FAMILY Synbranchidae Bonaparte, 1835 - swamp eels [=Catremia, Synbranchini, Ophicardides, Pneumobranchoidei [Pneumabranchoidei], Amphipnoina, Monopteridae, Flutidae, Typhlosynbranchinae, Cuchiidae, Cuchiidae, Macrotreminae] Notes: Catremia Rafinesque, 1815:93 [ref. 3584] (subfamily) ? Synbranchus [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Synbranchini Bonaparte, 1835:[22] [ref. 32242] (subfamily) Synbranchus [genus inferred from the stem, Article; stem changed to Symbranch- by Günther 1870:12 [ref. 1995] based on Symbranchus; senior objective synonym of Flutidae Jordan, 1923] Ophicardides McClelland, 1844:155, 159 [ref. 2928] (no family-group name) Pneumobranchoidei [Pneumabranchoidei] Bleeker, 1859d:XXXII [ref. 371] (family) Pneumabranchus Amphipnoina Günther, 1870:12, 13 [ref. 1995] (group) Amphipnous [senior objective synonym of Cuchiidae McAllister, 1968] Monopteridae Cope, 1871:455 [ref. 920] (family) Monopterus Flutidae Jordan, 1923a:129 [ref. 2421] (family) Fluta [junior objective synonym of Synbranchini Bonaparte, 1835, invalid, Article 61.3.2] Typhlosynbranchinae Pellegrin, 1923:215 [ref. 3403] (subfamily) Typhlosynbranchus Cuchiidae ‘Norman’, 1957:604 [ref. 31890] (family) Cuchia [hand written correction by ??; not available] Cuchiidae McAllister, 1968:159 [ref. 26854] (family) Cuchia [name only, but bibliographic reference to the description by Day 1878:656 [ref. 1080] Article 13.1.2; junior objective synonym of Amphipnoina Günther, 1870, invalid, Article 61.3.2] Macrotreminae Rosen & Greenwood, 1976:49 [ref. 7094] (subfamily) Macrotrema [emended to Macrotrematinae by Bailey & Gans 1998:2 [ref. 23296]] GENUS Macrotrema Regan, 1912 - swamp eels [=Macrotrema Regan [C. T.], 1912:390] Notes: [ref. 3645]. Neut. Symbranchus caligans Cantor, 1849. Type by monotypy. Correct spelling for genus of type species is Synbranchus. •Valid as Macrotrema Regan, 1912 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:50 [ref. 7094], Kottelat 1989:16 [ref. 13605], Bailey & Gans 1998:4 [ref. 23296], Kottelat 2013:307 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Macrotrema Regan, 1912. Synbranchidae. Species Macrotrema caligans (Cantor, 1849) - Malaysian swamp eel [=Symbranchus caligans Cantor [T. E.], 1849:1316 [334], Pl. 7 (fig. 1-3)] Notes: [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 18 (pt 2); ref. 715] Penang, Malaysia. Current status: Valid as Macrotrema caligans (Cantor, 1849). Synbranchidae. Distribution: Southeastern Asia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. GENUS Monopterus Lacepede, 1800 - swamp eels [=Monopterus Lacepède [B. G. E.], 1800:138, Amphipnous Müller [J.], 1840:117, Apterigia Basilewsky [S.], 1855:247, Cryptophthalmus Franz [V.], 1910:15, Fluta Bloch [M. E.] & Schneider [J. G.], 1801:565, Ophicardia McClelland [J.], 1844:175, 191, 218, Ophichthys Swainson [W.], 1839:196, 336, 445, Pneumabranchus McClelland [J.], 1844:411, Typhlosynbranchus Pellegrin [J.], 1922:884, Unagius Jordan [D. S.], 1919:343] Notes: [ref. 2709]. Masc. Monopterus javanensis Lacepède, 1800. Type by monotypy. Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 give Muraena alba Zuiew as the type of Monopterus (not an originally included species; Lacepède included only one species, javanensis, and it is the type by monotypy). •Valid as Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 [ref. 7094] and Jayaram 1981:309 [ref. 6497] with wrong type, Matsuura in Masuda et al. 1984:366 [ref. 6441], Daget 1986:291 [ref. 6203], Paxton et al. 1989:436 [ref. 12442], Kottelat 1989:16 [ref. 13605], Roberts 1989:183 [ref. 6439], Ataur Rahman 1989:50 [ref. 24860], Liu in Pan et al. 1991:357 [ref. 23876], Daget in Lévêque et al. 1992:659 [ref. 21590], Bailey & Gans 1998:2 [ref. 23296], Yang in Chen 1998:320 [ref. 23556], Gopi 2002:139 [ref. 27553], Ataur Rahman 2003:65 [ref. 31338], Proudlove 2006:186 [ref. 28992], Hoese & Gates 2006:860 [ref. 28997], Scharpf 2007:36 [ref. 30398], Britz et al. 2011:51 [ref. 31404], Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Amphipnous) [ref. 12523]. Masc. Unibranchapertura cuchia Hamilton, 1822. Type by original designation. Also in Müller 1841:246 [ref. 32989]. •Objective synonym of Cuchia Hamilton, 1831. •Status uncertain -- (Bailey & Gans 1998:2 [ref. 23296]). •Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 [ref. 7094], Daget 1986:291 [ref. 6203], Britz et al. 2011:51 [ref. 31404], Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Apterigia) [ref. 200]. Fem. Apterigia saccogularis Basilewsky, 1855. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Jordan 1919:263 [ref. 2410]. •Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 [ref. 7094], Daget 1986:291 [ref. 6203], Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Cryptophthalmus) [ref. 1481]. Masc. Cryptophthalmus robustus Franz, 1910. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Cryptophthalmus Rafinesque, 1814 in Crustacea and Ehrenberg 1831 in Mollusca; replaced by Unagius Jordan, 1919. •Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (McCosker et al. 2011:272 [ref. 31452], Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Fluta) [ref. 471]. Fem. Monopterus javanensis Lacepède, 1800. Type by monotype. Monopterus not preoccupied by Monopteros Volta, 1796. •Objective synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 [ref. 7094] but with wrong type for Monopterus, Daget 1986:291 [ref. 6203], Roberts 1989:183 [ref. 6439], Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Ophicardia) [ref. 2928]. Fem. Ophicardia phayriana McClelland, 1844. Type by monotypy. Species apparently misspelled phyariana in main entry (p. 191); named after Capt. Phayre (mentioned twice on p. 191-192) and spelled phayriana on p. 204 (legend to Pl. 12) and on p. 218. •Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 [ref. 7094] but as Ophiocardia, species as phyariana, Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Ophichthys) [ref. 4303]. Masc. Ophichthys punctatus Swainson, 1839 (= Unibranchapertura cuchia Hamilton, 1822). Type by monotypy. As Ophicthys on p. 196 and 441 (index). Swainson's O. punctatus is an unneeded substitute for U. cuchia. Objective synonym of Cuchia Hamilton (in Taylor), 1831; also predates Amphipnous Müller, 1841 with same type. Ophichthys is also a misspelling of Ophichthus in some early literature. •Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 [ref. 7094], Daget 1986:291 [ref. 6203]. Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Pneumabranchus) [ref. 2927]. Masc. Pneumabranchus cinereus McClelland, 1844. Type by monotypy. Usually attributed to McClelland 1844 [1845]:175, 192 [ref. 2928] with type as P. striatus, but appeared first in McClelland 1844 as above with only one included species. •Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 [ref. 7094], Daget 1986:291 [ref. 6203], Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Typhlosynbranchus) [ref. 3402]. Masc. Typhlosynbranchus boueti Pellegrin, 1922. Type by monotypy. Typhlosymbranchus is a misspelling. •Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Rosen & Greenwood 1976:56 [ref. 7094], Daget 1986:291 [ref. 6203], Kottelat 2013:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. (Unagius) [ref. 2413]. Masc. Cryptophthalmus robustus Franz, 1910. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Cryptophthalmus Franz, 1910, preoccupied by Cryptophthalmus Rafinesque, 1814 in Crustacea and Ehrenberg 1831 in Mollusca. •Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800 -- (Kottelat 213:308 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Monopterus Lacepède, 1800. Synbranchidae. Species Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793) - Asian swamp eel [=Muraena alba Zuiew [B.] 1793:299, Pl. 7 (fig. 2), Pneumabranchus cinereus McClelland [J.] 1843:411, Pl. 25 (fig. 3), Symbranchus grammicus Cantor [T. E.] 1842:486, Apterigia immaculata Basilewsky [S.] 1855:248, Unibranchapertura laevis Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1803:657, 658, Pl. 17 (fig. 3), Monopterus marmoratus Richardson [J.] (ex Temminck & Schlegel) 1846:315, Apterigia nigromaculata Basilewsky [S.] 1855:248, Pl. 2 (fig. 2), Cryptophthalmus robustus Franz [V.] 1910:15, Pl. 3 (fig. 11), Apterigia saccogularis Basilewsky [S.] 1855:247, Pl. 8 (fig. 2)] Notes: [Nova Acta Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae v. 7 (for 1789); ref. 17717] No locality stated [Suriname]. Syntypes: ZIL uncat. (Dhalberg Collection, whereabouts unknown). Originally from Suriname, not Asia of authors. Current status: Valid as Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793). Synbranchidae. Distribution: Asia; introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. (cinereus) [Calcutta Journal of Natural History v. 4 (no. 4); ref. 2927] Chusan, China. Current status: Synonym of Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793). Synbranchidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. (grammicus) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (New Series) v. 9 (nos 58, 59, 60); ref. 17344] Chusan Island, China. Current status: Synonym of Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793). Synbranchidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. (immaculata) [Nouveaux mémoires de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou v. 10; ref. 200] Northern China. Current status:
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