BELS.nr PUti. LinHARY 10TI *¥E., KMAR ,N.J. 07719 THE COAST ADVERTISER Official Newspaper For Belmar, South Bdmar, Wall Towtuhip, Spring Lakt HtighU, AvonJ>y-tk+Sea Seventy-fifth Year — No. 39 — 8 Pages BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, 07719, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 Ten Cent* UAPPV HEW VEAk Plainfield Man Dies As Flames Hit Adult School Committee Withdraws Controversial Rooming House Early Tuesday Registration Building Code; Enacts Health Rules BELMAR — In a pre-Christmas I Ing before it was brought under WALL TOWNSHIP - The Wall I do." said Mayor Gassner, "it tragedy, a 43-year-old Plainfield , control by Belmar firemen, WALL TOWNSHIP - The Wall Community Adult School will Township Committee voted to will be a sad day in my tife." man died In a fin that started in Four other persons, two girls, hold registration for Hie spring withdraw the controversial build-! A his room at 101 First Avenue, woman and an elderly man A term on January 6, 7 and 9 at ing code Monday night, but did . " *•> comments continued. It were led to safety by Detective l am<! here, early Tuesday morning. Wall High School from 7:90 to enact an ordinance to license *f »PP?fent that Mr.. Bra- James Dempsey and Patrolmen m Police said William Schwep. of 9 00 p.m. retail establishments, an ordl- »£ " J^L^J™ °""* Plainfield, was fatally burned in Andrew Donate and Frank Madi- nance to go with a Board of ab°* a «^«™n» she said he a fire that started In his room, son, when htey responded to the Herbert Deuchar, director, has Health measure setting up health ™* «»«™tag « 'feaslbl»Y apparently from his smoking in 307 a.m. call for aid. added several new courses to the les for such food establish-,stu^ «ncenung municipal cess- bed, and spread thruout the build- Police said when they arrived spring offering at the Adult ments. pool collections." in response to the alarm, they School. The new courses are First There was no immediate com- Mayor Gassner said that what- found smoke coming from the Aid, French, Interior Decorating, ever he a southeast section of the building. Income Tax, Knowing Your Make- ment on the move to withdraw •»•<• «• <** meeting the building code, but later, un- was mt tawnship business, and The owner, Wiliam Lyons, told up, Public Speaking, and a free lf w ant Borough Moves police that he had smelled smoke five-week course in Securities and der public discussion, the matter 3™ , , • dipping service of engineering fees came up °" «"al «?• do°' ask •*>• •» earlier, and investigating found Investing. a it was coming from Mr. Schwep's again. |«° *"*»' To Develop Area The remainder of tho Adult SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS — room. An exchange between Mrs. Tove He said Mrs. Brunet would get School offerings are Antique wri tten The Borough Council moved to de- Mr. Lyons said he found Mr. Tips, Cake Decorating, Sewing Brunei, Woolley rtoad, and Com- "° . an*™-from him, and velop a parcel of land near Ocean Schwep's bed on fire and attempt- for BeginnersB , Sewin8g .„for. ,„„,Inter- , mitteeman Josepph N. Ehret on \2T2£tfft! Road as a recreational area, Mon- ed to pull the man from the bed to ii f tk f dhefett mediate Sewing Advanced, engineering fees took a few mo- hi day night, appropriating $95,000 safety. Bridge, Dancing, Drawing, Homo ment, with Mrs. Brunet ques- ' for the work in an ordinance. | He said he was able only to get Harstyling, Golf, Beginners and Honing reported recent com- T,?f Bonds or notes will be issued him out of the bed, and that he Advanced Guitar, Safe Boat moms of Mr. Ehret. and Mr. 8n()uld "»' for the program. then alerted the other roomers Handling. Slim k Trim, High Ehret denying that he had made Kenneth Hand, Bailey Comer The recreational area encom- and called for the fire department. School Equivalency, Introduction such comments, Road, appeared again to protest passes an area south of Ocean After leading the four others to to Key Pundid , Real EstatEe and ( „ John j Ga8sner notedi'the housing by a neighbor "of Road land west of Meadowbrook toy ^ ^^ teenUted fa fa. burn. thrce hor8es and tm fe d b Insurance, Conversational Span- howo;er ,hat the code had been P»»"." Ro ad , - „ , , ..ling buildng and found Mr. Sen- Ish. ABC Stenorcript, Typing I, withdra™ and comment was not B He quoted from a group rental Council also Introduced an ordi- w£ , , b ad, burncd ta „ 4 a necessary. s r ordinance, noting that "disturb- nance which sets up salary in- ond"fkV rooln| House on First Avenue, where William Schwep was fatally burned k • pre-tVWmas fire early Anyone desiring information or Mrs. Brffct then turned on the ini g ththe peace and quieitt of ththe JJj! The Belmar first Aid Squad Tuesday brochures may call 681-4300. mayor, and . move was seen Shore Medical Center, where he on responding to a letter she said ing adjustment. died about an hour later. she mailed him last week. Under the terms of the ordi- Belmar's three fire companies He urged the Committee to nance, the pay Increase does not responded to the alarm and found JAMISON HOLDS Would he send her an answer? study matter, although Mayor Include the Mayor, Council, or the flames had spread through the Board to Meet Rash to Be Named Wall Mayor Gassner said the Committee could "The day I have to reporf to professional employes. high. | partitioons Into other sections of FIRST MEETING you on every club I attend, every find ne violation at the present CouncU wae notified of 105 the building. The blaze was under place I apeak, and everything j time. ItEPTUNE CITY - Joshua H. With Teachers As Committee Organizes on January 1 way aid in the amount of | control within an hour. from the Jamison, newly installed Noble BELM Alt - The Board of B*i- The following November, Mr. Michael Roses leasee of tre Transportation. The funds, to be Firemen were recalled to the catkin will meet with the Bd- Bash teamed with Committeeman & Grand of the Neptune Lodge of used for highway reconstruction seem later Tuesday morning, It mar Teachers Association on Arthur Krumm in a successful was reported, when smouldering Odd Fellowi, presided for the January 4 to discusi for a full three-year atari Fs-r- as^d; Tep*lf,.'Wat.,aBt up ftUMflrtstt straight." j bits ol fire We discovered to the first rhw «t the meeting of piwposilipl s of btbothh groups.gm " , Guild Honors The Spring Lake First Aid and partitions. Damage to the building lodge at the VTW Hall, Sylvania Board President Thomas J,.,. In the January 1 reorgania- Emergency Squad, which serves was extensive ,an<i. fire officials said the teachers group had been Avenue. tfcra of the Township Committee, Father Knight the Borough, thanked the Mayor said, flames broke through the recognized by the Board as the Mr. Rash will assume the direc- WALL TOWNSHIP - St. Mt" mMtee. tad be said, be had and Council for the borough's roof of the building during the Edward H. Moser, chairman, re- sole bargaining agent for the torship of the road department. chad'h s ld i > h -u. ed as donation of *i,200 toward the, heighth of the fire, ported on the success of the party teachers In the school system. Mr. Gassner will direct the fi- squad's operating expenses. Miss Oathaiine Eastborn, teach- raise horses without violation. held last Wednesday, which was nance department, Committeeman Council approved the appoint- er association president, said also Joseph N. Ehret will become po- S. It. Knight, pastor, on his birth- attended by members of all lodges Mayor Gassner said the Com- ment of Alfred C. Phillips as Engagement that she is "hopeful" that sub- lice chairman, Mr. Krumm will day, and presented a past pres- mittee would continue to study in the district as well es members regular police officer. Mr. Phil- stantial progress can be made in assume directorship of the recrea- ident's pin to the retiring Guild the situation. lips has served his six months Klesitz - Herrick of the Kobckah lodges. negotiating the "proposed agree- tion department, and Committee- president. probationary period. Ralph Ua- WALL TOWNSHIP - Mr. and ment between the two parties." man Griffith Bates will be named The Rev. Mr. Knight w is given The Committee approved the Mrs. Alfred S. Klesitz, 1623 Oak- Memorial services were con- She said she was "encouraged" water department director. at of the United Cerebral "™ wood Road, West Belmar, have ducted for Earle Bradley, of la gift and presented with a birth- iv the Board's decision to recog- Mr. Hash, on becoming mayor, day cake. A Past President's Pin Fund to hold a drive ta . " I announced the engagement of Bradley Beach, former district ', and approved la raf- nize the association es the sole will also be named as a mem- was given to Mrs. William Eld- The Mayor named a commit- their daughter, Algene Elizabeth, Deputy Grand Master. fle permit for the Spring Lake nrgaining agent for the teach- ber of the Planning Board, suc- tee. beaded by Magistrate Bleb- to Dan Croel Herrick, son of Mr ridge, retiring president, and the Chapter of Deborah to hold an Mr. Jamison and William ItaiK ers. S! e also said that an emer- ceeding Mr. Gassner. Prior to tard Ofeldt, to Judge Christmas and M« Oifford C. Hernck. 229 meeting was in charge of Mrs. affair at Sea Girt Inn on March served refreshments after the gency meeting was held last week his being named a Township Harold Lane, Incoming president.
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