The Vol. LXXXII, Issue 23 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Trinity Will Host Student Conference by Roger Epstein drew 1200 from more than 55 Western schools. In Connecticut, On Saturday, April 28, Trinity ConnPIRG, with chapters at will host the state wide student UCONN and TRinity, has taken conference on Voter Registration. the lead in organizing student A state-sized version of the enor- voter registration projects. Over mously successful National Stu- 50 Trinity students were registered dent Conference on Voter by ConnPIRG in just two days Registration, held in February at last month. Harvard, the Connecticut confer- Position are available this sum- ence will feature a keynote speech mer PIRGs and other groups dur- by Irving Stolberg, Speaker of the ing voter registration drives all Connecticut House of Represent- over the country. The NSCVR has ative, issue workshops, and an developed the "Volunteer! Vote!" evening party. campaign. Students pledge three Following Stolberg's address, hours or more per week during the scheduled for 10:30, there will be summer to assist registration a discussion on low income voter drives in their area. '"Volunteer! registration projects, which will be Vote!' gives students the chance conducted across the country this to put more life into our country's summer. Afternoon workshops, political process," says Cindy run by students, will address such Jacques, a senior at UMass at phutub/JcU' issues as student financial aid, acid Amherst and chairperson of the rain, toxic wastes, Central Amer- NSCVR Board of Directors. Occasional sunny days give Trin students an opportunity to relax with various and sundry athletic activities. ica, poverty in Connecticut, and the nuclear freeze. Evening festiv- ities will consist of dinner and a party featuring a five-piece stu- Proxmire Proposes Help For Economy dentjazz band. ' The Connecticut conference is by Stephen Drew (class of 1938), Harvard's Grad- such as house Duilding and auto- delicate, complex, and expensive one of many such events beini> Staff Writer uate School of Business (1940), motive (1 out of 6 jobs in Amer- [$300 million eachl" fighter Jjty-vajri's Mastsijjjjtejfree Pjcp-,, ica). ,Jhe,high interest jates .effect planes. To end, this ponton of the t! rParr6fTffe Nfaff6'ri*^a-' Sftfltajif ™'Wfffitrn " VroxrrrTfre"' grdrri, the WisconsfnState Assem- fM'fo-re'Jgn* fMIe""Tn*du"stries the lecture he'called fbr an end to the dent Campaign for Voter Regis- spoke at Trinity last Wednesday bly (1950), the United States hardest, destroying the balance of arms race. Projected savings of tration (NSCVR), a non-partisan evening to an audience of approx- Senate (1957-), the Senate Bank- trade with Japan and European $70 billion — is money all that project which hopes to register one imately 400 in the- Washington ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs markets (1984 predictions for the matters? million students and several mil- Room. He gave the annual Martin Committee, the Senate Appropri- adverse balance of trade is $100 "We can do a lot more on do- lion other Americans for the No- W. Clement Lecture, is sponsored ations Committee, and the billion). Our deficit stands as the mestic spending also." Here he vember elections. The campaign by the brothers of Saint Anthony Congressional Joint Economic greatest obstacle. to worldwide saw medicare as a possibility, has been addressed by the Public Hall. Mr. Clement (class of 1901 Committee. Among these and •economic recovery. Proxmire than along with revenue sharing, hous- Interest Research Group (PIRGs) and Trustee for life of the Col- other ventures, the senator is also outlines the present administra- ing, agriculture, an interest on the and the United States Students lege) left an endowment that has the author of five books. He is tion's plans to cut the deficit by debt that would be lower if the Association (USSA). sponsored these bi-annual lec- also the inventor of the "Golden 7% which he called a "wimp" debt itself were lower. Unless we The February Nartional Con- tures. Tuesday's lecture was gen- Fleece Award" which he,awards proposal, but not to be a partisan do this we have to pay interest on ference drew over 1500 students erally well received. frequently to the government pro- he also called the Democrat's pro- that deficit forever. The other side from 42 states. A similar weekend Senator Proxmire came to Trin- gram that he feels is wasting the posal a "panty-waist." of the argument is the raising of event held this month at Stanford ity by way of the Hill School, Yale most of the tax-payers money. "What sould we do?" he asked, government revenues. This was Senator Proxmire has the longest and he told us. Proxmire then secondary to his short description unbroken record in the history of launched into the areas of the cur- of the "Golden Fleece Award". the Senate in answering roll call rent budget where he felt the cuts This was established by Proxmire votes. Since April of 1966 there could logically be made. Military nine years ago in an attempt to has been over 8,000 roll call votes. spending was the first victim, he get at fraud and abuse and to con- The average Senator has missed felt that the present budget called trol spending. He also was trying more than 800 of these votes; for too much of an increase to get people in Washington to Proxmire has not missed a single (18%), while he. thought that a realize that they were, spending one. 3% increase would do fine. Some real money, arid that they should After a few introductory jokes of the other programs he attacked not fund every harebrained about fraternities and how hard it . were the "turkey" MX, the soon scheme that comes along. When is to keep'people's attention dur- obsolete B-1B, the "very vulner- Proxmire found out one :of these ing a. boring speech, Proxmire able" aircraft carriers, the "run launched into his topic: "Uncle like my Vega" new tanks, and continued on page3 Same, Last of the Big-Time Spenders" (also the title of one of his books). He said "but if you Founder Of Ground Zero look at our economy right now today, everything seems to be To Speak During Week coming up roses." He described the national economic situation as "strong and the outlook is very Dr. Roger C. Molander was the analytical material for the SALT good." Especially for the "big founder and Executive Director II negotiations. Prior to joining political enchilada: unemploy- from 1981 'to 1983 of Ground the NSC staff, he was employed ment." He also sighted all of the Zero, a non-partisan nuclear war in the Office of the Secretary of leading economic indicators which education project, which pro- Defense and the Arms and Ap- are on the rise, but then he also duces materials and sponsors ac- plied Physics from the University \asked "so what's wrong with the tivities designed to educate and of California at Berkeley. situation?" He felt that unfortu- involve the American people on As Executive Director Dr. Mo- nately there was plenty wrong. the issue of nuclear war. Prior to lander was responsible for all The ENORMOUS defecit that we • assuming his position, Dr. Molan- Ground Zero organization poli- face today, around $195 billion. der was a member fo the National cies and operations. Having He sees that deficit with us for the Security Staff at the White House founded Ground Zero in 1980, Dr. next seven years, "unless w.e take from 1974 to 1981, serving under Molander became its full time Ex- some drastic painful action." Presidents Nixon, Ford and ecutive Director in April, 1981. He Why is this bad? 'Proxmire Carter. His principal area of re- is co-author of Nuclear War: pointed out the bad points of the sponsibility was strategic nuclear What's In It For You? and served such high deficits as seen in infla- policiy issues, which included as Ground Zero's principal tionary effects and adverse effects chairing the interagency working spokesman for both the book and Alex Stein and Pete Ferlisi of In Your Ear played Saturday on the on interest sensitive industries. group which prepared all of the Ground Zero Week. Quad as part of an RC/A production. Page 2, THE TRINITY TRIPOD, April 23, 1984 Calendar ClNESTUDIO Tonight Women's Center Series Lunch "Radical American Women in the Friday Yentl (PG) 7:30 Tuesday 1910's", presented by Kirsten roduced and Directed by Barbra Streisand. Streisand's long awaited Hertz, class ofl984. 12:30 in the Organ Recital Round Table Discussion directorial debut is an elaborate adaptation with music of a story by Women's Center. Please bring Performed by Lynne Davis at 8:15 "American Education and Blacks: Isaac Bashevis Singer set in the ] 9th century about a young woman who your lunch'and join us. in the Chapel. Davis will play Historical Perspectives" discus- wants to study holy scripture and must masquerade as a Yeshiva boy to works by J.S.Bach, Louis Vierne, sion on the crisis of blacks in do it. 134 min. Jehan Alain, Jean Roger-Ducasse higher education. Featuring guest Reception and Gaston Litaize. Admission is speaker Dr. Lea B. Williams of Held by the Trinity Women's Wednesday-Saturday free. the United Negro College Fund. 4 Center at the Chapel Garden. p.m. in the Umoja House. Spon- Musical accompaniment by the sored by the Education Depart- Hartford School of Music Classi- Sunday Come and Get It 7:30 ment and the students of the class. cal Quartet. 4-6 p.m. Refresh- ments will be served.
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