This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: Trade and Structural Change in Pacific Asia Volume Author/Editor: Colin I. Bradford, Jr. and William H. Branson, editors Volume Publisher: University of Chicago Press Volume ISBN: 0-226-07025-5 Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/brad87-1 Publication Date: 1987 Chapter Title: List of Contributors, Indexes Chapter Author: Colin I. Bradford, Jr, William H. Branson Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c7045 Chapter pages in book: (p. 547 - 560) Contributors Juanjai Ajanant Edward K. Y. Chen Faculty of Economics Centre of Asian Studies Chulalongkorn University University of Hong Kong Bangkok 10500 Pokfulam Road Thailand Hong Kong Florian A. Alburo Wontack Hong School of Economics Department of International University of the Philippines Economics Diliman, Quezon City College of Social Sciences Philippines Seoul University Seoul 151 Robert E. Baldwin Korea Department of Economics University of Wisconsin Lawrence R. Klein Department of Economics Madison, Wisconsin 53706 University of Pennsylvania 3718 Locust Walk CR Ralph E. Beals Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Department of Economics Amherst College Laurence J. Kotlikoff Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 Department of Economics Boston University Colin I. Bradford, Jr. Boston, Massachusetts 021 15 Yale Center for International and Area Studies Lawrence B. Krause Yale University The Brookings Institution 85 Trumbull Street 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Washington, D.C. 20036 William H. Branson Edward E. Learner Woodrow Wilson School Department of Economics Princeton University University of California Princeton, New Jersey 08544 Los Angeles, California 90024 547 548 Contributors Chee Peng Lim Jean L. Waelbroeck Division of Analytical Economics Center for Econometrics and Mathe- Faculty of Economics and matical Economics Administration Free University of Brussels University of Malaya 1050 Brussels Kuala Lumpur 22-1 1 Belgium Malaysia Chung Ming Wong J. David Richardson Department of Economics and Department of Economics Statistics University of Wisconsin National University of Singapore Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Kent Ridge 0511 Singapore Chi Schive Department and Graduate Institute Ippei Yamazawa of Economics Faculty of Economics National Taiwan University Hitotsubashi University 21, Hsu Chow Road, Taipei 100 Kunitachi, Tokyo Taiwan, Republic of China Japan Author Index Adelman, M. A,, 354 Ee, Tan Siew, 437 Agarwala, Ramgopal, 17, 194, 197, 199 Ahearn, R. J., 141 Fajnzylber, Fernando, 193 Ajanant, J., 475, 482 Fank, C. R., 273 Fei, John C. H., 175 Balassa, Bela, 17, 81, 174, 175, 181, 193, Findlay, Ronald, 15, 19, 20 194, 197, 358 Finger, J. M., 132 Baldwin, Robert E., 124, 129, 130, 486, Fischer, Irving, 278 487 Bautista, Romeo M., 487, 488 Gardner, R. N., 124 Beak, R. E., 524 Gerschenkron, Alexander, 2 1 Bhagwati, Jagdish, 20, 76, 174, 275 Gillis, M., 524 Blackhurst, R., 145 Goldstein, J. L., 142 Blejer, Mario I., 176 Bradford, Colin I., Jr., 10, 12, 22, 30, 174, 175, 181, 217 Hall, H. K., 132 Branson, William H., 10, 11, 14, 39, 62, Harberger, Arnold C., 15-16, 17 65 Heller, Peter S., 358 Heston, Alan, 182, 186 Hill, H., 533 Chee, Peng Lim, 437, 442, 464 Hirschman, Albert, 16, 326, 354 Chen, E. K. Y., 351 Hoffmann, L., 437 Chenery, Hollis, 174, 175 Hong, Wontack, 21, 193, 273, 284, 294 Chia Siow Yue, 425, 427 Hughes, Helan, 364, 502 Chunanuntathum, Supote, 482 Clark, Colin, 175 Cline, William R., 505 Keesing, Donald B., 275, 364, 400 Cohen, S. D., 137 Kim, K. S., 273 Corden, W. Max, 274, 275 Kotlikoff, Laurence J., 10 Krasner, S. D., 142, 144 Krause, Lawrence B., 10, 12, 14, 19, Diaz-Alejandro, Carlos, 18 121, 136, 180, 193 Diebold, W., Jr., 126 Kravis, Irving B., 182, 186, 187 549 550 Author Index 285. 502 Reynolds, Lloyd G., 4-5 Kuznets, Simon, 4, 307 Rhee, Y. W., 86 Richardson, J. D., 351, 352 Lary, Hal B., 176, 400, 499 Riedel, James, 10, 22, 30, 31 Lau, Lawrence J., 168 Roemer, Michael, 483 Learner, Edward E., 10, 238, 249 Rostow, Walt W., 4-5, 6 Lee, T. H., 307. 309 Russell, Bertrand, 21 Lewis, W. Arthur, 22 Liang, Kuo-shu, 307, 309 Saxonhouse, G. R., 140 Lin, Ching-yuan, 309 Schiavo-Campo, Salvatore, 390 Lipson, C., 142 Schive, Chi, 21, 22, 320 Scott, Maurice F., 307 McMullen, Neil, 5, 176 Shuman, S. S., 148 Maizels, A,, 482 Sicat, Gerard0 P., 487 Marsden, Keith, 193 Severs, Allen M., 521 Meenaphant, Sorrayuth, 482 Smith, G. W., 325 Meltzer, R. I., 137 Srinivasan, T. N., 174 Meyer, F. V., 127 Stein, L., 307 Morley, S. A,, 325 Streeten, Paul, 17, 193 Summers, Robert, 182, 186 Naya, Seiji, 354 Nelson, D. R., 132 Tan, Augustine H. H., 381, 383, 425, Nurkse, Ragnar, 486 426, 427 Nyaw Mee-kau, 400 Tan, Norma A,, 490 Tang, Anthony M., 309 Ohkawa, Kazuski, 175 Turner, Louis, 5, 176 Olson, M., 127, 143 Ooi Jin Bee, 521 Ooms, V. D., 352 Vernon, R., 127 Ow Chin Hock, 381, 425, 426, 427 Verrill, C. O., Jr., 148 Pang Eng Fong, 383, 426 Waelbroeck, J., 10, 11, 14, 364 Power, John H., 487 Westphal, L., 86, 273 Prebisch, Raul, 486 Williamson, Jeffrey G., 487 Pursell, G., 86 Williamson, John, 193 Wolf, Martin, 364 Ranis, Gustav, 175, 177, 181, 320 Reagan, R., 122, 140 Yamazawa, I., 10, 11, 14, 62 Subject Index AFL-CIO, 128 Banking system, and fiscal vs. credit Albania, 160 subsidies, 21-22 Argentina: capital formation in, 181-92; Belgium, trade policies in, 73 exports and factor intensities in, 176- Bilateral peacemaking, and U.S. trade 81; growth strategies and price policy, 145-46 distortions in, 193-98; industrialization Borrowing, foreign, by NICs, 34-37 in, 8-9; as NIC, 4, 5, 6; trade with Brazil: capital formation in, 181 -92; U.S., 27-60 exports and factor intensities in, 89, ASEAN: trade competition with Japan, 176-81; growth strategies and price 102, 104; trade with Hong Kong, 352- distortions in, 193-98; industrialization 53; trade with Indonesia, 528-29, 532; in, 8-9; as NIC, 4, 5, 6; trade with trade with Japan, 102, 105-12; trade U.S., 27-60 with Singapore, 413-14; U.S. trade Brock, William, on U.S. trade issues, with NICs in, 54-56 133-34 ASEAN Four: identified, 3; natural Brunei, 3, 160 resources and industrialization in, 15- Burma, 162 17; and trade adjustment, 13-15; trade Business Accounting and Foreign Trade patterns of, 9- 10 Simplification Act (U.S., proposed), 136 Association of South East Asian Nations. See ASEAN Canada: export advantage of, 210-17; Australia: export advantage of, 210- 17; export growth in, 207-10; and exports, export growth in, 207-10; exports, 217-20; trade with Hong Kong, 347- 217-20; trade with Hong Kong, 347- 49; trade with South Korea, 283 49, 352-53, 363; trade with South Capital Assistance Scheme (Singapore), Korea, 283 384 Australian Industries Assistance Carter administration, and U.S. trade Commission (IAC), 217-18 policy, 132 Autarky, 18 Central Bank (Taiwan), 320 Central Provident Fund (Singapore), Balance of trade, bilateral, and trade 425 bargaining, 68-69 Chatham House study, 5 Bangladesh, 162 Chile, 193-98 551 552 Subject Index China, People’s Republic of and Egypt, 193-98 entrepat trade, 360, 362; Hong Kong’s Eisenhower administration, and U.S. trade competition with, 350, 366; trade policy, 127-28 LINK forecasts for, 159, 160, 168; Employment Act of 1968 (Singapore), trade with Hong Kong, 347-49, 359- 383 60; trade with Japan, 94 EntrepBt trade: in Hong Kong, 335-36, Citizens National Bank (Korea), 284 360-62, 366; in Singapore, 379, 381, Closed economy, defined, 18-19 384-89, 475 CMEA, 159 ESCAP, 441 Cold War, and U.S. trade policy, 124 European Community (EC): agricultural Colombia: capital formation in, 181-92; policy, 78; commercial policy, 71 -75; exports and factor intensities in, 176- external tariff, 71; and Lome 81; industrialization in, 8-9; trade with Agreement, 78; and Multi-Fiber U.S., 27-60 Agreement, 138; and NICs, 14-15, 76- Commodity classification system, 221 -24 89; and OECD export structure, 37- Consumer goods: export distribution of, 45; trade patterns of, 10, 11, 62-71 ; 42, 44; OECD imports of, 50, 54; U.S. trade policies of, 71-75; trade with imports of, 57 Hong Kong, 341; trade with Indonesia, Cotton Textile Agreement (CTA), 341 528, 529, 532; trade with Malaysia, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 460; trade with Singapore, 415, 419, (CMEA), 159 421, 424; trade with South Korea, 283; Credit rationing, 283-85, 293-94 trade with Taiwan, 312-13, 329, 330; Credit subsidies, vs. fiscal subsidies, 21-22 union power in, 88; and U.S. trade CTA, 341 policy, 139. Cuba, 160 European Group for Research on Cyprus, 160 Protection, 86 Export-Import Bank, 138 DAC, 5-6 Export-led economy, defined, 19 Danforth, John C., 137 Exports: distribution of, by commodity Debt, public, of NICs, 35-37 group, 43-44, 46; in East and Demand-driven export growth, vs. Southeast Asia, 207-10; of NICs, to supply-driven export growth, 22-23 EC, 61-91; OECD distribution of, 37- Denmark, 75, 160 43; supply-driven vs. demand-driven Deposit money banks (DMB), 283-85 growth of, 22-23 Development Assistance Committee Export structure: of NICs, 30, 32-34; of (DAC), 5-6 OECD countries, 37-45 Diamond Trading Corporation cartel, 78 Export Trading Company Act of 1982 DISCs, 135 (U.S.), 138 DMB, 283-85 Domestic international sales corporations Factor proportions, and trade in NICs, (DISCS), 135 12-13 Dumping, defined, 132 Fiscal subsidies, vs. credit subsidies, 21- “Dutch disease,” 176-77: in Indonesia, 22 30; in northern Europe, 10, 15; and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 Pacific Asian growth models, 16 (U.S.), 134, 136 France, 75, 363 EC.
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