PEKI 70 Moy 19, 1978 rI Ghina Enter$ a Jlew Period 4, Moss Orgonizotions Reoctivoted A Horn of Africa: Militory lntervention ,k " On Invitation" PEKING Vc!. ?tr Ne. 20 Mry t9, l9f8 REVIEW Published in English, Prench, Spanish, Japanese, German, Arebic end tL d" [q.e Poriuguese editions ,EElJtNo ztrouBAo CONTENTS THE WEET Fremler Huo Fetes Nepolese King ond Queen Protest Agoinst Soviet Militory Provocotion Vlce-Premier .Ku Mu Visits Fronce $hinq Lodges Protest Wth Joponese Ggvernment Concentrotlng Efforts on Copitol Constructlon ABTICTES AND DOCUMENTS Chinq Enters o New Period - Hsieh Li 6 Moss Orgonizotions Reostivoted Communlst Youth Leogue, Trqde Union Fed. erotion ond Women's Federotion- to hold notionol congresses t0 Moderniziing_ Science ond Technolggy: Forwqrd Morch * Qur Corresporident Chou Ko 13 Young Chinese Mothemoticions Abrood r8 A Visit to Romqnis: A People With o Trodition cf Heroic StruEgle 19 Hor:n qf Africo: Mllitory tntervention "On tnuitndon"-.[ eesl66ntory by Hsinhuo Correspondent 21 U.S. Poper "The Coll": The Rood to Communist Unity 23 Africo: Coostol Stotes Develop Moritime Shipping 25 E.E.C.: Jolnt Meosures to Counter Soviet Moritime Competition a Explonotory Notes to Volurne V of "Selected Works of Moo Tsetung" (10) z7 ROUND THE WORTD 2A tJ.N. Security Council: S. Africo's Attock on Nomibion Comps Bre:hnev's W. Germon Visit: Of Li,mited Volue Itoly: Murder of Moro ProtEstqd Rhodesio: Squobbles in "Tronsitionol Goverhment" ON THE HOME FRONI Rich lron Ores Found : llnderground Reservoirs New Highwoy Bridge. Publlshed every Fridoy by PEKTNG REt/lEW, Prklng GD. Chlno Post Oftica Reglstrotlon Nc. a.fitz Printod In the People'r R.puHl€ ol Chtno.., \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TH E WE E K Premier llua Fetes ilepalese tion between the two countries. our own national effort for Last February Vice-Premier ecoiromic development.". and l(ing Oueen Teng Hsiao-ping visited Nepal " His' Majesty King Birendra and was accorded a warm recel> Protest lgainst touiet Bir Bikram Shah Dev and Her tion. "T-hese exchanges," Pre- mier Hua said, in the tradi- Itlilitary Prouocalion Majesty Queen Aishwarya Raj- "are of ya Laxmi Devi Shah ,of Nepal, ti6n of mutual visits between Yu Chan, Vice-Minister May 11 on their way to Japan, arrived our two peoples as neighbours Foreign Affairs, on met and kinsmen. Through visilts by appointment Soviet Ambas- in Peking ,.on May 14 for an uriofficial visit at the invitation kinsmen become closer and sador to China'V. S. Tolstikov believe handed note the of the Chinese Government. closer to each other. We and a of. They were given a warm wel- that every meeting between the Chinese Foreign Ministry to come at the airport by Vice- leaders of our two countries is him. The note, whieh contains Premier Teng Hsiao-ping, Vice- a new contribution to mutual a strong protest against the political Chairman of the N.P.C. Standing support, economic co- Soviet Union for its recent provocation Committee Ngapo Ngawang- operation and better under- organized military standing between two against China aircraft and Jigme and Foreign , Minister our with Huang Hua. sides." military boats, reads as follows: Setf-Sufficient In disregard of China's Kinsmen Become ' Closer Building Up a Economy. In his toast, His sovereignty and universally Through Visits. That evening, recognized pi"inciples guiding gave Majesty King Birendra spoke Premier Hua Kuo-feng a international relations, the banquet of highly of the growing spirit of in the Great Hall Soviet Union side, on the morn- the People in honour of the understanding and co-operation that characterized. the relations ing of May 9, 1978, dispatched King and the Queen. In his toast, a helicopter to .intrude into the Premier praised the remark- between Nepal and China. He China's air space, crossing the achieved Ne- recalled with particular satis- able results by border river Wusuli and pene- pal in utilizing her own na- faction the wide-range and cor- dial exchange of views with trating four kilometres over tional resources and in develop- Yueyapao District, Huling ing agriculture and small and Premier Hua in Chengtu, County, Heilungkiang Provirrce. medium-sized industrial southwest China, in 19?6 and enter- It also dispatched 18 mili- prises suited to domestic condi- the recent conversation with tdry boats to intrude into tion and needs. Premier Hua Hsiao-ping Vice-Premier Teng China's waters in the same re- pointed China and on out that in Kathmandu. Dwelling gion. About 30 Soviet trooPs Nepal have always sympathized Nepal's national economic con- then landed on the Chi- with and supported and helped struction, the King said: "We nese bank of the river. TheY each other. two coun- "Our have aimed at a more ba- chased and tried to round uP tries," he stressed, "are true lanced progress and a more Chinese inhabitants, shooting friends who can trust each self-reliant economy. Towards continually and wqunding a other." He recalled the increas- this eud, I have gonstituted in number of them. Penetrating ing friendly contacts between our country four regions for the four kilometres into Chinese {he leaders and peoples of China purpose of development so that territory, they seized 14 Chi- and Nepal in recent years and, each region receives the atten- nese inhabitants and drag- in partieular, the many visits to tion due. to it. The totalitY of ged them all the waY to the China by His Majesty King the Nepalese economic situation riverside, 'giving them kicks Birendra who attaches great im- has led us to believe that co- and blows. Under the rePeated portance to the development of operation from a friendly coun- protests of the Chinese in-' friendly relations and co-ope.ra- try can play a helpful role in habitants the Soviet trooPs Mag 79, 1978 ". " .' finally released them. It was and his party. France was the benefit will sureLy produce a only due to the restraint of the first country the Vice-Premier positive effect on the trium- Chinese side that the incident visited in his European tour. He phant advance of the struggle o{ did not develop into an armed was accorded a warm welcome the world's people against conflict. and a grand reception by'Prime hegemonism." The above-mentioned Minister Barre and other top atroci- During his stay in France, ties French officials at Orly Field. of the Soviet troops con- Vice-Premier Ku held- talks stitute This was not the first meeting an organized military with Prime Minister Barre, provocation between Vice-Premier Ku and against China oc- visited Marseilles and Lyons curring Prime Minister Barre. Earlier at a time when the and was received by President Sino-Soviet this year in January he hald boundary negotia- Valery Giscard d'Estaing at the tions just accompanied Prime Minister had resumed. They ElySee Palace on May 11 just Barre to northeastern China's are a serious infringement on before he ended the visit. China's sovereignty and terri- Liaoning Province and Shang- torial integrity as well as a hai when the French Prime grave, calculated step to create Minister,was visiting China. China lodges Protest Uith tension on the border and vi- Since the establishment of Japanese Gouernmenl tiate ttre relations between diplomatic relations in 1964, the the two countries. The Chinese relations between the two coun- Han Nien-lung, Vice-Minister Government hereby lodges a tries have steadily developed in of Foreign Affairs,'on May I0 strong protest with the Soviet every field. This ten-day visit met by appointment Shoji Government against this and of Vice-Premier Ku, which Sato, Japanese Ambassador to demands that the Soviet side began May 2, is indicative of China, and lodged a strong pro- make apology, test with an punish the this. At the banquet on May 3, the Japanese Govern- culprits who created this ment against its eontinued in- he pointed out that in spite of ' cident of bloodshed and guar- their difference in social sys- infringement on China's sover- antee that no similar incident tem, there was no lack of eignty by submittingi the so- lrYould occur in future. Other- mutual understanding between called "special measures act for wise, the Soviet side must bear China and France, and there the implementation of ihe full responsibility for the con- was no need for them to guard Japan-south Korea agreement joint sequences arising therefrom. against each other. Moreover, on the development of the the two countries had much continental shelf" for ad.option lice-Premier l[u ilu common ground. by the Diet. Iisits France Vice-Premier Ku also spoke Vice-Minister Han pointed out: Regarding the so*called "The official visit you are of the international situation Japan-south Korea "agreement paying'to our country, by deci- and other problems as related on the joint development of the sion of Chairman Hua Kuo-feng superpowers' to the attempt to continental shelf" by which the and on the invitation the of seek world hegemony. He said: Japanese Government and the French Government, is in itself "We appreciate very much the south Korean authorities mark- a twofold sign: that of a certain vigorous efforts made by the ed off, behind China's back, a common view on problems .of Republic of France under the "joint development zone" on the world and that of the es- leadership of President Valery the continental shelf in the East tablishment of a profound and Giscard d'Estaing to promote 'China Sea, the Chinese Govern- long-term co-operation between West European union and ment has twice issued state- our two countries." strengthen defence along inde- ments pointing out that this is ?hus French Prime Minister pendent lines.
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