San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1964 Special Libraries, 1960s 10-1-1964 Special Libraries, October 1964 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1964 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, October 1964" (1964). Special Libraries, 1964. 8. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1964/8 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1964 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Putting Knowledge to Work OFFICERS DIRECTORS President WILLIAMK. BEATTY WILLIAMS. BUDINGTON Northwestern University Medic'il The John Crerar Library, Chicago, Illinois School, Chicago, Illinois President-Elect HELENEDECHIEF ALLEENTHOMPSON Canadian Nafional Railwa~r, General Electric Company, Sun Jose, California Montreal, Quebec Advisory Council Chairman JOAN M. HUTCHINSON(Secretary) Research Center, Diamond Alkali LORNAM. DANIELLS Company, Painesville, Ohio Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetl~ KENNETHN. METCALF Advisory Council Chairman-Elect Henry Ford Museum and Greei~. HERBERTS. WHITE field Village, Dearborn, Michigan NASA Facility, Documentation, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland MRS.ELIZABETH B. ROTH Treasurer Standard Oil Company of Cali- JEANE. FLEGAL fornia, San Francisco, California Union Carbide Corp., New YorR, New York MRS. DOROTHYB. SKAU Immediate Past-President Southern Regional Research Lab- MRS.MILDRED H. BRODE oratory, U.S. Department of Agri- David Taylor Model Basin, Washington, D. C. culture. New Orleans, Louirirrna EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: BILL M. WOODS Special Libraries Association, 31 East 10 Street, New York, New York 10003 MEMBERSHIP Dues: Sustaining-$100; Active-$20 (Paid For Life-$250) ; Associaie -420; Afiliate-$15 ; Student-$? ; Emeritus-$5. For qualifications, privileges and further information, write Special Libraries Association. PUBLICATIONS Aviation subject headings, 1949 ...... $1.75 National insurance organizations in the A checklist for the organization, opera- United States and Canada, 1957 .... tion and evaluation of a company li- "Picture sources, 2nd ed., 1964 ...... brary, I960 ..................... 2.00 4:SLA directory of members. as of July Contributions toward a special library 15. 1964, 7964 ...........members glossary, 2nd ed., 1950 ........... 1.25 nonmembers Correlation index document series & PB SLA directory of members, as of Octo- reports, 1953 ................... 10.00 ber 15. 1962. 1962 ....... .members Creation & development of an insur- nonmembers ance library, rev. ed., 1949 ........ 2.00 Source list of selected labor statistics, Dictionary of report series codes, 1962 12.75 rev. ed., 1953 ................... Directory of business and financial serv- Sources of commodity prices, 1960 .... ices, 1963 ....................... 6.50 Special Libraries Association personnel Directory of special libraries, 1953 .... 5.00 survey 1959, 1960 ............... Guide to metallurgical information (SLA *Special libraries: how to plan and equip Bibliography no. 3), 1961 ......... 4.00 them (SLA Monograph no. 2), 1963 Guide to Russian reference and lan- Subject headings for aeronautical engi- guage aids (SLA Bibliography no. 4), neering libraries, 1949 ............ 1962 ........................... 4.22 Subject headings for financial libraries, Handbook of scientific and technical 1954 ........................... awards in the United States and Can- *Subject headings in advertising, market- ada, 1900-1952, 1956 ............. 3.00 ing, and communications media, 1964 *Literature of executive management Translators and translations: services and (SLA Bibliography no. 5), 1963 ... 4.25 sources, 1959 .................... Map collections in the U. S. and Can- US. sources of petroleum and natural ada; a directory, 1954 ............ 3.00 gas statistics, 1961 ............... Latest publications SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS-Subscription, $7.00; Foreign, $8.00 SPECIAL LIBRARIES-Subscription, $10.00; Foreign, $11.00; Single copies, $1.50 TECMCAL BOOK REVIEW INDEX-Subscription, $10.00 ;Foreign, $1 1.00 ;Single copies, $1.50 UNLISTED DRUGS-Subscription, $20 ; Single Copies, $2.00 SLA serves as he US. sales agent for selected Aslib publications SPECIAL LIBRARIES is published by Special Libraries Association monthly September to April, bimonthly May to August, at 73 Main Street, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302: Editorial Offices: 31 East 10th Street, New York, New ,York 10003. Second class postage pa~dat Brattleboro, Vermont. POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to Special Libraries Association, 31 East 10 St., New York, N. Y. 10003 O The Faraday Press announces 21 major Soviet Scientific Journals now available for the first time .AUTHORITATIVE COVER-TO-COVER ENGLISH TRANSLATION REGULAR YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION -BEGINNING WITH JAN. 1965 ISSUES Nuclear Physics / Yadernaya Fizika Journal of Organic Chemistry / Soviet progress at the Kurchatov Institute, at Dubna and other Zhurnal Organicheskoy Khimii key centers, previously reported in various journals, will now be Of interest to every Western organic chemist, this new journal covered by th~sind~spensable Academy of Sciences pubiication. will be the principal source of information on Soviet research irt Monthly, $150 /year this field, previously ava~lableonly as scattered articles in many Differential Equations / . Differentsial'nyye Uravneniya journals. Monthly, $1 60 /year Offers for the first time in a single journal the original work of Journal of Applied Spectroscopy / outstanding Soviet mathematicians in th~sincreasingly impor- tant field. Monthly, $150 /year Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektroskopii Describes the many expanded and new applications of spec- troscopy in the various engineering and scientif~cdisciplines. Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry / Monthly, $150 / year Teoreticheskaya i Eksperimental'naya Khimiya Reports on the most important current research of the leading Journal of Engineering Physics / centers throughout the Soviet Union; the equivalent in impor- Inzhenerno-Fiz~cheskiy Zhurnaf tance In chemistry to the Soviet J. Theoretical & Exp. Phys. in Devoted to Soviet basic and applied research in heat and mass physics. Bimonthly, $120 /year transfer and exotic heat sources; hlghly valuable, presenting many orig~nalcontributions. Monthly, $150 /year Soviet Radiophysics / lzvestiya VUZ. Radiofizika Magnetic Properties of Liquid Metals / Presents .original contributions by Troitskiy and other world- famous Soviet radiophysicists dealing with lunar and solar radio Magnitnaya Mekhanika Zhidkikh Metallov emission, the propagation of electromagnetic waves, and other Increasing research and success in technological applications of radiophysical phenomena. Bimonthly, $125 /year magnetism in the Soviet Union have led to the publication of this important new journal. Quarterly, $90 /year Soviet Radio Engineering / lzvestiya VUZ. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds / Radiotekhnika Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedineniy Publishes articles on the latest Soviet advances in information Expanding Soviet research in this increasingly important area theory, high-frequency radio electronics and electrodynamics, has contributed this vital new journal. Birnonthly, $120 /year and new radio engineering materials and components. Bimonthly, $115 /year Chemistry of Natural Compounds / Khimiva Prirodnvkh Sovedineni~ Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics / The Soviet journal devoted to original research in the structure, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki modification and synthesis of natural compounds. A wide-ranging journal of importance to applied physicists, and Bimonthly, $110 /year mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, and structural engineers. Birnonthly, $150 /year Electrical Engineering / Elekfrotekhnika Reports the latest, most important advances in Soviet electrical equipment and instrumentation. Monthly, $1 60 /year Soviet Physics / lzvestiya VUZ. Fizika Covers advanced Soviet theoretical and experimental investiga- Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology / tions In plasma physics, optics, molecular physics, electronic Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya processes and the entire range of physics research. Research in this field is producing extensive and valuable new Birnonthly, $125 /year applicat~onsin many areas of industry and medicine; reviewed fully In this critically important new journal. Astrophysics / Astrofizika Bimonthly, $120 /year Describes Soviet research in lunar, interplanetary, solar and stellar physics, as performed under the direction of V. A. Ambart- Physicochemical Properties of Materials / sumyan and other leading astrophysicists. Quarterly. $90 /year Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov Of great importance to industry, this journal reports on new Polymer Mechanics / Mekhanika Polirnerov materials being developed in the Soviet Union, the~rproperties Keeps the reader informed on the latest and most valuable devel- and specific applicat~ons. Bimonthly, $1 15 /year opments in Soviet polymer research and applications. Bimonthly, $120 /year Cybernetics / Kibernetika Offers a complete review of current achievements and long- Heat and Power / Teploenergetika
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