ECOLUP-GUIDANCE Environmental Management for Communal Urban Land Use Planning A publication of the Lake Constance Foundation, Constance www.bodensee-stiftung.org, www.ecolup.info With the support of the European Union LIFE Programme The contents of this guidance have been correctly represented to the best of our knowledge. The editor is not responsible for any mistakes that may be present. Presentations held at project workshops were used for this guidance. The authors are credited to the best of our knowledge. Otherwise, the gist of their contents has been used without reference to the authors in the text. Editor: Editorial Team: Cover + Design: Bodensee-Stiftung Lake Constance Foundation, DERKOHLER & PARTNER Paradiesstraße 13 Constance: Design interdisciplinaire, D-78462 Konstanz Marion Hammerl, Daniela Paas, Constance, www.derkohler.com Uta Strothotte, Thomas Körner Tel.: 0049-(0)7531-9098-0 Printer: Nürtingen University, Institute for Email: [email protected] oder Druckerei Krammer, Applied Research (IAF): Radolfzell-Böhringen, März 2004 [email protected] Wolfgang Everts, Britta www.ecolup.info oder Steinerstauch, Katja Siegmann CD-Rom produced by: MAUS Interaktiv GmbH, Constance www.bodensee-stiftung.org Austrian Institute of Ecology ECOLUP Project Direction: (ÖÖI), Bregenz: Karin Klas, Katrin Löning Marion Hammerl, Bodensee-Stiftung Schereer, Schnell, Walser and Partner (SSWP), Constance: Expert Consultants: Klaus-Dieter Schnell Nürtingen University, Institute for Applied Research (IAF) and the speakers at the Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Everts ECOLUP workshops Email: wolfgang.everts@ Photo sources: t-online.de www.fh-nuertingen.de/iaf City of Dornbirn, City of Konstanz, City of Überlingen, Municipality of Wolfurt, Lake Constance Foun- 100% chlorine-free bleaches dation, Nürtingen University recycling paper 1 Preface The region around Lake Constance I consider this project to be ano- represents a significant agglomer- ther building block in the deve- ation area within Central Europe lopment of instruments for with a very dynamic tempo of de- sustainable settlement develop- velopment. Here we can observe ment and for the sparing use of particularly clearly the environ- natural resources. At the same mental concerns brought about by time, ECOLUP represents a contri- settlement development: the pre- bution to the implementation and servation of valuable natural areas achievement of the goals set in and landscapes cultivated by man, Baden-Württemberg’s the need to provide a high quality environmental plan. of life for living and working, and the responsibility of protecting the It seems particularly important to drinking water reservoir for 4.5 me that these approaches and million people. At the same time, methods were not developed for Lake Constance is a magnet for the the Lake Constance region alone, two million tourists and 27 day- but can be applied in other trippers who visit the region each regions, as well, for the planning year. This means that the commu- processes related to land use are nities of the region must take par- conflict-ridden in every communi- ticular care to preserve the region’s ty. I recommend the ECOLUP natural resources, especially the Guidance for use in and integra- finite resource land. tion into any community’s urban land use planning. Together with the cities of Con- stance and Überlingen and the two Austrian communities of Dornbirn and Wolfurt, the Lake Constance Foundation has developed the ECOLUP project, an innovative approach to sustainable regional development. The ECOLUP project Ulrich Müller, MdL is intended to facilitate the appli- Minister für Umwelt und Verkehr cation of the European environ- des Landes Baden-Württemberg mental management system EMAS to the processes in communal ur- ban land use planning. Its funda- mental overall goals are to pro- mote the exchange of information between the communities, to im- prove the extent to which environ- mental concerns are taken into consideration in planning proces- ses, and to strengthen the involve- ment of the public, representatives of interest groups, and the findings provided by Local Agenda groups in this greater process. www.ecolup.info ECOLUP-Preface 1 ECOLUP 1 1. Environmental Management for Communal Urban Land Use Planning Land Use as an management. In these processes retain their reed stand and these Environmental Problem are anchored the goals of environ- sections lie, aside from a few mental protection, preservation of exceptions, within the existing With its 147 inhabitants per square biological diversity and a use of nature and land conservation kilometre, the European Union is natural resources which promotes areas. among the most heavily settled their conservation. regions in the world. The amount ECOLUP: An Innovative of built-up surface area increases The Environmental Situation in Approach to Sustainable by 2% every ten years (European the Lake Constance Region Environmental Planning Commission: Caring for our future, 2000). Among the resulting bur- The Lake Constance region repre- ECOLUP (Ecological Land Use dens for nature and the environ- sents one of the agglomeration Planning) is intended to provide a ment are: the release of toxic sub- areas in Central Europe within framework within which the Euro- stances into the ground, air and which the environmental problems pean Environmental Management water, increasing concentration of caused by settlement development System EMAS II can be applied to traffic, increasing impact of hu- can be clearly seen. It offers val- the processes in communal urban man inhabitancy on the landscape uable natural areas and land culti- land use planning. The EMAS and natural areas. vated by man, high quality of life directive determines which criteria for living and working, but also must be observed when establish- The meagre inroads that environ- the responsibility for the protec- ing an environmental management mental protection goals for com- tion of the drinking water reservoir system for production systems, munity planning have been able to for 4.5 million people. This means organisation locations or services make into how communal urban that the communities of the region and in doing so supports continual land use plans are actually drawn must take particular care to preser- improvement in environmental up has been the topic of critical ve the region’s natural resources, performance at a level higher than discussion for quite a long time. especially the finite resource land. that required by law. Environmental protection goals set down in general form in binding With 289 inhabitants per square Together with the cities of Con- land usage and regional planning kilometre, the Lake Constance di- stance, Überlingen and Dornbirn directives in general are not con- strict lies above the EU average. and the municipality (Marktge- cretely implemented in the zoning Areas near the lake are particularly meinde) of Wolfurt, the Lake Con- plans cities establish for land use. desirable - there up to 500 inhabi- stance Foundation has put toge- tants per kmR live. It is attractive ther a model project centred on The application of the EMAS II to live and work on the lake and ecologically oriented land use pla- directive to the instruments of this is not going to change in nning. Working within the frame- communal urban land use plan- coming years. For the communities work of ECOLUP (Ecological Land ning is a logically consistent step near the lake, a population increa- Use Planning), its purpose is to towards promoting environmental se of 4 to 12% by the year 2005 apply the European environmental education and improvements in has been predicted, despite the management system EMAS II to the environment. The procedure high price of construction land. the processes that make up com- makes the inarguable relevance of munal urban land use planning. communal urban land use plan- In addition to the local population, The Institute of Applied Research ning to environmental issues each summer approximately 2 mil- at Nürtingen University was respon- understandable and measurable. lion tourists and about 27 million sible for the supervision of the day-trippers come to the lake. scientific aspects of this project. The programme’s long-term goal is They, too, require a place to spend sustainable land use and urban the night, infrastructure and recre- ECOLUP provides communities planning through the development ational facilities. An ever-increa- with the means to validate their and the introduction of an envi- sing squeeze is being put on the urban land use planning in accor- ronmental management system for nature resources of in the lake dance with the EMAS directive. the planning processes which con- vicinity. Today, only 28% of the The municipal administration, stitute communal urban land use shoreline in Baden Württemberg because it is responsible for www.ecolup.info Environmental Management for Communal Urban Land Use Planning 5 1 ECOLUP 1. Environmental Management for Communal Urban Land Use Planning communal urban land use plan- that can be directly or indirectly undertaken. Each community’s ning, is the institution which un- influenced by urban land use environmental policy, environmen- dergoes validation. Involved actors planning: tal goals and environmental pro- within the community are the re- gram were presented to the respon- sponsible authorities (building ■ excessive urban expansion sible political bodies, the town control office or city planning ■ sealing-off of soil / councils, for
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