Report of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission Workshop on Vessel Monitoring Systems. Saly, Senegal, 14-17 oct 2002 Item Type Report Citation FAO Fisheries Report. No. 696. Rome, FAO. 2002. 99p. Publisher FAO Download date 26/09/2021 23:40:09 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/328 47 Annex 5.4 Fishing Vessel Monitoring: The What, Why and How Slide 1 Slide 4 ShipboardShipboard equipmentequipment FishingFishing vesselvessel monitoringmonitoring •• Typically Typically aa standard,standard, satellitesatellite transmittertransmitter oror transceivertransceiver TheThe what,what, whywhy andand howhow •• Almost Almost alwaysalways integratesintegrates globalglobal positioningpositioning systemsystem (GPS)(GPS) receiverreceiver Robert Gallaher, Robert Gallaher, •• Can Can bebe partpart ofof vessel’svessel’s communicationscommunications FAOFAO ConsultantConsultant systemsystem oror completelycompletely independentindependent Slide 2 Slide 5 WhatWhat isis VMS?VMS? TransmissionTransmission mediummedium •• The The useuse ofof communicationscommunications andand navigationnavigation systemssystems toto tracktrack thethe •• Two Two essentialessential elements:elements: movementsmovements ofof vesselsvessels –– From From shipship toto shoreshore •• A A tooltool forfor improvingimproving thethe efficiencyefficiency ofof MCSMCS –– From From shoreshore toto fisheriesfisheries monitoringmonitoring centre (FMC) •• A A tooltool forfor improvingimproving thethe effectivenesseffectiveness ofof centre (FMC) resourceresource managementmanagement •• Until Until present,present, satellitessatellites havehave exclusivityexclusivity forfor shipship toto shore,shore, butbut othersothers possiblepossible •• Shore Shore toto FMCFMC cancan bebe datadata connectionconnection (X.25,(X.25, internet),internet), telephonetelephone (fixed(fixed oror cellular)cellular) oror satellitesatellite relay.relay. Slide 3 Slide 6 WhatWhat doesdoes VMSVMS require?require? FMC:FMC: datadata storagestorage && processingprocessing •• Typically Typically standard,standard, PCPC hardwarehardware •• Communications Communications modulemodule assuresassures interfaceinterface •• Transmission Transmission equipmentequipment aboardaboard withwith transmissiontransmission mediummedium vesselsvessels •• Data Data basebase managermanager storesstores andand •• A A transmissiontransmission medium/systemmedium/system manipulatesmanipulates datadata •• A A meansmeans ofof receiving,receiving, storing,storing, •• Graphics Graphics programprogram permitspermits displaydisplay ofof datadata displayingdisplaying andand manipulatingmanipulating datadata onon mapsmaps 48 Slide 7 VHF/CellularVHF/Cellular PSTNPSTN FMCFMC ProtectionProtection ResourceResource AndAnd industryindustry managementmanagement ControlControl Slide 8 Slide 10 BasicBasic operationaloperational scenarioscenario AA wordword aboutabout securitysecurity •• Equipment Equipment aboardaboard vesselvessel createscreates datadata filefile atat •• This This datadata isis highlyhighly confidentialconfidential forfor goodgood pre-determinedpre-determined intervalsintervals reasonreason – File contains position of vessel in latitude and – File contains position of vessel in latitude and • Sufficient measures must be taken to longitudelongitude • Sufficient measures must be taken to –– Perhaps Perhaps speedspeed andand coursecourse guardguard thatthat confidentialityconfidentiality •• File File isis transmittedtransmitted viavia transmissiontransmission mediamedia toto •• Failure Failure toto dodo thisthis couldcould wellwell leadlead toto FMCFMC compromise,compromise, oror eveneven failure,failure, ofof projectproject • FMC puts data at disposal of authorities for use • FMC puts data at disposal of authorities for use •• More More laterlater andand possiblepossible distributiondistribution Slide 9 Slide 11 WhatWhat doesdoes datadata provide?provide? AnalyzingAnalyzing VMSVMS datadata ---- 1 1 •• At At veryvery minimum,minimum, anan historicalhistorical recordrecord ofof •• The The mostmost basicbasic case:case: latitude,latitude, longitudelongitude vessel’svessel’s movementsmovements plusplus timetime stampstamp •• Depending Depending uponupon configurationconfiguration used,used, aa –– Estimation Estimation ofof fishingfishing efforteffort measuredmeasured inin daysdays quasi-real-timequasi-real-time viewview ofof vesselvessel behaviorbehavior atat seasea – Determination of ports for landing •• The The basisbasis forfor deductionsdeductions asas toto fishingfishing andand – Determination of ports for landing – Control of passage or fishing activity in commercialcommercial activityactivity – Control of passage or fishing activity in restrictedrestricted areasareas 49 Slide 12 Slide 15 AnalysingAnalysing VMS VMS datadata ---- 2 2 PuttingPutting VMSVMS datadata toto useuse ---- 3 3 •• Addition Addition ofof speedspeed andand coursecourse –– Determination Determination ofof “probable”“probable” fishingfishing activityactivity usingusing speedspeed –– Certain Certain determinationdetermination ofof fishingfishing activityactivity usingusing •• Resource Resource managementmanagement “fishing“fishing fingerprint”fingerprint” –– Calculation Calculation ofof fishingfishing efforteffort –– Prediction Prediction ofof futurefuture activityactivity ofof vesselvessel •• In In zonezone asas aa wholewhole •• In In specificspecific areasareas •• In In specificspecific fisheriesfisheries –– Follow Follow evolutionevolution ofof fishingfishing groundsgrounds Slide 13 Slide 16 PuttingPutting VMSVMS datadata toto useuse ---- 1 1 PuttingPutting VMSVMS datadata toto useuse ---- 4 4 •• Fisheries Fisheries protectionprotection && controlcontrol –– Cross-referenced Cross-referenced withwith landinglanding andand research data –– Control Control ofof fishingfishing efforteffort research data • Analysis of fisheries under pressure of over- – Control of protected/forbidden zones • Analysis of fisheries under pressure of over- – Control of protected/forbidden zones exploitationexploitation – Control of illegal landings – Control of illegal landings •• Analysis Analysis ofof seasonalseasonal trendstrends inin fisheries fisheries –– Control Control ofof illegalillegal trans-shipmentstrans-shipments •• Preventive Preventive measuresmeasures inin allocationallocation ofof fishing fishing efforteffort andand quotasquotas Slide 14 Slide 17 PuttingPutting VMSVMS datadata toto useuse ---- 2 2 PuttingPutting VMSVMS datadata toto useuse ---- 5 5 •• Fisheries Fisheries protectionprotection && controlcontrol ---- 2 2 •• At At thethe serviceservice ofof industryindustry –– Increasing Increasing thethe efficiencyefficiency ofof patrolpatrol vesselsvessels andand –– Opportunity Opportunity toto shareshare datadata toto makemake resourceresource aircraftaircraft managementmanagement aa communalcommunal efforteffort –– Providing Providing aa crediblecredible deterrentdeterrent toto illegalillegal fishingfishing –– Distribute Distribute datadata inin real-timereal-time toto assistassist –– Providing Providing supportingsupporting evidenceevidence inin prosecutionsprosecutions operationsoperations • A serious deterrent to illegal fishing –– A A powerfulpowerful tooltool againstagainst illegalillegal fishingfishing • A serious deterrent to illegal fishing –– Significantly Significantly improvedimproved safetysafety atat seasea 50 Slide 18 FutureFuture developmentsdevelopments ---- 1 1 •• Predicted Predicted plethoraplethora ofof newnew satellitesatellite systemssystems unlikelyunlikely toto developdevelop •• Nonetheless, Nonetheless, equipmentequipment andand servicesservices ofof existingexisting providersproviders tendingtending lowerlower •• The The rangerange ofof companiescompanies providingproviding FMCFMC softwaresoftware andand relatedrelated servicesservices isis growinggrowing quicklyquickly Slide 19 FutureFuture developmentsdevelopments ---- 2 2 •• Electronic Electronic loglog bookbook –– Missing Missing linklink inin datadata necessarynecessary forfor mostmost effectiveeffective controlcontrol andand managementmanagement –– Most Most importantimportant impedimentimpediment isis lacklack ofof standardstandard datadata formatformat •• Earth Earth observationobservation satellitessatellites toto provideprovide independentindependent verificationverification ofof VMSVMS datadata –– Definitive Definitive tooltool againstagainst illegalillegal fishingfishing 51 Annex 5.5 Institutional Options for VMS Slide 1 Slide 4 Uses of VMS - 2 • Vessel location Institutional – clearer definition of closed areas – planning/ targetting of patrols options – reduction in patrol cost & time, increased efficiency – comparison with radar overlays/ images for VMS • Measurement of fishing activity – effort limitations Kieran Kelleher – effort ‘quotas’ as an alternative to fish quotas Sub-Regional VMS Workshop – protecting endangered species Saly, Sénégal 14-17 October, 2002 – examples: USA, CFP • Catch control 1 – at sea registration of catch (e-logs), X-checks 4 Slide 2 Slide 5 Presentation Criteria for selection of fisheries • Uses of VMS in fisheries control • Health of the fishery, or habitat • Criteria for selection of fisheries • Low compliance levels • High enforcement costs • National VMS schemes • Number/ size of vessels involved • International VMS schemes • Geographical distribution of fishery • Need for ‘immediate’ information • Need more accurate management data • Views of the fishing industry • Safety of vessels 2 5 Slide 3 Slide 6 A range of uses of VMS Examples of VMS schemes
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