University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Mike Mansfield Speeches Mike Mansfield Papers 9-6-1963 Chinese Russian Convergence in Asia Mike Mansfield 1903-2001 Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/mansfield_speeches Recommended Citation Mansfield, Mike 1903-2001, "Chinese Russian Convergence in Asia" (1963). Mike Mansfield Speeches. 563. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/mansfield_speeches/563 This Speech is brought to you for free and open access by the Mike Mansfield Papers at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mike Mansfield Speeches by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 13608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE September 6 TRIBUTES TO SENATORS Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, for the second time this week I congratulate the distinguish Senator from Pennsyl- vania [Mr. CL l and the distinguished Senator from est Virginia [Mr. RAN- DOLPH], both o whom have once again shown their sk and knowledge of two vitally import t measures which a1·e for the welfar of the people. I only wish that this ind of record could be maintained we in and week out. But I am happy 01 e again to congratulate the Senator fr Pennsylvania and the Senator from st Virginia for the great service they ha rendered. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President. will the Senator yield? 1\Ir. MANSF LD. I yield. Mr. CLARK. I thank my friend for his kind words. I should like the RECOR\l to note the gr t contribution made by members of th Subcommittee on Em­ ployment and npower of the Commit­ tee on Labor nd Public Welfare for bringing the b' to the Senate for pas­ sage. I expres y appreciation also to members of th staff, who worked con­ scientiously an ably to help prepare the bill and expedit lts assage. Mr. Mr. President, I also extend gratulations to other Senators on t majority side, and to the distinguished Senator from Vermont [Mr. PROUTY], who offered worthwhile amendments, the distinguished Senator from New York [Mr. JAVITsl, and other Senators who made contributions to the bill and helped make It a better and stronger bill than when it was introduced. CIDNESE-RUSSIAN CONVERGENCE IN ASIA Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, for some time, I have been attempting to fol­ low developments in Sino-Russian rela­ tions in central Asia. Although the public information is sparse and not nec­ essarily always accurate, it has been possible to obtain from it, against the background of history, a glimmer of the situation which is evolving in that region. Several weeks ago, I put together some observations on the central Asian situ­ ation which I had intended to discuss in the Senate on August 13. But I was hesitant to do so at the time because of a lack of any recent substantiating evi­ dence of the tentative conclusions which I had reached. In today's press. however, there are significant reports out of Tokyo which relate direclly to the subject of my ob­ servations. I ask unanimous consent that a selection of these reports be in­ cluded at the end of my rcma1k~; and at this point. Mr. Prr~ident. I a~k the Senate's indulgence that I may proceed with the observations on the Chinese­ Russian convergence in Asia to which I have previously referred. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the request by the Sena­ tor from Montana? The Chair hears none, and it ts so ordered. (See exhibit 1.) Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, there are obvious reasons of health and Mike Mansfield Papers: Series 21, Box 42 , Folder 4, Mansfield Library, University of Montana. 1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 15609 skyrocketing costs of armaments which This convergence, Mr. President, has Russian convergence in northeast Asia provide common or para.llel motives for been a source of intermittent friction be­ has been a!rected, of course, by the ap­ the SOviet Union and the United States tween the two countries for a very long pearance of Communist ideology in to have sought the test ban treaty. Be­ time. It bas persisted irrespective of Russia and China. But sumcient expe­ yond the obvious, other interests have the Ideological inclinations of Moscow rience Is now accumulated to suggest undoubtedly entered into the search for and Pelping at any given time in history. that the future history of the rt'glon Will agreement by each nation. These are not It long predates the advent of commu­ hardly be dominated by this factor. necessarily shared interests but never­ nism in China and even Russia.. Indeed, And the history of the northeast, a theless they are a part of the calculations it predates the birth of Karl Marx by at history of Russian advance and reces­ of the balance of benefit on which the least a century. sion and advance--sometimes warlike treaty rests. The first recorded clashes between and imperious and sometimes peaceful It seems to me that the Senate should Russians and Chinese go back to the 17th and conciliatory-finds parallels else­ explore all of these factors in an effort century. Three hundred yeal'S ago, Rus­ where in central Asia. During the last to understand fully what is at stake in sian traders and Cossacks first made century, for example, Mongolia was en­ the act of ratification. Reference, for contact with the outposts of Chinese­ tirely under nominal Chinese sover­ example, has already been made in the Manchu imperial power in the region eignty. It was largely the efforts of hearings before the Foreign Relations north of Manchuria. The early zone of Russians under the czars coupled with Committee to the growing estrangement Russian influence and authority in this the weakness of the later Manchu-Ching between Russia and China. That the desolate northeast corner of Asia, as emperors which brought about a loosen­ question has been raised suggests an against China, was establlshed by a. se­ ing of Chinese control over the vast awareness of what may be a most sig­ ries of treaties beginning with that of stretches of land now Identified as the nificant factor in the Soviet position on Nerchinsk in 1689, and followed by Bur Outer Mongolian People's Republic. the nuclear test ban treaty. Yet our and Kiakbta in 1727, Kia.khta in 1768, And it was largely the same combina­ knowledge of the Russian-Chinese es­ and the Kiakhta protocol in 1792. A tion of Soviet strength and Chinese trangement is too limited to permit a half century later the Russian press weakness under the Chinese :r.ational full comprehension of its implications southeastward was resumed under Republic which resulted in 1922, in the either for Soviet policy or our own. For Count Nikolai Muraviev-Amursky, the establishment of an Outer Mongolia, not one thing, our reportorial coverage of Governor General of eastern Siberia, and only independent of China but brought the U.S.S.R., particularly east of the his chief military aide, Capt. Gennadii progressively into a relationship, appar­ Urals, is extremely limited and spas­ Ivanovich Nevelskoi. Again there fol­ ently in the nature of a protectorate, modic. For another, our knowledge of lowed a consolidation of the Russian po­ with the U.S.S.R. what is transpiring in China comes to us sition, in the Treaty of Aigun of 1858. South and west of Outer Mongolia we largely second or third hand. This agreement brought into Russian find in Sinkiang the same flow, ebb and It Is understandable, therefore, that possession large areas of Northeast Asia. flow of Russian infiuence. Here, as else­ the Sino-Soviet estrangement has been which had previously been under Man­ where there was for centuries a tradition analyzed in the press and elsewhere chu control. of Chinese suzerainty over sma.ll Plinci­ largely in theoretical terms. Scholars, Subsequently, Russia as well as other palities of tribal peoples. But here as journalists and intelligence technicians European powers and Japan exacted by elsewhere this suzerainty has been quite pore over the documentation and state­ guile, bribery or naked power, special devoid of significance in the absence of ments and reports which emanate from economic privileges and territorial con­ strong Chinese central power to assert it. Russia and China. And in this fashion, cessions from weak and corrupt imperial Thus, in the last century, the southwest the estrangement is interpreted to the officials of China. By this process, the edges of Sinkiang were chipped away and Nation almost wholly in terms of ideo­ Russians penetrated south into Man­ added to what Js now the contiguous logical differences and the struggle to churia, establishing themselves at Dalren territory of the U.S.S.R. And even as re­ claim the high priesthood of orthodoxy and Port Arthur on the Yellow Sea by cently as World War II the Russians ex­ In the international Communist move­ the end of the 19th century and pene­ ercised for a time something close to in­ ment and with It, I suppose, the right to trating Korea which had been for a direct domination over principal trading preach the eulogy at the burial of capi­ long time in a tributary relationship with centers and caravan junctions in talism. Peiping. Sinkiang. These ideological factors are undoubt­ Since that high-water mark, Russian Especially, since the advent of Chinese edly deeply Involved and I would not for inftuence in northeast Asia at the ex­ Communist control over the mainland, a moment underestmlate them. But 1f pense of China has fluctuated.
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