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Ithat the first' ' day • I of school at the' University of Mani- ' .. .' ...'-------....,.--- CARL· ALPERT _________... toba will coincide with Rosh Hash- IS 5 UNIQUE ARAB VILLAGE anah, Time Table· setting· will take ' ' place on Thursday, September 23rd ' (Successors .. to "The 'Israelite Press) loc. haifa - Kababir is the na'me of in .the,.puilding' trades, especially as at 5:30 p.m. in Room 405, Isbister ~IKfU,!lUll ,!1W,,.... ,ll'1 11! "' · · · · · · an Arab village here on Mount stone ''masons. They are the ones Building. ·· , OFfiCEi 23o 'cATHEDRAL AVE. (CORNER MAIN ~EEl'). Carmel. it Is one of the most unique ·who have built many of the lbvely This applie' to all classes with PHONE: 588-8187 · · P.O. BOX 3816 'WINNIPEG 4, MA!f. and most interesting Arab villages 1Jewish. homes and villas on Mount .1971 ' the exception of Hebrew 90 and PEARL WEISENBERG, Editor •in ·the· country. Its name is ·men- :Carmel. Jt would appear.•. th~t their Hebrew 120 which will meet in ' . ' tloned occaslonaNy, In. tourist guide ·women folk must have chided them F: St:lllrt:lrt•. Advertllilng M•nt~~~~~t their slots on Wednesdday. • books, but tourists have never heard for building such homes for others, The class in History of Jewish of it and never visit it, except those yvhile they continued to live In, the Thought 55:332 will meet at 7 p.m. · ' · .. · · ' ] whom l bring there. traditional run-down :4rab shacks. Thursday evenings until after the I:' '""''i -.il.ohiA .. :-~.·- J. "hi.·Ill,··,,..,.... It is not an ancient.place. Itwas, And SO, a few years ago the m~n Holy · Days, beginning September JrtD~ ~- .f.fiLa.. Vfo-,- .......,lUI.. settl~d· 'about 150; years ago by one of Kabablr began re~uildlng their 23ril. E,UAHU SALPETER ==='="=-=' Nada Udl who left .Jerusalem and own homea, each with his own The course to be offered through ·l~t:l !>itched· his tent on a deserted and hands, a~d each devoting to it as 1.V:I>llll the Extension Division, Evening . ISRAEL'S 1st ATOMIC POWER PLANT. rocky spur of the Carmel rang0. His many hours as possible.after normal Institute, ..Jews and Arabs: Fiction t:Jll/~;:a ' ·1 MAY BE GETTING 'uNDERWAY children grew- up, mafried local work on the Carmel. Under suc;h or Non-Fiction.. will be given on • • • • • • • • • Arabs;' and so the village 'grew. To- co.nditlons it t~kes Y\)ars to produce Wednesday evenings, from 8:00 to The ·J~rae,li · governm~nt. will probably soon decide to give the· day almost everybody in Kababir is a finished house, but the visitor to­ 10:00 p.m. ·gci a~e~d ~br' the c::c;mstructlon of the coimtry's 'first atomic power plant· a desccindimt of Nada Udi. What' day can already see where the at­ Studimts are adivesd to tur'l in """' some '10 years· after the idea was first seriously considered by is unique about the village7 . tractive new houses, with disting­ their schedules '(1 schedule par "01$1)' liD Jerus~l~m~·. , . ·. , · , ·. , · . , , · · · . · I For one' thing, it ~as l.ong. si~u· uished stone .facing, are e~llrging 01$t:l'l~ 100 cia 'to· be taken in Department of , A speci;tl coll)mittC!e composed of rep'llsentatives ,of the Israel. ated far fr~m the ~a1fa mty hm1ts. from. or stra~dRng, the o~d hu~. 1'1 I:JI\Iil l/:1 N.E. and Judaic Studies) .to our Atom,ic Epergy Cpmmissiop and of the Israel Electric & Power Company., But those ccty limits grew. and were The !~Wn IS smal~. It cs. butltt on tllll/:"llliiP~ · lillil~ lt:l'r.l 'l.VJ secretary, Mrs. Muir, Room 412, he's' subnii~e9... a. reP,p_rt to the government on the feasibility of 1 such a extenged, and as the Jew1sh popul- both scdes of a ~mgle rmg road Isbister Bldg. as soon as possible. "1!11:/l/~,.V••D' . -ll~. ltll~~l:Jr.li'C '1 1 111$lll'! l:)JI$Plll t:ll:/.1.) l:illil 01$1:)'1~ project at this· tinie. .W•hile tha report; whiqh is stiU s!lcret, 111akes no, ation ~pread over tha. Car~el, ~ew w~c~ ends where Jt starts. An Eg- 'j dlrect recommendation one •way or another, those in the know say it ,streets and houses were built light ge bus makes th~ run around ~o~n VISIT ISRAEL l l~5lll .Vb1$1t:l0Nt:l~P il/1 llll· t:l,'ll$ Clll 'I ' Indicates an aff'irrri&tive. answer to two questions· whather this is the irp to the borders of Kabablr. Be- every twenty • mmutes, provldmg Montreal _ More than • lll'IN l.illil$t:ll:l'll\~ 'lllll/llNI)'l/l ·'llli 20 000 • ,., t:l1l/llW11\D t:l!tt'1• b~-1 'It~ •"01\!t~~ time to make a decisio'n· to start· construction · and whether the. de.c/sion fore long, Haifa began to spill aroun.d ra~id connection with the . busy Canadians w!ll visit lsrae,l this year ''i lllil 1ll.P.1P ''l IP't::lhtNl ll!l· Jl'li~N shClulq be to ~tart ·building now. • . tlie' village, and 'tlie houses are so Hacfa Centre. There. areh only two and s~t a record that exceeds by " ,~~'-N,, · · ·. · · ' .... · · ·' ' · · · · IIi 11 stores -. a grocery s op ·and a " · . 1 • . · • . .cro·i~ .. Jhis. is not the· first time a positive decision could lie taken by the· close It cs .~ow. lmposs Ia. to te veget&ble stand. "The only public far even the most optimistic fore- . • govern,ment this 1n the·ear!y .6os. it was suggested ls'!'el where one begms and the are the new scho·of and· casts•. M.r .. Gideon . " •• ~n subje~t. tha~ .othe~ building~ Accord~ng t~ ·c,~J,~~ lrti,~P,,SO, ~.il ~, t:llill;l"l:it:l"il!:ll \ ll/l ,, s,ho~ld combme an electr~c power S:tatcon w1th a large·sca,le .<1es~lmat1on e!lds. In 1942 Kaba~l~ '!"a~ c.ncor the Ahmadi mosque, whose small Pollcar, .Canadlcan Drrect?r of the ,N,t:t~ 1~,TN~ rov,, tol~,i~tl,..,e·:~vt:t~,v!l~5·. ,v~·~J liN .,1JN~~t:l"iol1l/Q ,Jill plant: 11\(hei!' the late Prime Mini~ter Levi Esh,k?-1 l(isited '«ashington poreted-lnto the !"un!C1IJ!II h.rrms of white dome can 'be seen from.' the' Israel .Government Tounst Office, I 1llri"l~l.:l,lblt:l. ~,,.,., 1 ,,~s~~g 1~12 csn ' in 1964." one·. of the.highlights of his talks wi.th P,resident Johnson was· Haifa. but it.. ma~ntams Its :dentl,ty Haifa-T(II Aviv' highway far• below.. the first six m~nths of 1971 alrea~y . ' • 8 l the ·ran.er's agreemerit, In principlei for Amerlc~n participation in such ~ a soclologccal entity ·within ·the ~ The people of Kababir are purlt·r r'lglstered. an c~crease. of 37% over ,' ' a joint venture. , , ·. 1 . > ccty.. It has Its own school, .Its own anieal potite industrious. They are· the correspondmg panod of a year - • • • • • • internal tax system and 1ts own : ' ' and a whopping 49"1< over the .. , Combined teams of American and Israeli experts ·drafted plans. anll 1 lid hfp Fi rthermore It has an not 11ch, but neither are they poor•. ago •. ',, so.rt' ed ideas which'ti~a-Uy·crystalized around a proposal for a combined .9ff. ~rsl · •· u l'g!' Their homes command one of tlce' figure of 1969. The, stead•ly .gr~w· I , · · . · .. ,. · · o JCJa vc 11age ren on · · ' · ' larity 111 Israel as a tounsm I "; ~tatjon 'p,roducin'g' scime 17:5 ·Mw~ of power and a pout 12!?. mlllloi) · In 1929 the entire ·p~pulation. to- most mag.nificant ·vistas , fro,in the en~ p,..pu 'on nd racticall oblite- ', ' 1 • 1 "':.'_, . c~bie> mete(s per annum Of desalinated water, The cqst would havp da , a ro chin . , 1 0oo in !lumber. Carm~l ~ell!hts; . ' . , an vacate ~ p y . 1 b~en: some, $200 mil.li~m- and th~ ·Israelis )\oped Washingtory would w:S 'c~~ve~ed ~0 the Ahmadi faith. .A t?u"st who cs lpokl,ng for some- rates. e~e~!~:~ s~t ,:~. m~: t. h;•• . contribute . hlilf . the. sum . !n a practically interest-free long-term lqan, This is Reform m~1vement within th1~g off ~he beaten, trac~ can get countr · •h d . P a'med 8 1 . otherwise ina ·capitol. costs w0ittd make the price of "'ater prohibitively Islam which accepts the Koran .but there by bus ~o. 3~ .fro~. the Mer- cemp.a g~, t a~~c 9 ro 1 ~h 1970to~l'lsm . ·.high., Hclwe\(er.'.both Washington and. Je'rusalem apparently had. second rejects the oral' ·tradition that' has ~z Hac~rmel. m ~ !el" J'!IIRUtes, and ~0 811 ~~ ~ne th 9 g e:rs b0 f o/. In '·'tJi~.'l\g~ts ..a~o~t the wisd.om ,of makin'g Israel finance suC?h a large' amount grown ,Up around.lt.'. Founder. of(the Wtth a .httle lnltt~!JVE~ ean have an ~:7~sra:3~ in r~ ~nd 15~ 10in •.73.
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