PART 7-P A' TE 10. CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE: ~ANUARY 6. 1935. To the prices of our merchandise will be added an amount approximately equivalellt to two per cut on account of tile IIHllois Retailers' Occupation Tax. NOMY BASEMENT DOLLAR DAY FEATURE MEN~S Sill TS Val,"es You Beally VIBRANT Can't A4ffo,",1 To Miss KATHARINE Collar attached style shirts that sell regu- larly at 79c and $1 each. Plain color and HEPBURN fancy pattern broadcloths or novelty prints, all fast color. Some are counter soiled. Broken sizes from 14 to 17. I Boys' Heavy Shaker Sweaters,.1 I BEGIN. I TG'.'OMORROW-A EEK OF SE ~SA'.rIONAL F R CLEARANCEVALUESIN OUR BA BASEMENT-DEARBORN STREET Because our Baselllent Shoe Department Is being renlodele I and J.'estocke.l nndflol"lIle lllBllagCJllet 4,o( a nc ~, buyer, e are clearing out at tremendous reductions in prices, all Oln" stock of )nell~s~ 'outen's autl children's foot ear" iViihin the month, all the ne v JUerCllandJse orde "t"d b)' nJl" new )tn)·eJ.~ wHI be pout",Ing it anti room must be made on our shel res nnd tables ftn" it. non't :fail 10 s)ul1.'ein l'NlP- lug the Itar 'est; of extraol',Unat'y 7tl••t"s ihnt nre ~Iaiiin~ io lte pickc~d in t Is gigantic (;leal'ance 01 0 entlt'e BASEi'fE T .:~HOES'.fOCK MEN~S MART SHOE AT HALF nd LESk • D,'ess-N ovelty-alld E 'Jelf,Com- fort F00 t IV e a I' p,.iced ni Only Every pair must go regardless of value. You will find values to $3 in this vast group of broken lots. A sale for every woman, for to choose from are PUMPS!, STBilPS!' TIES~OXE'OBD." Black or brown, scores of late styles included, Vi bra n t Katharine and any heel height. All sizes in the lot, although Hepburn in a vibrant not in every style. Be sure to come early for pose. "The L Ioft I e you will certainly want to select se -eral pairs at this quick clearance price, While 2,365 pairs Minister." P a I a c , last. All sales are final. The Values Ba'''fle I NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS. I lJp to $3 462Pr Men's Oxfords Men' Leather E eretts 387 Pairs oys' Shoe~ Size" '7 to 9 Onlll N. Mail Soft kid uppers with While these last, you or :Phone Men who wear these size~ g ie, also in that film, goes on stead- strong leather soles can get the biggest Os-der s can get the bargains of $ values we know of in and rubber heels. ily as good character actor; in their lives in these fine Black or brown. Such boys' shoes. A wide Former Stars Chicago ••Anne of Green Gables" fans saw shoes; two or three pairs bargains won't stay selection of wanted him last and liked him tremendously. for the ordinary in stock all day, so b 1a c k s hoe s with price of one. Every Stepin Fetchit, a tremendous hit in shop early. Sizes 6 to s t ron g composition Playbills sale final! Are Fading out "Hearts in Dixie," fell fiat after a 11; all sales final. soles. Sizes 1 to 51/2. time and went back to show busl- OPEl!I'lNG: ness only to return to favor with of the Films "Roberta," musical comedy; Erlan- Will Rogers in "Judge Priest" reo ger theater; opens tonight. Men's Better NATIONALLY FAItI cently. Mary Pickford, making her CON'rINUED: bid for talkie fame in "Couquette," OF WOMEN'S FINE Talkies Altered Fates of "Ah, ·Wllderness," with George M. was a great success of 1929; but she Cohan; moved to Grand Opera XFORDS has been relatively inactive for some Choice of brown or black calf oxfords Most-Some for Better, house; fifth week. time so far as the screen is con- ltfatri.<r - Foot-Friend in Blucher or Bal styles. Values up Dennis King In "Pelticoat Fever," cerned. EDna Jettiek-:'~Iorshei:m and Some for Worse, comedy; Harris thea ter ; third to $3, yes $4, in this lot. Choice week. Clara Bow Will Probably of leather or composition soles. Women who are accustomed to "Stevedore," drama; Selwyn thea- There is endurance as well as .63 Make No More Films. wearing better grade footwear will By Rosalind Shaffer, tel'; third week. neat appearance to these Clara Bow's talkie, "'l'he Wild find excellent values among this large Old Globe 'rheater company in plays dress oxfords. OLLYWOOD, Cal. - (Special.] by Shakespeare; Studebaker thea- Party," was a, big hit; but today group of fine shoes. There is not every -With the hurry and fun of tel'; third week. Clara is unimportant in films, has size in every style, but there are all sizes in Hollywood's liveliest holiday "Bertha, tile SewIng lIIaehine GIrl," retired and become a mother. Her the lot. Also many styles in other famous H melodrama revival; Show Boat Dix- two last films, attempted as a come- season In years fast receding, .77 makes included in the heaps of high quality foot- iana, north branch at Diversey back, gave her little chance to click, memories of other seasons prompt a wear on our tables. While 796 pairs last. parkway; third week. and it is questionable if she will stock taking within the ranks of the COllIING: make another. stars. Abbey 'l'heater company ot Dublin, Eleanor Boardman, excellent in Comparing the present favorites in repel'lory ; Harris theater; opens "She Goes to War," has been off SHEEPSKIN CHILDREN~S OXFORDS FEL'.r SLIPPERS with those of 1929, a period when Jan. 28. the screen for several years. SLIPPERS Warm. restful, a n d comfortable the talkies had got well Into their Eva Le Gallienne in "L'Aiglon" and Estelle Taylor, in ••Where East slippers. All sizes for women. olher plays; Grand Opera House; Is East," claimed honors from even MEN & WOMEN Greatly Reduced in Price stride, one finds many stars of five nee d these ex- opens Feb. 4. Lon Chaney and the coy Lupe Ve· years ago still doing well. Others tremely warm slip- Patent, dull, smoked, or tan "'EEKLY CHANGES: lez, 'l'he last couple of years have pers for winter. leather oxfords with leather or who were headliners have slipped Very low priced at Palace theater: Vaudeville and cin- brought Estelle no screen rOles; she composition sales. The price into the list of those forgotten, or regularly is more than 1.50, ema; II Words and Music" revue. is touring in vaudeville. Ulrich Size~ are playing much less Important Haupt of "Madame X" and Claude 4 to 12 but we must sell every pair. rOles in the making of screen his- ChIcago theater: Vaudeville and cin- ema; Dave Apnllon'a revue. Allister of "Bulldog Drummond" tory. BASEMENT-DEARBORN STREET are heard of no more. Allister Is in Five years ago Richard Barthel. State-Lake theater: Vaudeville and cinema; Lewis and Ames, head- England. in films. Lilyan Tashman, mess headed one list of most popular liners. also of "Bulldog Drummond," is stars. Ruth Chatterton and Greta Illen~s dead. Thomas Meighan of "The W S LK IIOSE 12Y2% WOOL (J Garbo tied for second place. Emil Argyle Case" tried a comeback in Jannings, Douglas Fairbanks, Wal- '-W-IN-D-S..s.O-R-a-n-d"';' character work during the closing 4 ,.---------. mance of the Underworld" is not tel' Huston, Norma Shearer, Janet PBS. in the running today. year. George Bancroft, who was a Gaynor, Maurice Chevalier, Evelyn BOSTON NE1.~ - FOR Lupe Velez with her" lady of the popular" he-man " star, honored for FOR Brent, Ann Harding, Victor McLag· 4 Pavements" was on the way up five "Thunderbolt," slipped badly, has WOMEN'S Snug fitting len, and William Powell followed Silk Chiffon with picot PANELS years ago; an occasional film uses been off the screen, but recently at- panties and built up close. Of this list Richard Bar-thel- tops or service weight the fiery Lupe today. Esther Rals- tempted a comeback. He may yet shoulder style vests, so mess has definitly passed his prime hose with lisle top, dark warm and comfortable in ton, mentioned for "The Case of make it. winter shades. Perfect and dropped to a lower place. winter. Small, medium, Lena Smith," is back in films at quality hose. Sizes 8lf2 FOR and large sizes. "Rio Rita" Bebe Daniels' to 101/2. Shearer, Gaynor, and Chevalier M-G-M after years away on the stage and In vaudeville; she is being ----- 51 Swan Song-Almost. Men's Shirts Keep Box Office Lead. groomed for better parts if she Outsize Hose Gauze and madras effects in Basil Rothbone of ••'I'he Last of widths from 34 to 44 inches, and Shorts Jannings does not work In Holly- catches on In her new contract Service weight, Chardo- Mrs. Cheney" is no longer of the 2 1·6 to 2% yards long. High Fancy pattern broadcloth wood, preferring Europe. Huston is there. nize or Rayon, dar k Hollywood colony, but is touring shades, mill menders of quality fabrics you will find shorts, sizes 30 to 42, barnstorming with the classics and Doug Fairbanks wowed 'em then amazingly low priced. Smart cotton ribbed shirt, sizes with Katharine Cornell and her better grades. ••• working on Broadway. Evelyn Brent with the ••Iron Mask," the end of i' new French Ecru shade. theater company. Ina Claire in Sizes 9 to 4 r a I S 24 to 46.
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