Extra Supplement: Sister, Awake! Author(s): Thomas Bateson Source: The Musical Times, Vol. 47, No. 755 (Jan. 1, 1906), pp. 1-8 Published by: Musical Times Publications Ltd. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/904216 Accessed: 18-01-2016 13:26 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Musical Times Publications Ltd. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Musical Times. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 13:26:43 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TheMusical Times, EXTRASUPPLEMENT. January1,196. No. 42. SISTER, AWAKE !-ThomasBateson. Price3d. THE ORIANA COLLECTION OF EARLY MADRIGALS BRITISH AND FOREIGN. ** The firsttwenty-five numbers of the collectionwill consistof a re-edition(by Mr. Lionel Benson) of The Triumphsof Oriana, firstpublished in London by Thomas Morley,x6oi. Nos. 26-29were apparently composedfor the same series,but werenot includedin the firstedition. YOU DAZZLE BUT THE SIGHT ... MICHAELESTE z. HENCE, STARS, (5 voices) 3d. 2. ... DANIEL WITH ANGEL'SFACE AND BRIGHTNESS... ( ,, ) NORCOME3d. 3. LIGHTLY SHE TRIPPED O'ER THE DALES ( ,, )... JOHNMUNDY 4d. 4. LONG LIVE FAIR ORIANA ... ... ( ,, )... ELLISGIBBONS 3d. 5. ALL CREATURES NOW ARE MERRY-MINDED ( ,, )... JOHNBENET Ad. 6. FAIR ORIANA,BEAUTY'S QUEEN ... ( ,, )... JOHN'HILTON3d. 7. THE NYMPHS AND SHEPHERDS DANCED ( ,, )... GEORGEMARSON 3d. 8. CALM WAS THE AIR ... ... ... ( ,, ) RICHARDCARLTON 4d. 9. THUS BONNY-BOOTS ... ... ... ( ,, )... JOHNHOLMES 3d. ro. SING, SHEPHERDS ALL ... ... ... ( ,, ) RICHARDNICOLSON 6d. [I. THE FAUNS AND SATYRS TRIPPING ... ( ,, ) ... THOMASTOMKINS 6d. [2. COME, GENTLE SWAINS ... ... ... ( ,, ) MICHAELCAVENDISH 3d. [3. WITH WREATHS OF ROSE AND LAUREL ( ,, ) ...WILLIAM COBBOLD 3d. 14. ARISE, AWAKE, YOU SILLY SHEPHERDS ( ,, ) ... THOMAS MORLEY 4d. 15-29. (In thePress.) 30. LADY, YOUR EYE... ... ... ... ( ,, )... THOMAS WEELKES 3d. 31. PHILLIDA, COME TELL TO ME ... ... ( ,, )... ORAZIO VECCHI 3d. 32. THIS SWEET AND MERRY MONTH OF MAY (4 ,, )... WILLIAM BYRD 3d. 33. TRUST NOT TOO MUCH, FAIR YOUTH ... (5 ,, )... ORLANDO GIBBONS 4d. SWEET IF THOU WILT GAIN WILBYE 34. LOVE, ... (6 ,, )... JOHN 3d. WHEN SHALL MY WRETCHED LIFE ... WILBYE 35. (6 ,, )... JOHN 3d. 36. O FLY NOT, LOVE ... ... ... (5 ,, )... THOMAS BATESON 3d. 37. LO! COUNTRY SPORTS ... ... ... (4 ,, )... THOMAS WEELKES 2d. 38. ADIEU, SWEET AMARILLIS ... ... (4 ,, )... JOHN WILBYE 2d. 39. LOVE NOT ME FOR COMELY GRACE ... (4 ,, )... JOHN WILBYE 3d. 40. YE THAT DO LIVE IN PLEASURES PLENTY (5 )... JOHN WILBYE ,, 3d. 41. THOSE SWEET, DELIGHTFUL LILLIES ... (4 ,, )... THOMAS BATESON 3d. 42. SISTER, AWAKE! ... ... ... ... ( ,, )... THOMAS BATESON 3d. The Madrigal, one of the highest forms of vocal music, knows no national restrictions-Flanders,Italy, and England makinga trioof countrieswhere this art-form brilliantlyflourished in the fifteenthand sixteenthcenturies. The Madrigals by English composerswere not only of equal rank with those of other countries,but to England belongs the honour of having produced one of the finestcollections ever made, that known as The Triumphs of Oriana, written in praise of Queen Elizabeth, and firstpublished in London in 160o. Although3o0 years have come and gone since this rich collectionof Madrigalsappeared, no modernreprint of the work in a cheap formhas hithertobeen issued. The presentpublication therefore attempts to supplythis omission,and to place withinthe reach of all loversof English choral musicthese splendid old masterpieces. In addition to of other various and TtheTrium'ts Oriana, Madrigals by Foreign English composerswill be includedin the series and issued fromtime to time,thereby forming a large collectionthat should findacceptance by reason of its artisticworth and practical value. LONDON: NOVELLO AND COMPANY, LIMITED. This content downloaded from on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 13:26:43 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions No. 42. THE ORIANA. Price8d. SISTER, AWAKE! MADRIGALFOR FIVE VOICES COMPOSED BY THOMAS BATESON. LONDON: NOVELLO AND COMPANY, LIMITED; AND NOVELLO, EWER AND CO., NEW YORK. Allegro. 1st O__ __ SOPRANO. _ T - Sis ter, a - ake,close not your eyes,The day her SOPRANO. Sis - ter, a - wake,close not your eyes,close not youreyes, The day her M..- -I- ALTo.o The day her TENOR. 4- A llegro. (For practice f only.) ) _- -- light, the day her lightdis- co - ses, And the brightmorn ing doth. light dis - clo ses, the day her light dis - o - ses, And the brightmorning light dis - clo - ses, her lightdis - clo ses, And the brightmorn - ing, and The day her light dis - clo - ses, And the bright l .. zzzz-4'-- "! -i-, From"The firstset of EnglishMadrigales: to 3. 4. 5. and6. voices. Newlycomposed by Thomas Bateson, practitionerinthe Art of Musicke, and Organist of the Cathedral Church of Christ in the Citie of Chester." 1604. (2) This content downloaded from on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 13:26:43 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SISTER, AWAKE ! ten. a - rise, and the brightmorn - ing doth a - rise, doth a - rise, doth . a - rise, Out of her bed of ro - ses, the brightmorn - ing doth a - rise, doth a - rise, Out of her bed of ro - ses, morn - ing doth a - rise, doth a - rise, Out of her poconit. Out ofher bed of ro- ses, out ofher bed of ro - ses. See, . a ,'it. tempo. jpoco out of her bed of ro - ses,her bed of ro - ses. See, poco rit. a tempo.tempo '-~c~--?---Ia out of her bed of ro - ses, See, poco rit. a tempo. bed of ro ses, her bed of ro - ses. See, a tempo. s ee, see, I I ( 3)I pocorit. _ fa tempo. This content downloaded from on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 13:26:43 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SISTER, AWAKE! see, theclear sun, the world'sbright eye, the world's bright eye, In at ourwin-dow peeping, see, theclearsun, the world'sbright eye, the world's bright eye, In at our see, the learsun, the clear sun, theworld's, the world's bright eye, In at our t In atour see, see, -hclearsun, theworl's,theworld's bright'eye, see, . theclear sun, . theworld's bright eye, In at our win-dowpeep- - f see, theclear sun, the world's bright eye, MI in at our win-dow, peep - ing, in at our win-dowpeep-ing, peep win-dowpeeping, in at ourwindow peep-ing, in at ourwindow peep - - - win-dowpeeping, in at ourwin- dow peep-ing, peep - - - ing, in at ourwindow Iu peep-ing, oii re-e in at ourwindowpeep- In at ourwin-dow peep - ing, in at ourwin-dow peep - - (4 This content downloaded from on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 13:26:43 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SISTER, AWAKE ! - ing,Lo,howhe blush - eth to es - y Us i de wench - es - ing, Lo, how he blusheth to es - py Us i - dle wench - es I __r , J1,-.r[, ing, Lo, howhe blush - eth to es - py, to es-py Us 4 , - -I-- -1: r-'i,-q - ing, Lo, how he blush - eth to es - py Us i - die wench es I P -4:2 sleep - ing, he blush. us i - d le w ench ep - ing. sleep - - ing, us i - dlewench-es leep ~- - - - - - ing. sleep - ing, us i - dlewench-es sleepi - - - ing . _. ?--,,dim 1. - F- - - - " . die wench - es sleep ing, us i - dle wench- es sleep - ing. dim. sleep - ing,u i - dlewench - es sleep - - - - - - ing. i dewech-essle- ng s -de enh e sep ig dim. ,P This content downloaded from on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 13:26:43 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SISTER, AWAKE! corn e marcato. srito leggiero. There-fore,a - wake,make haste I say, And let us with-outstay - ing, All in our conspirito e marcato. There-fore,a - wake,make haste I say, And let us with-out stay - ing, conspirito e marcato. leggiero. There-fore,a - wake,make haste, I say, And let us with-outstay - ing, All in our con spiritoe marcato. legliero. There-fore,a - wake,make haste, I say, And let us with-outstay - ing, All in our con spiritoe marcato. There-forea - wake,make haste, I say, And let us with-out stay - ing, con spirite.o.i ? - -4--'..of- (-_ f-- -f-.. *- -- gowns of green so gay, In - to the park a - may - ing, In- to the park a- may - ing, in - to the gowns of green so gay, In - to the park a - may - ing, gownsof green so gay, In- to the park a - may - ing, in - to the IfVFCo( )(4 This content downloaded from on Mon, 18 Jan 2016 13:26:43 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ores.SISTER, AWAKE! in - to the park a-may - ing, in - to the park a - cres. eres. - park a-may ing, in- to the park a - may - ing, in - - - in to the park a-may ing, in -to the park a - may - ing, eres. park a - may - ing, in- to the park a-may-ing, a -may - ing, cres. In- to the park a-may - ing, in - to thepark a - - 0 -dP rall. alfine. cres. - - - may - ing, to thepark a--park may - ing, in - to thepark a- may ing. in - - in - to the parka- may- ingmay ing, to the park.
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