UTMUN 2016 COUNTRY MATRIX 1 UTMUN 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………..2 Country Matrix………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 Generalized Committees Country/Character List…………………………………………………………………………….5 Specialized Committees Country/Character List…………………………………………………………………………….10 Crisis Committees Country/Character List……………………………………………………………………………………….14 ABBREVIATION KEY GENERAL SPECIALIZED DISEC DISARMAMENT AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY USC UN SECURITY COUNCIL: TERRORISM COMMITTEE WTO WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION EU REGIONAL BODY: EUROPEAN UNION (TOPICS TBA) SOCHUM SOCIAL, CULTURAL, AND HUMANITARIAN COMMITTEE WHA THE TWELFTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY: 1959 UNHRC UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL NOTE As thE Crisis Committees and thE following Specialized Committees of The Magna Carta, The Manhattan Project, Geneva Conference and Accords of 1954, and International Press Corps involvE sPEcific individuals rathEr than countriEs, thEy havE bEEn omitted from thE matrix, and havE bEEn PlacEd at thE End of this PackagE. 2 UTMUN 2016 GENERAL SPECIALIZED TOTAL DISEC WTO SOCHUM WHA UNHRC USC EU Afghanistan 1 1 2 Albania 1 1 1 3 AlgEria 1 1 Angola 1 1 ArgEntina 1 1 1 1 1 5 Australia 1 1 1 3 Austria 1 1 1 1 4 Bahrain 1 1 2 Bangladesh 1 1 1 3 Belarus 1 1 Belgium 1 1 1 1 4 Bolivia 1 1 Botswana 1 1 Brazil 1 1 1 1 1 5 Bulgaria 1 1 1 1 4 Burma 1 1 Cambodia 1 1 2 Canada 1 1 1 3 Ceylon 1 1 Chad 1 1 2 ChilE 1 1 1 1 1 5 China 1 1 1 1 1 5 Columbia 1 1 1 1 4 Congo 1 1 CôtE d’IvoirE 1 1 Croatia 1 1 2 Cuba 1 1 2 Cyprus 1 2 CzEch Republic 1 1 1 3 D.R. Congo 1 1 0 Democratic PEoPlE’s REPublic of 1 1 1 3 Korea Denmark 1 1 1 1 4 Djibouti 0 Dominican REPublic 1 1 2 EgyPt 1 1 2 El Salvador 1 1 Equador 1 1 Estonia 1 1 1 3 EthioPia 1 1 Federation of Malaya 1 1 Finland 1 1 2 FrancE 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 French Fourth REPublic 1 1 Gabon 1 1 Germany 1 1 1 1 4 Ghana 1 1 GrEEcE 1 1 1 1 4 GuatEmala 1 1 1 3 Haiti 1 1 1 3 Honduras 1 1 2 Hungary 1 1 1 3 IcEland 1 1 2 India 1 1 1 1 1 5 IndonEsia 1 1 1 1 4 Iran 1 1 1 1 4 Iraq 1 1 2 IrEland 1 1 1 3 IsraEl 1 1 Italy 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 UTMUN 2016 JaPan 1 1 1 1 1 5 Jordan 1 1 1 1 4 Kazakhstan 1 1 Kenya 1 1 1 3 Kuwait 1 1 2 GENERAL SPECIALIZED TOTAL DISEC WTO SOCHUM WHA UNHRC USC EU Latvia 1 1 1 3 Lebanon 1 1 2 Libya 1 1 1 3 Lithuania 1 1 2 Luxembourg 1 1 2 Malaysia 1 1 1 3 MaldivEs 1 1 Mali 1 1 Malta 1 1 1 1 4 Mauritius 1 1 Mexico 1 1 1 1 1 5 MontEnEgro 1 1 Morocco 1 1 Myanmar 1 1 2 Namibia 1 1 NePal 1 1 2 NethErlands 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 New ZEaland 1 1 1 1 1 5 Nicaragua 1 1 NigEria 1 1 1 3 Norway 1 1 1 3 Oman 1 1 2 Pakistan 1 1 1 1 4 Paraguay 1 1 Peru 1 1 2 PhiliPPines 1 1 Poland 1 1 1 3 Portugal 1 1 1 1 4 Qatar 1 1 1 3 Republic of China 1 1 Republic of KorEa 1 1 1 3 Romania 1 1 1 1 4 Russia 1 1 1 1 1 5 Saudi Arabia 1 1 1 1 1 5 Siam 1 1 Sierra LeonE 1 1 SingaporE 1 1 2 Slovakia 1 1 Slovenia 1 1 Socialist Federal REPublic of 1 1 Yugoslavia Somalia 1 1 1 3 South Africa 1 1 1 1 1 5 Spain 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Sri Lanka 1 1 2 State of PalestinE 1 1 Sudan 1 1 1 3 Sweden 1 1 1 3 Switzerland 1 1 2 Syria 1 1 1 3 Thailand 1 1 2 ThE RePublic of MacEdonia 1 1 TurkEy 1 1 1 3 4 UTMUN 2016 TurkmEnistan 1 1 UkrainE 1 1 2 UnitEd Arab EmiratEs 1 1 1 1 1 5 UnitEd Kingdom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 UnitEd StatEs 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Uruguay 1 1 2 USSR 1 1 VenEzuEla 1 1 1 1 1 5 ViEtnam 1 1 2 YemEn 1 1 1 3 ZimbabwE 1 1 NumbEr of DelEgatEs in CommittEE 60 60 60 60 56 15 19 330 GENERAL ASSEMBLIES * = ExPEriEncEd dElEgate rEcommEndEd DISARMAMENT AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY COMMITTEE (60) 1. Afghanistan 31. Libya 2. ArgEntina 32. Malaysia 3. Australia 33. Malta 4. Austria 34. Mexico 5. Bahrain 35. NePal 6. Bangladesh 36. NethErlands 7. Belarus 37. New ZEaland 8. Belgium 38. NigEria 9. Brazil 39. Norway 10. Bulgaria 40. Pakistan* 11. Canada 41. PhiliPPines 12. ChilE 42. Poland 13. China* 43. Republic of KorEa 14. Colombia 44. Russia* 15. CzEch Republic 45. Saudi Arabia* 16. Democratic PEoPlE's REPublic of KorEa 46. SingaporE 17. Democratic REPublic of Congo 47. Somalia 18. Denmark 48. South Africa 19. EgyPt 49. Spain 20. France* 50. Sri Lanka 21. Germany 51. Sudan 22. India* 52. Sweden 23. Iran* 53. Syria* 24. Iraq* 54. Thailand 25. IsraEl* 55. TurkEy 26. Italy 56. UkrainE 27. JaPan 57. UnitEd Arab EmiratEs 28. Jordan 58. UnitEd Kingdom* 29. Kenya 59. UnitEd StatEs of AmErica* 30. Lebanon 60. YemEn* 5 UTMUN 2016 GENERAL COMMITTEES CONT’D WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (60) 1. Albania 31. Lithuania 2. ArgEntina 32. Luxembourg 3. Australia 33. Malaysia 4. Austria 34. Malta 5. Belgium 35. Mexico 6. Brazil* 36. NePal 7. Bulgaria 37. NethErlands 8. Canada* 38. New ZEaland 9. ChilE 39. Norway 10. China* 40. Oman 11. Colombia 41. Poland 12. Croatia 42. Portugal 13. Cyprus 43. Qatar 14. CzEch Republic 44. Republic of KorEa 15. Denmark 45. Romania 16. Estonia 46. Russia* 17. Finland 47. Saudi Arabia 18. France* 48. SingaporE 19. Germany* 49. Slovakia 20. GrEEcE* 50. Slovenia 21. GuatEmala* 51. South Africa 22. Hungary 52. Spain* 23. IcEland 53. Sweden 24. India 54. Switzerland 25. IndonEsia 55. TurkEy 26. IrEland 56. UnitEd Arab EmiratEs 27. Italy 57. UnitEd Kingdom* 28. JaPan 58. UnitEd StatEs of AmErica* 29. Kuwait 59. Uruguay 30. Latvia 60. VenEzuEla 6 UTMUN 2016 GENERAL COMMITTEES CONT’D Social, CUltUral, and HUmanitarian Committee (60) 1. Afghanistan 32. Mauritius 2. ArgEntina 33. Mexico 3. Bahrain 34. Myanmar 4. Bangladesh 35. NethErlands 5. Brazil 36. New ZEaland 6. Chad 37. Pakistan* 7. ChilE 38. Peru 8. China* 39. Qatar 9. Colombia 40. Republic of KorEa 10. CzEch Republic 41. Romania 11. Democratic REPublic of Congo 42. Russian FEderation* 12. Djibouti 43. Saudi Arabia* 13. Dominican REPublic 44. Somalia 14. EgyPt 45. South Africa 15. France* 46. Spain 16. GrEEcE 47. Sri Lanka 17. GuatEmala 48. Sudan 18. Haiti 49. Switzerland 19. Honduras 50. Syria 20. India* 51. Thailand 21. IndonEsia 52. TurkmEnistan 22. Iran* 53. UkrainE 23. Iraq* 54. UnitEd Arab EmiratEs* 24. Italy 55. UnitEd Kingdom of GrEat Britain and NorthErn 25. JaPan IrEland* 26. Jordan 56. UnitEd StatEs of AmErica* 27. Kenya 57. VenEzuEla 28. Kuwait 58. ViEt Nam 29. Libya 59. YemEn 30. Mali 60. ZimbabwE 31. Malta 7 UTMUN 2016 GENERAL COMMITTEES CONT’D World Health Assembly 1959 (60) 1. Albania 31. Italy 2. ArgEntina 32. JaPan 3. Australia 33. Jordan 4. Austria 34. Lebanon 5. Belgium 35. Libya* 6. Brazil* 36. Luxembourg 7. Bulgaria 37. Mexico 8. Burma* 38. NethErlands 9. Cambodia 39. New ZEaland 10. Canada 40. Nicaragua 11. Ceylon* 41. Norway 12. ChilE 42. Pakistan* 13. Columbia* 43. Peru 14. Cuba 44. Portugal 15. Denmark 45. Republic of China (ROC)* 16. Dominican REPublic 46. Romania 17. Ecuador 47. Saudi Arabia 18. Federation of Malaya 48. Siam* 19. Finland 49. Socialist Federal REPublic of Yugoslavia* 20. French Fourth REPublic* 50. Spain 21. GrEEcE 51. Sweden 22. GuatEmala 52. TurkEy 23. Haiti 53. Union of South Africa 24. Honduras 54. Union of SoviEt Socialist REPublics (USSR)* 25. Hungary 55. UnitEd Arab REPublic* 26. IcEland 56. UnitEd Kingdom* 27. India* 57. UnitEd StatEs of AmErica* 28. IndonEsia* 58. Uruguay 29. Iran 59. VenEzuEla 30. IrEland 60. YemEn 8 UTMUN 2016 GENERAL COMMITTEES CONT’D UNHRC (56) 1. Albania 30. MaldivEs 2. AlgEria 31. Mexico 3. ArgEntina 32. MontEnEgro 4. Bangladesh 33. Morocco 5. Bolivia 34. Myanmar 6. Botswana 35. Namibia 7. Brazil 36. NethErlands 8. Cambodia 37. NigEria 9. China* 38. Oman 10. Congo 39. Pakistan 11. CotE d'IvoirE 40. Paraguay 12. Cuba 41. Portugal 13. Democratic PEoPlE's REPublic of KorEa 42. Qatar* 14. El Salvador 43. Russian FEderation* 15. Estonia 44. Saudi Arabia* 16. EthioPia 45. Sierra LeonE 17. France* 46. Somalia 18. Gabon 47. South Africa 19. Germany 48. State of PalestinE 20. Ghana 49. Sudan 21. Haiti 50. Syria* 22. India 51. ThE REPublic of MacEdonia 23. IndonEsia 52. UnitEd Arab EmiratEs* 24. IrEland 53. UnitEd Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern 25. Islamic REPublic of Iran* IrEland* 26. JaPan 54. UnitEd StatEs of AmErica* 27. Kazakhstan 55. VenEzuEla (Bolivarian REPublic of) 28. Kenya 56. ViEt Nam 29. Latvia 9 UTMUN 2016 SPECIALIZED COMMITTEES * = ExPEriEncEd dElEgatE rEcommEndEd THE MAGNA CARTA (25) 1. EustacE dE VEsci, Lord of Alnwick CastlE* 2. GeoffrEy dE MandEvillE, Earl of EssEx and GloucEstEr. 3. GeoffrEy dE SayE, Baron. 4. GilbErt dE ClarE, hEir to thE Earldom of Hertford.
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