LESSON NOTES Basic Bootcamp S1 #1 Self Introduction: Basic Greetings in Bulgarian CONTENTS 2 Bulgarian 2 Romanization 2 English 2 Informal Bulgarian 3 Vocabulary 3 Sample Sentences 4 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 5 Grammar 5 Cultural Insight # 1 COPYRIGHT © 2012 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BULGARIAN 1. ⇥⇤: ⌅⇧⌃⇤⇥⌥й, ⇤ ⌦↵м ⇥⇤. ⇤к ⌦⌥ к⇤ ⇥⇤✏? 2. ⇣⌃⇤: ⌅⇧⌃⇤⇥⌥й, ⇥⇤. ⌘ ⌦↵м ⇣⌃⇤. 3. ⇥⇤: ✓◆г ми ⌥ ⌫⌃и⇠⇡◆. 4. ⇣⌃⇤: ⇢⇤ ⌥◆ ⌦↵щ. ROMANIZATION 1. Iva: Zdravei, az sym Iva. Kak se kazvash? 2. Yura: Zdravei, Iva. Az sym Yura. 3. Iva: Mnogo mi e priyatno. 4. Yura: Na men syshto. ENGLISH 1. Iva: Hello. My name is Iva. What's your name? 2. Yura: Hello Iva. My name is Yura. 3. Iva: Nice to meet you. 4. Yura: Me too. INFORMAL BULGARIAN CONT'D OVER BULGARIANPOD101.COM BASIC BOOTCAMP S1 #1 - SELF INTRODUCTION: BASIC GREETINGS IN BULGARIAN 2 1. Iva: Zdravei, az sym Iva. Kak se kazvash? 2. Yura: Zdravei, Iva. Az sym Yura. 3. Iva: Mnogo mi e priyatno. 4. Yura: Na men syshto. VOCABULARY Bulgarian Romanization English ⇤ az I ✓◆г ми ⌥ ⌫⌃и⇠⇡◆ Nice to meet you. ◆⇤ ⌥◆ ⌦↵щ na men syshto me too к⇤ ⇥⇤м kazvam say hello (formal second person ⇧⌃⇤⇥⌥й⇡⌥ zdraveite plural form) SAMPLE SENTENCES ⇥ ⇤⌅⇧ ⇥⌅⌃⌥л ⌦↵р. ⇥ ⇧ ⌦↵⇥↵х, ✏ ⇣⌥ ⌥⌃⌘✏↵⇧. Az sym zybolekar. I told him that I love him. I am a dentist. ✓◆⌥⇣⌥ ⇧⌘ ⌘ят◆⌥ ⌫↵ ⇤ ⇥↵⌥⇥◆↵ ⇧. ⇠↵ ⇧ ◆ ⇤⌅⇡⌥ ✏ р◆⌥ ⌦↵⇢ ⇧⌘ лю⌃⌘⇧↵т↵ ◆↵⌘т⌦↵. I'm very glad for the acquaintance. Me too, my favorite drink is black coffee. BULGARIANPOD101.COM BASIC BOOTCAMP S1 #1 - SELF INTRODUCTION: BASIC GREETINGS IN BULGARIAN 3 ⇠↵ ⇧ ◆ ⇤⌅⇡⌥ ⇧⌘ ⇥↵ ⌅р⌧⌘ ⌅т. ⌥⇣↵т⌥ ◆⌦⌥й ⌦⌘х↵, ◆⌘ ⌦↵⇥⌧↵⇧ "⇠↵⇥⌫р↵⌧ ." It is my first time too. When somebody sneezes, we say "Bless you." ⌫р↵⌧ й, ⌥⌫↵⌧◆↵ ◆ ⇤⇧ ⇤ ⌧⌘ ⌫↵л⌘. ⌫р↵⌧ йт , ⌦↵⌦ ⇤ ? Hello, haven't seen you for a while. Hello, how are you? VOCABULARY PHRASE USAGE means, literally, "Be healthy," but translates as "Hello." To make the greeting more friendly and informal, you can just say ! means "I" in Bulgarian. For Example: 1. ---. Az se kazvam ---. "I'm called---." 2. . Az gi snimah. "I took their picture." is like the English "nice to meet you". But it means something like "Very delighted." We can translate as "Me too," where is just a modification of the pronoun , meaning "I." We won't go into the grammar at this point, so just remember that this is a response to "Nice to meet you." For Example BULGARIANPOD101.COM BASIC BOOTCAMP S1 #1 - SELF INTRODUCTION: BASIC GREETINGS IN BULGARIAN 4 1. . Umori me. "It made me tired." 2. . I na men. "For me too." GRAMMAR The Focus of This Basic Bootcamp Lesson Is How to Ask Somebody Their Name To ask someone their name, just ask ? Literally, this means "How are you called?" when it is said in the informal way. The first word, means "How." It is followed by the word for you, when it is a direct object: . And finally it uses that same verb that we saw in the expression for "My name is --" , which means something like "to say." ? with this question you'll be able to meet people easily in Bulgaria. CULTURAL INSIGHT Bulgarian Greeting Customs When Bulgarians meet for the first time, it's customary for men to shake hands and women to smile while introducing themselves. Once they get to know each other better, their greetings will graduate to hugs, shoulder taps, and kisses on the cheek—the last mainly for women though. Of course, these more emotional greetings are best done outside the workplace. At work, a handshake is your best bet. BULGARIANPOD101.COM BASIC BOOTCAMP S1 #1 - SELF INTRODUCTION: BASIC GREETINGS IN BULGARIAN 5 LESSON NOTES Basic Bootcamp S1 #2 Talking Nationality in Bulgarian CONTENTS 2 Bulgarian 2 Romanization 2 English 2 Informal Bulgarian 2 Vocabulary 3 Sample Sentences 3 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 4 Grammar 6 Cultural Insight # 2 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BULGARIAN 1. ⇥⇤: ⌅⇧⌃⇤⇥⌥й ⌥. ⌦↵ ⌥ к⇤↵⇥⇤м ⇥⇤. ⌦↵ ✏м ⇣✏⌘✓⇤⌃к⇤. 2. ◆⌃⇤: ⌅⇧⌃⇤⇥⌥й ⌥, ⇤↵ ⌥ к⇤↵⇥⇤м ◆⌃⇤. ⌦↵ ✏м ⇤✓⌘ич⇤и. ROMANIZATION 1. Iva: Zdraveite. Az se kazvam Iva. Az sym bylgarka. 2. Yura: Zdraveite, az se kazvam Yura. Az sym anglichanin. ENGLISH 1. Iva: Hello. My name is Iva. I'm Bulgarian. 2. Yura: Hello, I'm Yura. I'm British. INFORMAL BULGARIAN 1. Iva: Zdraveite. Az se kazvam Iva. Az sym bylgarka. 2. Yura: Zdraveite, az se kazvam Yura. Az sym anglichanka. VOCABULARY Bulgarian Romanization English Class Gender к⇤↵⇥⇤м ⌥ kazvam se call phrase BULGARI ANPOD101.COM BAS IC BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATIONALITY IN BULGARIAN 2 ✏м sym be verb British ⇤✓⌘ч⇤и anglichanin (nationality, noun masculine man) ⇤↵ az I pronoun ✏м sym I am verb Bulgarian ⇣✏⌘✓⇤⌃к⇤ bylgarka (nationality, noun feminine woman) SAMPLE SENTENCES ⇥⇤⌅⇧ ⌃⌅ ⌥ ⇥⌦↵⇥ш? ⇥ ⌥ ⇥⌦↵⇥ш? Is your name Maria? What is your name? ✏⇣⇤е ⌃⌅ ⌥⌘е? ✓, ⇥⌦ ⌥◆ ⇥г⌃⌅⌫⇥ ⇥. Are you okay? No, I'm British. ⇠⌦ ⌥◆ ⌦◆⇣✏⌃е ⇥⇤. ⇠⌦ ⇡ ⇥⌦⇥⇢, ⌫ ✏ ✏⇣⌅⌫⇥. Az sym zybolekar. Az mu kazah, che go obicham. I am a dentist. I told him that I love him. ⇠⌦ ⌥◆ ⌃ ⇥⇤. ⇠⌦ ⌥◆ ✏⌘ ⇠г⌃⌅⇧. Az sym lekar. Az sym ot Angliya. I'm a doctor.(said by a male) I'm from England. ◆⌃г⇥⇤ ⇥ ⌃⌅ ⌥⌘е? (formal) ⇥⌧ ⇥ ⌅ е ⇣◆⌃г⇥⇤ ⇥, ⇥ ⇣⇥щ⇥ ⌅ е ге⇤⇥нец. Are you Bulgarian? My mom is Bulgarian, and my dad is German. BULGARI ANPOD101.COM BAS IC BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATIONALITY IN BULGARIAN 3 VOCABULARY PHRASE USAGE To say you are British, just say the verb , which means "I am," and add (feminine) or (masculine) to the end of the phrase to say, "I am British." To change the nationality to, for example, Russian, use the same and just add the word for Russian- . "I am Russian" (feminine). GRAMMAR The Focus of This Lesson is to Teach You How to Talk About Gender Let's take a look at the dialogue again: : . . . : , . . We start with a self-introduction ("Hello, my name is Iva"). Then we say our nationality, . The point that needs special attention here is gender. The phrase "I'm Bulgarian" sounds different for women and men. Let's take a look at the examples with both genders, feminine and masculine. Feminine Bulgarian Romanization "English" . Az sym bylgarka. "I'm Bulgarian." . Az sym ruskinya. "I'm Russian." . Tya e amerikanka. "She's American." . Tya e anglichanka. "She's British." ? Yaponka li ste? (formal) "Are you Japanese?" ? Kitaika li ste? (formal) "Are you Chinese?" BULGARI ANPOD101.COM BAS IC BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATIONALITY IN BULGARIAN 4 Priyatelkata mi e . francuzoika. "My girlfriend is French." . Priyatelkata mi e italianka. "My girlfriend is Italian." Masculine Bulgarian Romanization "English" . Az sym bylgarin. "I'm Bulgarian." . Az sym rusnak. "I'm Russian." . Toi e amerikanec. "He's American." . Toi e anglichanin. "He's British." ? Yaponec li ste? (formal) "Are you Japanese?" ? Kitaec li ste? (formal) "Are you Chinese?" . Priyatelyat mi e francuzin. "My boyfriend is French." . Priyatelyat mi e italianec. "My boyfriend is Italian." Another important point is that unlike in English, we cannot use ("Bulgarian," masculine) to refer to anything besides ethnicity. Therefore, we can't use these words to say something like, "I speak Bulgarian." For Example: 1. Bylgarski "Bulgarian" (language) BULGARI ANPOD101.COM BAS IC BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATIONALITY IN BULGARIAN 5 2. Bylgarska kuhnya "Bulgarian cuisine" CULTURAL INSIGHT Why bother studying Bulgarian? For starters, it's a very old language. Even though it's changed a lot over the years, it still offers a connection to other Slavic languages and has so many words from Western culture. But even those who aren't language or history buffs will appreciate a Bulgarian vacation— and appreciate it even more if they can get around using the local language! From food and conversation to history and culture, the reasons to learn Bulgarian are as endless as the hours you can spend losing yourself in it. BULGARI ANPOD101.COM BAS IC BOOTCAMP S 1 #2 - TALKING NATIONALITY IN BULGARIAN 6 LESSON NOTES Basic Bootcamp S1 #3 Useful Phrases for Learning Bulgarian CONTENTS 2 Bulgarian 2 Romanization 2 English 3 Informal Bulgarian 3 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 5 Vocabulary Phrase Usage 7 Grammar 7 Cultural Insight # 3 COPYRIGHT © 2014 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BULGARIAN 1. A: И⇥⇤⌅⇧⌃⌥⌃, к к ⇥⇤ ⌥⌃ “cheese” ⇧ ⌦↵лг р✏⌅? 2. B: ⇣⌅р⌃⇧⌃ 3. A: ⇣↵⌘ ✓⇤ ◆, ⇧⌃ р ⇥⌦р . ⌃ го ⌫⇤⌥ор⌅⌥⌃ ⌅? 4. B: ⇣⌅р⌃⇧⌃ 5. A: ⇠л✓, го⇤ор⌃⌥⌃ ⌫-⌦ ⇤⇧о. 6. B: ⇣⌅-⌃-⇧⌃. 7. A: ⇠⌘⌃ ⌅ ⇡ ◆⌅ го ⇧ ⌫⌅⇢⌃⌥⌃ ⇧ ⌦↵лг р✏⌅? ROMANIZATION 1. A: Izvinete, kak kazvate Cheese na bylgarski? 2. B: Sirene. 3. A: Syjalyavam, ne razbrah. Shte go povtorite li? 4. B: Sirene. 5. A: Molya, govorete po-bavno. 6. B: Si-re-ne. 7. A: Moje li da mi go napishete na bylgarski? ENGLISH CONT'D OVER BULGARI ANPOD101.COM BA S I C BOOT CA MP S 1 #3 - US EFUL PHRA S ES FOR LEA RNI NG BULGA RI A N 2 1. A: Excuse me, how do you say "cheese" in Bulgarian? 2. B: Cheese. 3. A: I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Say it once again, please. 4. B: Cheese. 5. A: Please, speak slower. 6. B: Che-ese. 7. A: Write this down in Bulgarian for me, please. INFORMAL BULGARIAN 1. A: Izvinete, kak kazvate Cheese na bylgarski? 2. B: Sirene. 3. A: Syjalyavam, ne razbrah. Shte go povtorite li? 4. B: Sirene. 5. A: Molya, govorete po-bavno. 6. B: Si-re-ne. 7. A: Moje li da mi go napishete na bylgarski? VOCABULARY BULGARI ANPOD101.COM BA S I C BOOT CA MP S 1 #3 - US EFUL PHRA S ES FOR LEA RNI NG BULGA RI A N 3 Bulgarian Romanization English Class ⌫-⇤⌅✏ко po-visoko louder adverb го⇤ор⌃⌥⌃ govorete say verb к kak how adverb к ⇥⇤ ◆ kazvam to say verb ⌫-⌦ ⇤⇧о po-bavno slower adverb ◆л✓ molya please phrase ✏↵⌘ л✓⇤ ◆ syjalyavam I'm sorry interjection р ⇥⌦⌅р ◆ razbiram understood verb ⌫⌅⇢⌃⌥⌃ write down ⌫⇤⌥ р✓◆ povtaryam repeat verb ⇧⌃ ne not, don't adverb ⇧ ⌦↵лг р✏⌅ na bylgarski in Bulgarian phrase ⌅⇥⇤⌅⇧⌃⌥⌃ izvinete excuse me (polite) expression ◆⌅ mi for me, to me pronoun SAMPLE SENTENCES ⇥⇤⇥⌅⇧⌃⇧ ⌥⇥-⇤ ⇥⌦⇥.
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