DENVER, COLORADO AUGUST 22–26, 2016 Dr. Naomichi Masaki “The Weightiest Consolation and Doctrine” (Ap. 28, 19):A Study of the Doctrine of the Dr. Masaki is associate professor of Office of the Holy Ministry (3 CEU) Systematic Theology and director of the Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) The Apology of the Augsburg Confession calls the doctrine of the Office of program at Concordia Theological the Holy Ministry, “the weightiest consolation.” This course will attempt to Seminary (CTSFW), Fort Wayne, encourage pastors by taking a fresh look at the Scriptures, Confessions and Indiana. He has been a member of the Lutheran fathers on the Office of the Holy Ministry. Such a study may be CTSFW faculty since 2001 and beneficial for the baptized, too, since it is sometimes difficult to learn about teaches Dogmatics, Lutheran Confessions, Luther Studies the pastoral office from their own pastors. and Liturgics. Dr. Masaki was born and raised in Kobe, Japan. He received Location: For more information Trinity Lutheran Church his M.Div. (1991) and S.T.M. (1998) degrees from CTSFW and about Continuing Ph.D. degree (2005) in Doctrinal Theology from Concordia 4225 W. Yale Ave. Seminary, St. Louis. He served as missionary-at-large to the Denver, CO, 80219-5710 Education opportunities Japanese people in northern New Jersey 1991–1997. and/or registration, you Dr. Masaki is the author of Community: We Are Not Alone by Coordinator: Concordia Publishing House (2007), and his He Alone Is Rev. Adrian Sherrill may call Kara Mertz at Worthy!: The Vitality of the Lord’s Supper in Theodor Kliefoth Phone: 303-548-1495 260-452-2103, email and in the Swedish Liturgy of the Nineteenth Century was Email: [email protected] published by Församlingsförlaget of Göteborg, Sweden, in [email protected] or visit 2013. Readings: See other side. www.ctsfw.edu/CE. 6600 North Clinton Street Forming servants in Jesus Christ Fort Wayne, IN 46825 who teach the faithful, reach the lost, www.ctsfw.edu and care for all. DENVER, COLORADO AUGUST 22–26, 2016 Dr. Naomichi Masaki: “The Weightiest Consolation and Doctrine” (Ap. 28, 19): A Study of the Doctrine of the Office of the Holy Ministry Please return this completed form with your check or credit card information to Concordia Theological Seminary, Continuing Education, 6600 N. Clinton Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46825. Please contact Kara Mertz at 260-452-2103 or [email protected] with your questions or concerns. You may fax your registration to 260-452-2121. (Please circle if applicable.) Dr. Rev. Dcs. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth _______/_______/_______ Street __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________________ State __________ Zip ______________________________ Day Phone ________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Category Price Qty. Amount Payment Type: 3.0 CEU course for Pastors/Professional Church Workers $225 x ______ = ______________ My check is enclosed. Make check payable to CTSFW. Please bill my credit card. Choose one: MasterCard Visa 3.0 CEU course for Retired Pastors/Lay Persons $150 x ______ = ______________ Fort Wayne Students/Fort Wayne Vicars $0 x ______ = ______________ Card # __________________________________ Exp. ____/____ 3.0 CEU course for Fort Wayne Vicar/Fieldwork Supervisor $0 x ______ = ______________ 3-digit security code from the back of credit card. ____ | ____ | ____ Name(s) of Vicar/Fieldworker(s): ______________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Bring the Greek New Testament and The Book of Concord to class William Weinrich, “Called & Ordained: Reflections on the New Testament View of the Office of the Ministry,” Logia 2 (Epiphany Start reading the following: 1993): 20–27. David Scaer, “The Relation of Matthew 28:16–20 to the Rest of the William Weinrich, “Should a Layman Discharge the Duties of the Holy Gospel.” Concordia Theological Quarterly (CTQ) 55 (October 1991): Ministry?” CTQ 68 (July/October 2004): 207–29. 245–66. Jobst Schöne, “Church & Ministry Part I: Exegetical and Historical Thomas Winger, “The Office of the Holy Ministry According to the Treatment,” Logia 2 (Epiphany 1993): 4–14. New Testament Mandate of Christ,” Logia 7 (Eastertide 1998): 37–46. William Weinrich, “Church & Ministry Part II: Systematic Formulation,” Henry Hamman, “The Translation of Ephesians 4:12—A Necessary Logia 2 (Eastertide 1993): 35–40. Revision,” Concordia Journal (CJ) 14 (January 1988): 42–49. The Ministry: Offices, Procedures, and Nomenclature, A Report of the Naomichi Masaki, “Confessing Christ: Office and Vocation,” Logia 7 Commission on Theology and Church Relations of The Lutheran (Holy Trinity 1998): 5–11. Church—Missouri Synod (St. Louis: LCMS, September 1981). Naomichi Masaki, “The Augsburg Confession XIV: Does It Answer Samuel Nafzger, “The CTCR Report on ‘The Ministry,’” CTQ 47 Current Questions on the Holy Ministry?” CTQ 70 (April 2006): 123– (April 1983): 97–129. 162. Theology and Practice of “the Divine Call,” A Report of the Naomichi Masaki, “Call and Ordination” Logia 23 (Reformation 2014): Commission on Theology and Church Relations of The Lutheran 25–32. Church—Missouri Synod (St. Louis: LCMS, February, 2003). Norman Nagel, “The Office of the Holy Ministry in the Confessions,” Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici II, 698–719; or Chemnitz’s Works, Concordia Journal 14 (July 1988): 283–99. vol. 8: 1312–54. (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2009). Norman Nagel, “Externum Verbum: Testing Augustana V on the Martin Chemnitz, Ministry, Word, and Sacraments: An Enchiridion Doctrine of the Holy Ministry,” Logia 6 (Trinity 1997): 27–31. (St. Louis: Concordia, 1981), 26–38. Norman Nagel, “Luther and the Priesthood of All Believers,” CTQ 61 Martin Luther, “Sermon for Easter Tuesday Morning, John 20:19–23, (October 1997): 277–98. March 30, 1529,” AE 69:349–72. Norman Nagel, “The Laying on of Hands,” in All Theology is Christology, eds. Dean O. Wenthe, et al. (Fort Wayne, IN: Concordia For further reading: Theological Seminary Press, 2000), 243–57. Harrison, Matthew C. and John T. Pless eds. Women Pastors?: The Norman Nagel, “Ordination Is Not Other Than. ” CJ 28 (October Ordination of Women in Biblical Lutheran Perspective. Third Edition. 2002): 431–36. (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2012). Norman Nagel, “The Twelve and the Seven in Acts 6 and the Needy,” CJ 31 (April 2005): 113–26..
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