International Journal of Research and Development - A Management Review (IJRDMR) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ A Study on Effective Advertising Management Strategy A.Shobika & J.Sindhu, II BBA CA, Department of Bachelor of Business Administration with CA, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College management, ad campaigns and public relations efforts Abstract -Every origin should have objectives to provide a frame work for action. Advertising is a part of the tend to founder and produce little or no results. promotion mix and thus, advertising objective should in Effective advertising always begins by engaging in line with the overall promotion or marketing objectives of competent advertising research. The research helps to a firm which in turn, should be in line with the overall identify the sectors of the consumer market that are most organizational objectives. Setting advertising objectives is the starting point in developing is advertising. Advertising likely to positively respond to a given product. In order is best business. At present it is estimated to be are to identify these niche markets within the larger group of industry worth RS, 50000 crore (2013) account of consumers, researchers will not only seek to understand recession, ad spends have led to slump in the ad market. what appeals to these buyers but why those goods and The growth rate has slumped from 24.5% in 2007 to services have that inherent appeal. The data collected advertising is a Promotional activity for marketing a from the research can then be used to enhance the commodity. In the present day world of mass production marketability of products, addressing everything from and distribution, advertisement serves as a powerful tool in function to packaging. the marketing machinery. A different producer manufactures similar type of goods. They face tough Advertising: competition in the market every producer is trying to creating demand for his product. “Advertising is a non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in INTRODUCTION: nature about products, services or ideas by identified Advertising management is a career path in the sponsors through the various media." advertising industry. Advertising and promotions Advertising is an activity of attracting public attention to managers may work for an agency, a PR firm, a media a product or business, as by paid announcements in the outlet, or may be hired directly by a company to develop print, broadcast, or electronic media. branding for the company's product or service. This position can include supervising employees, acting as a Advertising is a paid form of a non-personal message liaison between multiple agencies working on a project, communicated through the various media by industry, or creating and implementing promotional campaigns. business firms, non-profit organisations, or individuals. Advertising is persuasive and informational and is Regarding terminology, while advertising is the designed to influence the purchasing behaviour and/or promotional campaign itself, advertising management thought patterns of the audience. Advertising is a can address the whole process - the function of marketing tool and may be used in combination with marketing starting from market research continuing other marketing tools, such as sales promotions, through advertising, leading to actual sales or personal selling tactics, or publicity. achievement of objective, potentially including evaluation of the entire cost-benefits to the Non-personal: company involved. Basically sales are done either personally or non- Advertising management: personally. Personal selling requires the seller and buyer to get together. Personal selling has its own advantages Advertising management is the process of overseeing and disadvantages. Whereas advertising is non-personal campaigns that seek to inform and attract consumers selling. Personal selling has many advantages over regarding a particular good or service. This process advertising like direct communication, bargaining, begins with the first stages of the market research that enough time to discuss in detail about the product, seller helps to create the advertising strategy, moves on to the can easily locate potential buyer. Advertising has none development of the general outline for the campaign, the of the advantages of personal selling, very little time to creation of a specific plan of action and the launching of present sales message, message is cannot be changed the completed project. Without effective advertising easily. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print): 2319–5479, 2014 72 International Journal of Research and Development - A Management Review (IJRDMR) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Communication: Persuasive: Communication means passing information, ideas, or Objective of advertising is to increase demand for feelings by a person to another. Communication uses all existing product by persuading new customer for first the senses like smell, touch, taste, sound, sight. Only time purchase and existing customers for repurchases. two senses - sound and sight are really useful in Persuasive advertising attempts to increase demand for advertising. In advertising, what appears is everything an existing product. Persuasive advertising is a the writer thinks the customer needs to know about the competitive type of promotion suited to the growth stage product in order to make a decision about the product. and the early part of the maturity stage of the product That information will generally be about how the life cycle. product can benefit the customer. Reminder: Paid For: The objective of advertising is to remind customers Advertiser has to pay for the creation of ad and for about existence of product, and on-going promotional placing it in the media. Cost of ad creation and cost of activities. Reminder advertising strives to reinforce time/space in the media must be paid for. Cost of previous promotional activity by keeping the name of a advertising depends on TRP of media, reach of media, product before the public. It is common in the latter part and frequency of ad to be displayed. of the maturity stage and throughout the decline stage of the product life cycle. Persuasive: Functions and Classifications of Advertising: "Persuasive" stands to reason as part of the definition of advertising. The basic purpose of advertising is to Functions of Advertising - Following are the basic identify and differentiate one product from another in functions of advertising: order to persuade the consumer to buy that product in 1. To distinguish product from competitors' products: preference to another. There are so many products of same category in the Identified Sponsors: market and they compete with each other, Identified sponsors mean whoever is putting out the ad advertising performs the function of distinguishing tells the audience who they are. There are two reasons advertiser's product from competitors. for this: first, it's a legal requirement, and second, it 2. To communicate product information: makes good sense. Legally, a sponsor must identify himself as the sponsor of ad. By doing so the sponsor Product related information required to be not only fulfils the legal requirements, but it also makes communicated to the targeted customers, and a good sense, if the sponsor doesn't do so, the audience advertisement performs this function. may believe that the ad is for any competitor's product, 3. To urge product use: thus wasting all the time and money in making and placing the ad. Effective advertisement can create the urge within audience for a product. Objectives of Advertising: 4. To expand product distribution: Objectives of Advertising - The real objective of advertising is effective communication between When the market demand of a particular product producers and consumers with the purpose to sell a increases, the number of retailer and distributor product, service, or idea. The main objectives of involved in sale of that product also increases, advertising are as follows: hence product distribution get expanded. Informative: 5. To increase brand preference: Objective of advertising is to inform its targeted There are various products of different bands audience/customers about introduction of new product, are available, the brand which is effectively and update or changes in existing products or product related frequently advertised is preferred most. changes, information regarding new offers and schemes. Informative advertising seeks to develop initial demand 6. To reduce overall sale cost: for a product. The promotion of any new market entry Advertising increases the primary demand in the tends to pursue this objective because marketing success market. When demand is there and the product is at this stage often depends simply on announcing available, automatically the overall cost will product availability. Thus, informative advertising is decrease, simultaneously the cost of sales like common in the introductory stage of the product life distribution cost, promotional cost also gets cycle. decreased. Classification of Advertising - Advertising can be classified on the basis of Function, Region, Target ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSN (Print): 2319–5479, 2014 73 International
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