·. ---~ . Census of India, 1931 VOL. I-INDIA Part 1--Report • by J. H. HUTTON, C.J.E., D.Sc., F.A.S.B., Carreapoacllaa Me1nber of the Anthropologieche Gesell-chait of Vlama To which ia annexed an ACTUARIAL REPORT by L S. Vaidyanathan, F. I. A. DELHI: MANAGRR OF' PUBLICATION8 1933 Governmen~ of In~~ ~blications are _obtainable from the Manager of Publica­ tions, Ctvil Lmes, Old Delhi, a.nd from the following Agents :- EUROPE. U-45.2.St') OJ' OniCE THE HIGH COMMISSIONER F0R INDIA, G1 lNDIA HousE, ALDwYCH, LONDON, W. C. 2. v l• I And at all Booksellers. INDIA AND CEYLON : Provincial Book Depots. 16$l6 2.. ..IAJ,f:Ml :..:._Superintet•dent, Government Press, Mount Road, Madras liOltlHY :--:-.Superir.tendent, Go;-crnment Print ,ng and Stationery, Queen's Road, Bombay. StNL> :- -Ltbrary attad1ed to the Oflice of the Commissioner in Sind, Karachi. H!!:I>'i.\L :-Bengal :-iecretariat Book Deput. Writers' Buildings, Room No. 1, Ground Floor, Calcutta. 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Sir, I have the Jumour to ~Ulnn·it herewith a report on the census of India taken in Felw'IJMy 1931. The reports and "tab1£s prepMed for indivUlu,al Provinces and States have already been puhlisluJd, since the necessary materwl is availiJble in detail 'JWovincW,Uy beffYre it can be oompiled jO'f the whole of India. These provincial and state oolurnes will be found to deal in particuJm' with points which ' I have bee,. abl£ amy to treat in. general, and tke method I have followed for the most part has been to examiM for myse~f the figures for I ndw as a whole and then to tum to the provincial re]XJ'fts to point a mmal or adorn the tale, but the ooncl~ formed and the opinions e3pfe8sed are my awn. This InJAa oolume OCJn8'ists of five parts, (i) my report (together ·with that of the actua.ry, Mr. L. S. Vawyanatlw.n), (ii) the stati.,tical tables for India, (iii) a collection of papers of etltn()[Jfaphical interest, (iv) the social and linguistic roops for India and the Provinces bout1~l separately and (v) an admini:strative report, the tWQ IDtter oolum&t bemg interuled primari'£y for departJmenta~ use. In s·uhm,itting it, it is my forttmlll6 duty to 'bring f0f'f114Uy to your fiOtice the able series of the 1931 Ctm~tU Reports alA-eady mentioned, which are numbered indeed after this t'Olume but have appeared before it. I have therefore Ute hortowr to reoommer&d with OO'nftdeooe to your pe'I'UIGl flOC tAil report but the other twemy-&e'001&, CJRd to be sw, J. H. HUTTON, C6IWIV8 c~ fM India. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER. IBTBODUC'l'IOJI L-DIBTBIBUTIOII AIID JIOVBMEIIT OP POPULA!'IOII- (i) Srope of the &port. -Geographical Area : Natural and political divisions ; External· population ; Area and population ; Movement ; Migration ; .' Mortality ; Economic 1 (ii) Prwincial distribution and tJt.Jriatum.-Ajmer-Merwara; Andaman and Nicobar Islands; Assam.; Baluchistan .sengal; Bihar and Orissa; Bom­ bay ; Burma ; the Central Provinces and Berar : Coorg ; Delhi ; Madras ; Notth-W est Frontier Province ; the Punjab : the United Provinces ; Baroda ; the Central India Agency ; Gwalior ; Hyderabad ; Jammu and Kashmir ; the Madras States Agency, Mysore ; Rajpntana ; the Western India States ; Other States (iii) The Populnlion Problem.-Nature of the problem: Rem.ediea .. 11' Subsidiary Tabl~s.-Area of India, provinces and states; Population at six censuses ; Distribution and density of population; Variation in natural popu­ lation ; Comparison of areas and population ; Pers&.s per house and houses " . ../per square mile; Comparison between census figures and vital statistics; ;, Reported birth-rates ; Reported death-rates ; Reported deaths from .. certain disea&·s 33 Appendix.-Population problem~
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