDE (Central 7944) - PERTH (B 5320 1 llW MELBOURNE (Central 2642) 36 Commercial Broadcasting, October 17, 1946 - COMMlllCIAL EDITORIAL BROADCASTING FM-and Al/sop's Warning Broadcasting Business paper of Australia, Th• to the promotion of commercial broad. Whether or not one agrees with the enthu:;;iastic acceptance devote~ tions and circulatin'g fortnightly to the of Frequency Modulation by electronic engineer, Mr. Ray Allsop east 5 \ing advertising and· business community. broadcas ' Established 1934. does not alter the fact that he produced some very sound reasons why commercial broadcasters in Australia should lose no time THURSDAY, OCTOBER.31, 1946 in interesting themselves in its development and application Vol. XV. No. 8 (437th issue) to the Australian broadcasting set-up. Contents : Page Ray Allsop's illustrated lecture under the auspices of the , Federal Executive Meeting . 5 BREIF Club in Sydney last week (see page 20 th is issue) pro­ 4A~RA. to licence "M u·sic While- You Work" 5 · vided food for thought as well, perhaps, as a few bones of more Cictor.ian Agencies' Meeting . 5 blication of 21 Club Lectures 6 or less obvious contention. pu dom of Soeech and Advertising 8 ~r~~tanding C.hildren's Featur1~ . 10 His warning in relation to the limitation of wavelengths on p~blic service Broadcasts on U.S. Test . 12 the medium wave band and "the danger that may concern com­ Another View on Merchand1s1ng (W. o. Richards) . · · · · . · ·. · · . 16 mercial broadcasting in the event of logical progress NOT being WhY Business Must Advertise . 16 made," smacks of a thorough understanding of the frequency New Colgate Program . 18 F.M. or Perish, says Ray Allsop :20 position as well as an intimate kn owledge of the attitude of the Progressi"'.e Farm•'r Returns 24 Government of the day. His point that careful examination of Broadcasting Business .. : . 26 Around the World 1n Rad1_0 28 the already crowded Australian AM frequency band should be Agriculture Expert 1s Rad io Identity 29 German Tape Recorder . 30 made is well taken in view of the projected expansion to another A.R.C. Chief Returns . 30 17 stations for the national broadcasting service. To accomodate Interstate News . · · . 34 Cr->ative Work in. Advertising Agencies 36 those 17 riew stations our frequency band has only five at present Advertising Agencies 37 free channels, and again in the words of Mr. Allsop "even without Purely Personal . 38 additional co'mmercial transmitters there is not suitable channel COMBINED POT EN· Ad\Jertisers This Issue facilities to accommodate the projected (A.B.C. J expansion to pro­ COVERING A Argus Network . 4 vide reliable service to all parts of the continen t for which Allan, Stanford . • . 35 A.W.A. .. ...... 2 listeners pay their licence fees". He went on to explain that FM TIAL MARKET OF 500,000 A.P.R.A. ....... .. .. .. 2.5 offers the only solution to that problem . A.A.R.O.S.... 40 Kinelab Pty. Ltd .. ..... 23 FM · itself presents its own problems so far as concerns its Rad ionic Pro•ducts . .... .. ... 31 Recording Centre . 30 introduction in Australia but those apparently are not insur­ 2GN 2GF 380 Riddell, Norma . .. 38 mountable. Quite obviously the present Government at Canberra 2AY Security Loan . 27 Sellers, 0. P. .. 30 views FM with a most favourable eye - and it must also be • • V.B.N . .......... ... 39 remembered that Mr. Allsop has ·bee.:i for some time in close • • Whit·~ and Gillespie . 30 GOULBURN GRAFTON BENDIGO Whitford Network . .... 27 contact with the Government and its views. His recent visit ALBURY 2AD ........ '. .. .. .. .. 33 2HD ........... .. 11 overseas to study FM and Television development was partly 2KY ............. .. .. .. .. 11 prompted 'by the Government's desire to secure his opinion on 2KO .......... .. ....... 17 2TM .................. 15 these subjects as an independent electronic engineer without 4CA 4WK 4MK 2UE . ....• .. .... .• . .... 7/ 19 broadcasting or radio manufacturing affiliation. So also does 4TO 2UW . ..•.......•.... .. F ront Cover 9 Mr. Allsop view FM with a most favourable eye. He is employed • • • ~~~.: »: .. :...... ........ .- :. .: . .: . .. .. 29 by "Truth" and "Daily Mirror" newspapers as technical adviser • 3KZ .. .. .. .. ... ..... 13 TOWNSVILLE CAIRNS WARWICK MACKAY 35 on broadcasting matters. That newspaper organisation is an !~g :. ~ :_: _:_:_ .... ...... :. :·. _ :: ..:: :: .. : :_: 35 applicant for broadcasting licences and it is well known that FM 35 Use these stations and your job of reaching customers 1s easy because you have a ready and introduction would solve their particular disability - always pro­ n ~IA!\ AGING EDITOR, Gswald Mingay; EDIT­ able-to-buy audience. R~AL .STAFF, Lex Lippmann, Jack Angus. viding of course that they were granted a licence or licences - ~l. Ed:\•ards; ASSISTANTS, Gordon Breakspear, as it would enable the Government to fulfil the company's in­ oltn Mmgay , R. Meadows; ADVERTISING Basil When you make your next appropriation, keep in mind these eight stations and these out­ IIenr;-; ACCOUNTS, 1\-liss Evelyn Davis. ' sistent request. Tl!ELBOURNE REPRESENTATIVE Beatrice standing points ouzeau, Assistant, Eva Godfrey Rbom 6 1st But Mr. Allsop made another important point so far as the ~loor, 96 Collins Street, Box 1774,' G.P.O., Phone artistic side of broadcasting is concerned when h e declared that a~1Uirn2642. Telegraphic: OSMINGAY, MEL­ • THEY ARE A PROFITABLE BUY Roo E; ADELAIDE REP. : Joy Cochrane, "It (FMJ will provide the very necessary stimulus the industry Hox m98io1, Commerce House, Featherstone Place, needs, not only in our local field of electronics, broadcasting and e THEY REACH SALES-RICH MARKETS Imp , • _G.P.O. Phone Cent. 79 44. BRISBANE !!t "t 1 hl hs le Brocq, Room 4 2nd· Floor 115 Queen recording technique, but it will create in the program producers R~pe • B_ox 782, G.P.O., Phone B 5320; PERTH e THEY GIVE SALES RESULTS AT LOW -COST T. •&., EIIza_be~h Farrington, Room .6, 1st Floor, the desire to use the realism that will lift radio out of the super­ , ; p U G .p~u1ldmg, St. George's T errace, Box J656, ficial sphere into which it has drifted". • THEY REACH THRIVING MARKETS ECONOMICALLY , •, 3·~ll ~o ne B5320. U .S.A. i;tEP., Kay Timmins, C 1 ' t., N.W., W·ashington, D.C. And finally Mr. Allsop's "warning" must be read in conjunc­ Each station is "'e~yl\~~F.RClAL BROADCASTING, published Most of the listeners are tuned-in to their own station most of the time. Pany Pti~o1d Thursday b y Mingay Publishing Com. tion with the now reasonable certainty of commercial stations 1 _ Per · td., 146 Foveaux Street, Sydney, N.S.W. being shortly granted increases in · operating power. After all dominant in its own area. a~h) S c~py. .Back copies (if available, 2/ - 1!! ·for u script1on Rates, 10/ - per annum the years of struggling against a brick wall in their endeavours •ralia. 1 two Years) post free in Aus­ to secure permission for operating power at least comparable All particulars from : au othe 3/ 6 other parts British Empire; 17/ 6 Ydney ~ countries. R egistered at the G.P.O., with the national stations powers it seems signifi cant that the LTD. on tents or tra?smission by post as a newspaper. powers-that-be should, at the threshold of FM, suddenly become AMALGAMATED WIRE L-ES S- (AUSTRALASIA) Press Pt copyright. Printed by Radio Printing Box l?ss Ltd., 146 Foveaux Street, -Sydney . magnanimous and give the commer eial stations power increases BRISBANE MELBOURNE Telena G.P.0., Sydney. Phone FA 7054 SYDNEY ms and cables: OSMINGAY, S ydney. -on AM ! (:ommer<;iai Brogdc;asting, Octo9cr 31, 194q Commercial Broadcasting, October 31 , 1946 3.
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