Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76128-4 - A History of Saudi Arabia, Second Edition Madawi al-Rasheed Index More information Index 9/11, 211, 222–4, 226, 227, 228, 275 Abdullah ibn Abd al-Lat.if Al Shaykh, 48, 52, Commission, 223 58, 59, 60, 75 Abdullah ibn Abd al-Rah. man, 105 Abbas, Mahmoud, 240 Abdullah ibn Juluwi, 39, 70, 82, 205 Abd al-Aziz (1765–1803), 20, 21, Abdullah ba al-Khayr, 105 191 Abu Bakr, 184 Abd al-Aziz (son of King Fahd), 212 Abu Dhabi, 111 Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin, 226 Abu-Khalid, Fawziyya, 182, 189 Abd al-Aziz al-Qasim, 269 activists, 236, 263–4, 266–7 Abd al-Aziz al-Sheikh, Grand Mufti, 265 Advice and Reform Committee (ARC), 178 Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd al-Rah. man Al Saud see Afghanistan Ibn Saud American invasion of, 225, 230, 237, 276 Abd al-Aziz ibn Mutib ibn Rashid, 37–8 Bin Laden and, 178, 179 Abd al-H. amid al-Sarraj, 112 Saudi Islamists in, 223 Abd al-Mut.t.alib ibn Ghalib, Sharif of Mecca, Saudi jihadis and, 224 20, 32 Saudi support in, 215, 227 Abd al-Rah. man, 23–4, 37–8, 54, 143, 181 Soviet invasion of (1979), 130, 138, 150, 154, Abd al-Rah. man al-Barak, Shaykh, 260, 155, 230, 237, 276 264 see also Taliban Abd al-Rah. man al-Lah. im (lawyer), 252 Ah. mad, amir of Kuwait, 63 Abd al-Rah. man al-Shamrawi, 112 Ah. mad, Prince, 143 Abdul Aziz Pasha, 39 Air Force, 219–20 Abdullah (1814–18), 22 al-Aiyri, Yusuf, 226 Abdullah (1865–71), 23, 69 Ajlan, amir of Riyadh, 24, 38, 198, 205 Abdullah (died 1889), 24 Ajman tribe, 69, 74 Abdullah (half-brother of Ibn Saud), 71, 80 Ali, Sharif, 43–4 Abdullah, Hashemite, 100 Almana (interpreter), 86 Abdullah, King (2005–),211, 217, 253–61, Almana, M., 50 276 al-Amer, Tawfiq, 266 development programme, 259–60 amirs foreign visits, 260 in historical texts, 195 royal tours, 257 majlis and, 79 Abdullah, King (2005–),asCrownPrince,136, Amnesty International, 251 143, 144, 175, 181, 201 al-Angari, Abdullah, 58 modernisation and, 245, 247, 253 Anglo–Kuwaiti Agreement, 38 new era challenges and, 211, 212–15, 222, 230, Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 88 236–7, 239–40 Anglo–Sa‘udi Treaty (1915), 40 Abdullah, King of Jordan, 255 Anglo–Turkish Convention (1913), 39 Abdullah, King of Trans-Jordan, 67, 204 Aniza, 14, 74, 253 Abdullah, Sharif, 32 Arab League, 153 Abdullah Azzam, 231 Beirut summit (2002), 239, 255 306 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76128-4 - A History of Saudi Arabia, Second Edition Madawi al-Rasheed Index More information Index 307 Arab nationalism, 102, 106, 108, 111, 115, 119, 277 Gulf Cooperation Council and, 152 Faysal’s Islamic politics and, 129 Iran and, 151, 152 rejection of by historical texts, 184–5, 188 Bakri, Omar, 175 see also Bathism; al-Nas.ir, Gamal Abd Bandar ibn Sultan, 212, 214, 223, 237, 259 Arab Petroleum Congress, 107 Bani S.akhr, 253 Arab revolt (1916), 3 Banu Khalid tribe, 74 Arab world in the 1950s, 110–13 rebellion (1670), 13 Arab–Israeli conflict, 135, 150 rulers of Hasa, 14, 15, 16, 20, 34, 35 1967 war, 102, 124–5, 134 Banu Tamim tribe, 15 oil embargo and, 130, 131, 132, 134 al-Banyan, Salih Salem, 52 Arab–Jewish war (1947), 99 Barakat, Sharif, 13 Arabian American Oil Company see ARAMCO Basic Law of Government, 167–8 (Arabian American Oil Company) al-Batha, 215–16 Arabian Peninsula, infidels in, 237 Bathism, 102, 119, 129, 261 Arabic language, al-ammiyya movement and, in Iraq, 102, 112, 119, 126, 151, 152, 230 185 al-Baz, Rania, 269 Araif rebellion (1907–8), 56, 69–70 bedouins, 85 ARAMCO (Arabian American Oil Company), ARAMCO workforce and, 93 10, 91, 92–6, 97, 101, 141 emerging Saudi state and, 8 building of infrastructure and, 92 in historical texts, 195 Dhahran ‘American Camp’, 92–3 royal feasts and, 82 in historical texts, 190 sedentarisation of, 133, 149, 189 King Faysal and, 116 Beirut, 271 King Saud and, 103 Bell, Gertrude, 42, 206 managers, 92–3, 95–6 Benedict, Pope, 260 oil concession (1933) and, 89, 90, 100 Bin Laden, Usama, 178–9, 222, 223–6, 229–30, Palestinian employees, 99–100 275 Saudi dissidents and, 95–6, 110, 126 birth rates, 145–6 Saudi workforce, 93–6, 108, 110 Britain Saudi–American relations and, 100–1, 113 al-Yamama arms deal and, 239 Saud’s foreign policy and, 111 Anglo–Saudi Treaty (1915) and, 40–1 al-T. ariqi and, 107, 108 arms purchases from, 219 ARC (Advice and Reform Committee), 178 Baghdad Pact and, 111 armed forces, Saudi, 87, 108 Hadda and Bahra Agreements with (1925), 45, al-Asad, President Bashar, 256 64 Ashraf, 29, 36 Hasa and, 35 Asi al-Shraym, Fahda bint, 253 Ibn Saud’s relationship with, 45–6, 91, 97–101 Asir, 265 ikhwan rebellion and, 66, 68, 98 Al Saud rule in, 20 King Faysal’s relations with, 115 capture of, 1, 3, 4, 43, 44–5, 67, 97 Palestine and, 98 Idrisi rebellion in, 98 protectorates in Arabia, 37, 66 Ottoman occupation of, 1 Rashidi emirate and, 28 Sharifian emirate and, 32 Saudi state building and, 2–3, 4, 37, 40–1, 43, Association of Muslim Scholars, 235 44–5 Atta, Muhammad, 222 Suez Crisis (1956) and, 111 al-Awdah, Salman, 161, 164, 170, 174, 223, 228, Treaty of Jeddah (1927) and, 45–6 264, 269 Zionism and, 98 budget (2000–8), 219 Badia palace, 90 Buraymi border dispute, 111 Badr ibn Abd al-Moh. sin, 202 Bush, President George W., 222, 230, 234, 236 Baghdad Pact, 110, 111 businesswomen, 247 Bahra Agreement (1925), 45, 64 Bahrain Cairo, 271 Al Saud rule in, 20 California Arab Standard Oil Company Anglo–Saudi Treaty (1915) and, 40 (CASOC), 89 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76128-4 - A History of Saudi Arabia, Second Edition Madawi al-Rasheed Index More information 308 Index Canada, military supplies from, 219 dissidents, 95–6, 110, 126, 196, 234–5, 262 Carter Doctrine, 155 see also activists CASOC (California Arab Standard Oil divorce, Ibn Saud and, 75–6 Company), 89 dress code, regional identity and, 194 CDLR (Committee for the Defence of driving, ban on women, 161–2, 269–70 Legitimate Rights in Saudi Arabia), 171–6, al-Duwaysh, Faysal, 55, 58, 62–3, 65, 66, 141 178–9 centennial celebrations (1999), 11, 192 economic crisis, 222 capture of Riyadh and, 197–208 economic forums, businesswomen and, 247 challenges to, 208–10 economic recession, 144–5, 149 Ibn Saud and, 197–208 economic reform, 215–22 Churchill, Winston, 91, 204 education, 106, 117–18, 120, 128, 139, 146, 218 Cities of Salt (Abd al-Rah. man Munif), 273 historical narratives and, 183–90 civil service, 83–6, 148 scholarships, 260 Committee of Allegiance, 257–9 of women, 117, 118, 120, 147, 260 Committee for the Defence of Legitimate Rights Education, Ministry of (Wizarat al-Maarif), 183 in Saudi Arabia (CDLR), 171–6, 178–9 Egypt, 239, 255 Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and Arab nationalism and, 102, 106 Prohibition of Vice, 252, 268 Camp David Agreement and, 150 communication technology, 273–4 coup (1956), 108, 110 communism, 261 Faysal’s relationship with, 128 historical narratives on, 185 Muslim Brotherhood, 112, 227, 231, 276 Saudi–American relations and, 114, 115, 138 nineteenth-century invasion of Arabia, 22, 23, Conference of Saudi Arabia in 100 years, 206–7 26, 53 constitutional reform, advocates of, 261–3 Ottoman occupation of, 13 construction, foreign workers, 260 peace treaty with Israel (1979), 239 Consultative Council, 118, 177, 180, 261, 264 rivalry with Saudi Arabia, 256 Law of, 167, 168 Saudi–American relations and, 115 consumerism, 124 Saud’s alliance with, 112, 113, 114 Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Saud’s exile in, 118 Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Suez Crisis (1956) and, 102, 108, 111, 112, 114 Punishment (UN), 250 war with Israel, 125, 130, 131 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Yemen and, 113, 115, 119, 124–5, 126 Discrimination Against Women (UN), 250 see also al-Nas.ir, Gamal Abd Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN), Eisenhower Doctrine, 114 250 elections, candidates, 2005 municipal, 248–9 Cordesman, A., 235 emirates, 6–8, 35–6 Council of Higher Ulama, 264 see also Rashidi emirate; Saudi–Wahhabi Council of Ministers, 91, 104, 118, 168, 217, 248, emirates; Sharifian emirate 251 employment, 260 customs duties, 85 Ende, W., 30 external pressures on Saudi Arabia, 233–41 Dah. lan, A., 31 extremism, 245 debt, national, 217, 218 Extremism and Moderation (National Dialogue Defence, Ministry of, 86, 213 Forum), 244 development programme, 259–60 al-Dhari, Harith, 235 Fahd, King, 10, 110, 143–50 Diriyyah centennial celebrations and, 203, 204, 205 Ottoman sacking of (1818), 22, 34, 53, 55 as Crown Prince, 136, 138, 143 Saudi leadership in, 14–15 death of, 212–14, 253, 256 Wahhabism in, 16–17, 18 government reforms and, 167–8 discrimination, 264–5, 268 Gulf War and, 159 dissident literature liberation of Kuwait and, 224 oil industry and, 96 Memorandum of Advice and, 164 on Saudi history and development, 196–7 speech, 190–2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76128-4 - A History of Saudi Arabia, Second Edition Madawi al-Rasheed Index More information Index 309 succession and, 180–1, 254 GDP (gross domestic product), 116, 133, 144 transfer of power from, 222 Germany, military supplies from, 219 United States and, 156, 237 Ghalib, Imam, 111 al-Faleh, Matruk, 252, 262 al-Ghamdi, Said, 149 al-Faqih, Saad, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177 al-Ghargini, Khalid, 83 Faruq, King of Egypt, 91, 204 girls, education of, 117, 118, 120 Fatah, 255 Girls of Riyadh (Raja al-Sani), 272 Fatat al-Qatif, 270 Golub, D., 132 fatawa, 225, 228, 265–7, 269 al-Gosaybi, Ghazi, 164, 272 Al Faysal, 214 Grand Mosque
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