Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1967 Geographical Characteristics of Early Mormon Settlements John Haws Baum Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Baum, John Haws, "Geographical Characteristics of Early Mormon Settlements" (1967). Theses and Dissertations. 4512. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4512 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. cL gsog&apuicalGEOGIRAF ilialilcal CFAACTIR sitc5iuhrly NDRMCITMORMONNDRMCIT setithheittssememstits aa A thesis Pcsentodpresented to the eepartr et of geosrphygeoyniphy brbiatibiytinannlnnim ymingyovingaming unlniversityuniversityerbiter3ity tr fortiapartiaportia 1.1 fulrlllnnt of thpohpth fyquirorz for t lee dereodegiecereodegredergoa ysitemasteeysitaysitette ofoc cn by jocolnjolnln hwshawaws ba- nm av 1 acknowledgementsacknotatudgementsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS sincere appreciation is expressed for the heldheidhelpheip of many iihowhoho directly or indirectly contributed in tl-thee preparation of this thesthesischesisIs special gratitude and thanks goes to dr robert L layton for his many hours of assistance in reading and suosugsuggestingoostinggosting changes to dr alan grey who first interested me in pursuing this topatopiclc I1 offer thanks appreciation is also expressed to profes-professorsor L elliott tuuttultletulelele and dr marion T millett of the geography department w-andd dr sterling G callahancaliaCallahiihilhllof th education department whoanowno have contributed inn many ways to nymy aczdmoacadendc efforts to my wife I1 adaamaraarn deeply grateful for the many long horsborshours spentr en t in typing correcting ardand proofproofinging this paper to nttyryntyty f 33y ar relatives I1 am IndeindebtedlAed f-forr their patience holpho p and enccjrr3ri2nt during the tinetime thistalethiethletxie thesis was being pre2arerprecreapreparerpre crea iii ebleUBLETABLE OFOP coblCONTENTSCONL emsEWS page acknotledgemeacknowledgementsACKNOWLEDGEaultsMENTSWS iii mstUSTLIST OF tabizabiTABJTABLESso 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v MAPS ATDANDaibalbA TD mstUSTLIST OF seihselmSKIMseetchSKIMCFSKETCHCF 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 vl 1 1 introduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 CRPMRCHOPPER CULTUCULTURAL BACKGROU I1 kl BACKGROUbackgroundlidirdzid 0 0 0 6 PHYSICALlwy aackgrou17iEACKC rouldroulogouid 3 II11 OPICALsualSRAL 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diousdio&splodsp3ocks 61 6 SsettlenentssettlementseviemiemuIzentsments with sexlix acre blocks 69 7 settlements with four acre blocks 7730 8 82 sottlervsettlementstn s with fifivdivvs acre blocks 0 9 seftlenentssettlements and fortiffortiafortific1lcatleatecatlonsionslionseionsesons 1051051 v mstUSTLIST OF MAPS ANDAMD SKETCH map page map 1 settlement eapyap 0 0 0 0 3 2 plat for city of zion 0 0 40 it 24124 3 brigham city physiographic site 0 0 0 30 4 dake sig P salt lakslakedaks city physiographic sissiw 0 0 0 0 35 A 51 5 plat salt lake city 0 0 0 533 6 pattern Settsettlementlemont fifillrcoreom p utahmah 0 9 a 0 e 56 rj 7 pioneer map of tooelegtoboletooole utah 0 9 660 8 originalomginal plat of spspringvilleSpringinfviingviville city utautahh 63 aaA t 9 plat a9 driglwrbrigham city uth 0 65 A provo 10 plac 9 utah 0 9 0 7-13 survoy 11 original siirvosiervofervoyfurvoy of lehllehi utah 0 0 0 93 16 grove 12 layout of0 oldoidfort at PlpleasanpleasantpleamanPleipleapieaeasansant utah 9 & 966 13 map shoeingshojinShochojinlinjin location of fort boxsox embr 105 sketchswatch page 1 sketch of early provo Sottsettlementsottlementsotfclenontlenontlementlemont sites 3 tivi f- introduction considerable liteliteratureratum has been written about the viormonscormonsmormonsvIornonsmons ardand their settlement of the lands within thetiletlle great basin yotyob no one hshas produced a systerwticsystiniaticstudy aichhichizhich analyzes the filfrifillowingbillowingfollowinglowing geograp-ucalhical factors what pattern of lardland occurzncoccupancyy was actually used by these early pioneers which physical characteristics deterdekoniinedzi deeddned tlialithe3 seloclionseloseioseicaselcaclionon of a site fcrodror thathemormoykonomonon vivillageliagaLlaga what typstypo of city sarveysurvey natterrpittempettemnatterrtern vsv3s insinsti-IJ gated asap towns vierevere establishedestalestarbliohed along ththathokhan eastern marzinmarginarwinm aginvgin of thetho greatgr basin wjx2t vaswass ehathathet-ha velationr11ol&tionshlp131 3 belicebelxcebetweenn the fcrtfartfarlsfcrls ardrd chche sttjernts in their layoutlay out patterns Aass thesetheeo quistquiquaststiionslionseions woreworo syste7raticsystcaticallyallyaily analyzed nnww finfimfindingsdings ereereero broubi bahtoahtU to thetho surfaesae ththusuusuns shscldishedirgng nncsv light on tootoptopicsacsics which prepreviouslye ouslybously had rotrotlnotnail boenboonbeem eexploredxalorplor e sctisfctorily As oneono hundred early morxicnmormanmormcn stITstirstitnerseitnernerhgrtat3 beredere&erewere anlyedanly ed andrd enenredearedanredenned redned 1 ikih4le ncrrrons certain hsuiresultsts lleileusiausleTIC noced wll the ccitiesestiesuneseunes1 ctbjhoi by tn3tnyth hcrrops i aey wyte fotfolfollowedrotouowedlowed th larjiofarridarji vitillaevilviiTilpillaeI1 laeiarelareiaze dystesystesystemi ttheyleyiey Laeic rot duciaduplcloLe thywiig evexctexactlctlottot pattern 0ofL land occboccoccpcyafancyarancy as v isualizedvisualizedjsieilircd bby jcerhjoeph S lthalth in his planphanan for the city cf zion salsaisaltsait lake city the first ity 6scblished didduddugd ld nnnotIL 27 eorCGIegrconformif0m axactlyexactlyxacfc to the subsunsujrj alichvlichich vaswas propoapropopropo036 forfocL or tleteeteg city cfof ziorj on ay this kasneswaswesalsaisalsaals5 traeteje in ttoI1 o nijorityrtjcrity of earearly1y morimorr w too rthrhefhee pphysicaliyay s ica featoreseaturesfeatureseatures especially t e indland forlionsforrorliouslionslions had crdorcrardordor G irlIirflencirlilencelencsLence uponboruornornon the eltisiteelteslt3 electiorelection of A ft iobjot osicosfc motonhotonmo ton conlaliolalloiniioaniio rj ec ob lished1ishedwished oron alluvial fantfans orgr detadeltadeita and not on izilallat1 e pain or river botorrbotory 1 erg teoahobeo hstestastlerlor oron villes ero frotcotct lrtart t vithwithA lho re sr atertter a cay 1 7.7 t3 sltsitalt likedikeliwe ciycly arliariiari5711571 A lnore11113 VC is uldivdiversveerrcrrers i ty lnn thlthi rvcry berrst tterrste6 rrs vn io 2 many settlements bubinlitfititiltailt some type of fortifortlfortificationficationcatlon many failed to make allyany prov4provaprovisionsionslonfor doldoidefenseense aaainstagainst the indians many torris hrhoweverwever constructed somesomo type of wall around the original suisurveysuz vey site and then expanded the community from this location one hundred settlementssottlements were examined in this study this iinvolvcinvolvedd extensive research into written material on the abjectsubjectF comitycotuity records endrindaindrond origioriginoriginloriginalnl city plats were studied where possible1 valuable informsinformairiryiny fcrea- tion on survaysurveypatternpatterns5 vaswaswos obtained through correspondence with the county recorders in out 3 ying regions personal interviews and field observations were also conducted to give the study more validity the main body of the paper Is a summary cf information corlcoricopicompiledcompliedpiled fronfromcrom all of these avenues oiof1 msearchresearch the fonnformroenronn andarmiaryl pattern of land occupancy as devtilopdevelopedd by the mormon 1 pioneers in4M the great rasinbasin was unique for that period of historysast Y inlililllri the united statasstatos possibly this was because the cormonsmormons were faced with the problemDrobleriieni of distribudistributingfling comparatively large groups of people on suallsmall areaereaareas of arable landnd frontier settiesettlesettlenenisettlementsneniCs of tho tiddletiddiefiddlekiddleF wweste S t A 17ndid haihalaihhih7h plains resresultedalterlaltera in scattered Alamfarrlfarrifarni dwellings or the isolated far-farmsteadstead I1 while Ppacificcifacifc coatlclatlcoaltachaltacoati A rsettlementse t lankents arranged ththerthorr ffanisfamisamr is along river valleysatleatie is or aroundararouriakouriouri haroorsharborsharhantorsiatorsiagatorstotsrotsoors
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