Regional statistics and Geographic Information Author: E4.LUCAS (ESTAT) TechnicalDocuments 2018 LUCAS 2018 (Land Use / Cover Area Frame Survey) Technical reference document C6 Grassland Survey - Identification Guide C6 Grassland Identification Guide - LUCAS Reference Documentation Page 2 1 Table of Contents 2 Scope and Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4 3 Examples of suitable field guides .................................................................................................... 5 4 Overview on the key species / key species groups in this guidance ............................................... 6 5 Overview on the key species / key species groups and their application as key species in different regions, the colour of their flowers and the plant families. ............................................. 7 6 Photos of the key species ................................................................................................................ 8 7 Overview on the species / species groups for structural characterization ................................... 34 8 Photos of the species / species groups for structural characterization ........................................ 35 9 Overview on the legume species / species groups ....................................................................... 42 10 Photos of legumes ..................................................................................................................... 43 11 Source of the photos / photo authors / photo credits .............................................................. 49 12 Overview on the photos of the key species in this guidance and on further examples of the key species groups . ................................................................................................................... 58 C6 Grassland Identification Guide - LUCAS Reference Documentation Page 3 DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD REASON FOR CHANGE AND AFFECTED ISSUE DATE CHANGE AUTHORITY / AUTHOR SECTIONS Transfer from original document. V0.1 2017/05/03 Eurostat / E4.LUCAS Introduction for LUCAS 2018. V1.0 2018/02/20 Eurostat / E4.LUCAS Fine tuning C6 Grassland Identification Guide - LUCAS Reference Documentation Page 4 2 Scope and Introduction This document is part of a series of reference documents defining the framework of the Land Use / Cover Area frame statistical Survey (LUCAS). The document at hand provides images that will help in the identification of the different grassland survey species. This photo guidance has been developed in the frame of the project “Coordination works on the LUCAS Surveys - Specifications for LUCAS 2018 grassland survey: lists of species and related protocol, list of structural parameters and protocol, plan for timing of survey”. The project has been carried out by the Institut für Agrarökologie und Biodiversität (IFAB) [Institute for Agroecology and Biodiversity] in Mannheim (D). The surveyors who will have to record the key species can use this photo guidance as help for the identification of the key species. Please not However, as most key species are species groups comprising a group of species of one or several genera, the photo guidance only comprises typical examples of the key species groups. The LUCAS reference documents are periodically improved and adapted taking into account the experience from the implemented surveys and the requirements of the LUCAS data & information users. LUCAS stands for Land use and land cover area frame survey. It is a survey that takes place in the field, and in the current form it has been run every 3 years since 2009. LUCAS survey 2018 can be divided in 3 parts: LUCAS core LUCAS specific module on grassland (Grassland module) LUCAS specific module on soil (Soil module) LUCAS core includes the identification of the point, different aspects of land cover and land use information and land and water management. The grassland module is a test module on 3734 points, to assess the practical and scientific feasibility to collect the relevant information. The soil module, which takes place in 26,014 LUCAS points, consists of different parts. In all points a topsoil sample is collected either on its own (standard soil sample), or with the bulk density sample (9000 points). Furthermore a sample for biodiversity is collected in 1000 points and in 1470 points specifically selected the extend of the organic horizon is assessed. The feasibility of the LUCAS core part and the standard topsoil sample have been assessed over the years and a thorough quality control takes place for these parts. On the other hand the grassland module, some smaller additions to the core part (EUNIS, Copernicus) and the new parts of the soil module have been introduced for testing purposes. The practical feasibility and in some cases the scientific feasibility of these modules are to be assessed during the LUCAS survey 2018. It is therefore of uttermost importance that this part of the survey is carefully planned and the assessment is done thoroughly. However the quality assessment is not as strict as in the other parts and aims at assessing the general plausibility of the results. On the other hand a request for correction is always possible. C6 Grassland Identification Guide - LUCAS Reference Documentation Page 5 To assess the scientific validity of the grassland module a detailed vegetation survey will take place in a selected number of points in parallel to the LUCAS survey. The data collected during the LUCAS survey is used to produce statistical tables on land cover and land use, it is used for modelling agro-environmental aspects and it is used as ground control for satellite images. More information on land cover/use statistics and on LUCAS in general can be found on the Eurostat website: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/lucas/introduction. The LUCAS survey is co-ordinated by the Statistical Office of the European Commission (Eurostat). 3 Examples of suitable field guides If the surveyor wishes to have a closer look at the species, several field guides can be recommended: For Northern Europe: Fitter, A., Attenborough, D. (1987): Wild flowers of Britain and Northern Europe. Collins, London. For Central Europe: Fitter, R., Fitter, A., Blamey, M. (2007): Parey`s Blumenbuch. Kosmos, Stuttgart. For Mediterranean Regions: Blamey, M., Grey-Wilson, C. (2015): Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean. Bloomsbury, London. C6 Grassland Identification Guide - LUCAS Reference Documentation Page 6 4 Overview on the key species / key species groups in this guidance Selected species / species groups English names Page Selected species / species groups English names Page Achillea spec. Yarrow 8 Juncus spec. Rush 22 Adonis vernalis et al. Pheasant's eye 8 Leucanthemum spec. Daisy 23 Apiaceae Apiaceae family 9 Limonium spec Sea-lavender 23 Artemisia spec. Wormwood 10 Myosotis spec. Forget-me-not 23 Asphodelus spec., Narthecium spec., Asphodel, 10 Orchidaceae spec. Orchid family 24 Paradisea liliastrum* Paradise lily Pedicularis spec Lousewort 24 Astragalus spec., Coronilla spec. - red+white Vetch 11 Phlomis fruticosa Jerusalem sage 25 flowers, Onobrychis spec., Hedysarum coronaria Sainfoin Potentilla spec. (without Pot. anserina) Cinquefoil 25 Bistorta officinalis, Polygonum bistorta European bistort 12 Rhinanthus spec. Rattle 26 Campanula spec. Bellflower 12 Salvia spec. Clary 26 Centaurea spec., Serratula tinctoria Knapweed 13 Sanguisorba spec. Burnet 27 Cichoriaceae, yellow without Tragopogon Cichoriaceae family 14 (see below) and without Taraxacum spec. Scabiosa spec., Knautia spec., Succisa spec. Scabious 27 Cirsium spec., Carduus spec., Carlina spec. Thistle 16 Silene spec. - red flowering, Lychnis flos- Campion 28 cuculi, Dianthus spec. Cistus spec Rockrose 17 28 Clematis integrifolia Solitary clematis 17 Thalictrum spec. Meadow-rue Eryngium planum et al., Echinops spec. Eryngo, Globe thistles 18 Thymus spec. Thyme 29 Euphorbia spec. Spurge 18 Tragopogon spec., Scorzonera spec. Salsify 29 Euphrasia spec. Eyebright 19 Trifolium spec. - red flowering Clover 30 Filipendula spec. Meadowsweet 19 Trifolium spec., Medicago spec., Lotus spec., Trefoil, Vetch 31 Galium spec. (white flowering) Bedstraw 20 et al., Coronilla - yellow flowering, 33 Galium verum (yellow flowering) Yellow bedstraw 20 Valeriana spec. Valerian Genista spec., Spartium spec., Calicotome spec. Broom 21 Vicia spec., Lathyrus spec., Astragalus spec. Vetch 33 Geranium spec. with big flowers Cranebills 21 - blue+purple flowers C6 Grassland Identification Guide - LUCAS Reference Documentation Page 7 5 Overview on the key species / key species groups and their application as key species in different regions, the colour of their flowers and the plant families. European Regions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ∑ region region Pannonian Pannonian West+Central Mediterranean- Continental - East- Continental Plant family (botanical Continental - North North - Continental Borea + Baltic SeaBalticBorea + South - Continental Atlantic - Northwest - Atlantic Black+ Sea Steppic Atlantic - South+East - Atlantic MediterraneanEast- Selected species / species groups English names Regions of Sum Colours of the flowers name) Plant family (English name) Achillea spec. Yarrow x x x x x x x x x x 10 w hite, yellow Asteraceae Daisy family Apiaceae Carrot family x x x x x x x x x x 10 w hite, yellow Apiaceae Carrot family Centaurea spec., Serratula tinctoria Knapw eed x x x x x x x x x x 10 red, pink Asteraceae
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