1944 _-CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-.HOUSE 7725 Bertha Clinton Cragar, Grannis. 3. Department of the Treasury. Charles E. Watson, Greenway. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 4. Post Office Department. Monroe K . Churchill, Hector. 5. Federal Security Agency. Clarence U. Price, London. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1944 Samuel E. Adkisson, Mount Vernon. 6. Interstate Commerce Commission. Bland F. Bryant, Success. The House met at 12 o'clock noon, 7. National Archives. Charles A. Affholter, Vandervoort, and waS' called to order by the Speaker. 8. Office of Price Administration. FLORmA The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ 9. Railroad Retirement Board. Rex 0. Simmons, Bascom. gomery, D. D., offered the following 10. War Food Administration. Alice W. Martin, Bay Pines. prayer: PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Percival L. Buzbee, Gibsonton. Irene E. CUlbreth, Jennings. We bless Thee, merc'iful God, for all Mr. DICKSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Janet E. Barr, Limona. our days, laden with spiritual benedic­ unanimous consent that I may address Robert G. Wood, Jr., Lithia, tions and influences. Let the fretful and the House today, after other special or­ Varena M. Cox, Montverde. questioning heart say with the Psalmist: ders, for 15 minutes. Frances Graham, Naranja. "Return unto thy rest, 0 my soul, for The SPEAKER. Is there objection to _ Bert Emberton, Port Tampa. the Lord hath dealt bountifully with the request of the gentleman from New Marvin A. Thomason, Produce. thee. I will pay my vows unto Him in York? ILLINOIS the presence of all the people and will There was no objection. Carter H. Pietsch, Bloomington. walk before the Lord in the land of the TO AMEND THE NATIONALITY ACT OF 1940 Veneta L. Moss, Dakota. living." In Thy blessings enable us Harley R. Foster, Deer Creek. Mr. DICKSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Ivory Bunch, McClure. to profit in knowledge, strength, and unanimous consent to take from the Bertha M. Esh, Spring Grove. courage. Speaker's table the bill <H. R. 4271) to Jennie Puma, Thayer. Through self-revelation, Heavenly amend the Nationality Act of 1940 to Thomas J. Gawthorp, West Salem. Father, show us·a vision of the new and preserve the nationality of citizens re­ IOWA better life in which shall be arrested the siding abroad, with a Senate amendment, Charles D. Burns, Marion. unmastered tendencies of our hearts and and concur in the Senate amendment. Warren W. Fulton, Selma. unfetter the entanglements of tempta­ The Clerk read the title of the bill. tion. Forgive the meagerness of our LOUISIANA The Clerk read the Senate amendment, obedience and sacrifice; we plead for as follows: John A. Ludwig, Grand Isle. more faith, for a more resolute spirit MINNESOTA Page 1, line 7, strike out "six" and insert that shall defeat the barriers and beset­ "five." Lawrence J. Voight, Clara City. ments to true manhood and womanhood. Olive M. Stromgren, Constance. 0 deliver us froxp the enthrallments of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Norman C. Worden; Erhard. the solitary and selfish life which so the request of the gentleman from New Heziakah H. Wood, Freeborn. York? Edward J . Garrity, McGrath. often teems with delusions and false esti­ mates. We would pray for the wondrous Mr. MICHENER. Mr. Speaker, re­ MISSISSIPPI virtue of Thy spirit with directive serving the right to object, will the Roy E. Hussey, Abbeville. energy that frames the soul with gentleman explain tliis amendment? _ Lina B. Dietz, Beaumont. abounding grace and power. We ask Mr. MASON. Mr. Speaker, will the Jesse H. Seale, Big Creek. gentleman yield? Annette Boleware, Carson. Thee "for a present mind intent on Mary Bloodworth, Cascilla. pleasing Thee." Through Jesus Christ, Mr. MICHENER. I yield. Albert P. Henry, Darling. our Lord. Amen. Mr. MASON. This amendment which Edith M. Hattox, Ecru. the Senate has placed upon this bill Eva D. Hill, Elliott. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ simply cuts the 2-year extension which Jimmie L. Coffey, Etta. terday was read and approved. the House provided in the bill to 1 year James E. Rogers, Falkner. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE to maintain their citizenship. That is Sarah F. Myers, Handsboro. all it does. Honor A. Patterson, Hub. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Earl J. Lake, Maud. Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Stella M. Lewis, McLatn. that the Senate had passed, with ·an the request of the gentleman from New Carrie B. Carter, McLaurin. amendment in which the concurrence York [Mr. DICKSTEIN]? Taylor D. Buntin, Nesbitt. · of the House is requested, a bill of the There was no objection. Mattie B. Bounds, Ovett. House of the following title: The Senate amendment was con­ curred in. Benjamin C. Feigler, Philipp. H. R.1434. An act for the relief of Anna M. Willie G. Rogers, Plantersville. Kohler. A motion to reconsider was laid on the Edna E. Forbes, Sandy Hook. table. Vanie s. Cox, Sarah. The message also announced that the TO EXPATRIATE OR EXCLUDE CERTAIN Lee R. Adams, Sweatman. Senate had passed a bill and a joint William George Knight, Sr., Taylor. PERSONS FOR EVADING MILITARY AND resolution of the following titles, in which NAVAL SERVICE James J. Craig, Tillatoba. the concurrence of the House is re­ Oleane Wright, Tremont. quested: Mr. DICKSTEIN .. Mr. Speaker, I ask Hilda P. Toombs, Walls. S. 2137. An act to provide for naming the unanimous consent to take from the NORTH DAKOTA lake formed by waters of the Red River im­ Speaker's table the bill (H. R. 4257) to Gertrude E. Kraus, Alice. pounded by Denison Dam; and expatriate or exclude certain persons for Edward Jerke, Fredonia. S. J. Res. 150. Joint resolution maki:r;1g an evading military and naval service, with Esther N. Overn, Kathryn. appropriation to pay the necessary expenses a Senate amendment, and concur in the Vaughn C. Magnuson, Martin. of the inaugural ceremonies of the Presi­ Senate amendment. Benjamin J. Schnedar, Pisek. dent of the United States, January 20, 1945. The Clerk read the title of the bill. OKLAHOMA The message also announced that the The Clerk read the Senate amendment, Clefford F. Vickroy, Frederick. Vice President has appointed Mr. BARK­ as foUows: LEY and Mr. BREWSTER members of the -Page 1, line 9, strike out "(i)" and insert SOUTH DAKOTA .. (j) ." Brendan A. Keane, Stephan. joint select committee on the part of the Ag_nes C. Maroney, Winfred. Senate, as provided for in the act of Mr. MICHENER. Mr. Speaker, re:­ August 5, 1939, entitled "An act to pro­ serving the right to object, will· the TEXAS vide for the disposition of certain records Ben F. Brooks, Bagwell. gentleman from New York explain the Gaynell Bon d, Don ie. of the United States Government," for Senate amendment? Luther M. Dye, Graford. the disposition of executive papers in the Mr. DICKSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, this Charles Smart, Lone Oak. following departments and agencies: bill was passed by the House after it had Ch arles M. Bollinger, Powderly. 1. Department of Labor. been unanimously reported by the com­ Chn les E. Turner, Smithfield. 2. Department of the Navy, mittee. The purpose of the bill is _to 7726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE SEPTEMBER 13 keep out of the country certain people Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ element of the milk industry-the price of who evaded war service and left this mous consent to extend my own remarks butterfat. country after Pearl Harbor, especially in the Appendix of the RECORD and in­ At the Washington hearings on the Smith bill, it has been disclosed that oleo manu­ most of them having left after the clude therein a newspaper article by fac_ture is in the hands of 18 or 20 companies. declaration by the President and the James Morgan that appeared in the The present proposal would take the Fed­ Congress of a state of war. This bill will Boston Globe. eral 10-cent tax off colored oleo. It would keep them out and they will not be given The SPEAKER. Is there objection to change the name of oleomargarine to mar­ a change to come back. They are of the request of the gentleman from Mas­ garine and permit manufacture and sale of military age. sachusetts? yellow oleomargarine with the payment of Mr. MASON. Mr. Speaker, will the There was no objection. only %, cent a pound. The bill is cham­ gentleman yield? Mr. BURDICK. Mr. Speaker I ask pioned by Senator ELLISON D. "CoTTON En" SMITH, with the aid of the southern cotton­ Mr. MICHENER. I yield. unanimous consent to extend my own seed oil interests. Mr. MASON. I may say that the remarks in the RECORD and to include Similar proposals have been defeated many Senate amendment simply changes the therein a resolution just passed by the times since the first tax went on oleo in number of the paragraph from "i" National Association of County Officials. 1886, but each time the battle gets hotter. to "j." Coming as it does from local units in the Dairying is the most important year around Mr. DICKSTEIN. That is all. State it must have some interest to the source of' income for Shelby County. The Mr. MASON. That is all it does. Nation. fight of the dairy interests in Washington Mr. DICKSTEIN. Tha.t is all; but I The SPEAKER. Is there objection to should have at least the undivided moral thought my colleague wanted to know the request of the gentleman from North support of this area. something about the bill itself. Dakota? If this editorial from the Shelbyville The SPEAKER. Is there objection to There was no objection. (Ky.) News is an example of the "News­ the request of the gentleman from New PERMISSION TO ADQRESS THE HOUSE papers rally support for the margarine York? bill," it is hoped that the Oleo Trust will There was no objection.
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