James Bell From: Jose Watson <jose. watson@icloud. coin > Sent: Friday, 9 October 2020 16:59 To: Operations Feedback Subject: Submission -jwatson, co funding the Hokitika and Kaniere Resilience Project This email is from an external sender. Please be careful with any links or attachments Jose Watson 36 Revell St Hokitika 7810 OSe. watson iclo ud. coin 027 5224979 Submitting as an individual I support the WCRC forming a Hokitika Rating District and meeting the required co-funding requirements of the proposal - YES I agree with the proposed term of the loan -YES I agree with the proposed governance structure - NO I agree with the proposed boundary of the rating district - YES Coin merits As both someone who enjoys the town centre, riverside and beach amenities of downtown HDkitika, and a property owner who has benefitted from the seawall built along the beachfront adjacent to Beach Street and the town centre, I support the initiative for the WCRC to raise a co- pay from residents on a non-differentiated basis for further work on extending and strengthening the seawall and providing protection alongside the river. The effects of climate change mean many low lying properties and community facilities are at increasing risk from massive floods, and it makes sense to accept government help and raise a general rate amongst the community to help pay for this. I do think however, that the construction of the protection works needs both strong environmental and landscape input and it does not appear that the proposed governance structure provides this. Jose Watson Opinion Survey on the Co- funding of the Hokitika and K ' ' ^ ^ ^ II P Prov/ e , complete the form onI. he at WWW, wc/c. 90vtnZ by ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Roy Hull .e. COLLe. e*i ,\'\,*12. (;rAP. ET itL\uL. ^ 5B Arthurstown Road ^ ^ RD 3 ^ ^ A HDkitika 7883 ,, ., ,- a un -. Q -. .o ~ ~ Q N Options -. Yes or No @ N ~ N ..~ I support meeting the required co- funding requirements of the I N I understand that by von, 779 IVO I am stab, h9 that I Do IV07 proceed P I' o YE. s Yes I agree with the proposed term of the loan ^1<,. I agree with the proposed governance structure Yes I agree with the proposed boundary of the Ratin District Y^^s Please fuel free to include any additional comment b I r * S, }I. ^.<6^. <62. ,."\ \^ Poss^ g, ,^..^^._ ? Signature W Name ^ oY H I. , 0.1\ee, -* +I^*\ P ease Print Clearly) ote: All responses must be received by the West Coast Re i I C 2020. Responses can be returned in the enclosed, t THE WEST COAST REGIONAL COUNCIL Co-funding the Hokitika and Kaniere Resilience P 1.6 September 2020 Submission form - what do you think? The West Coast Regional Council is consulting on raisin the -f d' Government funding for the HDkitika and Kaniere Resilience P t. Th the seawall to Richards Drive and the construction of a river fl d greater resilience and protection between Kaniere and Sunset P ' t f : wi I involve changes to the current Rating Districts. We are seekin f more information visit: WWW. wcrc. ovt. nz Your details First name: Andrew Surname:Spring Postal address PO Box 25228 Christ church 81.44 Email: ajspringhk@Yahoo. coin Phone: 021 178 0005 Are You submitting as an individual or on behalf of an or a ' t' ? I . Individual . Organisation Your feedback I support the West Coast Regional Council forming a Hokitika Rat' D' cofunding requirements of the proposal. Yes . No (/ understand that by voting NOI am stotihg that 100 NOT want the ro ' t I agree with the proposed term of the loan .Yes . No I agree with the proposed governance structure . Yes . No I agree with the proposed boundary of the Rating District . Yes . No Comments: ' the proposed project to extend Hokitika sea-wall to R' h d D ' ', just extending the wall as it is in its emergency/temporary state, or does the f d' out of the current temporary wallto align with the current wall rote t' H k' k to Richards Drive. ? Thanks. Submissions must be received by Council no later than 5.00 in, Fr'd 90 , Post a submission: Drop in to our office: Email: Complete the Hokitika and Kaniere 388 Main South Road, hokitikafeedback@wcrc. govt. nz submission online Resilience Project Paroa WWW. wcrc. ovt. nZ West Coast Regional Between 8.00am and and complete the Council 5.00pm weekdays online form PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840 Note that your information you supply OS port of your submission, is considered pubficinjormotjon and 11b d Ony to this process. it may o150 be published on our website P OCuments relgtj'rig Opinion Survey on the Co- funding of the Hokitika and Kaniere Resilience P 'ect ^ ^ ^ Pk?ase return this pa9e in the envelope provided complete the foam on/, he at WWW, it b ^ ^ toyowin9 the promp!:$:. of ema//your responses to hok/11kafoedback@wc/c, out. nz ^ , ^ ^ ^ Desmond John Keenan ^ ^ 4/11 Winchester Street ^ ^ ^ Me rivale ^ ^ Christchurch 8014 -. ^ 01 by -. Q ." e 81 Q N -. Options Yes or 1.0 10 ~ a I:: I support meeting the required co- funding requirements of the pro OSa! ~ I understand that by vatfr79IV'O I am stabh9 that I Do IV07 want the ' of t proceed I^ I agree with the proposed term of the loan 25' I agree with the proposed governance structure I^ I agree with the proposed boundary of the Rating District Please foe/ free to include a"y additto"a/ coinme"ts below, 111 I^',,,,, ,I A 6, ^,/"{ C71' I; 11/14 Icy ' It. ,./, 4'61 , 6, ,/ Ii(^-/ Ii'~I^ I^ ^ ,,,, I 14 fr, 4 ^..^!^ ^ I j^.;/', 11, , , Signature IL CF, Name 02 " IC;4 ize 11/2 b (Please Print Clearly) Note: All responses must be received by the West Coast Re ional C 'I b . 2020. Responses can be returned in the enclosed, OSta d , hokitikafeedback wcrc. ovt. nz or completed online at WWW. wcrc. vt. b f I ' RECE:i ~,' ., ~ 15 OCT lull BY: Opinion urvey on e'Co- funding of the Hokitika and Kaniere Resilie P ^ ^ ^ ' I Pe Prow ec; eomp/ate the form online at WWW. MCIc. 90, tnz b. v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Iudith Grace Seatter ^ ^ 1.05 Hokitika - Kaniere Tramway ^ ^ Kaniere ^ ^ A HDkitika 7811 A .-. .-. a un ^ Q .-. In Q * Q ~ . Options -. Yes or No un .o ,. N support meeting the required co- funding requirements of the I ..~ N I unde/3/13nd that by vob'h9 NO I am SIat/h9 that I Do IV07 proceed preyecto I ^,^ I agree with the proposed term of the loan I agree with the proposed governance structure I agree with the proposed boundary of the Ratin Distr'ct i\I O Please heel free to include any additional coinm t b I r 1.1 "~^I^,,^Q_I~'*~ L'^L. ,v,, ' .': I, "I,\\9. """'*".,^ ,,,,,,,,.,,,?> A'>a, .,._,.., \' "^~"'I '^--^--*<A a a !4<_F,"<-FAQ. !4<_FA, ,.+**+*~\ ,\;,,\ , ,\;,,\ ,,,_,. * ,,.,, ,, 11 ,' ' ,' I" I usO\.*\C!,'^,,*,!,us O \.* \C!, ,,,,_^!\^Q-~ ^ !\^Q-~ *~^(;::,<, \*a \*a S. S-Q_. -Q_. q_Q_ ^ a, a,,,,,,_ ,, a,a, ,,,, ,, .,_,,.,,,. , 's^re-_<_ 's^^,,.,,,, re-_<_ **\~ T S'\^\.*S-\^\.* *,,*,* *,,*,* ,, . C^~~,^,,,-^+,, - "'~ \*_I s ,,,\..,, ,, \* '~ \..,, " '~' , " t*L_,_' ,. '*L-~- , ~ , , ,,,,,,,,,, ,.,_ ;>- 1<:q is. ,^a, ,\/Q__.:\ a. t~s : ^ <.,.,- c. Q ,^ *' . " """"^ "I IA. A. ,*^^~; * ~ ,,---^* ', ' " '~' ." I""~~ ^ ^,^\~ * ~'-I {)-*\^.,^_^,, ~~ {{., xit, \, ,, z F"~ \**-~,~ T~ ^,^ e, * ~*_\ \.,.*,",,,^ , c, ^^ t\, ' , * e. -<. Signature<=,;^;::^:^____, Name ^ 3. <_g. \-!-\r N (Please Print Clearly) h2020. k't'k f Responsesin t e enclosed, can postage be returned paid envelope, in the enclosed emailed erto \* ,- \ I **;****:** ' . ;*^*"', ;t-~ -* ', . **;;;****"***1,411~**\* ****,, ,* ,.t , ***r .*:* * . * ,.~; t, ... r t_,*,*.. - F1. ,..*' I I .. 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' ' ' ' ' '~ " ', .'-'~~ - I. *:'.' ,,: ~"' ' ',,, -*' .- ' ,~ ~* Opinion Surve PAP e Hokitika eand oitikaandK Kanie ' "' ^ f0/o, 177 ' 9' 1'7 the enyeb, , , oject ^- =,= , I emai' your re. ^o0, ' ' foam On#he at , ^ ^ -.-.- ^ ^ ^ ^ Andrew ian Riley =^ 1.61 Revell St =^ ^ Hokitika 7810 ^= === ^ .=, A A -. 01 un ^ a Q to ^ I Options Q pport meeting the requir d N Yes or No 10 - un ing requirements
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