1 Chapter - 1 M ajor Civilizations of the Wor l d 1.0 Aim 1.1 Preface 1.2 Origin of Man and Development . 1.2.1 Questions for Exercise 1.3. Sindhu Saraswati Civilization 1.3.1 Saraswati River 1.3.2 Indus Architecture 1. Town Planning 2. Great Bath and Great Grannary 3. Great Reservoir and Stadium 4. Great Dockyard. 1.3.3 Other Arts of Indus. Saraswati Civilization 1.3.4 Indus Script 1.3.5 Science 1.3.6 Economic Life. 1.3.7 Social Life 1.3.8 Religious life 1.3.9 Political Life 1.3.10 Cremation of the Dead 1.3.11 Questions for Exercise 1.4. Vedic Civilization 1. 4 .1 Language and Literary Richness 1.4.2 Political System 1.4.3 Social Life 1.4.4 Economic Life 1.4.5 Religious Life 1.4.6 Knowledge and Science 1.4.7 Questions for Exercise. 1.5. Ancient Civilization of Egypt 1.5.1 Political System 1.5.2 Social Condition 1.5.3 Economic Condition 1.5.4 Religious Life 1.5.5 Art 1.5.6 Knowledge and Science 1.5.7 Questions for Exercise 1.6 Ancient Babylonian Civilization 1.6.1 Political System - (1) Administration (2) Law (3) Judicial System 1.6.2 Social condition 1.6.3 Religious Life 1.6.4 Economic Condition 1.6.5 Art 1.6.6 Knowledge and Science 1.6.7 Questions for Exercise 1.7. Chinese Civilization 1.7.1 Royal Dynasties of China 1.7.2 Administrative System 1.7.3 Social Life. 1.7.4 Art 1.7.5 Religious Life 1. 7 . 6 Economic Life 1.7. 7 Chinese Philosophy and Teachings 1.7.8 Script and Literature 1.7.9 K nowledge, Science and Technology 1.7.10 Questions for Exercise 2 1.8 . Civilization of Greece: - 1.8.1 Greek Society 1.8.2 Religious beliefs. 1.8.3 Literature 1.8.4 City State 1.8.5 Kingdom of Alexander 1.8.6 Greek Philosophy 1.8.7 Questions for Exercise 1.9 . Civilization of Rome 1.9.1 Ancient Rome 1.9.2 Political Condition of Rome 1.9.3 Roman Society 1.9.4 Language, Philosophy and Literature 1.9.5 Roman Art 1.9.6 Science 1.9.7 Decline 1.9.8 Questions for Exercise. 1.10. Answers, Multiple choice and Very Short Questions 1.11. Glossary 1.0 Aim: - After the study of this unit you will understand What is meaning of civilization and difference between civilization and culture. About origin and development of human being The major characteristics of Sindhu - Saraswati and Vedic civilization. The characteristics of civilization of ancient Egypt. The characteristics of ancient China and Babylonian About characteristics of ancient Roman and Greek Civilizations. 1.1 Introduction: - Civilization means practical knowledge of man of rules o f that discipline following which a human bein g spends a community life. Civilization is related to outer environment of man, whereas, culture is related to intellectual thinking, spirituality, cultural traditions , emotions of a man. Civilization i s body while culture is its soul. They are dead and us eless without each other. Civilizations began to rise in some parts of the world about 7 - 8000 years ago. Most of them developed in river valleys as conditions were favourable there for them. The important major civilizations of the world include S indhu S araswati, Vedic, Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, Roman and Greek Civilizations. 1.2 Origin and Development of Man Origin of man is quite interesting. Today , the Earth is more than 1 a rab, 97 crores, 58 lakhs 8500 0 years old. From the view of advent of life on earth, sea animals, reptiles, avian and the mammals came subsequently. The ancestor of human being who developed from mammals was a monkey without tail who remained naked and survived on root s, vegetables. Es timated on time scale, the development of man dates back 5 lakh to 5000 B.C. The initial era of human development is also known as snow age. The sequence of development of man is called Pre historic age, Stone Age and metal age. During Stone Age, hand made several tools, arms and instruments of stone, mixed agriculture came into existence. Clay utensils were made and art of weaving and spinning also Him Manav 3 developed. With inventions of wheel, clay utensils were made, and then carts were drawn with it. Animals were used for carts. Discovery of metals like c o p per, bronze and iron led man to civilization. Among the metals, copper was first discovered. Civilizations developed in major countries of the world. Due to spread of civilizations, commercial relations were established between various nations. Bharat developed cultural relations with countries of world along with commercial relations. Indian culture and religion was propagated abroad. 1.2.1 Questions for Exercise: 1. Which metal was discovered first in human civilization? (a) Iron (b) Bronze (c) Copper (d) Mixture of 8 metals 2. The development era of early man is known by which name? 3. Underline the development sequence of man point wise. 1.3 Sindhu Saraswati Civilizations The Sindhu - Saraswati civilization owns the honour of being one of the most ancient civilizations of the world. It was developed near the banks of Sindhu - Saraswati River, where fertile land, adequate water, facility and t ransportation were available. Madho Swarup Vats and Dayaram Sahni have dated this civilization to 3500 B.C. In 1856, work to lay down railway lines was in progress in Karachi. The workers spread bricks from a nearby mound to use them instead of stones req uired for the railway line. These bricks were remains of an archaeological site of Harappa related to a great civilization of the world. The Burton brothers informed about Harappa to the government in 1856. In 1861 an Archeological Survey Department was se t up under the guidance of Cunninghum. In 1904, John Marshall was appointed its director. In 1921, Dayaram Sahni excavated this site. In 1922, Rakhaldas Bannerji discovered Mohenjodaro. Since Harappa was discovered first, this civilization came to be known as Harapan civilization. The initial centres of this civilization were around the Indus River and therefore, initially it was named Indus Valley Civilization. But according to recent informations, the geographical and cultural expansion of this civilizati on is found mostl y in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujrat around the river valley of the lost Saraswati River. Thus, it is now known as Sindhu - Saraswati civilization. Alchin found out 70 Centres of this civilization. G r ogery found out 2500 centres while Virendranath Mishra has estimated 1500 centres. According to latest estimated information about its expansion, the excavated sites include 917 sites in Bharat, 481 in Pakistan and 2 in Afghanistan. It expanded from west to east upto 1600 km and north to so uth upto 1400 km. Its centres are found in Agfhanistan (Shortgoi and Mundigark), Baluchistan (Su t kagendor, Suk t akoh, and Balakot), Sindh (Mohenjodaro, Chanhudaro, Kotd i ji, and Judirjodaro) , Punjab, Pakistan (Harappa, Ganeriwal, Rehman Dheri, Saraikhola, Ja lilpur), Punjab India (Ropar, Sanghol), Hariyana (Banawali, Mitathal, Rakhigarhi) Rajasthan (Kalibanga, Pilibanga), U.P. (Alamgirpur, Hulas), Gujrat (Rangpur, Dholavira, PrabhasPatan, Bay of Cambay) and Maharastra (Dai mabad). 1.3.1 Saraswati River: - Around 40 settlements were found in areas of Indus river and its tributaries. Almost 2/3 settlements were in now extinct, Saraswati river area. Around 250 settlements were outside the flow of Saraswati River. The flow of Saraswati and its tributaries was between the Indus and the 4 Ganges. It was the basis of life for people in Vedic period Vedic literature addresses her as 'Naditam e Devitame, Ambetame'. During the last few years, scholars have tried to tract down its route through aerial and land survey. Proven from signs of flow of water as received through satellites, study of water taken out through drilling machine and prehistorical and scientific studies , the existence of Saraswati River is now accepted. It originated from Mana Mountains of Shivalik m ountain ranges of Himalayas. It came down to plains from Adi Badri and flowed till Anuprgarh and Suratgarh via Thaneshwar, Kurukshetra, Sirsa, Jhansi, Saraswati River Drainage Route Agro h a, Hanum anGarh and Kalibanga. It assimilated into the ocean through various tributaries. One reached the ocean through Prabhas Pattan while the other into Rann of Kutch through Indus. Its lenght was 1600 K.M. and breath was 3 to 12 km Famous archeologist Dr. V.S. Vakankar led an expedition with his group to trace out the flow route of Saraswati and travelled about 40000 km. Due to geological changes and deprivation of water from main source, the river dried out. 1.3.2 Indus A rchitecture - 1.Town planning : - Planning of t owns were an important characteristic of this civilization. Every city had a mound on a raised platform and a city on a lower part. The king, priest and officials resided in the fort. The rampart was made of thick wall and had broad walls. Wid e roads cut each other at right angles in the cities below. They usually measured a breadth of 9 to 34 mts. Sindhu S araswati Site Dholavira Town Planing, Mohenjodaro One road, perhaps the main road, was 34 mts broad. The lanes were broad from 1 to 2.2 .4 mts. The roads of Kalibanga were 1.8, 3.6, 54 & 7.2 mts broad. The big bricks were in ratio of 1:2: Normally the bricks measured 7x15X30 inches. Bricks for r ampart were of 10x20x40 inches.
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