Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Student/Alumni Personal Papers WKU Archives Records 1942 UA1F ROTC 1942 Notes Henry Smith Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_alum_papers Part of the Higher Education Commons, Military History Commons, Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Smith, Henry, "UA1F ROTC 1942 Notes" (1942). Student/Alumni Personal Papers. Paper 95. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_alum_papers/95 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student/Alumni Personal Papers by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. INSTRUCTORS The R. o. T. C. of Western consists of an infantry unit, each cadet engaged in training on a voluntary basis. The details of its organi­ zation are set forth in Army regulations, and at Western through the President of the col­ lege and Professor of Military Science and Tactics. The Corps has achieved and main­ tained the standing of a senior unit with a superior rating. Lieutenant Saunders Lieutenant Bell ~ ~ . ~ COMMISSIONED OFFICERS V ' . \\. ~ , \i~ . : ~ ..~ - 108 - CADET DESSIE BARLOW BATTALION STAFF 1,{ - . ()}, ~ . ~· U / Russel Ernst-Cadet Lieutenant Colonel .... Commanding Officer Wilbur J. Cannon-Cadet Major . Executive Officer James K. Ramsey-Cadet Captain ....... Adjutant W. Corneal Hungate-Cadet Captain Plans and Training Dessie Barlow-Honorary Cadet Lieutenant Colonel .... Sponsor HUNGATE RAMSEY 109 - - - OFFICERS ~) J 2nd Sem. Captain Ralph D. Shrewsbury President Captain James K. Ramsey, Jr. President First Lieutenant William O . Greer Vice-President Major Wilbur J. Cannon V ice-Presiden t First Lieutenant James K. R amsey, Jr. " " " " " " " " Secretary First Lieutenant Henry P. H aley Secretary Captain Lemuel B. Wright Treasurer Captain William B. Clark Treasurer Second Lieutenant Albert C hristian Sergean t-a t-Arms Captain W. Corneal Hungate Sergeant-a t-Arms First Lieutenant John W. Searcy Publicity Director First Lieutenant Samuel Steger Publicity Director COLONEL E. B. CRABILL Faculty A dvisor · 5~ . J • ft ~ ~ . The Western Officers' Club was es tablished September ~- . ~ 26, 193 5 for the purpose of promoting closer association, V01J" unity, and understanding between the Advanced mem­ bers of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps Unit. " COLONEL CRABILL -110- CLUB First row - Walter Roper, Joe W . Jones Jr., Corneal H ungate, Edmond Redding Jr., James C. W ilson Jr., William B. H aley, D on P. Newsom, W . J. Cannon. Second row - H enry Smith, Earl H ouchin Jr., Albert Christian, Freeman Blackwell, Maurice Cates, Bill Brawner, Russell Ernst, A . L. Stringer. T hird row - J ames E. Gillenwater, Samuel Cooper, Raymond Kittinger, Robert Cochran, John J. Lind­ sey, Edward C()ckshott, William Watts, Ralph Shrewsbury. Fourth row -Jess B. Huff, Charles H olbrook, J oseph Emberger, G. G. Craig Jr., Ge ne Wheeler, J ames T. \'Vhitaker, H enry Thomas, Ma rvin Hooten. Fif th row -W illiam Joe T oms, Ralph Bushong, J ames E. H argis, John \ Y! . Searcy, Mack Sisk, J. T . Underwood, D amon \'Vedding, Jesse Conner. Sixth row - Lemuel \'Vri ght, Melvin Harold Farris, A ustin Lashbrook, \'<i'ilfred Gorrell , Les ter Keys , James K. Ramsey Jr., \'Villi am F. Stucky, Sa m McElroy, Seventh row - Ge ralds Edds, Sam Steger, Phillip Ha~.0~ ~ . ~ 'f ~~)~~ ~~' fh) ~ .• U/ 1/~ . ~£Y: . vY I . jPV Com. I A~P, . ;J , jAO~ );VY ' . pames prepa ro ,~ JI'1IV t1~ pzctures mad fi 0 hdftJe .:u t¥It )-/ e or the ~al·lsma k~ n "JIrV. - - I \1 ) 'l • - CADET NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Edward H. Cockshott First Sergeant Wilfred L. Gorrell Platoon Sergeant Henry C. Smith Platoon Sergeant BASIC COURSE Samuel L. Cooper Cyler McDonald George E. Maines Melvin H. Farris James R . Shrewsbury John T. McCoy James E. Gillenwater George Baxter Oran E. McKinney Isac C. Rich Alfred P. Bennett Eugene W. Miller Damon E. Wedding Robert P. Carr Raymon Mills James T. Whitaker John W. Espey John Milton J ames c. Wilson Charles W. Fisher Reeves Morgan Jack Basket John G. Fisher Loriece Morris Basil E. Craddock Thomas B. Fortenberry Allan Nash Arthur S. Fox Joe N. Fox William Pawley Charles H . Gill William Freitag Donald Ray Louis W. Graham Leroy E. Fritz Gorin Redford Edmund S. Holloway Charles W. Garland George Sadler Joe J aggers - Milton N. Garrett John T. Shemwell William E. McCormack Dee Gibson Charles B. Smith CADET OFFICERS Gene Rogers Paul A . Harler Marion O. Spears Lawrence R. Webb Robert S. Holdsworth Joe Stephens Ann Rudy Honorary Cadet Captain Brasher C. Bacon Wilfred G. lItis John H. Stocking John W. Searcy Captain Edmund Buchser Eagle Keys Ellsworth Strickler Henry P. Haley First Lieutenant Bobby Downer Charles Labhart Maurice Strickler J ames E . H argls' ..... F'ust Lleut' enant William M. Folks Mitchell Leichardt William J. Taylor M'aunce E . C a t es . .. Secon d L'leut enant Carlton M. Lowe William M. Taylor W 'lliam B.B~an • S d L' ~ , ~~ ~~n~e ~ leutenant - Company B on the march - paying more attention to the photographer ~ than to the commands L- vt'-/4" , Stacking arms - 1 14- 7L~ rl COMPANY dB _~t. .. ';. ' CADET NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Cyriel Scherrens First Ser gean t W illiam F. Stucky PIa toon Sergeant Jchn J. Lindsey Platoon Se rgeant BASIC COURS E Freeman B. Blackwell John P. H anes George V. Matherly Will ia m G. Brawner Louis M. Scheidt Durwood Mefford W illiam R. Bushong Layton C. T uggle Charles Meisel Robert G. Cochra n James Vaughn Henry F. Moss Gavin G. Craig J ack Wells Billie H. Musgraves Jess B. Huff Ralph L. Bush Joseph O'Nan Charles W. Hussey James E. Coleman Douglas B. Owen Edmond T . Redding John Dink George D. Rhodes Homer D. Trent William R . Edens Robert B. Rice Randol ph Adams C harles Eggen H arold Sanders Hewell S. Brown Charles A. Farris Marion E. Smith R ubin M. Cohen Lloyd G. Fritz Walter D. Smith Jack B. Coppersmith Maurice Futrell Gene T aylor Paul T. Cox Phil W . Graves John D. Taylor Paul Garrett Basil Griffin Charles Teague Ray D. Gumm Charles M. Hale Joseph L. Teague Jean E. Keith Howden Haynes Willard M. Thomas Charles E. Magruder Louis Holleman Tom W. Uhl CADET OFFICERS D . C. Perguson Herbert H odges Thomas Vance Wilbert H. Smith Kenneth Holloway George D. Wallace Mary Ella Riddle Hon. Cadet Captain Richard Thompson John T. Johnson John]. Warren Lemuel B. Wright Captain Ben T. White William M. Johnson Oscar M. Willey William P. Watts First Lieutenant Logan Gray William T. Latta J ames T. Willi ams Arthur L. Stringer Second Lieu tenan t Bailey Franklin Vance G. Layton Joe P. Will iams William]. Toms Second Lieutenant Carroll B. Hall Robert T. Ma rkle Robert A. Yuhas -1 15 - Not a blackout, but a flagout Ice cream eaten, ties adjusted, ready photographer -116- COMPANY C CADET NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Henry C. Thomas First Sergeant Joe W . Jones Platoon Sergeant Don P. Newsom Pl atoon Sergeant BASIC COURSE William G. Edds William M. D awson Joseph H. Emberger D aniel R. Durbin James C. Graham Roll a D yer Earl Houchin George Farris Sidney R. Kittinger H enry K. Ford Wayne H. Ridley Tim Ford Walter B. Roper D avid N . Gilmore Mack Sisk Edgar E. Gosnell Chappell Aldridge Lindsey W. H ale William J. Corman William L. Haynes James H . Ferguson Charles F. H ood William A. Johns Lindsey H. Horn Woodrow W. Jones Ben H. Hubbard Porter P. Napier James R . Huff \p Joe Petty Miles S. Jones )James Stickles Julian R. Mabry James Warren Ronald L. McKenney CADET OFFICERS Harold D. Clark Walter E. Nunn .carl R. Harrison David A. Rigs by Claire Bryant Hon. Cadet Captain \' Robert G. Metz Thomas E. Sanders Will iam B. Clark " Captain ,j Hobson Sinclair John H . Taylor Samuel Steger First Lieutenant j dward S. Vance William W. Waller George B. Patterson , , First Lieutenant Harold Burkhead Lealon A. Weaver Albert M. Christian , Second Lieutenant Paul Crowdus John V. Yarbrough Austin M. Lashbrook Second Lieutenant -117 -.
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