BEFORE THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ZONING COMMISSION WEST END I SQUARE 37 PREHEARING STATEMEN'f IN SUPPORT OF CONSOLIDKfED REVIEW OF PUD EASTBANC- W.D.C. PARTNERS, I~LC Z.C. Case No. 11-12 SEPTEMBER 2, 2011 ZONING COMMISSION . District of Columbia CASE NO. J I ... }d:- EXHIBIT NO. ) :z Holland & Knight LLP 2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 955-3000 ~ ,. - •''"""'"- e ...,., '.,o) ::::X:. < "'".. '.::~-: 0 #10509742_v3 Ul CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 3013 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS The undersigned hereby certifies that, in accordance with Section 3013 of the Zoning Regulations, twenty (20) copies of the following items were filed with the Zoning Commission on September 2, 2011; and, in accordance with Section 3013.8, the application shall not be modified less than twenty (20) days prior to the public hearing. Subsection Description Page/Exhibit 3013.l(a) Information requested by the Zoning Pgs. 3- 10 Commission and the Office of Planning 3013.l(b) List of witnesses prepared to testify on the Pg. 11 Applicant's behalf Exhibit E 3013.1(c) Summary of testimony of witnesses Pg. 11 or reports and area of expertise Exhibits F - K 3013.1(d) Additional information introduced by N/A the Applicant 3013.1(e) Reduced plans Exhibit A 3013.1(f) List of maps, plans, or other documents readily Pg. 11 available that may be offered into evidence Exhibit L 3013.1(g) Estimated time required for presentation Pg.11 of Applicant's case 3013.6(a) Names and addresses of owners of all Pg. 12 Property within 200 feet of the subject property ExhibitM 3013.10 Report by Traffic Consultant Pg. 12 30134 Agreements with the District of Columbia Pg. 11 Respectfully submitted, HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP Leila M . .1 ckson Battles 1 #10509742_v3 LIST OF EXHIBITS Description Exhibit Architectural Drawings A Letter from DC Public Library B Letter from Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development c Calculations for project development D List of witnesses prepared to testify on behalf of Applicant E Draft outline of testimony and biography of Anthony Lanier F Eastbanc- W.D.C. Partners, LLC Draft outline of testimony and resume of Joe Sternlieb, G Eastbanc - W.D.C. Partners, LLC Draft outline of testimony and resume of Enrique Norten, H TEN Arquitectos Resume of Erik Lang, I TEN Arquitectos Draft outline of testimony and resume of Nicole White, J symmetra design Draft outline oftestimony and biography of Steven E. Sher, K Holland & Knight LLP List of maps, plans or other documents readily available L that may be offered into testimony Names and addresses of owners of property within 200' M of the subject property 11 #10509742_v3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 1 LIST OF EXHIBITS ii I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Project Overview 1 B. Procedural Background 2 II. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ON THE APPLICATION 3 A. Information Requested by the Zoning Commission 3 1. Additional Architectural Drawings 3 2 Floor Area for Library 4 3. Construction Management Plan 4 4. Cost of Library and Fire Station 4 B. Information Requested by the Office Of Planning 4 1. Status of Funding for Affordable Units Proposed in Square 50 4 2. Justification for Flexibility Requested 4 3. Zoning Table Required by Sec. 2403.11 7 4. Updated Architectural Drawings 9 5. Mix ofUnit Types 9 6. Maintenance of Green Roofs 10 7. Justification for Amount of Residential Parking 10 8. Transportation Study 10 9. Community Outreach 10 III. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF SEC. 3013 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS 11 A. List of Witnesses Prepared to Testify on Behalf of the Applicant 11 B. Summary of Testimony ofWitnesses or Reports and Areas of Expertise 11 c. List of Maps, Plans or Other Documents Readily Available 11 D. Estimate of Time Required for Presentation of Applicant's Case 11 E. Agreements with the District of Columbia 11 F. Names and Addresses of Owners of Property Within 200 Feet of Property 12 G. Report by Traffic Consultant 12 IV. CONCLUSION 12 111 #10509742_v3 I. INTRODUCTION This prehearing statement is submitted on behalf of Eastbanc-\V.D.C. Partners, LLC, with the consent of the property owners -the District of Columbia lmd 699 N, LLC (collectively, the "Applicant") in support of its application for consolidated review and approval of a planned unit development and related map amendment from R-5-B to CR on Lots 836, 837 and 855 in Square 37 (the "Property"). The Property is located on the north side of L Street, NW, between 23rd and 24th Streets, and has a total land area of 46,764 square feet. It is within the boundaries of ANC 2A02. This prehearing statement addresses the comments raised by the Zoning Commission at the setdown meeting on July 25, 2011, and the Office of:Planning ("OP") in its setdown report dated July 15, 2011. This prehearing statement also includes additional information from the Applicant, including items required under Section 3013 of the Zoning Regulations. A. Project Overview The PUD is a mixed-use project with a total gross floor area of approximately 327,304 square feet. The development includes (i) a new public library with approximately 17,000 to 20,223 square feet of gross floor area, which fronts on L Street (the "Library"); (ii) approximately 7,100 to 10,100 square feet of neighborhood-serving retail along 23rd Street; and (iii) a multi-family residential building, above the Library and retail, consisting of approximately 287,184 square feet. The residential building will contain approximately 153 to 189 one-, two- and three-bedroom units. The project will be supported by a two-level underground parking garage with approximately 190 to 197 parking spaces. The building will have a maximum height of 11 0 feet, and the floor area ratio ("FAR") for the PUD will be approximately 7.0. The PUD will significantly benefit the West End neighborhood by redeveloping the Property with a new West End Branch Library, new housing, and new neighborhood­ serving retail, including a privately operated cafe at the comer of 23rd and L Streets, through which people can access directly into and out of the Library, all of which will #10509742 v3 add to the critical mass of people supporting street life. The Library wilL be designed to appeal to a wide cross-section of the community. It will feature a separate children's area that can be programmed with reading areas, storytelling and performanc~~ space, as well as a computer area. The Library will also have areas for adults and kens, as well as community meeting rooms that are located and designed to be available for use after hours. In addition to the Library, in connection with the PUD, the Applicant will construct and deliver to the District a new fire station to replace Engine Company #1 (the "Fire Station") within one block of the Property.' at the northeast comer of the intersection of M and 23rd Streets, in Square 50. As a result of this PUD, the West End neighborhood will benefit from replacing two outmoded public buildings - a library and a fire station - with ergonomic, state-of­ the-art facilities, and redeveloping an underutilized site with a mixed-use development that is more in scale with the surrounding developments throughout the West End. The project will also include a number of community benefits and amenities, including, but not limited to, exemplary, world-class architecture, employment and training opportunities, sustainable design elements and new neighborhood serving retail uses. B. Procedural Background The application for the consolidated review and approval of the PUD was filed with the Zoning Commission on June 8, 2011. On July 25, 2010, the Zoning Commission unanimously voted to set down the application for public ht~aring. With the filing of this prehearing statement, and the accompanying exhibits, the Applicant respectfully requests that this case be scheduled for the next available hearing of the Zoning Commission. 2 #10509742 v3 II. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ON THE APPLICATION A. Information Requested by the Zoning Commission At its meeting on July 25, 2011, the Zoning Commission voted unanimously to set down the Application for public hearing. In its discussion on the Application, the Zoning Commission requested additional drawings and elevations ~howing (i) the proposed building in the context of the surrounding area; (ii) an. enlarged drawing of the loading area circulation; and (iii) clarification on the roof structures, including the proposed penthouse. Additionally, the Zoning Commission inquired about the size of the Library; the construction management plan for the project; and the development costs for the Library and Fire Station and how those costs impact the ability to provide on-site affordable housing. Following is the Applicant's response to those issues. 1. Additional Architectural Drawings and Elevations. Additional architectural drawings and elevations are attached as Exhibit A, including the following: a. Sheets A-46 through A-49 show how the proposed building relates to the surrounding area. b. Sheets C-11 through C-16 contain the enlarged drawings of the loading area circulation. c. Sheets A-14 through A-16 and Sheets A-41 and A-42 provide additional details on the roof plan, including the proposed penthouse. As depicted in the plans, the main roof of the building is at elevation 109±; the maximum height permitted under the Zoning Regulations is 110 feet. The penthouse rises to a height of approximately 17 feet above the main roof. The penthouse includes an enclosed area that extends above the roof to elevation 119±; the maximum height permitted under the Act of 1910 is 120 feet. An unenclosed pool deck and roof terrace, atop the enclosed area, extend to elevation 126±.
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