www.ukrweekly.com JtegjglgngjMgnflig SVOBOPA,U^btoian- Ibtiy FnMfehei by the Junior Department of the Ukrainian National Association „-! '-,•. !-L_ No. 5 JERSEY CTTY, N. J. SATURDAY, JANUARY, 30, 1937 VOL. V BW ,"." ". і і її.• » HISTORY OF UKRAINIAN MIL­ UKRAINIAN-AMERICAN/ A LESSON OF TWENTY YEARS AGO ITARY FORCES - PUBLISHED ARTISTS ORGANIZE p Twenty winters ago there-was lit on the thronged A work that is invaluable and Of apecial interest to all our streets of Petrograd the firebrand of revolution- Fanned by far the best of Its kind thus Ukrainian-Americans who are by winds- of discontent, born of unmitigated oppression far is the. newly-published oae- actively interested in the various and appalling porruption, the flickering flames quickly volume "Istoriya Ukrainskoho branches of art, such as painting changed into a. raging inferno that enveloped the entire Viyeka" (History of Ukrainian • and sculpture, is the recent hews Military, Forces),, containing, 668 that a group of "th*m in New "prison house ofVnatiqps"-4Caarist Russia.. pages, 383 mirations, and ;4 . York City ha?- laid plans for the The. breaking out of the Russian. Revolution was colored, .РЦ^ея. creation of a Society of Ukrain- ha-rdiy. a surprise to any careful observer. It had been The work represents cooperative ian-American Artiste. long-expected, and even prepared for by many. effort on . the' part-, ol several " The meeting at which these Among the Ukrainians, too, prophetic voices concern­ authorities in. this. field. Part I plane were first drawn and ing Tik had long been heard. Such patriots,, as. Mfkola and, Ц, encompassing the •Kievan formally discussed was' held last . Mikhnovsky, for example, had openly predicted that the and Coaaackv periods respectively, January 19th, at the studio of was written by Dr. Lvan Rrypya- Ivan Kuchmak, painter, 237 Bast • flames of the coming revolution would ^.devour Russia, kevjch, while the concluding Part 10th Street. jaftd..that, upon her smouldering ruina thererwould arise, Ш, dealing. with the Modern Period, was written by Dr. Bohdan The discussion especially em­ among' others, an independent Ukraine/ Yet, he was phasized the need of encouraging careful to warn, this would never come to pass if the Hnatcvich, in collaboration with Zenon Stefaniw,Osip Bumina, and young Ukrainian-Americans artists ' Ukrainians did not take arms against their national S v у a t о s 1 a v Sbiamcbenko. Its .'to express their native talents enemies, and first of all—Russia. publisher is Ivan Tyktor, of through, the medium of Ukrainian , .• ~. Tipw. prophetic were his words, as subsequent events Lviw, owner of & string of:Ukrain­ motifs, wherever possible. showed. And , how ..much more lasting Ukrainian ian newspapers . published in * Various lectures tpwarde the independence would have been if his warning had been Western Ukraine.. Its price, bound attainment of this and other aims copy, is 18 zlotys. • '- ' t '•: of "the proposed society"# are better heeded. ~> planned, as well as periodical Yet it was not. And why not? І The preface to tMsJwork well exhibits, closer contacts with The answer to this question i£ complex yet.fiUe fact states that: ;r і '_ - European Ukrainian artist socie­ .cleady stands out, that our leaders then did not adapt "The history- of Ukraine is to ties, , -and, if firnds.. permit, the •A themsely.es quickly enough to.. fche веаіфев of those ». gre^..«dwni;.thB:hi3tnryrot.wAra. publication of a Ukrainian-Amer­ ; and military forces. Withr arms ican aft journal. critical times. -: :~ in hyj? we set >up- ourv first - Harriots and ideahsts they were, that Je true. But national Mate on the Dnieper, and The meeting also went on fte: majority of them* were Socialists, bred inv the extended its boundaries fronu,.the .record recommending the organ­ ization of Ukrainian-American . Russian school of Socialism, and so. thoroughly were they Black Sea to the "northern forests; from the Carpathians .-to the singers, musicians and aptors, and' ". under' the influence of this school that for a long time Caucasus. With arras WE defeated .their federation with the Society _ they had neither the will nor wish to wrest their, native ourselves against wild Asiatic of, Ulu^iftian-Ameriean Artist*. land Ukraine from the oppressive and denationalizing hordes, and for centuries defend­ ed European civilization against rule of. Russia. -• = '- ' • - • '• L Then, too, these SociaUstically^in.cKned Ukrainian these, barbarians.^ The: - Cossack K&W DRAWING* BY sea-expeditions* made us. famous leaders had but.little confidence in .the national fcon- as a knightly warrior race, while SHEVCIIENKO UNCOVERED seiousness of the Ukrainian people, and as a result they the victories at .- Zfaoriw .and The Moscow "Vechernaya made no real attempt to utilize its power in the cause Копо top gave back to our. an­ Moskva" reports this month that of Ukrainian freedom. Neither did they letrive. to cestors their rule over their native Zatonsky, Commissar -of Educa­ inculcate into the masses, of our: people, the realization land Courageously we defended tion in Ukraine, recently received • our freedom, and missed no for disposal a hitherto unknown : rthjijrt only, in an independent state,.bf their own would opportunity to.organize and alhum of Tares Shevchenko'a. they be able to give full play, to "their inherent talents strengthen our military forces. drawings. Among them are two and capabilities. And- when the moment of the self-portraits of this great Ukrain­ = : jOn the contrary, these leaders continued to believe Rebirth of a Nation arrived, it ian poet and martyr, who was a . .,th£C, somehow or other they, would, eventually come found us reedy, with rifle in painter of considerable talent too. hand. The Ukrainian- Sitchowi The album also contains a series to an amicable understanding with the Russian Socialists, Striltai, the Ukrainian GaHrian of drawings done by Bruilov and who dominated Russian policies then, and that the latter Army, the: Dnieper Army, and all other famous artists of that day. would freely and willingly grant them their national other Ukrainian forces-—all did It is very likely that the alburn auionpmy and the opportunity^ to * develop upon' those their duty, all: proved by their will be added to the Gallery of democratic principles which all true Socialists were blood-sacrifices the right of a Shevchenkp's Paintings and Draw­ ' supposed to regard as holy. ; ..J " Nation to its Independence." ings- ~ "These beautiful illusions, however>* were not shared by the Russian Socialists. In every manner possible the Yet. the iaet remains, however, that had the Ukrainian latter hindered the Ukrainian movement, led by their leaders then wasted less time with airy illusions about colleagues in political and social orientation. When the Socialistic end other international fraternity and relied .. Ukrainians sought to create their own military forces, more upon the stern realities of the eternal struggle for for .example, their Russian "comrades" sternly enjoined existence, had they placed more confidence in the N them to abstain from such an act. And when a Ukrainian national consciousness of the masses of the Ukrainian :. deputation arrived at Petrograd with demands of people, and had they sooner -replaced dilatory tactics ajkitbnpmy for their country, it was flatly turned down with rapid,.and effective actk>n,then—there is. strong by the Provisional Government aftd sent home e^mpty- Ukehood that" the Ukrainian, struggle for freedom and йад&й. g ' independence would have been crowned with far greater success than it actually was, and today Ukraine would г_і It was only then that the Ukrainian Socialists and - .jptheriB began to see things in a different light, especially not be again in that "prison: house of nations"—Red when-mass demonstrations in Kiev of Ukrainian peasants Russia, or .the Ц. S. S. П„ Щ well as under Poland, ' and sqldiere openly demanded that Ukraine should Czechoslovakia, and Rumania. rule itself. So, whep today we recall the breaking out of the ;•' Under the pressure of such events, the Socialistically- Russian Revolution twenty years ago, it is mainly inclined Ukrainian Government, fche Central Rada, finally because we wish emphasise that / the. mistakes, the proctftimed, on January 22, 19$% ther independence of; r Ukrainians made then should not be made again—when " Ukraine, and -exactly one year later-5tljje union of all another each opportunity to strike for their national -=. Ukrainian lands into one free ami independent Ukrainian freedom arrives. National Republic. * 2; 5 з p. x Against what terrific odds?the ^qimg repubHe hacV і And that such an opportunity is bound to come— to fight to preserve its independence, ^s^ another^ story. there is no doubt. « • - UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 19gj7 No. б IVANKFRANK^^Ii^MBE^Pl,K^^s ,NTHEWO$0 few years ago, Professor Zenon _Kuzela of Berlin; basing B»»_«"'«€b^Mpy 8. S &**«• ЯІ^^ІІА few veers аго. Professor Zenon Kuzela of Berlin-: basin r ч -0- his conclusion-upon carefut= research of census and other statistics - ' of those countries "wherein '.;live the Ukrainians, estimated Jt.^j (В Бразилії) три місяці чекали ми•«Ж на9 I conservatively-that' there erec 43,128,063 Ukrainians in the world. Ї An unusually poignant portray­ (квіти They are divided as follows: •V'Sfct «"s al of the terrible hardships три хлопи вмерле тут і три кобіти. Пять хлопців до послуг продали- ми, ^^^Qn. "Ukrainian 'ethnographic territories, including colonies in- • Ukrainian emigrants suffered in а сім дівчат пішло в такі доми. giving up their native countrpjor.™ around Volga^Ir^Sberia ГепА Turkestan: "g" Sr^~ '?"Щ і foreign and unknown lands, В Про хлопців досі ми не мали вії a) Soviet Ukrajne. .JrX .5. £ . 23,263,000 found in the "To Brazil" section дівчата раді: .є - Що^в^>й-їсти^г, b) Other ^viePRepublia >;......... 9,664,000 of' Franko's collection of poetry Та може дасть нам Бог ще підняться.
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