'De Ift2,7- DOCUMENT,RESUNE ED 079,474 VT 020 178' AUTHOR Leventhal, Jerome I., Ed. TITLE.- 7: Teacher Resource Bibliography for Marketing and - Distribution and Distributive Education, 1968-1971. INSTITUTION Epsilon Delta Epsilon, Trenton, N.J. PUB. DATE 71 NOTE 129p. EDRS PRICE MF-S0.65 HC -$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Audio Viival:Aids; *Bibliographies; *Curriculum Development; *Distributive Education; *Educational Resources; Instructional Materials; *Marketing ABSTRACT Intended to aid teachers in the development of realistic and meaningful curriculum, this, bibliography contains books, articled? audiovisual aids, and other materials pertaining to marketingand distributive education which were published betweep 7968,=1971.,Entkies are arranged alphabetically by author or title according to these.categories: (1) AttitudeS and Motivation, (2) -GroCiing, (3) Sensitivity, (4) Marketing Channels, (5) AdVertising, -164- Selling and Salesmanship, (7) Display, (8) Non Textiles, including appliances, cosmetics and soaps, furs, furniture, jewelry, leather, paper, plastics, rubber, and tableware, (9) Textiles, (10) Food, (11) Computers and Data Processing, (12) Services, including autotiobile-seryiCes,banking, cosmetology, dry cleaning,. ashion, insurance, hotels-motels, nursing, public relations, and transportation, and (13) Free Enterprise. In addition to author and title, each entry contains publication information..(SB) VT020178 ED '079474 %N., , o 4. 4. -' '!"%: .14,s 1 s. "t- r c. ,:tt .Z.1"44.1.; is f AS .... 7 1 a.141" :./ 0::',"7TX MOMMIONO MMft.14,0 4./* ...'.1".1"1"0,11:1; ti,g) ,...:...,...,./:....044:V t4'..:'ti .4,4-......,,....4fi.:,., 'V=;71 ELM 1=3 .1.1112 CM =I VIMtrzii=2 - TEACITLR RESOURCE; BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR MARKETING & DISTRIBUTION ANDDISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION 1968-1971 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Edited by EDUCATION it WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM Dr. Jerome I. Leventhal THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATE() 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRE 'Temple UniveY.say SENT OFFICIAL NAT IONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY Research Committee nRuth E. Berelman Bok Area Vocational Technical School Francis R. Brown, Jr. E:1 Philadelphia Public Schools William Cohen Chester School District Fl Li Charles A. Coyle Philadelphia College o Textiles Linda S. Davis [..1 Dobbins-Area Vocational Technical School Robert I. Goldstein :Maple Shade Public Schools Charles W. Johnson Neighborhood Youth Corps Leon Jozwiak rcz4 Defense Supply Agency Samuel Lange Eastern l4ontco Area VocationalTechnical School FA Albert J. Pos4 Haddon Township High School Brian D. Steiner ELI John Hancock insurance Company Published by pl National Epilon Delta Epsilon at Tren:.:on State College Trenton: New jersey ACKNC;laFMGMENTS Epsilon Delta Epsilon is fortunate in that many of its members are among the rost honorcd individu3ls in 1)1;tributive Education. Some of those individuals are responsible for the oublishiny of this bibliogri:phy. SpLciai recognf.tion and approeiation is extended to Dr. Jerome Leventhal, Tepiple Univerety, Editor.The Fraternity also extends its appreciation to P2.ofessor Morton Shenker, Trenton State College, and to pr. Marvin Hirshfeld, Temple University, for their guidance concerning the publication, Moreover, the deadline could have never been achieved if it was not for the hard work of Miss Betty Shwartz, National Recording Secretary, and Mr. Leon Jozwiah, .rational_ Corresponding Secretary. My personal thanks is extended to Miss ray Li, ProfeEisor Shenker's personal secretary for her time and kindness, Epsilon Delta Epsilon sincerely hopes that the bibliocrarhv acts as a functional guide in the development of Distributive Educators throughout the country. /71 / e piLL//-3:11;14/ 7Richard Gcld1' e4g National Presidene EPSILON DELTA EPSTLON August 23, 1971 PREFACE Specialists engage in curriculum development have traditionally spent much time inreviewing books that may be used as guides inconstructing the curriculum or training plan. A more contemporaryperspective dictates that the emphasis be placed c.n the learner sothat the curriculum is more relevant aswell as humanistic. The specialist should spend amajor portion of avail.- able time in determining the natureof the student and developing curriculumwhich meets contemnorary criteria. To help facilitate this,research has been done in the ared of newhooks and writings in the area of marketing anddistribution. Those who wish to developcurriculum for marketing and distributive education may usethis Resource Bibliography and save time researchingpublications, so that they maydevelop realistic and meaningful curriculum. Teachers have difficulty infollowing the new publications which appearin great quantity each year. Publications are included from1968-19TA. In cases whore there: werefew publications for a given area, listings do includeearlier dates. O. 1. L. TA= OF CONTE,:,TS ATTITUDES AND MOTIVATION . 1 0 4 * 9 GROOMING SENSITIVITY . 11 MARKETING CHANNELS . 14 _ADVERTISING 25 SELLING &SALESMANSHIP . 31 DISPLAY . - 43 NON - TEXTILES Appliances 48 Cosmetics & Soaps 48 Furs 49 Furniture 50 Jewelry 52 Leather 52 Paper 53 Plastics 53 Rubber 54 Tableware 55 TEXTILES Jvrc FOOD . 72 COMPUTERS & DATA PROCESSING . 78 SERVICES' Automobile Services .........94 Ban-king r0 Cosmetology 98 Dry Cleaning 99 Fashion 100 Insurance `. 102 Hotels - gotels 106 Nursing ...... 600*4,.! . .108 Public Relations 110 Transportation . ..... 112 FEE ERTERPRISE 314 Jv Sri BIBLIOGRAPHY PERSONAL DEVELOPENT Attitude, Motivation,and Grooming I. Attitude and Motivation Aldridge,. J.W., "In the Countryof the Young," HARPER, 239:56-64 October, 1969; 93-4+,N)vember, 1969. "American Youth: Its Outlookis Changing the' World: Symposium with Editorial Comment,"FORTUNE, 79:59-60; 66-116+, January, 1969. Anderson Margaret, TAKEIT STRAIGHT, TEENAGER, Moody Press, Chicago. 1968. Andrews, Margaret E., ABOUTHER. McGraw-Hili Book Company: New York 1968. New York. , ABOUT HIM. icGraw-Hill Book Company: -1968. New , ITS UP TO YOU. McGraw-Hill Book Company: York. 1970. THE JOB YOU WANT. McGraw-Hill- BookCompany: Newyork 1968. YOU SAID ITMcGraw-Hill Book Company: New York, 1969. YOU.PAY FOR IT. McGraw-Hill BookCompany; New York. 1970'. Atkins, N.P., "What Do They Want? IsSchool Losing Its :Meaning for Students?" EDUCATION DIGEST,-35:19211' May, 1970. ATTRIBUTES OF CHARACTER. (23Visuals), 3MHCompany:St. Paul, Minnesota. Barden, Garrett and Philip,McShane, TOWARDSSELF - MEANING, Herder and Herder Publishing Company:, NewYork. 1969. Barrett, G,V., and R.N. Franke, "PsychogenicDeath: A Reappraisal," SCIENCE, 167:304-6, January 16, 1970. bLi C. Attitude and Mot;vation(Con.t.inueL Underachiever in an cir4 Barth. G.P., and GoL.Peltier, "Academic Industrialized World," SCHOOL,AND SOCIETY,99124-7v January, 1971. address, June 8, Blair, F., "Extremism: theTurbulent Teenager; 1969, SPEECHES, 35;598601, July 15, 1969. 71 1 . Child's Mind," Beadle, M., "PleasurePrinciple; excerpt from a NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE,754-, March 22, 1970. lj Bloodworth, Venice, GOLDEN KEYSTO` A LIFETIME OFLIVING, Scrivener and .Company: LosAngeles, 1968. ri Company, Inc., I Bottel, Helen, TO TEENS,WITH LOVE. Doubleday and Garden City, New York.1968. i and Dunlap, Inc.: NewYork, [11 , HELEN HELP US, Grosset ' ..1970. 64:404, January n i "Changing Mood in Today'sWorld," U. S. NEWS, li 29, 1968.. 1041168, Cole, 1,,,, "Street Kids;Excerpt," HARPER'S BAZAAR, 11 November, 1970. 12 . BEHAVIOR (23 Visuals), 3MCompany: r93 CONSUMER MOTIVATIONS AND [V StPaul, Minnesota, r.4 REVIEW, 54122, Cousins, N., "Changing Moodof Youth," SATURDAY February 20, 1971 . ti . r Bennett Co., Craig; E;; THRESHOLDS TOADULT LIVING, Charles A. Inc.: Peoria, Illinois.1969. YOUR Crawford, John, and DoratheaLindsay, TEENS: HOW TO MEET PROBLEMS, Wm. Morrow and Company,Inc.: New York. 1969. fl DeRopp, Robert S., MASTER GAME,Dell Publishing Co,, Inc.: New 'York. 1968. I5- b, Evoy, J.J,, "DialogueAcross the Gap," AMERICA,120056-9, March 29, 1969. THE EFFECT OF MOTIVATION ONENERGY (20 Visuals), 3M Company, St. Paul, Minnesota. EFFECTIVE HUMAN RELATIONS (20 Visuals), 3M-Company :St.'Paul, Minnesota, Minnesota. ENERGY MANAGEMENT (20Visuals), 3M Company: St, Paul, Flint, Cort Ro, TO THINE OWNSELF BE TRUE, Droke House Publishers: Anderson, S.C..1969. 2 tt Attitude and Motivation Lgontinuedl GETTING A JOB AND KEEPING IT,(Filmstrip ), McCraw-Hill Book Company: New York, Getz, H,G., and W. Heroes"Relating Pertinence to Proximity," CLEARING HOUSE, 45:281-4,January, 1971, Gingrich, A.; "Business andYouths with Editorial Comment," ESQUIRE, 72:6+, 73+, October,1969. Graham, B., "Something for Youthto Believe In," READERS DIGEST, 94:77-81, June,1969. Herzberg, F., -"One MoreTimes0ow Do You MotivateEmployees?" HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW,46 :S3 -62, January, 1968. Herzog, A., "Dozen Ducts inthe Canons of Youth," EDUCATION DIGEST, 36137-40, -November, 1970. Hess, S., TYouth Alienation:Myths-and Realities; Adaptation of Address, "PARKS AND RECREATION,5:16-20+, August, 1970. Hiserodt, 1LD.i and E.L. Dorr,PSYCHOLOGY AND HUMAN RELATIONS IN MARKETING, McGraw-Hill BookCompany: New York. 1971. Hulme, William E., I HATE TO BOTHERYOU BUT: CLUES FOR YOUTH ON PERSONAL PROBLEMS, ConcordiaPublishing House: St. Louis, Missouri, 197G. HUMAN RESOURCES AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT(20 Visuals), 3M Company: St. Paul, Minnesota. i Hunter 'AliVI., 2nd., "Are Technological UpheavalsInevitable?" HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 47:73-83, September, 1969. IDENTIFYING
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