2. P. 0. Box 9967 Atlanta, Georgia 30319 Telephone 636

2. P. 0. Box 9967 Atlanta, Georgia 30319 Telephone 636

1966 Monday, February 28, Number One Hundred Forty Eight HIT OF THE WEEK: SOUL AND INSPIRATION - Righteous Brothers (Verve) Fastest climber of the weeki CORRESPONDENTS PICK; YOUNG LOVE - Lesley Gore (Mercury) Tommy Walker, Dick Reus, Bob A Lou, Glenn Buxton, Bill Carter, Vernon Arnold and Jack Mitchell make it their top choice for success. SOUTHERN SPECIAL: GOOD GOOD LOVIN’ - Blossoms (Reprise) A strong #1 in Augusta. Now, a top twenty seller in Atlanta. Smooth R&B sound going pop in both areas that you should be quick to hop on! A real sleeperI HOT ACTION RECORD: SATISFACTION - Otis Redding (Volt) Looking more like the biggest hit he’s had to date. Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee. SMS PICK OF THE WEEK; SECRET AGENT MAN - Johnny Rivers (imperial) A guaranteed top fiver. They’ve been waiting almost a year to buy this one. Go go’ SMS ALBUM OF THE WEEK: No selection. SOUTHERN TOP TWENTY 1. (1) GREEN BERETS-Barry Sadler (RCA) 11. (19)THIS OLD HEART-Isley Brothers(Tam) 2 (.11)NERVOUS BREAKDOWN-Stones (Lon) 12. (4) LIGHTNING STRIKES-Lou Christie(MGM) . 1 5 3. ( )NOWHERE MAN-Beatles (Cap) 13. (l6)ONE MORE HEARIACHE-Marvin Gaye(Tam) k. (2) THESE BOOTS-Nancy Sinatra (Rep) 14. (-) THE LOVE YOU SAVE-Joe Tex (Dia) 5. (6) CALIFORNIA DREAMIN'-Mama’s & P a p s ’s(Dun)l5.(l2)ELUSIVE BUTTERFLY-Bob Lind (WP) 6 . ’-) SOUL-Righteous Brothers (Ver) 16. (10)WHEN LIKING TURNS-Ronnie Dove(Dia) 7. (8) 634-5789-Wilson Pickett (Atl) 17. (-) SATISFACTION-Otis Redding (Vol) 8. (3) LISTEN PEOPLE-Herman’s Hermits (MGM) l8.(20)THE CHEATER-Bob Kuban (Mus) 9- (5) SO LONESOME-B. J. Thomas (See) 19. (-) IT’S TOO LATE-Bobby Goldsboro(UA) 10. (-) DAYDREAM-Lovin’ Spoonful (KS) 20. (-) SURE GONNA MISS HER-Gary Lewis(Lib) NEXT IN LINE BELOW THE MASON-DIXON HOMEWARD BOUND-Simon & Garfunkel (Col) WOMAN-Peter & Gordon (Cap) SHAKE ME WAKE ME-Four Tops (Mot) GROOVE-James Brown (Kin) TIME WON’T LET ME-Outsiders (Cap) TIME-Pozo Seco Singers (Col) GET READY-Temptations (Gor) HUSBANDS AND WIVES-Roger Miller (Sma) THE HOT PROSPECTS SEARCHING-Bobby Moore (Che) DEAR LOVER-Mary Wells (Ate) UP AND DOWN-McCoys (Ban) WALKIN’ MY CAT-Norma Tanega (NV) TIPPY TOEING-Harden Trio (Col) SWEET PEA-Tommy Roe (ABC) HELPLESS-Kim Weston (Gor) LULLABY OF LOVE-Poppies (Epi) THE ONE ON THE RIGHT-Johnny Cash (Col) MAGIC TOWN-Vogues (C & C) LITTLE LATIN-Mitch Ryder (DV) SOMEWHERE THERE’S A-Dean Martin (Rep) YOU BABY-Turtles (WW) WHENEVER SHE HOLDS YOU-Patty Duke (UA) THE BEST OF THE NEW RELEASES WHAT NOW MY LOVE-Tijuana Brass (A & M) KICKS-Paul Revere & The Raiders (Col) SLIPPIN’ AND CHIPPIN’-T Bones (Lib) BANG BANG-Cher (imp) The Southern Music Survey goes to press each Monday morning. Please make certain all reports and releases reach us no later than Saturday. Thank you. P. 0. BOX 9967 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30319 TELEPHONE 636-1951 66 Monday, February 28, 19 - 2- Number One Hundred Forty Eight DIXIE ROUND-UP PICK ACTION COMER JIM DAVENPORT WFOM Good Times Roll- Elvira- Nervous Breakdown- M/\PvIETTA_GEORGIA_ Jody_M_iller (_Cap)_ Dallas Frazier _(_Cap_)_ Rolling_Ston.es (Lon]_ THAD BROWN WFPM Sure Gonna Miss Her- Soul And Inspiration- Diamonds And Horseshoes FT_;_ VALIEY_GEORGIA_ Gary_Levas_(Lib)_ Râ.ght_e°us_Brother£( Ver ) - Jerr^; Wallace _(_Mer_}_ _ BOB REICH WMOC Sure Gonna Miss Her- Batman- Daydream- CHATTANOOGA Gary_Lewls_(Lib)_ _Campers_(Plcy)_ _LovinJ_ Spponful_( KS_^ _ JOHNNY DRAPER WCNF~ Nowhere Man- Come On- Whenever She Holds- WELDON_NC Beatles _(_Cap^ JDevons ^Dec]_ _ Patty_Duke £UA)_______ NOEL EELUE WQOK Soul And Inspiration- Scratch My Back- I ’m So Lonesome- GREENVILLE SC Righteou_s Brothers^ _)_ _Slim Happo _{_Exc)_ _ B.J. Thomas (Sce)_ BOB A LOU WMOG Sweet Pea- Young Love- Don’t Wait Up- BRUNSTOCCK GEORGIA _ Tommy Roe _(_ABC^_______ Lesley Gore_(Mer)_ _Billy_Joe_Royal_(Col)_ SONNY WOODS WUST Baby Don’t Cry- Desiree- Got My Mind- WASHINGTON_DC _____ P l e a d e r s _ ( __________ Charts _[_Wan^ _James_Carr £ G o 1_)_ _ MIKE HAMMER WCAW Soul And Inspiration- Put Yourself In- Woman- CHARLESTON_WEST VA_ Righteou_s Brother s£)_ _Elgins_ ¿VIP)_ _Peter_&_Gordon _^Cap_) _ JACK GARRETT WTBC Magic Town- Nowhere Man- Good Lovin'- TOSC^OOSA_ALABAMA_ Vogues_(C & C)_ Beatles (Cap) Young_Ras_cals_(Atl)_ BARRY SULLIVAN KLVI Candy Man- Listen People- It's Too Late- BEAUMONT_TEXAS_ ___ Ris ing_Sms ¿Colj_ _Herman '_s Hermits (_MGM]_ _Bobby_Goldsboro_(UA]_ HOWARD ANDERSON WEED Don’t Make Me Over- Nowhere Man- Outside The Gates- ROCKY MOUNT NC _____ _Beatles_( Cap )___________ Lou_Chr1 sti e £C_&_C^ BRUCE ANGEL KEYS I Can’t Let Go- Green Berets- When Liking Turns- COroUS_CHMSTI_IEXAS_Holli es_( Imp )_ Barry_Sadler _(_RCA]___ Ronnie Dove_( Dia)_ GLEN POWERS WSGN Good Lovin'- I Dig You Baby- The Love You Save- BimOTGHM_ALABAMA_ Rascals Lorraine Ellison(Mer)_ Joe Tex_(Dia)_ BOB CLAYTON KVOL Too Little Time- Outside The Gates- I Know Better- LAFAYETTE __LA Brenda_Lee_(Dep) Lou_Clu’istie l[C_&_Cl Eddy Raven £**) _____ BOB WHITE KILT- Big Willie- Nowhere Man- Daydream- HOUSTON TEXAS Gus Backus_(GA^ Beatles _(Cap)_ Lovin_|_ Spoonful_( KS_)_ JOHNNY HOLIDAY WPNX Soul and Inspiration- Nervous Breakdown- Satisfaction- PHENIX_CITY ALABAMA Righteous Brothers_(Ver)_Rolling_Stones _{_Lon)_ _Oti£ Redding (Vol)____ TOMMY WHITE WWDR Nowhere Man- Homeward Bound- ¿3 ^ - 5 78 9 - MURFREESBORO_NC ___ Beatles £Cap}____________ Simon_&_Garfunkel|Col| _Wilson Pickett _(Atl| _ JACK KANE WLCY Nervous Breakdown- You Baby- Up And Down- TAMPA FLORIDA____ Rolling Stones_(Lon)_ _Turtles_(WW^__________McCoys _(_Bang)_______ JOE SULLIVAN WKGN I Confess- No More You- Batman- KNOXVILIE TENN_____ New Colony_Six_(Cen)_ Dpstant_Coupins_(Mer)_ Campers_(Pky)_ AL NEWTON WHAR Outside The Gates- Whenever She Holds- ’Re d Hot- CLARKSBURG_WEST VA_ Lou Christie_(C & C)_ Patty_Duke _(_UA)_ Sam_The_Sham _(MGM_]_ JACK GRADY WLOK Gone For Good- Darling Baby- My Jug A n d I- MEMPHIS TENN________p._V_;_ Wright_(BB)._____ Elgins £vip]_____________ Percy_Mayfield £Tan)_ REVIEW AND COMMENT SHAKE HANDS - Newbeats (Hickory) Gaining in several areas. Looks better every week. GOOD LOVIN' - Rascals (Atlantic) Jim Mack, Glen Powers, Steve Warren, and Jack Garrett aré getting early action. DON’T WAIT UP - Billy Joe Royal (Columbia) Cincinnati, Jacksonville, Brunswick, Houston, Columbus and Louisville. Not as large as his first three. HE WORE THE GREEN BERET - Nancy Ames (Epic) A comer at WKDA. I dunnol FOLLOW ME - Lyme & Cybelle (White Whale) Little Rock and Columbus requests. I CONFESS - New Colony Six (Centaur) One of the biggest for Dick Reus-WDXY. PUBLIC EXECUTION - Mouse (Fraternity) Now a confirmed hit in Louisville. Top ten in Dallas and Houston. I HEAR TRUMPETS - Tokens (B. T. Puppy) Smash take-off at WAYS. 66 Monday, February 28, 19 -3- Number One Hundred Forty Eight DIXIE ROUND-UP PICK ACTION COMER ROR LANE WFWL My Little Boy's Life- Daydream- One On The Right- CAlffiM_IENN__________ Fran A l l ison _(JFtCAj____ Lovin‘_Spoonfvil (_KB)_ _Johnny Ca£h_(Col)_ JOHNNY ROBERTS WDSL Don't Let This Room- I Fought T he Law- Love- MOCKSVTLLE_NC _______ Patrick_(R o u )__________ Bobby Fuller_(Mu£)______ Deon Jackson £CarJ_ DANNY DEE WVLD Soul And Inspiration- Nowhere Man- Till You Come Back- VALDOSTA_GEORGIA_ _ _Righteous_Brother£( Ver)Beatle£ _(_Cap_}___________ Patti_Page ^Col_^ JIMMY RABBITT KLIF Sure Gonna Miss Her- Batman- Gotta Find Cupid- DALLAS_TEDCAS_________ Gary Lewis _(Lib]_______ S cott y_McKay_ (Cl a)______Outcast^ ^Dotj_________ LARRY JAMES WDAK Follow Me- Time- Soul And Inspiration- COLUMBUS_GEORGIA_____ Lyme & Cyball_(ww}____ Pozo_Seco Singer£(Col)_Ri.ghteous_Brother£(Ver) TOM COLLINS WHHY Helpless- My Baby- Searching For My- MONTGO|ffiRY_AMBAMA_ _Kim_Weston _(_Gor)______ Martha_&_Vandellas_(_Gor)_Bobby_Moore_( Che)______ AL BISHOP IALEE Caroline No- Communication- Walkin' M y Cat- RICHM0ND_VIRG1NIA ___ Brian_Wilson _(_Cap]____ David McCallum_(Cap)_ _Norma_Tanega £NV)______ DICK REUS WDXY Hung Up- Daydream- Young Love- S U M 3 E R _ S C ____________ Lost Survivor^ (_DotJ_ _ Loving_J_ S p o o n f u l _ (KS_)_ _Lesley Gore_(Mer)_____ CHARLES OWENS WTIF Forbidden- Listen People- Lullaby Of Love- TIFTON_GEORGIA_______ Terry_Stafford £Mer)_ _ Herman^s_H£rmi t s_( MGM) _Pop£i es_(Ep_i)__________ SKIP PARADISE WGNI On My Mind- Homeward Bound- Soul And Inspiration- WILMINGTON_NC _______ Chr£spian_St.Peters(_Jam)_ Simon&Garfunkel(Col)_R£ghteous_Brother_s(Ver) STEVE WARREN KOTN Get Ready- This Old Heart- Whenever She Holds- PI^_BLU^_ARKANSAB _T£mptatj.ons_(Gor)_____ Isley Brothers_(Tam)_ _Patti_Duke I.UA)_________ GLENN BUXTON WAAY Sure Gonna Miss Her- Young Love- Love- HIMSVII^_AIABAMA_ _Gery Lewis (Lib]______ Le£l_ey_Gor£ ^.Mer^______ Deon Jackson J[Car]____ BILL SCOTT KEEL Soul And Inspiration- Nervous Breakdown- Little Latin- SHREVEPORT_LA _______ Righteous_Brothers(Ver)Rolling Stones_(Lon)_ _M_it_ch_Ryder_(DV}_______ ED JOHNSON WETU So Long Babe- I Fought The Law- Daydream- VfflTUlff^_ALABAMA____ Nan_cy_Sinatra_(Rep)____ Bobby Fuller_(Mus)_____ Loving Spoonful_(KSj_ _ DICK STARR WFUN Kicks- Daydream- Dirty Water- MIAMI FLORIDA _______ Paul Revere&Raiders(_Col}_ Lovin'_Spoonful(KS_^ _Standells_(Tow)________ CHARLIE BROWN WTMA Soul And Inspiration- The Cheater- Nervous Breakdown- CHARLESTON_SC _______ R£ghteous_Brothers(Ver)Bob Kuban ^_Mus_]________ Rolling_Stone_s _(LonJ_ _ MITCH MICHAEL WKLO Daydream- Public Execution- Don't Wait Up- LOOTSVILIE_KSITUCKY _LovinJ_ Spoonful_(KS_]_ _ Mous e _(Fra|____________ Billy_Joe_Royal_(Col)_ LARRY GAR WLBG Soul And Inspiration- ^3^-5789- Woman- M U R E N S SC___________ Ri_ghteous_Brother£(Ver)Wilson_P_ickett_(Atl)_

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