MULTI-DONOR MISSION REPORT Central Provinces Initiative Partnership to Mitigate Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam Volume 1 Summary Report Findings of the Multi-donor Mission in May 2000 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development International Financing Agencies Multilateral and Bilateral Donors Non-governmental Organizations Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2 NgoG Ha Street Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: (84-4) 733-2205 Fax: (84-4) 733-0752 E-mail: [email protected] CPI Web Site: http://www.undp.org.vn/cpi ('i'iitnil l'roviiiccx liuiunivc l'arliwr.sliip lor a Mulli-doiwr liilamiic'd Nalwal Disaster Milisialion Policy for Cuiilnil ViciiHiin SUMMARY REPORT FINDINGS OF THE MULTI-DONOR MISSION Central Provinces Initiative Partnership to Mitigate Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 - SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Acknowledgments • v I. 0 Introduction to the Summary Report 1 2.0 Introduction to the Problem of Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam 2 3.0 Defmition of the Problem and Methodology for Solution 4 4.0 Objective, Purpose, and Overview of the Multi-donor Mission 9 5.0 Projects and Programs Developed by the Multi-donor Mission 12 6.0 Community Participation and Empov/erment 19 7.0 Environmental Sustainability 22 8.0 Institutional Setting and Coordination 23 9.0 Donor and Government Development Priorities 26 10.0 Financial Arrangements ' 27 II. 0 Summary and Recommendations 28 FIGURES AND TABLES ATTACHMENT 1 - Donor Response to Natural Disaster Rehabilitation ATTACHMENT 2 - Terms of Reference for Muhi-donor Mission Experts ATTACHMENT 3 - Prioritized List of Natural Disaster Mitigation Projects ATTACI-fMENT 4 - Disaster Mitigation Program Summaries and Logical Frameworks ATTACHMENT 5 - Empov/erment of Communities that Live with Floods ATTACFIMENT 6 - Environmental Sustainability and Natural Disaster Mitigation VOLUME 2 - APPENDIXES APPENDIX A - Mission Participants and Their Affiliations APPENDIX B - Commentary on Natural Disaster Mitigation Programs APPENDIX C - Field Visit Reports VOLUME 3 - ANNEXES ANNEX 1 - Progress Report ANNEX 2 - List of Projects ANNEX 3 - List of Documents Collected ANNEX 4 - Related Documents: - Da Nang Meeting (May 4 and 19, 2000) - Donor Meeting (May 31, 2000) Hue Gap Closure - O Lau Catchment Initiative - Living with the Floods - Chu Lai Open Economic Zone - Preliminary Classification of Proposed Projects ANNEX 5 - Mission Photos ^' 22 September, 20(m 5.-JJ I'M \\Gis\d\CFI - Final reportWolume nSiimmary Rcporl_Scpt.doc C 'ciilrai Provinces Inilialive ParUicniiip for a Mulli-iloimr Inlesratcd Nalwiil Disaster Miligalion Policy for Central Vietnam SUMMARY REPORT FINDINGS OF THE MULTI-DONOR MISSION Central Provinces Initiative Partnership to Mitigate Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam TABLE OF CONTENTS OF VOLUME 1 VOLUME 1 - SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Acknowledgments v 1.0 Introduction to the Summary Report 1 2.0 Introduction to the Problem of Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam 2 2.1 Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam 2 2.2 The Floods of November and December 1999 2 2.3 Concerns of the Government and the International Donor Community 3 3.0 Defmition of the Problem and Methodology for Solution 4 3.1 Need for Natural Disaster Mitigation in Central Vietnam 4 3.2 Government and Donor Collaboration 4 3.3 CPI Methodology 5 3.4 Results of the Fact-finding Mission . 6 3.4.1 Review of Disaster Response 6 3.4.2 Examination of Restoration and Rehabilitaüon Efforts 6 3.4.3 Disaster Mitigation as an Integrative Process 7 3.4.4 The Need for Varying Times for Program and Project Implementation 7 3.4.5 Recommendations for Non-stmctural and Structural Projects 7 3.4.6 Natural Disaster Mitigation Policy and Planning 8 3.4.7 Continuation of the Process: Next Steps 8 4.0 Objective, Purpose, and Overview of the Multi-donor Mission 9 4.1 Objective and Purpose of the Multi-donor Mission 9 4.2 Participant and Their Contributions to the Process 9 4.3 Plamiing and Organization Workshop 9 4.4 Field Visits 10 4.5 Donor Meeting in Hanoi 11 5.0 Projects and Programs Developed by the Multi-donor Mission 12 5.1.1 Projects Proposed by the Seven Provinces 12 5.1.2 Projects Proposed by Mission Experts During the Mission 12 5.1.3 Social Development Input to the Mission 13 5.2 Project Clustering 13 5.3 Integration of Projects into Programs . 14 5.4 Project Prioritization 16 5.5 Prioritized Projects 17 6.0 Community Participation and Empowerment 19 6.1 Inputs of the Social Development Specialist 19 6.2 Findings of the Social Development Specialist 19 6.3 Conclusions of the Social Development Specialist 21 7.0 Enviromuental Sustainability 22 7.1 Need for Enviromnental Sustainability 22 7.2 Strategic Environmental Assessment 22 7.3 Problem-Specific Approach 22 22 September. 2000 5:35 PM \\Gis\d\CP!' Final reportWolitme l\Swnma)y Report_Sepl.doc C.ciitnil Provinces Inilialive l'orlncrslüp for a Miilli-doiior liUcsrnlcd Nalwnl Dixaxler Milisalion Policy for C.cnImI Viclnam 8.0 Institutional Setting and Coordination 23 8.1 Background to Institutional Arrangements 23 8.2 Memorandum of Agreement 23 8.3 Organization 23 8.4 Secretariat 24 8.5 Review Missions 25 9.0 Donor and Government Development Priorities ...26 9.1 Donor Priority Programs in Vietnam 26 9.2 Integration of the CPI-Partnership into Donor Aid Programs 26 10.0 Financial Arrangements 27 10.1 Financial Support of the CPI-Partnership • 27 10.2 Financial Support of the CPI-Partnership Secretariat 27 10.3 Donor Funding of Rehabilitation for the 1999 Floods 27 11.0 Summary and Recommendations 28 FIGURES AND TABLES ATTACFIMENT I - Donor Response to Natural Disaster Rehabilitation ATTACFIMENT 2 - Terms of Reference for Multi-donor Mission Experts ATTACHMENT 3 - Prioritized List of Natural Disaster Mitigation Projects ATTACFIMENT 4 - Disaster Mitigation Program Summaries and Logical Frameworks ATTACHMENT 5 - Empowerment of Communities that Live with Floods ATTACHMENT 6 - Environmental Sustainabihty and Natui-al Disaster Mitigation 22 September. 2000 5:35 PM \\Gis\d\CPI - Final reporlWolume l\Summary Reporl_Sepl.doc ('cntfdl I'roviitces liülialiva l'aiiiwr.siiip for a Mulli-donor Inlesraled Nalurol Disaster i\ lilif>alion Policy for Ceiilnil I 'iclnam SUMMARY REPORT FINDINGS OF THE MULTI-DONOR MISSION Central Provinces Initiative Partnership to iVIitigate Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam Acknowledgments The Central Provinces Initiative Partnership is an important opportunity for Government and Donors to work together to solve the most pressing development problem in Central Vietnam: How lo mitigate the natural disasters that prevent sustainable development in one of the poorest regions of the country. The need for this Central Provinces Initiative Partnership became appai'ent to the Vietnam Consultative Group of Donor Countries, the CG, after the catastrophic flooding that occurred in Central Vietnam in November and December 1999. Any long-term assessment of development programs in Vietnam indicates that such natural-disasters are annual occurrences in the Central Provinces and have a major impact. These recurrent disasters have resulted in unsustainable development that has kept Central Vietnam mired in poverty. It is to this challenge that the CG has recently put its effort in this initiative nov/ called the CPI-Pai'tnership. The founding coordinators of the CPI-Partnership named below wish to thanic the following Government offices, multilateral donors, bilateral donors, and non­ governmental organizations that have made the CPI-Partnership possible. They are the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Transportation, Planning and Investment, Labor War Invalids and Social Affairs, Plydro-meteorological Services, and OlTice of Government; the representatives of the seven Central Provinces most affected by the November and December 1999 flooding; the Asian Development Bank and the World Banic; the Embassies of the Netherlands, France, Japan, the United States, and Finland; the United Nations Development Programme; the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; and the Vietnam Red Cross. Le Van Minli Director General International Cooperation Department Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Hanoi, Vietnam Huub Buise Nicholas Rosellini Wijnand Van Ijssel Maurice de Wulf First Secretaries Deputy Resident Representatives The Royal Netherlands Embassy United Nations Development Programme Flanoi, Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam 22 September, 2000 5:35 PM \\Gi.s\d\CPI - Final reportWolume l\Swnmary Report_Sept.doc ('cnlnil Provinces Inilialive l'artiwrslüp for a h iulli-ckmor Inlesraled Nalvral Disaster ,\ (ilinalion Policy for C.eniral Viclnam SUMMARY REPORT FINDINGS OF THE MULTI-DONOR MISSION Central Provinces Initiative Partnership to Mitigate Natural Disasters in Central Vietnam 1.0 Introduction to the Summary Report AJter the severe floods that occurred at the end of 1999 in Central Vietnam, and after witnessing the devastating etfect they had in terms of loss of life and property, a series of disaster mitigation initiatives were taken by a number of Government authorities and the Vietnam International Donor Community. These initiatives v/ere led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), as well as by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Royal Netherlands Embassy, who joined efforts to form of a strategic partnership to mitigate natural disasters in Central Vietnam. This initiative resulted in a Multi-donor Mission to the Central Provinces that visited the 1999 flood-affected area trom 4 to 19 May 2000. Tile field mission was followed by a joint presentation of the Mission's findings to all involved parties, authorities, and donors on 31 May. Some of the recommendations of the Mission, as presented to the donors, are nov/ being translated into specific action within the framework of the Central Provinces Initiative Partnership (CPI-Pailnership) for a Multi-donor Integrated Natural Disaster Mitigation Policy for Central Vietnam. The exact scope of the Terms of Reference for the CPI-Partnership has yet to be completely defined. This scope is subject to further discussion and refinement.
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