· · T H E Ohio Slavic & OHIO East European · SfAlE UNIVERSITY Newsletter Volume 24, No. 4 May-June 1996 Columbus, Ohio Security and Change in the New Eastern Europe: The Perspective from Moldova By Mary Pendleton On Friday,April 12, 1996 Mary Pendle­ Pruth, the river separating Romania from later to Washington for Congressional ton, U.S. Ambassador to Mol­ the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic. hearings, confirmation, and swearing-in. fonner dova, delivered opening address to We could see guards and it looked just as In the meantime, I was sent to take char­ the conference •After Warsaw inhospitable as Romania was. Now, the ge of the embassy and, not incidentally, the the Paa: and New Cold War was over and we wondered to stay out of the line of fire. Security Cllange inthe. �m Europe.• foUowing a shortened together how life would be for her on the Shortly thereafter, on July The is 21 version of her other side. "Anything's better than Chisinau signed an agreement with remarks. 1992, Four years ago at the State Belgrade," she said. Yes, there were Moscow, a first step in a long series of De­ partment in early March 1992, I ran security problems In Moldova but nothing conflict resolution efforts. Since then, into a colleague with whom I had served on the order of those in former Yugos- Moldova has lived through a period often at the American Embassy In Bucharest. lavia. I wished my colleague a safe Ian- described as neither war nor peace but , I knew she was studying Serbo-Croatian ding and went about preparing for my which, in reality is much more peace than in preparation for her next assignment to next assignment which was supposed to war. Moldova pleaded for international Belgrade and so I asked her how she was be the U.S. Embassy in Mali, West peacekeeping forces but it is difficult for progressing. "Very well indeed," she Africa. Of course, I never went to Mali. international organizations to respond to replied, "I've escaped! I'm on my way to Once I knew I was headed for every demand forpeacekeeping. tiny So, Moldova to help open our embassy Moldova instead of Mali, I scanned the Moldova had to settle for an unusual there." Moldova had just been admitted media for news. Throughout spring peacekeeping force made up of the three to the United Nations on March 1, 1992, fighting erupted in the region of parties in the conflict: Russians, Right 1992. "Really," I thought! "How ex­ Moldova known as Trans-Dneister. The Bank Moldovans and Left Bank Separa­ citing!" We reminisced a bit, recalling Dneister--or the Nistru In Romanian-- tists. It was not until April 1993 that how during our tour together in Roma­ River cuts through Moldova, completely this force was augmented by observers nia--August 198 7 to August 1989--we severing a sliver of land referred to as from the Organization for Security and had had occasion to look across the Trans-Dneister. About the only news Cooperation in Europe. were reports that yet another bridge Today, almost four years later, across the Dneister had been blown up. conflict resolution efforts continue on Inside OSEEN "How many bridges do they have?" I many levels. These efforts do not take asked. No one seemed to know. I pray- place in a vacuum or independent of OSU Workshop to Study ed Moldova would either stop the fool- what else is going on in the country or Civili7.ation Ramian 2 ishness before I arrived or run out of internationally. Statements made in Director From the bridges. In June 1992, the fighting Ukraine, Romania, Russia, the United Ohio Slavic Calendar 2 3 intensified, and an embassy officer who States and in Internationalforums have an .n had gone to take a look had his tires shot impact. Actions and reactions to situati- Mono en! 4 Center Notes out and had to be rescued by an armored ons in Bosnia, Crimea, Chechnya, Nagor- 4 Slavic Studies personnel carrier. Following several days no-Karabakh, and Abkazia are watched Courses 4 Publications Received 5 of tragedy, an uneasy cease-fire was car'efully. Sadly, security issues these Opportunities for Support 5 brokered, and during the lull, on July 2, days seem to be the only events deemed Study and Opportunities Research 5 1992, I arrived in Moldova for the first newsworthy, and security concerns H -:-Tsa ·"lirsCfime lf-oecaiJ . lmtialtes utn T5Kl :- rfd ns meu ______ __ fef '.feadten------------- m"} e y , se p aroun(fffie-wo . co u s-rothe _ Meetings 9 ped a few steps in the Ambassador- Newly Catalogued Books making process and returned a month Continued on 1. 1 0 page 2, colwnn OSEEN January-February 1996 2 opment of capital markets progresses. systems, which stifle the development of I new markets in the United States. Not had honor of opening Moldova's new the OSEEN only do we have a strategic interest in stock exchange in June 1995, when the promoting democracy, but it is also first shares of newly privatized firms w.ere ISSN important to note that the values en­ traded. A visitor from Romania com­ 1 048-661 5 shrined in our fundamental laws, the mented that while Romania had opened Matthew Schwonek, Editor Declaration of Independence and the Its stock exchange earlier, all Romania R. Constitution, are based on a strong re­ had done was to dedicate a building. In Irene Masing-Delic, Director cognition of human rights and the con­ Moldova, actual shares were traded. cept of sovereignty based on the will of Returningto security concerns,if Ohio pean the citizenry. Thus, the democracy pro­ Moldova's efforts to bring about econom­ Slavic and EastEuro (OSEEN) is published bi­ grams we initiated In Moldova support ic change continue to be well managed, Newsletter monthly, S m r by these national interests and values. Moldova's political problems the epte be through June, with for Slavic and E ro­ The United Scates has two im­ Trans-Dneister region may diminish. the Center East u pean of Ohio State Univer­ Swdies The portant democracy programsin Moldova Economic problems weigh heavily on the sity. is provided of charge to It free today. These programs are, of course, in unreconstructed Trans-Dneister region. subscribers. Submissions to all depart­ addition to the day-to-day interaction Factories are closed, and inflation runs at ments are welcome. Direct subscrtp­ between Embassy officials and members about 1 percent a week. Vendors of don and submissions to: 0 requests of Moldovan society at all levels. One what few goods are available are happy OSEEN democracy program is run by the Inter­ to quote a price in Moldovan Lei as the Center for Slavic and national Foundation of Electoral Systems. Trans-Dnelster ruble is worthless. In­ East European Swdles This organization provided computer dustrial leaders champ at the bit f�om 303 Oxley Hall equipment, technical assistance and train­ release from the old-style management 712 Nell Ave. ing for independent electoral observers and confinement. For these reasons, 1 The Ohio State University for the government's central electoral successful development in Moldova may OH 43210-1219 Columbus, commission for the 1994 parliamentary entice the Trans-Dnelster region back into Phone (614) 292-8770 elections and for local elections in 1995 the fold. It probably won't openly jump (614) 292-4273 FAX and will probably continue working in on the train but it may slip quietly and Moldova at least through the presidential gradually In the back door. elections in 1996. The second demo­ In pushing for a political set­ Moldovan Perspective cracy program is the American Bar Asso­ tlement, Moldova has offered con­ ciation's Central and East European Law siderable autonomy to the Trans-Dneister 1, cohonn Continued frompage 3. Initiative. This organization has provided region as well as the right to secede from point of overshadowing important efforts training exchanges for criminal court the union should Moldova someday join that build foundations and create con­ judges and prosecutors betweenMoldova Romanla--a remote possibility for the ditions for peace and stability. So, let's and the United States. moment--but Trans·Dneister's leadership turn for a moment to change and the On the economic side, Moldova stlll clings to its demand for full executive really important activity in Moldova is proving to be a serious and worthy powers and a say in other central govern­ related to democratic institution building, development partner. As one journalist ment issues. Moldova is quite willing to economic reform and privatization. put it, Moldova is a small wonder in the allow Trans-Dneister and important say in Transition from totalitarianism to demo­ making. Perhaps because it is small, the government, but It is quite unwilling to cracy, from a command economy to a task of change is more manageable. let the hard-line, old·style leadership of market economy is a lot more difficulty As the economy improves, so does stability. unreconstructed Trans-Dneister wreck its than most people could ever imagine. Working with the International Monetary hard won economic stabilization. Moldova's prime minister once com­ Fund, Moldova made tough economic The Trans-Dneister leadership mented that an eternity in hell could decisions to basic goods from price could benefit from a reality check and a hardly worse than living through a free be controls and start a stabilization program. strong push from outside. The Mol­ period of transition. Let me tell you why The United States devoted major dovans believe that this push must come the United States is interested in helping economic effort in the form of technical from Moscow.
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