Temporary Shelter in District and City of Central Sulawesi

Temporary Shelter in District and City of Central Sulawesi

Supported by: Shelter Sub Cluster Team, February 28, 2020 The shelter sub cluster support team Supported by: The shelter sub cluster support team PROGRESS ON TEMPORARY SHELTER IN DISTRICT AND CITY OF CENTRAL SULAWESI MAP CATEGORY Districts/City (ALL) U CENTRAL SULAWESI Activity Progress Table Huntara Nu. DISTRICTS/CITY Agencies Planned Pipeline OnGoing CompletedNeeds GAP Needs vs Plan Needs vs Plan vs Balaesang 1 DONGGALA 24 7140 7096 572 6085 7267 1182 Completed Completed Balaesang Tanjung 2 PALU 27 6409 6222 351 5770 12854 7084 Sirenja 3 SIGI 44 12961 12569 967 11398 13144 1746 Sindue Tobata Sindue Tombusabora 4 PARIGI MOUNTONG 0 80% 70% 88% Sindue Labuan Banawa Tawaeli Banawa Tengah Tanantovea Palu Utara Banawa Selatan Ulujadi Palu Timur Palu Barat Mantikulore PROGRESS CHART Marawola Barat Tatanga Palu Selatan Dolo Sigi Biromaru Dolo Barat Pinembani Tanambulava Palolo 70% 8%2% 20% Dolo Selatan Nokilalaki Gumbasa Lindu 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Kulawi Completed Pipeline Planned Needs Kulawi Selatan 1,890 ACTIVITY PROGRESS Pipikoro 23,253 25,887 26,510 GAP = Needs vs Completed Total Agencies : 66 GAP = Needs vs Completed 33,265 Legend ( % ) DISPLACED GAP of NEEDs NEEDs vs PLAN vs COMPLETED DAMAGED HOUSES 0 Kebutuhan : 33,265 Not yet Lost : 3,673 Completed 10,012 38% 11398 13144 12961 1 Rencana : 26,510 12854 Heavy : 29,592 60 Didanai : 25,887 Not yet 31% Mod. : 25,251 6,755 7267 80 Berjalan : 1,890 Planned 7140 Light : 35,846 6409 27% 6085 90 Selesai : 23,253 AFFECTED VILLAGES 5770 Total : 90,689 53,172 172,999 4% Already inhabited Population Displaced Soul HH 322 Heavy : Lost : Mod. : Light : DONGGALA PALU SIGI Needs are calculated based on the number of heavy damaged houses and lost houses (Source: PUSDATINA. Feb-2019) Pusdatina Source Planned Pipeline OnGoing Completed Needs Supported by: The shelter sub cluster support team Temporary Shelter (Household) PROGRESS CHART 70% 8%2% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Completed Pipeline Planned Needs 1,890 ACTIVITY PROGRESS 23,253 25,887 26,510 GAP = Needs vs Completed 33,265 Supported by: The shelter sub cluster support team PROGRESS ON TEMPORARY SHELTER CONSTRUCTION EVERY TWO WEEKS - PASIGALA 33,265 33,265 Needs vs Plan Plan vs Needs vs 27,223 27,367 26,340 26,661 26,711 26,711 27,069 26,256 26,451 26,510 Completed Completed 26,667 26,355 25,353 26,152 25,52925,721 25,721 25,761 26,092 26,092 25,887 24,929 25,141 24,011 24,220 24,499 24,402 23,05623,224 23,07923,090 23,371 22,560 23,253 22,515 22,434 22,053 22,810 22,922 21,700 21,574 80% 70% 88% 20,754 21,282 20,831 21,151 20,506 20,833 19,648 18,86718,977 19,152 18,351 331 16,72216,965 16,718 16,208 15,698 14,583 13,260 11,934 10,87010,561 9,356 5,893 4,783 4,805 4,122 4,560 3,595 3,370 2,984 2,656 2,674 3,065 2,557 2,728 2,750 2,103 2,171 2,149 2,074 2,438 2,326 1,890 15-Feb 15-Feb 1-Mar 15-Mar 5-Apr 26-Apr 10-May 24-May 5-Jul 19-Jul 2-Aug 16-Aug 13-Sep 27-Sep 25-Oct 8-Nov 22-Nov 6-Dec 20-Dec 24-Jan 7-Feb 28-Feb Needs 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 33,265 Planned 22,515 23,056 23,224 24,011 26,667 27,223 24,220 24,499 25,529 25,721 25,721 26,355 27,069 27,367 26,256 26,340 26,451 26,661 26,711 26,711 26,510 Pipeline 16,208 16,722 16,965 20,754 21,282 21,700 20,831 21,151 22,434 23,079 23,090 23,371 24,402 24,929 25,141 25,353 25,761 26,152 26,092 26,092 25,887 Ongoing 9,356 4,783 4,805 4,122 4,560 3,595 3,370 2,984 2,103 2,171 2,149 2,074 2,656 2,674 3,065 2,557 2,728 2,750 2,438 2,326 1,890 Complete 5,893 10,870 10,561 11,934 13,260 14,583 15,698 16,718 18,351 18,867 18,977 19,152 19,648 20,506 20,833 21,574 22,053 22,560 22,810 22,922 23,253 Supported by: The shelter sub cluster support team PROGRESS ON TEMPORARY SHELTER IN DONGGALA DISTRICT MAP CATEGORY DISTRICT DONGGALA U CENTRAL SULAWESI Activity Progress Table Huntara Nu. SUBDISTRICTS Agencies Planned Pipeline OnGoing CompletedNeeds GAP Needs vs Plan Needs vs Plan vs Balaesang 1 BALAESANG 4 978 978 173 805 352 OVER 453 Completed Completed Balaesang Tanjung 2 BALAESANG TANJUNG 2 408 408 4 404 443 39 Sirenja 3 BANAWA 4 778 778 19 759 915 156 Sindue Tobata Sindue Tombusabora 4 BANAWA SELATAN 0 278 278 98% 84% 85% Sindue Labuan 5 BANAWA TENGAH 5 585 585 55 530 770 240 Banawa Banawa Tengah Tanantovea 6 LABUAN 2 596 596 596 506 OVER 90 Banawa Selatan 7 PINEMBANI 0 PROGRESS CHART 8 SINDUE 12 1179 1169 168 967 906 OVER 61 Pinembani 9 SINDUE TOBATA 2 80 80 80 247 167 84% 14% 1%2% 10 SINDUE TOMBUSABORA 3 285 285 1 284 521 237 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 11 SIRENJA 8 1883 1883 152 1343 1699 356 Completed Pipeline Planned Needs 12 TANANTOVEA 5 368 334 317 630 313 572 ACTIVITY PROGRESS 6,085 7,096 7,140 GAP = Needs vs Completed Total Agencies : 24 GAP = Needs vs Completed 7,267 Legend ( % ) DISPLACED GAP of NEEDs NEEDs vs PLAN vs COMPLETED DAMAGED HOUSES 0 Kebutuhan : 7,267 Not yet Lost : 1,182 1883 Completed 1699 37% 1 Rencana : 7,140 1343 Heavy : 7,267 1179 978 967 915 60 Didanai : 7,096 Not yet 906 34% Mod. : 6,054 805 778 770 759 630 596 596 585 530 127 521 506 443 408 Planned 404 368 80 Berjalan : 572 352 Light : 7,941 317 285 284 247 28% 80 90 Selesai : 6,085 AFFECTED VILLAGES 80 Total : 21,262 36,346 11,478 0% Already inhabited Population Displaced Soul HH 116 Heavy : Lost : Mod. : Light : Needs are calculated based on the number of heavy damaged houses and lost houses (Source: PUSDATINA. Feb-2019) Pusdatina Source Planned Pipeline OnGoing Completed Needs Note : Huntara = Temporary Shelter Supported by: The shelter sub cluster support team PROGRESS ON TEMPORARY SHELTER CONSTRUCTION EVERY TWO WEEKS - DONGGALA 7,248 7,140 7,140 7,267 7,171 7,242 7,167 7,096 7,140 7,038 6,983 7,067 7,096 7,096 6,810 6,933 6,873 6,915 6,721 6,639 6,762 6,610 6,610 6,505 6,478 7,167 6,286 6,323 Needs vs Plan Needs vs Plan vs 6,174 6,228 6,176 6,079 6,033 5,998 6,078 6,089 5,967 6,085 Completed Completed 5,883 5,823 5,644 5,542 5,659 5,377 5,329 5,218 4,878 84% 4,833 4,706 6 98% 85% 4,416 4,426 4,477 4,532 4,224 4,309 4,262 3,708 3,439 3,002 2,585 2,586 2,436 2,102 2,186 1,662 1,316 1,393 1,256 1,166 1,123 916 806 738 725 777 834 809 591 590 646 646 645 690 578 572 15-Feb 15-Feb 1-Mar 15-Mar 5-Apr 26-Apr 10-May24-May 5-Jul 19-Jul 2-Aug 16-Aug 13-Sep 27-Sep 25-Oct 8-Nov 22-Nov 6-Dec 20-Dec 24-Jan 7-Feb 28-Feb Needs 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 7,267 Planned 6,174 6,286 6,810 6,933 6,721 6,873 5,644 5,542 6,176 6,610 6,610 7,038 7,171 6,915 6,983 7,067 7,242 7,248 7,140 7,140 7,140 Pipeline 4,224 4,309 4,833 6,228 5,883 6,033 5,329 5,218 5,998 6,078 6,089 6,323 6,505 6,478 6,639 6,762 7,167 7,167 7,096 7,096 7,096 Ongoing 2,585 1,256 1,316 1,166 1,662 1,393 1,123 738 591 590 646 646 725 777 916 645 834 809 690 578 572 Complete 806 2,102 2,186 2,436 2,586 3,002 3,439 3,708 4,262 4,416 4,426 4,477 4,532 4,706 4,878 5,377 5,659 5,823 5,967 6,079 6,085 Supported by: The shelter sub cluster support team GAP : NEEDS VS PLANNED DONGGALA DISTRICT Huntara U KAB. DONGGALA Nu. SUBDISTRICTS Agencies Planned Pipeline OnGoing CompletedNeeds GAP Balaesang 1 BALAESANG 4 978 978 173 805 352 OVER 626 2 BALAESANG TANJUNG 2 408 408 4 404 443 35 Balaesang Tanjung Sirenja 3 BANAWA 4 778 778 19 759 915 137 4 BANAWA SELATAN 0 278 Sindue Tobata 5 BANAWA TENGAH 5 585 585 55 530 770 185 Sindue Tombusabora 6 LABUAN 2 596 596 596 506 OVER 90 Labuan Sindue -3 7 PINEMBANI 0 Banawa Tanantovea 8 SINDUE 12 1179 1169 168 967 906 OVER 273 0 Banawa Tengah 0 0 9 SINDUE TOBATA 2 80 80 80 247 167 Banawa Selatan PALU PARIGI 10 SINDUE TOMBUSABORA 3 285 285 1 284 521 236 MOUNTONG 11 SIRENJA 8 1883 1883 152 1343 1699 OVER 184 Pinembani 12 TANANTOVEA 5 368 334 317 630 262 SIGI Total Agencies : 24 GAP = Needs vs Planned Activity progress table : Temporary shelters Supported by: The shelter sub cluster support team GAP : PLANNED VS COMPLETED Huntara U KAB.

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