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FAX: (65)7756259; TEL: (65) 8702447; E-MAIL: [email protected] 356 Index m Index n A American multiculturalism 114 Abdurrahman Wahid 53, 55, 59, 66, American nation 114, 346 70 American Pledge of Allegiance 110 Aboriginal nationalism see nationalism Americanization 212 Aceh 38, 41, 54, 58, 59, 64 Amien Rais 38, 52, 53, 59 Action Committee on Indian Anderson, Benedict 17, 35, 55, 69, Education (ACIE) 85, 100 108, 109, 129, 198, 235, 237, 256, Adamic, Louis 112, 128 296, 297, 317, 350 Additional Member System (AMS) Annan, Kofi 69 244, 248 Ante Pavelic 20 Advani, L.K. 310, 312 Anwar Ibrahim 151, 160, 162 Afghanistan 306 ANZAC 178 Ainu 220, 224 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co- Akali Dal 305, 308 operation) 198 Akbar Tanjung 59 Appleman, William 117 Akita Chiranki 223 Armstrong, John A. 325, 326, 341 Albania 4, 14 ASB unit trust 149 Albanian nationalism see nationalism Ashis Nandy 307 Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) 140 “Asian tiger” economies 187 Ambon 54, 55, 56, 65 Asianizing Singapore 82, 83, 84 Ambonese 49, 50, 70 ASN unit trust scheme 140, 149 American Civil War 110 Aspaturian, Vernon V. 321 American English 115, 126 Assam 311 American hegemony 125 Astérix 214 American identity 104 Astérix Park 214 356 © 2000 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore Index 357 AT&T 121 bilingualism 78 Atlee, Clement 246 Bishop Carlos Ximenes Belo 57 Australia xi Black, Jeremy 244 Australian Labor Party 196, 244 Blair, Tony 36, 234, 242, 243, 244, Australian national identity 176, 246, 248, 254 177, 181, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, Blairism 256 191 boat people 105 Australian nationalism see Bolshevik revolution 320 nationalism Boorstin, Daniel 115 Australian Settlement 181, 188 Bosnia 4, 8, 20, 22 Ayodhya affair 309 Bosnia-Herzegovina 5 Boxer Movement 277 Brasillach, Robert 208 Brezhnev-Kosygin regime 322 B British Colonial Office 116 Babri Masjid 313, 316 British “nation” 235, 350 Bagehot, Walter 238, 239, 256 British Military Administration Bahasa Kebangsaan 138 (BMA) 72 Bahasa Malaysia 142, 155, 157, 158 Budi Utomo 42 Balibar, Etienne 202 Bulgarian nationalism see nationalism Balkan Christians 18 bumiputra 42, 140, 141, 145, 147, Balkan nationalism see nationalism 148, 154, 155, 349 Balkans ix, 3, 5, 9, 17, 18, 23 Bumiputra Commercial and Balsom, Denis 249 Industrial Community (BCIC) 147 Baltic States 328 Bush, George 121, 122 Bangka 44 Business Environment Risk Bangladesh 311 Intelligence (BERI) 87 Bangsa Malaysia 146 Bangsa, Agama dan Negara 161 Bankimchandra 299 C Barbalet, J.M. 93, 101 1993 constitution 323 Barber, Benjamin R. 124, 128, 129, Callaghan, James 250 255, 256 Cannadine, David 244 Barisan Nasional (BN) 139 Cape of Good Hope 115 Barkashov, Aleksandr 329 Captain Cook 175 Barker, Rodney 235 Carter, Jimmy 121 Barnett, Anthony, 243, 248, 253, CBS [Columbia Broadcasting Service] 256 120 Basayev 333 Ceausescu 37 Basque 213 Nicolae 27 BBC 237, 245 Elena 27 Bell, Daniel 339 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand 208 Bellows, Thomas J. 87, 89, 100 Central Intelligence Agency 120 Benda, Harry 67 Central Provident Fund (CPF) 91, 92 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 309, Cerny, Philip 254 311, 312, 313, 314, 316 Chatterjee, Partha 300 Bhindranwale 305 Chechen conflict 330 © 2000 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore 358 Index Chechnya 332 Dalyell, Tam 253 Chernenko, Konstantin 322 Darusman, Marzuki 65 Chevènement, Jean-Pierre 212 Daud Beureueh 50 Chiang Kai-shek 280 Davies, Ron 247 Chiew Seen Kong 90, 98, 101 de Gaulle, Charles, General 204, 205, China xi 206, 207, 213, 214 Chinese Communist government see Declaration of Human Rights 209 People’s Republic of China Declaration of Independence 109 Chinese Development Assistance Delors, Jacques 245 Council (CDAC) 83, 85 Democratic Action Party (DAP) 137, Chinese nation 259, 278, 281, 282, 151 287, 351 Descartes 201 Chinese nationalism see nationalism Deutsch, Karl 203 Chinese state 278 Disneyland 214 Chinese-educated Chinese 82, 85 Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) Chinese-medium schools 62, 63 304 Chishima islands 224 Dreyfus Affair 208 Chiu Hungda 293 Dukes, Paul 326, 341 Churchill, Winston 118 Dunn, Douglas 240 Civil Rights Movement 111 Duruy, Victor 202 civil society 3, 14, 15, 16, 21 Dylan, Bob 337 Clapham Common 247 Clemenceau, Georges 205 E Clinton, Bill 121, 122, 123, 242 1995 Education Bill 156 CNN 125 East India Company 107 Coca-Cola 126 East Kalimantan 58 Colley, Linda 236, 244 East Timor 38, 40, 41, 46, 50, 51, 54, Collins-class submarine 193 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 68, 69 Commonwealth Games 160 economic crisis in Malaysia 162 Communist Party of India 311 Economic Development Board (EDB) Confucian classics 270 87 Congress Party 304, 305, 306, 307, Edmund, Dave 249 308, 309, 314 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 119 Connolly, Billy 247 Emerson, Rupert x, 97, 297, 317, Connor, Walker 17, 35, 67, 341 341 Corsica Nazione 212 English nation 350 Cox, Robert W. 129 English nationalism see nationalism Crèvecoeur, Hector St. John de 111, English-educated Chinese 83, 84 112, 113 ethnic Albanians 331 Croatia 5, 14 ethnic cleansing 9, 11 cultural China 278 ethnic group see ethnie cultural pluralism 345 ethnic-nation x, 344 Cultural Revolution 282, 284 ethnie (definition) x, 2, 240 ethno-nation 344 D European Economic Community 182 da Cunha Derek 93, 101 European nationalism see nationalism Dalai Lama 285 European Union 10 © 2000 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore Index 359 F Goh Chok Tong 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, Farooq Abdullah 306 94, 96, 99, 100, 347 Feith, Herbert 68 Goh Keng Swee 79 Ferry, Jules 202 Golden Temple 308 “first-past-the-post” (FPTP) system Golkar 47, 51, 52, 65, 68 234, 244, 248 Gorbachev, Mikhail 320, 322, 342 Fitche, J.G. 201, 297 Gore, Al 124 FitzGerald, Stephen 199 Greater Albania 12, 22, 31 France xi Greater East Asian War 225 Fraser, Malcolm 186, 187 Greater Serbia 26 Free Papua Movement 50 Group Representation Constituencies French identity 210 (GRC) 76 French nation 349 Guangxi Zhuang 261, 262 French nationalism see nationalism Gumilev, Lev 326, 327, 341 French Revolution 200, 201, 203, guo jia 276 294, 297 Gus Dur see Abdurrahman Wahid Funston, John 168 Furnivall, J.S. 67 H Habibie, B.J. 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 64, 66, 68 G Hain, Peter 247 Gandhi 300, 301 Han Chinese 259, 260, 261, 262, Gandhi, Indira 306–8, 316 263, 264, 265, 271, 278, 281, 351 Gandhi, Rajiv 307, 308 Han nationality 259 Gandhi, Sonia 309, 314 Hansen, Thomas 297 Geertz, Clifford 68 Hanson, Pauline 195, 345 Gellner, Ernest 17, 26, 32, 33, 35, Hanyu pinyin 281 130, 216, 235, 236, 256, 296, 297, Harian Indonesia 62 317, 344 Harris, Robert 240, 242 General Agreement on Tariffs and Hashimoto, Ryutaro 228 Trade (GATT) 119, 184, 198 Hawke, Robert 184, 187 General Electric 118, 121 Hay, John 117 General Guidelines for National Hazell, Robert 248, 253 Reunification 290 Heath, Edward 250 General Motors (GM) 125, 126 Heping Ribao 63 Gerakan 144 Herder, Johann Gottfried 297 Gerakan Aceh Merdeka 55 Heywood, Elizabeth 251 German nation 201 Hideyoshi 219 Germany xi, 33, 34, 296 Hindu identity 311 Ghosh, Aurobindo 300 Hindu nationalism see nationalism Gibson, Mel 247 Hinduism 352 Giddens, Anthony xi, 87, 100, 130, Hindus 299 146, 198, 216, 242, 257, 336, 343 Hiromu Nonaka 230 glasnost 322 Hiroshima 230 Gleason, Philip 130 hisabetsu burakumin 224 global nation 105, 127 Ho Khai Leong 85, 100 globalization (definition) xi, 103 Ho Wing Meng 87, 100 © 2000 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore 360 Index Hobbes, Thomas 4 International Force for East Timor Hobsbawm, Eric 235, 236, 257 (INTERFET) 58 Hollywood 104, 125 International Harvester 119 Holocaust 185 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Holton, Robert J. 128 65, 103, 119 Holy Roman Empire 268 Irian Jaya 38, 41, 50, 54, 64 Hong Kong 272, 274, 287, 289 Islamic Union 42 Hopkins, Antony 249 Israel Zangwill 113 Housing and Development Board Italy xi (HDB) 80, 81, 90 Ivanov, Igor 331 Hoxha, Enver 23 hua xia 267, 278 J Hui 259, 260, 261, 262, 351 Japan xi Hui Muslims 278 Japanese nationalism see nationalism human rights 9 Javanese 39, 45, 46, 49, 54 Huntington, Samuel P. 35, 130 Jefferson, Thomas 109, 110, 116 Hutton, Will 245, 254 Jenkins Commission 234 jihad 340 I Jindalee radar projects 194 IBM 121 Johnson, Lyndon 120 ICMI (Ikatan Candakiawan Muslim Jone, Bill 246 Indonesia) 51 Jones, Tom 249 IKEA 103, 123 Joseph Rowntree Foundation 247 immigrant nation 345, 346, 347 Josey, Alex 99 Immigration Act of 1965 113 Jupp, James 199 India xi, 306 Indian National Congress 300 K Indian national identity 300 Kaplan, Robert D. 123, 124 Indian nationalism see nationalism Karafuto see Sakhalin Indian nation–state 296 Kartosuwiro 50 indigenous nation 345 Kashmir 297, 305, 306, 310 indigenous nationalism see Kavenagh, Denis 246 nationalism Kazakhs 263 indigenous states 347 Kazakhstan 328 Indonesia xi keADILan see Parti Keadilan Nasional Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) Keating government 186 42, 46, 47 Keating, Paul 187, 199, 254 Indonesian nation 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, Keiretsu 227 63, 70, 348 Kellas, James G. 127, 130 Indonesian Youth Congress 46 Kelly, Ned 178 Industrialization Master Plans 145 Kennedy, John 120, 214 Inner Mongolia 262 Kennedy, Paul 122, 130 Institut Kemahiran MARA (IKM) Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) 133 141 Khattab, Commander 333 Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM) 141 Khrushchev, Nikita 322 Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) 86, 91 Kievan Rus state 320, 325, 336 Internal Security Act (ISA) 144 Kim Dae Jung 229 © 2000 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore Index 361 Kim Young Sam 228, 229 Macao 287 Kimigayo 223 Macdiarmid, Hugh 240 King, Martin Luther Jr.
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