CYNGOR TREF BAE COLWYN BAY OF COLWYN TOWN COUNCIL Mrs Tina Earley PSLCC, Clerc a Swyddog Cyllid/Clerk & Finance Officer Neuadd y Dref/Town Hall, Ffordd Rhiw Road, Bae Colwyn Bay, LL29 7TE. Ffôn/Telephone: 01492 532248 Ebost/Email: [email protected] www.colwyn-tc.gov.uk Ein Cyf. RD/TE 21ain Hydref 2020 Our Ref: RD/TE 21st October 2020 Annwyl Syr/Fadam, Dear Sir/Madam, Fech gwysir i fod yn bresennol mewn You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting cyfarfod o Bwyllgor Amcanion Cyffredinol of the General Purpose and Planning Committee a Chynllunio Cyngor Tref Bae Col wyn, of the Bay of Colwyn Town Council, to be held sydd iw gynnal o bellter am 6:30pm nos remotely on 27 th October 2020 at 6.30pm for Fawrth, 27 ain Hydref 2020 er mwyn trafod the purpose of transacting the following y busnes canlynol. business. Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Yours faithfully, Clerc y Cyngor Clerk to the Council Aelodau: Cyng. G Baker; B Barton; N Bastow (Maer); D Members: Cllrs: G Baker; B Barton; N Bastow (Mayor); Bradley; C Brockley; G Campbell; Mrs A Howcroft-Jones; D Bradley; C Brockley; G Campbell; Mrs A Howcroft-Jones; Mrs M Jones (Dirprwy Faer);C Matthews; J Pearson Mrs M Jones (Deputy Mayor); C Matthews; J Pearson (Tree (Warden Coed); M Tasker; M Worth Warden); M Tasker; M Worth I ymuno yn y cyfarfod dilynwch y To join the meeting follow the instructions cyfarwyddiadau a anfonwyd yn yr e-bost sydd sent in the accompanying e-mail. gyda hwn. Cysylltwch âr Clerc os gwelwch Please call the Clerk on 01492 532248 if you yn dda, ar 01492 532248 os ydych angen ir require the log-in details for the meeting to be manylion mewngofnodi ar gyfer y cyfarfod sent to you, or if you are having any problems cael eu hanfon atoch neu os ydych yn cael logging in. unrhyw drafferthion efo mewngofnodi. AGENDA AGENDA 1. Croeso ag Ymddiheuriadau am 1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence: Absenoldeb 2. Datgan Cysylltiadau: Fe atgoffir pob 2. Declarations of Interest : Members are Aelod or angen iddynt ddatgan unrhyw reminded that they must declare the gysylltiadau personol a / neu rhai all existence and nature of any personal and/or ragfarnu, a natur y fath gysylltiadau. prejudicial interests. 3. Cofnodion: 3. Minutes : (i) Cymeradwyo a llofnodi cywirdeb (i) To approve and sign, as a correct record, cofnodion y cyfarfod diwethaf a the minutes of the last meeting, held on 15 th gynhaliwyd ar 15 fed Medi 2020. September 2020. (ii) Cael, er gwybodaeth, y nodiadau o (ii) To receive for information the notes gyfarfod Gweithgor Sul y Cofio a from the Remembrance Sunday Working gynhaliwyd ar 20/10/2020. Group meeting held on 20/10/2020. (Copïau gyda hwn) (Copies herewith) 4. Materion yn codi or Cofnodion: 4. Matters arising from the Minutes : Cofnod 75/20(b) Caban Ffôn BT: Min 75/20(b)- BT Phone Kiosk : a) Cael ac ystyried: a)To receive and consider: i) E-bost oddi wrth GBS Conwy am y i) An email from Conwy CBC regarding the broses o fabwysiadu adoption process. ii) E-bost oddi wrth BT ynglŷn â chyflwr ii) An email from BT regarding condition of y caban. kiosk. iii) Cytundeb drafft pe byddair Cyngor iii) The draft contract, should the Town Tref yn dymuno symud ymlaen i Council wish to pursue adoption of the BT fabwysiadu caban BT ar Ffordd Abergele kiosk on Abergele Road. iv) Data oddi wrth safle 11 GIG am iv)Data from the NHS 11 site on the current leoliadau diffibrilwyr cyfredol ac i ddynodi locations of defibrillators and to identify any unrhyw ddiffibrilwyr a leolir yn y gymuned community based defibrillators that may be nad ydynt efallai yn ymddangos ar y map / missing from the map/list. rhestr. https://111.wales.nhs.uk/LocalServices/defa https://111.wales.nhs.uk/LocalServices/defa ult.aspx?s=DefibrillatorLocations&locale=e ult.aspx?s=DefibrillatorLocations&locale=e n (Copies herewith) n(Copïau gyda hwn) 5. Conwy CBC: 5. Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy a) Temporary Traffic Regulation : (CBSC): i) To receive, for information, a TTR for (a) Rheoliad Traffig Dros Dro (RhTDD): Abergele Road (Welsh Baptist Church to i) Cael, er gwybodaeth, RhTDD ar gyfer the bus stop o/s the fire shop) from 09/11 Ffordd Abergele (Capel y Bedyddwyr 12/11 (Gas Work). Cymreig hyd at yr arosfa bysiau y tu ii) To receive, for information, a TTR for Ivy allan ir siop tân o 09/11 - 12/11 Street Carpark from 25/11 27/11 (Gas (Gwaith Nwy). Work). ii) Cael, er gwybodaeth, RhTDD ar gyfer (iii) To receive, for information, a TTR for Maes Parcio Ivy Street o 25/11 27/11 Llanrwst Road (Jnct Nant y Glyn Rd to Jnct (Gwaith Nwy) St Andrews Rd) from 30/11 03/12 (BT iii) Cael, er gwybodaeth, RhTDD ar gyfer Work). Ffordd Llanrwst (Cyffordd Ffordd (iv) To receive, for information, a TTR for Nant y Glyn) hyd at ei gyffordd a Llewelyn Road from 1/11/2020 (parking Ffordd St Andrews) o 30/11 3/12 Prohibition) (Gwaith BT) b) IMAGINE project : To receive a verbal iv) Cael, er gwybodaeth, RhTDD ar gyfer report from the Clerk on the recent Imagine Ffordd Llewelyn o 1/11/2020 Steering Group meetings. (Gwaharddiad Parcio) (b) Prosiect DYCHMYGU: Cael 6. Noticeboards: adroddiad ar lafar gan y Clerc am To note the quarterly inspection is due. gyfarfodydd diweddar Grŵp Llywio Dychmygu. 7. Awel y Mor: 6. Hysbysfyrddau: Nodi bod yr adroddiadau To receive a letter and briefing note am yr archwiliadau chwarterol yn ofynnol. regarding the virtual consultation. (Copies herewith) 7 Awel y Môr: Cael llythyr a nodyn briffio am yr ymgynghoriad rhithiol. 8. Abandoned Outbuilding at Rainbow (Copïau gyda hwn) Bridge Headland: To receive, for information, an email and pictures regarding the outbuilding. (Copy 8 Tŷ Allan Anghyfannedd ger Pentir Pont herewith) yr Enfys: Cael, er gwybodaeth, e-bost a lluniau parthed y tŷ allan. (Copi gyda hwn) 9. Transport for Wales: To receive and consider an email requesting 9 Trafnidiaeth Cymru : Cael ac ystyried e- any suggestions for improvements at bost yn gofyn am awgrymiadau ar sut i Colwyn Bay Station. (Copy herewith) wella Gorsaf Bae Colwyn. (Copi gyda hwn) 10. Fields in Trust: 10 Meysydd dan Ymddiriedolaeth: To receive information on the Gre en Cael gwybodaeth am raglen Mannau Spaces for Good programme, which can Gwyrdd er Lles, sydd yn gallu diogelu protect any publicly accessible park unrhyw barc syn agored ir cyhoedd, playing field or nature reserve. maes chwarae neu warchodfa natur. (Copy herewith) (Copi gyda hwn) 11. Planning: 11 Cynllunio: a) Planning Applications: To consider the a) Ceisiadau Cynllunio: Ystyried y planning applications submitted. ceisiadau cynllunio a gyflwynwyd. b) Planning Decisions : To receive any b) Penderfyniadau Cynllunio: Cael planning decisions issued by CBC. unrhyw benderfyniadau cynllunio a (Copies herewith) roddwyd gan GBS Conwy. (Copiau gyda hwn) MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND PLANNING COMMITTEE OF THE BAY OF COLWYN TOWN COUNCIL, HELD ONLINE (VIA ZOOM) AT 6:30PM ON TUESDAY 15 TH SEPTEMBER 2020 PRESENT: Cllr C Brockley (Chair) Cllrs: G Baker; Mrs M Jones (Deputy Mayor); C Matthews; M Tasker; M Worth OFFICERS: Mrs Tina Earley, Clerk Mrs Roz Dudley, Assistant Clerk 72/20 Welcome and Apologies for Absence: The Chair welcomed members to the meeting. No apologies for absence had been received. 73/20 Declarations of Interest : Members were reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of any personal and/or prejudicial interests. None were declared. 74/20 Minutes : Resolved to approve and sign, as a correct record, the minutes of the last meeting, held on 25 th August 2020. 75/20 Matters arising from the Minutes: a) Min 49/20: Rhos Promenade Works: (i) The Clerk submitted an email response from Will Roberts, Traffic Officer, Conwy CBC (previously circulated to all members) which was noted. (ii) Members were asked to consider a proposal from Cllr Baker that a Traffic Officer from Conwy CBC be invited to the next Council Meeting to discuss reducing the speed limit of 30mph to 20mph speed limit along the full length of the promenade, from Rhos on Sea to Old Colwyn. Cllr Baker stated that a reduction in the limit from 30mph to 20mph would result not only in lower speed and greater safety but also will provide a safer/greener environment for road users, pedestrians and cyclists. The Chair informed the committee that in the last 10years, there had only been a total of 19 accidents recorded on the promenade, 2 of which were serious. He added that, as far as he was aware, there had been no requests from any residents for a reduction in the speed limit. Cllr Baker responded that two residents she had spoken too had expressed their support. Other comments were made both in support of and against the proposal. Resolved, following a vote, to support the proposal to invite Will Roberts, Traffic Officer, Conwy CBC to attend the next full Council Meeting to discuss the speed limit on the promenade. (iii) The Clerk gave a brief verbal report on a conversation she had had with Cllr Roger Parry. Cllr Parry had concerns that no explanation had been given to local members / town councillors when the plans for the promenade widening/ improvement works differed from the original drawings; the width of the road had been reduced, causing the pinch point and recent traffic/safety issues and also the height of the sea wall had been reduced considerably to bring it level with the height of the cycle/footway.
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