Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13628-1 — Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Fear and the Cold War of the 1980s Edited by Eckart Conze , Martin Klimke , Jeremy Varon Index More Information Index Abalone Alliance campaign, 186–87 historical development of, 7 creation of, 193–94 through opposition to nuclear power Abel Archer exercise, NATO and, 35 plants, 7–8, 178–81 abortion, 69–71 Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963 and, Abraham, Peter, 154 271–72 accidental Armageddons, 10, 88–89, pro-life movement and, 69–72 317–18 as resistance movement, 91–92 Ackerman, Thomas, 27–28, 29–30, 33, response to nuclear winter threat, 34–35 45–46 in West Germany, 167–68, 181, 185 Action for Reconciliation Peace Services anti-nuclear pop. See popular music, nuclear (ASF), 254, 256–57 crisis themes in active neutrality, 228 anti-toxics movement, 187–88. See also Adamson, Stuart, 106 Love Canal Adelman, Kenneth, 280–81 LCHA and, 196–200 Agar, Jon, 44 legislation as part of, 204 AIF. See Atomic Industrial Forum Apel, Hans, 293, 301 Albertz, Heinrich, 86–87, 92 Apfelberg, Liz, 193 Albrecht, Ulrich, 229 Appeal for European Nuclear Alphaville, 120 Disarmament, 229–31 Alvarez, Walter, 29 Aron, Raymond, 319 American Cancer Society, 69 Artists for Peace festival, 123, 136–37 Anders, Günther, 82 Artists for Peace initiative. See Künstler fur Andre, Fabrizio de, 123 den Frieden initiative Antarctic Treaty, 208 ASF. See Action for Reconciliation Peace Antarctica, as nuclear-free zone, 224 Services anti-Americanism, 87–88 atomic Holocaust, 86 anti-nuclear movement. See also No Nukes Atomic Industrial Forum (AIF), 188–89, movement; popular music, nuclear 202 crisis themes in; Wyhl reactor site, atomic pop, 102–3 occupation of atomic threat. See nuclear crisis anti-Americanism and, in West Germany, Australia 87–88 nuclear disarmament movement in, 274 civil disobedience in, 7–8 nuclear-free zones in, 210, 222 in contemporary context, 93 in France, 316–18 Bahr, Egon, 290–91, 302 CODENE-CFDT alliance and, 326–30 Bahro, Rudolf, 303 as nonaligned, failure of, 326–30 Barrett, Marcia, 135 high-risk activism in, 5 Bastian, Gert, 123, 298, 303 355 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13628-1 — Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Fear and the Cold War of the 1980s Edited by Eckart Conze , Martin Klimke , Jeremy Varon Index More Information 356 Index Baudissin, Wolf Graf, 298 Bush, Kate, 4 BCC. See British Council of Churches Beckmann, Lukas, 126, 131 Caldicott, Helen, 66, 71–72 Bedford, Henry, 191 Callaghan, James “Sunny Jim,” 278, 344, Belafonte, Harry, 123–24 345 Beresford, Meg, 233 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Berger, Senta, 126 (CND), 228 Berrigan, Daniel, 72 in Christian Peace movement, 254–55 Berrigan, Philip, 72 END compared to, 228, 231–34, 246 Berstecher, Dieter, 171, 172 Canada Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, nuclear disarmament movement in, 272 228–29, 232, 237 nuclear-free zones in, 210 Beuys, Joseph, 87, 126, 133, 134, 137 Carey, Hugh, 197–98 Bielefeld, Rolf, 130 Carson, Rachel, 40, 43–44 Bielefeld Appeal, 302 Carter, Jimmy, 67, 107, 202, 253, 345 Biermann, Wolfgang, 126, 142, 144–45, missile deployment strategy under, 272, 152, 303 293 biological citizens, 62–63 neutron bomb policy, 291 Birks, John, 29 nuclear disarmament policy, 277–78 BKA. See Federation of Communist SALT II Treaty and, 278 Workers Catholic Church, abortion and, 70 Bleuel, Hans Peter, 156 CDU. See Christian Democratic Union ”Blue Marble,” earth as, 39 Celan, Paul, 88 Blueprint for Survival, 41–42 CFDT (French trade union), 326–30 Boardman, Elizabeth, 189 change of government. See Wende Bobichon, Jean-Pierre, 329 Charter 77, 238, 240–41, 275 Bohley, Bärbel, 238 Chernenko, Konstantin, 108, 147–48 Böll, Heinrich, 123–24, 132, 144, 150, 259 Chichester, Guy, 189 Bonbrest, Bette Gay, 77 A Child Is Born (Nilsson), 77 Bonbrest v. Kotz, 68, 77 The China Syndrome, 3–4, 60 Boney M., 120, 135 Christgau, Robert, 105–6 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 92 Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 79–80 Bourdet, Claude, 229, 326–27, 331 Christian peace movement. See also Bowie, David, 3, 110–11 Interchurch Peace Council Boyens, Armin, 89 CND as part of, 254–55 Brandt, Willy, 41, 129, 301–2, 338 defined, 252 Brezhnev, Leonid, 272, 278, 279, 320 END and, 255 Briggs, Raymond, 3, 105, 110–11 in Great Britain, 257–58, 260–62 Bright, Charles, 216–17 BCC and, 260–61 British Council of Churches (BCC), 260–61 influence of churches in, 260–62 Brower, David, 192–93 organizational coordination within, Brown, Harold, 294 258–60, 263 Brown, Jerry, 192–93 Pax Christi and, 254–55, 262–63 Browne, Jackson, 192 in West Germany, 256–57, 260–62 Bruyn, Günter de, 150, 153 Christian Right, opposition to nuclear Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 277, 291 disarmament, 276 Buckley, William, 3 churches. See Christian peace movement; Bukovsky, Vladimir, 275–76 Interchurch Peace Council Bundesregierung, 294–301 civil defense policies Harmel formula and, 299–300 in Great Britain, 103–5 Bush, George H. W., 271 in US, 103–5 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13628-1 — Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Fear and the Cold War of the 1980s Edited by Eckart Conze , Martin Klimke , Jeremy Varon Index More Information Index 357 Clamshell Alliance campaign, 186–87, Dai, Caroline, 124–25 189–92 Davis, Belinda, 180 mass arrests during, 191–92 The Day After, 2–3, 35 political criticism of, 190–91 de Gaulle, Charles, 318–19 Wyhl reactor site occupation as influence Declaration of Security, 347–48 on, 190 Degenhardt, Franz Josef, 123 The Clash, 4 Deile, Volker, 86 The Closing Circle (Commoner), 41 Deile, Volkmar, 256 Cloward, Richard, 200–1 Denton, Harold, 60 CND. See Campaign for Nuclear Derrida, Jacques, 31 Disarmament d’Estaing, Valéry Giscard, 293, 338–39 Coates, Ken, 228–29, 234, 237. See also Deutschmann, Matthias, 131–32 Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, CODENE. See Committee for the 192–95 Denuclearization of Europe Abalone Alliance campaign and, 186–87 Cold War. See also Cuban Missile Crisis creation of, 193–94 atomic pop and, 102–3 mass arrests at, 195 MAD and, 2 Mothers for Peace and, 193 nuclear-free zones and, 208 public support for, 193 West Germany during, 1 Dienstbier, Jií, 238 Committee for the Denuclearization of Ditfurth, Jutta, 84 Europe (CODENE), 326–30 domaines réservés, 318 goals of, 327 Doomsday Book (Taylor), 41 organizations in, 326–27 Doomsday Machine, 31–32 Committee to Protect Fessenheim and the Dörries, Matthias, 44 Rhine Valley (CSFR), 170–71 Double Exposure (Racek), 231 Commoner, Barry, 41, 43–44, 193 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Communist League of West Germany Worrying and Love the Bomb, 12, (KBW), 177–78 31–32 concentration camps Dual-Track Decision, of NATO, 17–18, missile bases and, 88–89 117, 227 pacifism movement and, in West Bielefeld Appeal and, 302 Germany, 88–89 END and, 228–29 Conze, Eckart, 306 French support for, in press, 323–24 Cook, James, 195 G7 summits and, 347–48 Cornwall, Hugh, 110–11 Hollanditis and, 251 Cosgrove, Denis, 38–39 IKV response to, 255–56 credibility gap, in US political culture, 56 nuclear disarmament and, 277–78 Cronkite, Walter, 55 Soviet Union and, 1–2 Crozier, Michel, 337–38 SV response to, 142–43 Cruise Missiles, deployment of, 1–2, 227, West Germany and 272 Bielefeld Appeal and, 302 Crutzen, Paul, 29 Bundesregierung response to, 294–301 CSFR. See Committee to Protect Fessenheim peace movement influenced by, 83, and the Rhine Valley 292–301 Cuban Missile Crisis, 10 SPD response to, 301–5 culture of death, 8 Dubos, René, 38 Czaputowicz, Jacek, 242 Dubrow, Sara, 69, 77 Czechoslovakia, 241, 249 Duff, Peggy, 229 Charter 77 in, 238, 240–41, 275 Dukakis, Michael, 195 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13628-1 — Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Fear and the Cold War of the 1980s Edited by Eckart Conze , Martin Klimke , Jeremy Varon Index More Information 358 Index Earth in the Balance (Gore), 39 Dual-Track Decision as factor in, East German Writers Union (SV) 323–24 expulsion of writers from, 142 FRG response to, 321–22 during peace movement, 143–46, 159 Pershing II missiles and, 325 in Bebelplatz, 148–50 political consensus on, 321–22 cooperation with West German in press, 322–24 authors, 150–56 public opinion on, 324–26, 330–31, socialist participation in, 146–48 333 union-sponsored international events, Europe, peace movements in. See also 148–50 European Nuclear Disarmament; response to NATO Dual-Track Decision, West Germany; Western Europe 142–43, 157–58 CND and, 228, 231 SED and, 142, 144–46 organizational network among, 235 East Germany, West German Green Party political agendas of, 227–28 in, 155–56 Third Way tradition in, 228 Ebert, Theodor, 177 transnational diffusion of, 228, 245 ecocide, 53 European Economic Community (EEC), EEC. See European Economic Community 173 Eggleston, Barbara, 257 European Nuclear Disarmament (END), Ehrlich, Paul, 30–31, 40–41 228–44, 272 Einstein, Albert, 282 Appeal for, 229–31 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 103 Charter 77 and, 238, 240–41 “Eiszeit,” 120 Christian Peace movement and, 255 Ellsberg, Daniel, 193 CND compared to, 228, 231–34, 246 END. See European Nuclear Disarmament Conventions for, 235–37 Engelmann, Bernt, 150, 156, 157, 163 Dual-Track Decision as influence on, Enhanced Radiation Weapon (ERW), 228–29 290–91 East-West dialogue, 237–44 environmental movement. See also anti- goals of, 229–31 nuclear movement; No Nukes Great Britain and, 228, 231–34 movement Helsinki network and, 243–44 anti-toxics movement and, 187–88 independent peace groups as part of, “Blue Marble” photograph as symbol of, 238–40 39 divergent goals of, 239–41 in contemporary context, 93 political coalitions in, 229, during 1970s, 37–38, 39 234–35 NRDC and, 43 roots of, 228–29 pollution and, 201 in Western Europe, 234–37 reproductive health as symbol of, 64 European Trade Union Confederation against Vietnam War, 53 (ETUC), 328 in West Germany, 41 Euroshima, 92 Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 144 extinction of human race, 31, 32–33 Eppler, Erhard, 89–90, 303 Epstein, Barbara, 192 Faber, Mient Jan, 253–54, 258 ERW.
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