Notes 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Geoffrey Hosking, Russia - People and Empire (London, 1996), passim. 2. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.3, d.74, 1.3; f.17, op.3, d.122, 1.2; f.17, op.2, d.46, 1.3; f.17, op.2, d.55, 1.5. 2 MARXISTS, BOLSHEVIKS AND THE NATIONAL QUESTION 1. Quoted in Richard Pipes, The Formation of the Soviet Union; Communism and Nationalism 1917-1923 (Cambridge MA, 1954), p.21. 2. Quoted in E.H. Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923 (3 Vols. Pelican Edition, 1986).Vol.I, p.415. 3. Ibid., p.415. 4. Nigel Harris, National Liberation (London, 1990), p.47. 5. Ibid., p.42. 6. Carr, Vol.I, p.419. 7. Harris, p.43. 8. Ibid., p.45; Carr, Vol.I, p.421. 9. Jonathan Frankel, Prophecy and Politics; Socialism, Nationalism and the Russian Jews, 1862-1917 (Cambridge, 1984), p.220. 10. Ibid., pp.215-19. 11. Otto Bauer, 'The Concept of the Nation' in Tim Bottomore and Patrick Goode (eds),Austro-Marxism (Oxford 1978), p.107. 12. Otto Bauer, 'Socialism and the Principle of Nationality' in Bottomore and Goode, p.114. 13. Karl Renner, 'The Development of the National Idea' in Bottomore and Goode, p.120. 14. Bauer, 'Socialism and the Principle of Nationality', in Bottomore and Goode, p.117. 15. Quoted in Harris, p.57. 16. Rosa Luxemburg, 'The National Question and Autonomy' in Horace B. Davis (ed.), The National Question: Selected Writings by Rosa Luxemburg (New York, 1976), p.135. 17. Ibid., p.140. 18. Ibid., p.249. 19. Ibid., p.256. 20. Ibid., p.279. 21. R.H. McNeal (ed.), Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Toronto, 1974) Vol.I, p.42. 243 244 Notes 22. V.I. Lenin, Polnoe Sobranie Sochinenii (5th edn; Moscow, 1964), Vol.XLVIII, p.234. 23. Lenin, Vol.XXV, p.277. 24. Ibid., pp.274-5. 25. Lenin, Vol.XXIV, pp.294-5. 26. Lenin, Vol.XXIII, p.423. 27. Stephen F. Cohen, Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A Political Biography, 1888-1938 (Oxford, 1980), pp.35-7. 28. Speculation that Lenin himself wrote all or part of this article has, hopefully, been squashed by Erik van Ree, 'Stalin and the National Question', in Revolutionary Russia, Vol.7, No.2, December 1994, pp.214-38. 29. Harris, pp. 71-2; Pipes, pp.40-1. 30. I.V. Stalin, Sochineniia (Moscow, 1946ff), Vol.II, p.296. 31. For example, Stalin, Vol.IV, p.355. 32. Van Ree, p.223. 33. Stalin, Vol.II, pp.362-3. 34. Ibid., p.362. 35. Ibid., p.362. 36. Ibid., p.364. 37. Lenin, Vol.XXVII, pp.255-6. 38. Vos'moy s'ezd RKP(b) (Moscow, 1959), p.78. 39. Sed'maia (aprel'skaia) vserossiiskaia konferentsiia RSDRP (Moscow, 1958), pp.208-227. 40. McNeal, op. cit., pp.225-6. 41. Vos'moi s'ezd RKP(b), p.78. 42. Ibid., pp.107-10. 43. KPSS v rezolutsiiakh (Moscow, 1963), p.45. 44. Lenin, Vol.XXXVIII, pp.157-8. 45. Ibid., pp.111-12. 46. Stalin, Vol.IV, p.158. 47. Ibid., p.352. 48. See, for example, his report on the national and colonial questions to the Second Congress of the Communist International, Lenin, Vol.XU, pp.161-8. 49. Lenin, Vol.XLV, p.356. 50. Zhizn' natsional'nostei, No.3, 24th November 1918, p.2. 51. Zhizn' natsional'nostei, No.3, 24th November 1918, p.3. 52. Zhizn' natsional'nostei, No.4, 1st December 1918, p.7. 53. Stalin, Vol.IV, p.75. 54. Ibid., p.395. 55. Stalin, Vol.IV, pp.395-6. 56. Ibid., p.398. 57. Desiatyi s'ezd RKP(b), mart 1921 goda - stenograficheskyi otchet (Moscow, 1963), p.252. 58. Stalin, Vol.V, p.39. 59. Ibid., p.44. 60. Ibid., p.113. 61. Ibid., p.48. Notes 245 62. B.F. Sultanbekov (ed.), Tainy natsional'noi politiki TsK RKP - stenograficheskyi otchet sekretnogo IV soveshchaniia TsK RKP, 1923 g. (Moscow, 1992), p.31. 63. Dvenadtsatyi s'ezd RKP(b), 17-25 aprelia 1923 goda - stenograficheskii otchet (Moscow, 1968), p.654. 3 THE CASE FOR NATIONAL AUTONOMY 1. Sbornik ukazov i postanovlenii Vremennogo Pravitel'stva, Vipusk I (Petrograd, 1917), p.46. 2. Velikii Oktiabr (Moscow, 1987), p.123. 3. Velikii Oktiabr, p.138. 4. Pipes, p.247. 5. Velikii Oktiabr, p.139. 6. McNeal, op. cit., Vol. I, p.226. 7. For a more detailed account, although limited by lack of access to the archives, of the history and activities of Narkomnats, see Stephen Blank, The Sorcerer as Apprentice - Stalin as Commissar of Nationalities, 1917-1924 (Westport, 1994). 8. Stephen Blank, 'The Unknown Commissariat: the Soviet Commissariat of Nationalities 1917-1924' (unpublished PhD. thesis, Chicago, 1979), p.32. 9. Ibid., p.108. 10. Gosudarstvennii Arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii (hereafter GARF) f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.1. 11. GARF, f.1318, op.l, d.1, 11.52-56. 12. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.l, 1.8. 13. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.l, 11.10, 15, 25. 14. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.l, 1.29. See below, Chapter 6. 15. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.2, 1.104. 16. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.l, 1.102. 17. GARF, f.1318, op.I, d.2, 1.94. 18. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.2, 1.113. 19. Pipes, p.113; Blank, op. cit., pp.137-45. 20. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.15. 21. Zhizn' natsional'nostei No.1, 9th November 1918, pp.1-2. 22. Pertti Luntinen, French Information on the Russian War Plans 1880-1914 (Helsinki, 1984), pp.22-3, 64, 105, 178. 23. Stephen Blank, 'The Bolshevik Party and the Nationalities in 1917', Sbornik No.9, January 1983, p.13. 24. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.15. 25. GARF, f.1318, op.l, d.1, 1.17. 26. Zhizn' natsional'nostei No.21, 13 April 1919, p.3; no.26, 18 May 1919, p.4. 27. Zhizn' natsional'nostei No.41, 3 August 1919, p.4. 28. Zhizn' natsional'nostei no.25, 11 May 1919, p.4. See below, Chapter 5. 29. Arthur E. Adams, Bolsheviks in the Ukraine, the Second Campaign 1918-1919 (New Haven and London, 1963), pp.25-61. 30. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.2, d.8, 1.1. 246 Notes 31. Jurij Borys, The Sovietization of Ukraine 1917-1923, (Edmonton, 1980), pp.235-6. 32. Ibid., p.238. 33. 'Iz arkhiva t.Sklianskogo' (Trotsky Archive), quoted in Borys, p.239. 34. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.2, d.16, 1.14. 35. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.2, d.15, 1.2. 36. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.2, d.16, 1.14. 37. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.2, d.17, 1.9-10. 38. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.3, d.9, 1.1. 39. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.3, d.10, 1.1. 40. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.2, d.23, 1.1. 41. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.2, d.48, 1.1. 42. Bertram D. Wolfe, 'The Influence of Early Military Decisions upon the National Structure of the Soviet Union', American Slavic and East European Review, Vol. 9, 1950, pp.169-70. 43. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.3, d.57, 1.1. 44. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.3, d.58, 1.3. 45. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.3, d.155, 1.6. 46. See below, Chapter 8. 47. Zhizn' natsional'nostei No.2, 17 November 1918, p.7. 48. Zhizn' natsional'nostei No.3, 24 November 1918, p.8. 49. Zhizn' natsional'nostei No.6, 15 December 1918, p.7. 50. Blank, op. cit., pp.177-85. 51. Blank, op. cit., pp.57-70. 52. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, l.48. 53. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.58. 54. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.68. 55. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.l, 1.71. 56. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.79. 57. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.78. 58. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.86. 59. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.93; Zhizn' natsional'nostei No.10, 19 January 1919, p.7. 60. GARF, f.1318, op.l, d.l, 1.95. 61. GARF, f.1318, op.l, d.2, 11.94-5. 62. Chapters 5 and 8. 63. Helene Carrere d'Encausse, The Great Challenge: Nationalities and the Bolshevik State, 1917-1930 (New York, 1992), p.101. 64. Stalin, Vol.IV, pp.32-3. 65. RTsKhIDNI, f.17, op.2, d.l, 1.2. 66. Zhizn' natsional'nostei No.62, 8 February 1920, p.2. 67. Stalin, Vol.IV, pp.49-50. 68. W.R. Batsell, Soviet Rule in Russia (New York, 1929), p.139. The rele­ vant Narkomnats minutes were lost in the move from Petrograd to Moscow; GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.2. 69. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.11. 70. GARF, f.1318, op.1, d.1, 1.17. 71. Alexander G. Park, Bolshevism in Turkestan 1917-1927 (New York, 1957), p.64. Notes 247 72. A. Aminov & A. Babakhodzhaev, Ekonomicheskiie i politicheskiie posledstviia prisoedineniia Srednei Azii k Rossii (Tashkent, 1966), p.128. 73. Sh. B. Batirov et al., Pobeda sovetskoi vlasti v Srednei Azii i Kazakhstane (Tashkent, 1967), pp.612-13. 74. Ibid., p.614. 75. Ibid., pp.614-15. 76. Ibid., p.617. 77. Ibid., pp.617-22. 78. Batsell, pp.165-6. 79. Jonathan D. Smele, Civil war in Siberia - the Anti-Bolshevik Government ofAdmiral Kolchak, 1918-1920 (Cambridge, 1997), pp.289-301.
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