Fall/Winter 2016 TRADE Frontlist & Backlist 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 1 30.05.16 11:04 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 2 30.05.16 11:04 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 1 30.05.16 11:04 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 2 30.05.16 11:04 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 1 30.05.16 11:04 Helmut Newton. NEw EDitiON New Deal Photography. JUNE The Eiffel Tower REvisED EDitiON Keiichi Tahara. AUgUst Work MAY USA 1935–1943 jUlY Architecture Fin-de-Siècle XL XL NEw TITLES Sc., 8.3 x 10.7 in., 280 pp. Hc., 5.5 x 7.7 in., 608 pp. Sc., 10.6 x 15 in., 176 pp. 978-3-8365-2688-3 $ 29.99 978-3-8365-3711-7 $ 19.99 978-3-8365-2703-3 $ 19.99 Alice Springs. JUNE Art for All. JUlY Christo and Jeanne-Claude. JUlY Urban Rooftops. AUgUst The Paris MEP Show The Color Woodcut in Vienna around 1900 The Floating Piers Islands in the Sky XL Hc., 8.3 x 10.8 in., 112 pp. Hc., 9.7 x 14.6 in., 416 pp. Sc. with flaps, 9.3 x 11.4 in., 128 pp. Hc., 9.5 x 12.5 in., 464 pp. Hc., 3 vols. in slipcase, 10.6 x 14.5 in., 1,016 pp. 978-3-8365-3973-9 $ 49.99 978-3-8365-3921-0 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-4783-3 $ 29.99 978-3-8365-6375-8 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-3057-6 $ 300 William Claxton. NEw EDitiON Sebastião Salgado. jUlY Dalí. Les dîners de Gala AUgUst Expressionism REvisED & UpDAtED EDitiON Mark Ryden. UpDAtED EDitiON Jazzlife jUlY Exodus FAcsiMilE EDitiON Of A gREAt clAssic! AUgUst Pinxit AUgUst Hc. in slipcase, 9.4 x 13.2 in., 600 pp. Hc., 8.3 x 11.9 in., 320 pp. Hc., 9.4 x 12.4 in., 280 pp. Hc., 9.3 x 12.4 in., 360 pp. 978-3-8365-4293-7 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-0876-6 $ 59.99 978-3-8365-2005-8 $ 29.99 978-3-8365-3982-1 $ 39.99 Sebastião Salgado. jUlY Blaeu. AUgUst Fausto & Felice Niccolini. AUgUst Automobile Design Graphics AUgUst Children Atlas Maior The Houses and monuments of Pompeii XL XL Hc., 9.8 x 13 in., 124 pp. Hc., booklet, 9.8 x 13 in., 432 pp. Hc. in slipcase, 9.9 x 15 in., 512 pp. Hc., 11.1 x 15.6 in., 652 pp. Hc., 9.8 x 12.5 in., 368 pp. 978-3-8365-6136-5 $ 49.99 978-3-8365-6130-3 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-3803-9 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-5687-3 $ 200 978-3-8228-5371-9 $ 59.99 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 2 30.05.16 11:05 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 3 30.05.16 11:05 Helmut Newton. NEw EDitiON New Deal Photography. JUNE The Eiffel Tower REvisED EDitiON Keiichi Tahara. AUgUst Work MAY USA 1935–1943 jUlY Architecture Fin-de-Siècle XL XL NEw TITLES Sc., 8.3 x 10.7 in., 280 pp. Hc., 5.5 x 7.7 in., 608 pp. Sc., 10.6 x 15 in., 176 pp. 978-3-8365-2688-3 $ 29.99 978-3-8365-3711-7 $ 19.99 978-3-8365-2703-3 $ 19.99 Alice Springs. JUNE Art for All. JUlY Christo and Jeanne-Claude. JUlY Urban Rooftops. AUgUst The Paris MEP Show The Color Woodcut in Vienna around 1900 The Floating Piers Islands in the Sky XL Hc., 8.3 x 10.8 in., 112 pp. Hc., 9.7 x 14.6 in., 416 pp. Sc. with flaps, 9.3 x 11.4 in., 128 pp. Hc., 9.5 x 12.5 in., 464 pp. Hc., 3 vols. in slipcase, 10.6 x 14.5 in., 1,016 pp. 978-3-8365-3973-9 $ 49.99 978-3-8365-3921-0 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-4783-3 $ 29.99 978-3-8365-6375-8 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-3057-6 $ 300 William Claxton. NEw EDitiON Sebastião Salgado. jUlY Dalí. Les dîners de Gala AUgUst Expressionism REvisED & UpDAtED EDitiON Mark Ryden. UpDAtED EDitiON Jazzlife jUlY Exodus FAcsiMilE EDitiON Of A gREAt clAssic! AUgUst Pinxit AUgUst Hc. in slipcase, 9.4 x 13.2 in., 600 pp. Hc., 8.3 x 11.9 in., 320 pp. Hc., 9.4 x 12.4 in., 280 pp. Hc., 9.3 x 12.4 in., 360 pp. 978-3-8365-4293-7 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-0876-6 $ 59.99 978-3-8365-2005-8 $ 29.99 978-3-8365-3982-1 $ 39.99 Sebastião Salgado. jUlY Blaeu. AUgUst Fausto & Felice Niccolini. AUgUst Automobile Design Graphics AUgUst Children Atlas Maior The Houses and monuments of Pompeii XL XL Hc., 9.8 x 13 in., 124 pp. Hc., booklet, 9.8 x 13 in., 432 pp. Hc. in slipcase, 9.9 x 15 in., 512 pp. Hc., 11.1 x 15.6 in., 652 pp. Hc., 9.8 x 12.5 in., 368 pp. 978-3-8365-6136-5 $ 49.99 978-3-8365-6130-3 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-3803-9 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-5687-3 $ 200 978-3-8228-5371-9 $ 59.99 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 2 30.05.16 11:05 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 3 30.05.16 11:05 Reinhart Wolf. FAcsiMilE EDitiON Lesbians for Men AUgUst Bob Mizer. AUgUst B erlin in the 1920s SePteMBeR Kay Nielsen’s SePteMBeR Little Nemo by Winsor McCay. SePteMBeR New York Of A gREAt clAssic! AMG: 1000 Model Directory A Thousand and One Nights A Life of Imaginative Genius AUgUst XXL XXL XXL Cover not final Hc., 11.8 x 16.5 in., 80 pp. Hc., 8.3 x 11.8 in., 288 pp. Hc., 2 vols. in slipcase, DVD, 8.7 x 10.8 in., 1,048 pp. Hc., 8.3 x 10.2 in., 96 pp. Hc. with 21 prints, 16.5 x 16.5 in., 144 pp. Hc., 13.5 x 17.3 in., 360 pp. 978-3-8365-2495-7 $ 39.99 978-3-8365-5960-7 $ 49.99 978-3-8365-5029-1 $ 99.99 978-3-8365-5050-5 $ 14.99 978-3-8365-3226-6 $ 150 978-3-8365-6310-9 $ 69.99 Mario Testino. AUgUst Modern Architecture A-Z NEw EDitiON Industrial Design A-Z REvisED & UpDAtED EDitiON James Lovelock et al. SePteMBeR P eter Lindbergh. SePteMBeR SIR sEptEMbER sEptEMbER The Earth and I A Different History of Fashion MODERN ARCHITECTURE A-Z Sc., 10.6 x 13.8 in., 500 pp. Hc., 5.5 x 7.7 in., 696 pp. Hc., 5.5 x 7.7 in., 616 pp. Hc., rotating cover, fold-outs, 8.3 x 10.8 in., 168 pp. 978-3-8365-5372-8 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-5631-6 $ 19.99 978-3-8365-2216-8 $ 19.99 978-3-8365-5111-3 $ 29.99 Walt Disney. sEptEMbER M atthew Weiner’s SePteMBeR The Animation Archives 1921–1968 Mad Men XXL XL Hc., 2 vols. in slipcase, 14.2 x 8.9 in., 1,040 pp. Hc., 9.4 x 13.4 in., 500 pp. 978-3-8365-2643-2 $ 200 978-3-8365-5282-0 $ 69.99 Eugène Atget. SePteMBeR R obert Crumb. Sketchbook. new editiOn Renoir. ReViSed & UPdated EditiOn Paris 1857–1927 June 1964–September 1968 SePteMBeR Painter of Happiness OctOBeR Hc., quarter-bound, film strip, 16.2 x 11.8 in., 624 pp. Hc., 5.5 x 7.7 in., 640 pp. Hc., 7 x 9.2 in., 448 pp. Hc., 9.4 x 12.4 in., 440 pp. 978-3-8365-5291-2 $ 200 978-3-8365-2230-4 $ 19.99 978-3-8365-4057-5 $ 39.99 978-3-8365-6219-5 $ 29.99 001-126_TC 2016-2_TAM.indb 4 30.05.16 11:05 001-007_Cover_Index_TC 2016-2_CS5-5_TAM.indd 5 30.05.16 13:25 Reinhart Wolf. FAcsiMilE EDitiON Lesbians for Men AUgUst Bob Mizer. AUgUst B erlin in the 1920s SePteMBeR Kay Nielsen’s SePteMBeR Little Nemo by Winsor McCay. SePteMBeR New York Of A gREAt clAssic! AMG: 1000 Model Directory A Thousand and One Nights A Life of Imaginative Genius AUgUst XXL XXL XXL Cover not final Hc., 11.8 x 16.5 in., 80 pp. Hc., 8.3 x 11.8 in., 288 pp. Hc., 2 vols. in slipcase, DVD, 8.7 x 10.8 in., 1,048 pp. Hc., 8.3 x 10.2 in., 96 pp. Hc. with 21 prints, 16.5 x 16.5 in., 144 pp. Hc., 13.5 x 17.3 in., 360 pp. 978-3-8365-2495-7 $ 39.99 978-3-8365-5960-7 $ 49.99 978-3-8365-5029-1 $ 99.99 978-3-8365-5050-5 $ 14.99 978-3-8365-3226-6 $ 150 978-3-8365-6310-9 $ 69.99 Mario Testino. AUgUst Modern Architecture A-Z NEw EDitiON Industrial Design A-Z REvisED & UpDAtED EDitiON James Lovelock et al. SePteMBeR P eter Lindbergh. SePteMBeR SIR sEptEMbER sEptEMbER The Earth and I A Different History of Fashion MODERN ARCHITECTURE A-Z Sc., 10.6 x 13.8 in., 500 pp. Hc., 5.5 x 7.7 in., 696 pp. Hc., 5.5 x 7.7 in., 616 pp. Hc., rotating cover, fold-outs, 8.3 x 10.8 in., 168 pp. 978-3-8365-5372-8 $ 69.99 978-3-8365-5631-6 $ 19.99 978-3-8365-2216-8 $ 19.99 978-3-8365-5111-3 $ 29.99 Walt Disney.
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