De activistisch anti-Israelische AIV verduistert de werkelijkheid van het Arabisch/islamitisch conflict met Israel een becommentariëring van "Tussen Woord en Daad" Perspectieven op Duurzame Vrede in het Midden-Oosten Advies nr. 83, 21 maart 2013 van de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken (officieel gepresenteerd op 16 april 2013) Wim Kortenoeven Midden-Oosten specialist en voormalig lid van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal juni/september 2013 2 Leden Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken Voorzitter Mr. F. Korthals Altes Vicevoorzitter Prof.dr. W.J.M. van Genugten Leden Mw. prof.dr. J. Gupta Mw. dr. P.C. Plooij-van Gorsel Prof.dr. A. van Staden LGen b.d. M.L.M. Urlings Mw. mr. H.M. Verrijn Stuart Prof.dr.ir. J.J.C. Voorhoeve Secretaris Drs. T.D.J. Oostenbrink [email protected] Postbus 20061 2500 EB Den Haag telefoon 070 - 348 5108/6060 fax 070 - 348 6256 www.AIV-Advies.nl Leden gecombineerde Commissie Midden-Oosten Voorzitter Prof.dr. A. van Staden Leden Dr. B.S.M. Berendsen Dr. N. van Dam Prof.dr. W.J.M. van Genugten Mr. F. Korthals Altes Mw. mr. H.M. Verrijn Stuart Secretaris Mw. drs. A.M.C. Wester Drs. T.D.J. Oostenbrink 3 Inhoudsopgave Inleidende citaten AIV 5 Inleidende informatie Kortenoeven 6 Voorwoord bij de becommentarieerde versie 11 Samenvatting van de kritiek op het AIV-advies 12 Woord vooraf (AIV) 13 I Het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict in perspectief 61 I.1 Het vredesproces 61 I.2 Het juridisch kader 95 II Veranderingen in de regionale en mondiale context 113 II.1 De regionale context 113 II.2 De mondiale context 120 III Scenario’s en mogelijkheden voor toenadering 123 IV Actoren en initiatieven 135 V De rol van Nederland 145 VI Samenvatting en aanbevelingen 151 Bijlage I Adviesaanvraag 158 Bijlage II Kaart van Israël en de bezette Palestijnse gebieden 160 Bijlage III Lijst van gebruikte afkortingen 161 Eindnoten 162 4 ‘… my definition of a tragedy is a clash between right and right. And in this respect, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a tragedy, a clash between one very powerful, very convincing, very painful claim over this land and another no less powerful, no less convincing claim.’1 Amos Oz in een interview op 23 januari 2002 door PBS Newshour, ‘Coping with Conflict: Israeli Author Amos Oz’. ‘We are willing to live side by side on the land and share the promise of the future. Sharing, however, requires two partners willing to share as equals. Mutuality and reciprocity must replace domination and hostility for there to be genuine reconciliation and coexistence under international legality. Your security and ours are mutually dependent, as intertwined as the fears and nightmares of our children.’2 Haidar Abdul-Shafi, sprekend namens het Palestijnse volk tijdens de Vredesconferentie in Madrid in oktober 1991. 5 TOEGEVOEGD DOOR KORTENOEVEN BIJ DE BECOMMENTARIËRING: “…Even today we see how the Muslim residents of Damascus force the Jews who live under their auspices to sign a document in which they are forbidden to send food to their Jewish brothers who are suffering from the disaster in Palestine, the situation of the Jews in Palestine being the strongest and most concrete proof of the importance of the religious problem among the Muslim Arabs toward anyone who does not belong to Islam. Those good Jews, who have brought to the Muslim Arabs civilization and peace, and have spread wealth and prosperity to the land of Palestine, have not hurt anyone and have not taken anything by force, and nevertheless the Muslims have declared holy war against them and have not hesitated to slaughter their children and their women despite the fact that England is in Palestine and France is in Syria. Therefore a black future awaits the Jews and the other minorities if the Mandate is cancelled and Muslim Syria is unified with Muslim Palestine. This union is the ultimate goal of the Muslim Arabs.” Uit een brief aan de Franse premier Léon Blum, van de Syrische Alawietenleiders Aziz Agha al-Hawash, Mahmud Agha Jadid, Mahmud Bek Jadid, Suleiman Assad [grootvader van de huidige Syrische president Bashar al-Assad], Suleiman al-Murshid en Mahmud Suleiman al- Ahmadaan (15 juni 1936).1 “When I first saw it in 1920 it was a desolation. Four of five small and squalid Arab villages, long distances apart from one another, could be seen on the summits of the low hills here and there. For the rest, the country was uninhabited. There was not a house, not a tree… about 51 square miles of the valley have now been purchased by the Jewish National Fund. Twenty schools have been opened. There is an Agricultural Training College for women in one village and a hospital in another. All the swamps and marshes within the area that has been colonized have been drained. The whole aspect of the valley has been changed… in the spring the fields of vegetables or of cereals cover many miles of the land, and what five years ago was little better than a wilderness is being transformed before our eyes into smiling countryside.” Uit een rapport van de Britse High Commissioner of Palestine, Sir Herbert Samuel, over het Britse bestuur over het mandaatgebied Palestina, 22 april 1925.2 1 Geciteerd door Mordechai Kedar (2012 in): Assad’s Grandfather’s 1936 Letter Predicts Muslim Slaughter of Minorities, Praises Zionists: http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/analysis/dr-mordechai-kedar/assads-grandfathers- 1936-letter-predicts-muslim-slaughter-of-minorities-praises-zionists/2012/09/20/0/ 2 Martin Gilbert (2005): The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli conflict (eighth edition). Londen: Routledge, p. 12. 6 TOEGEVOEGD DOOR KORTENOEVEN BIJ DE BECOMMENTARIËRING: “If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels – not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, but because Allah said: “The Jews say that Uzair is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that Christ is the son of Allah. These are the words from their mouths. They imitate the sayings of the disbelievers before. May Allah fight them. How deluded they are.” It is Allah who said that they are infidels. Your belief regarding the Jews should be, first, that they are infidels, and second, that they are enemies. They are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing. Allah said: “You shall find the strongest men in enmity to the disbelievers [sic] to be the Jews and the polytheists.” Third, you must believe that the Jews will never stop fighting and killing us. They [fight] not for the sake of land and security, as they claim, but for the sake of their religion […]. This is it. We must believe that our fighting with the Jews is eternal, and it will not end until the final battle – and this is the fourth point. You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth. It is not me who says so. The Prophet said: “Judgment Day will not come until you fight the Jews and kill them. The Jews will hide behind stones and trees, and the stones and tree will call: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him – except for the Gharqad tree, which is the tree of the Jews.” I have heard that they are planting many of these trees now. [...] As for you Jews – the curse of Allah upon you. The curse of Allah upon you, whose ancestors were apes and pigs. You Jews have sown hatred in our hearts, and we have bequeathed it to our children and grandchildren. You will not survive as long as a single one of us remains. [...] Oh Jews, may the curse of Allah be upon you. Oh Jews... Oh Allah, bring Your wrath, punishment, and torment down upon them. Allah, we pray that you transform them again, and make the Muslims rejoice again in seeing them as apes and pigs. You pigs of the earth! You pigs of the earth! You kill the Muslims with that cold pig [blood] of yours.” De Egyptische moslimgeestelijke Mohammed Hussein Ya’qoub in een toespraak die werd uitgezonden op de Egyptische tv-zender Al-Rahma (17 januari 2009).3 “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949), oprichter van de Moslimbroederschap, geciteerd in het voorwoord van het handvest van Hamas.4 3 MEMRI, video: Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub: The Jews Are the Enemies of Muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine: http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2042.htm 4 http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp 7 TOEGEVOEGD DOOR KORTENOEVEN BIJ DE BECOMMENTARIËRING: “As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel….The sole method we shall apply against Israel is a total war which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.” Cairo Radio’s ‘Voice of the Arabs’ broadcast (18 May 1967).5 "If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the Earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164-13 with 26 abstentions." De Israelische staatsman Abba Eban over de notoire (automatische) anti-Israelische partijdigheid van de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties, geciteerd door de Israelische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Silvan Shalom (2004).6 “The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day.
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