www.ukrweekly.com.'•V' Pan-American Ukrainian Conference Opens Office in New York The Secretariat of the Pan- The office consists of a recep­ 'American Ukrainian Conference tion room and two office rooms. announced last Friday, April 28, The announcement was made by 1948 the opening of Its office at Stephen Shumeyko of Maplewood. 60 Church Street, New York 7, N. J., Secretary General of the N. Y.. Room 252, telephone Beek- Conference Secretariat Other of­ man 3-8885. ficers of the Secretariat are Rev. The office will also serve as such Dr. Wasyl Kushnlr of Winnipeg, for the Ukrainian Congress Com­ Canada. President; Dr. Longin Ce- mittee of America and its Ukrain­ helsky of Philadelphia, Pa., Vice- ian Quarterly magazine, and also President; Dmytro Haiychyri of for the English-language, bi-month­ Forest Hills, N. Y.. Treasurer; Rev. ly Ukrainian Bulletin, which the Meletlus Kamlnaky of Curitiba. '—~* * •- ' -! — rv" -~ •• — Pan-American Ukrainian Confer- Parana, Brazil, and Juan Hreho- — Тел У Н Союзу: 8c In the United States; 6> Elsewhere St. ш 34. Д. Америки; 5* Закордоном Тел. ..Свободи": BEffen {4^7 ' - - BErg«n 4-Ю16 ence will publish beginning May raschuk of BUenoe Aires, Argen­ tine, Directors. WEEKLY:" ТІо. 96 JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1948 VOL XVI 1st. The office and its work is under the supervision of Mr. Shumeyko. Щхпійі ian national consciousness is more His assistant and manager of the political than cultural, ethnogra­ THE GREAT WEEK office is Dr. Ikonoktey Shador. phic in nature. VESTERDAY Ukrainian Palm Sunday ushered in what is known The PAUC was founded hC No­ vember, 1947 in New York City. ETHNOGRAPHIC INCLINATIONS OF Now, having pointed all this among us as the Great Week. As everyone knows we are cele­ out, we come down to brass tacks. Its purposes are to promote Pan- OUR 'THIRD CHAPTER" We have observed quite closely brating Easter five weeks later than the rest of our fellow Americans American unity, to combat com­ because in religious matters we munism and Soviet Russian im­ As anyone who is aquainted with Ukrainian history well knows, and praised very highly the post­ war revival of the Ukrainian move­ still adhere to the old Julian calen­ This work usually continues well perialism,' and to help liberate the modern Ukrainian national revival, beginning near the Close of ment, particularly that of the into Tuesday. Ukraine. (fie 18th century, was characterised for quite some time by its ethno­ dar. "third chapter," that is of the Wednesday of the Great Week Member organizations of the graphic nature in the various fields of its development That is the Although there is no knowing younger brothers and sisters of among us of how the Great Week is usually known as Black Wednes­ PAUC, vhoaf representatives Ukrainians were at that time pri-f the first American-born genera­ and Easter will be observed day among the Ukrainians. It Is founded It, are the Ukrainian Con­ marily concernc-d with their ra­ Inge of it by the cruel oppressors tion, of those who were the first now by our kinsmen In their na­ thought to derive Its name from gress Committee of America, the cial and. cultural characteristics of Ukraine, Russia and Poland. to constitute Ukrainian American tive land behind Iron Curtain, still the Ukrainian hlghlanders, the Ukrainian Canadian Committee And customs, everything which The modern political revival came youth and who now are hanging on It is worth refreshing our minds Boykosin this particular case, Ц]Щ MclntyreBldg., Winnipeg, Showed that they were a national­ into being not until the middle of to it by the proverbial akin of their with this account of how our peo­ leaning out the soot from the Manitoba, Canada), Socledade Dos ity separate land independent of the 19th century, during the time teeth. This "third chapter," as It ple over there prepared for this oven which had accumulated there, Amlgos De Cultura Ucraina (Caixa the' Russian or Polish nationali­ of Shevchenko. Since then it has has aptly been called, has been great holiday when they at least in preparation for the Eastertide Postal, 881, Curitiba, Parana, ties. This la very well reflected grown steadily In strength until doing fine work in the field of had some freedom. baking. No planting or sowing is Brazil), and the Comite Unido in the early period of their mod­ today it is at its greatest height Ukrainian culture, concerts, fes­ done on this day, for fear that Ukrainlano en las Republican Ar­ For purpose of convenience, we the seeds will turn black. Care Is em: literature. The various rustic and power. tivals, plays and pageants, and the shall use the present tense. gentina, Paraguay у Uruguay customs, .folk songs and manners, prospects appear that It will con­ also taken not to cut trees or Today the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian DPs at work hi a camp On Palm Sunday, instead of (Calle Victoria, 676, Buenos Aires, peculiarly Ukrainian in nature, tinue to do even better work in shrubbery on this day, for it is proud of their cultural and na­ In the American Occupation Zone, Argentina). these cultural fields, and thus palms, which are generally un­ said that they will immediately served aft a substance for various tional traditions, confident.In their Germany. The cultural section of the demonstrate to themselves and to obtainable in Ukraine, pussy-wil­ wither and die. Pruning, however, writers and poets. Pure political national destiny despite the most lows are blessed and distributed in PAUC is headed by Nicholas Chu- consciousness, that of a free and their non-Ukrainian kinsmen the is allowed. baty of Mahwah. N.J. The PAUC's adverse conditions under which many of us think" we have done the churches, in memory of Independent Ukrainian statehood, richness, the beauty and the In­ Another branch of the Ukrain­ Ukrainian Bulletin Is to be edited they are compelled to exist, place our share in helping the Ukrainian Christ's entrance in Jerusalem. dependent character (independent ian hlghlanders, the Hutsuls, bake by Walter Dushnyck of Brooklyn, reminiscent cf the Ukrainian King* the weight of their attention and cause. To a degree' we have. But dom of ••Kiev of tho Middle Ages, of Russian or Polish, with which Upon arriving home from church, small loaves of rye bread on Wed­ N. Y. energies upon the political element we must not forget that behind the Ukrainian strikes each mem­ or of the Ukrainian Kozak State it has often been confused) of nesday, known as ''kukutsL" These The publication of the Bulletin, of their national make-up. And the • Iron Curtain there exists a ber of the household lightly over under.- Khmelnitsky, or of the ef­ their Ukrainian cultural heritage, loaves are given to children who which is minlature-slzed, four page by political we. mean statehood, Ukrainian nation, not of some the shoulders, exclaiming at the coins around for them in groups, forts to revive Ukrainian state­ •rid of the possibilities of intro­ print job, was originally conceived the liberation of Ukraine of for* thousands, but of over forty mil­ same time: "Tie not I but the wil­ from house to house. The Hutzuls hood by ' Maseopa or - Orlyk—still ducing some of its adaptable ele­ during the founding of tho PAUC, eign rule and. the establishment of lion in population." They thirst for low that strikes thee; in one week attach considerable importance to had not emerged from the coma ments into the stream of Ameri­ Its primary purpose is to keep a sovereign Ukrainian state. In can culture. ' their freedom, and^ook to us for Easter will be here." The willow this custom, In the belief that if fatfpoeed upcm" it by the bludgeon other- words, the. present Ukrain- help, in whatever form it may be influential elements of American, is then placed over a holy picture the children stop coming around Canadian and British public il | "'•i " O.U ' ! We repeat, all this is very corii- given. '1 and kept there until the next l "•'•'.•' • r. '• І М.Ч У.ІГ" HI ІМЄЖ for the "kukutsl," and the young abreast of the latest developments ••'• "-. •- •-• meridable. But in the process of So we urge our young people Easter, when it is taken down men after the Easter eggs, and doing it all; in developing the Uk­ in the Ukrainian situation. not to remain too long entirely In | and burned and replaced with a the Christmas c a roll erastop going Currently the.PAUC is paying rainian cultural, ethnographic the ethnographic stage of their, new one. Only once before that around with their carqUv-Hmrely. elements,' the extremely vital po­ the groundwork for the convening Ukrainian development. While con- J time Is it. taken, down, and. that the world will coirie to an end of. a conference to be attended by settled, ourselves In the not- of morbid cample* ,ojrus>who at­ litical element, the Ukrainian na­ then tional movement, is being quite .tinning to cultivate it assidiouBly, is on the "warm" St -George** representatives of Ukrainians from ~to«coteJfcriaW and tended them, c they should at thet same time be-'Day, when it Is used to drive the! Maundy ('^hyebny'*} Thursday 1 ^1^^"^^k А^И«4Т^"«*,Т L . ^Ш^:^^-'-Ш^шШт^оі^\^м -^H'thsac, &^^-хЩп#&іШ& : ШИЙКГСйГ-hi %$&*&%£these crucial times ^.^^T^™**Ukrainln national heritage . *#*!* j he first* ;« time* Sfe*. That'!s supposedW^.^Ґ to ch {^t~ with his dieciples, also'"'the' аячГТогГІЬЧ ^st speaker. To kill wishing and hoping for a better r e a world-wide ft pro-free Ukraine the movement needs an unpre-| In this connection, read the re- keep them healthy and strong,- washing of the disciple's feet bv time I asked.my companion what day—the disappointments in the and 'anti-communist front.
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