Volume 42, Number 22 WEDNESDAY APRIL 4, 2012 SERVINGTHE THE D RUTGERSAILY COMMUNITY MEDIUM SINCE 1970 Today: A Tad Breezy BARKING UP THE RIGHT TREE High: 40 Low: 69 Will the University be creating a dog racing team? Find out in today’s sports section! U. Officials Reconsider Stance on Yearly Festival BY AMY DIMARIA ing. EDITOR - IN - CHIEF “I think it really shows the Governors are open to student’s concerns,” said Clarke, a Despite cancelling Rutgersfest after a di- senior political science major. “Of course, a sastrous outing last year, the University’s lot of the responsibility will fall to the stu- Board of Governors has been meeting to dents as well to prove that this is an event discuss the possibility of reintroducing the worth having. I’m really interested to see event. what could happen with a second chance Following an open session meeting last like this.” night, Gerald Harvey, Vice Chair of the President Richard McCormick briefly Board said, “Rutgersfest has never been re- weighed in on the issue last night. moved from the table entirely. At this point “Cancelling Rutgersfest was not an easy it’s still just an idea for consideration.” decision for me. I put in a lot of consider- While still tentative, Harvey stated that ation and sought numerous opinions in the Rutgers could potentially hold the event as wake of the terrible events that occurred on early as the spring of the 2014-2015 school campus after the concert. The decision was BEN COOKS / ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHER year. made in haste and we should be open to Construction continues on the Livingston Apartments complex originally scheduled to Student representative to the Board, Kris- hearing personally from students who have ten Clarke was very encouraged by the meet- open in September of next year, but construction delays may push the occupancy to SEE RUTGERSFEST ON PAGE 7 mid-October. Livingston construction delays cause unrest among students BY KENNETH BROOKS representatives of the university and the New ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR Jersey Division of Codes and Standards. “During our inspection, we found that Some students expecting to live in the the materials being used in the stairways new Livingston Apartments next school year and hallways were not fire resistant,” said Ian are scrambling to making contingency plans. Blackwell, the university representative. “We An e-mail sent Tuesday afternoon recom- are doing our best to work with the con- mended that students plan alternate living struction company to ensure that this is fixed arrangements for the first month of next expeditiously so that we won’t inconvenience school year due to a few delays in the new our students.” building’s construction. Eduardo Negron, foreman of the project, “We do understand that this will cause does not see things going by as quickly as the problems for our students, however the situ- university desires. ation is out of our control,” said Joan Car- “We detailed all of the materials for con- bone, director of Housing and Residence struction beforehand and were approved,” STUDENT LIFE / FILE PHOTO Life. said Negron. “For them to now expect us Students cheer during a performance at last year’s RutgersFest. Due to demand, talks The delays are a result of a recent inspec- are under way to reconsider the importance of the event to the University community tion of the construction work carried out by SEE DELAYS ON PAGE 7 INDEX Professor honored for having the MEAL SWIPES MAY ROLL OVER UNIVERSITY SEMESTER TO SEMESTER longest continuous tenure BEGINNING THIS FALL Altria Corporation to After an open forum on budgets, including those distribute free ciga- PERSON OF THE WEEK of Dining Services, the university is considering rettes to students on changing its policy on student meal plans. Friday, despite protests BY BROOKE KELLY teaching a Topics in Marine The current practice is that students purchase a from officials. CORRESPONDENT Sciences section in 1995. block of meals before the semester starts and then When you walk into Dr. “The guy is a complete any unused meal swipes are terminated after the se- Charlie Forrest’s office in douchebag,” said Jennifer mester ends. the Marine Sciences build- Solnak, a School of Environ- This effectively leads to money wasted if students OPINIONS ing, you are immediately mental and Biological Sci- do not use exactly how many meals were originally overwhelmed by plaques, ences sophomore. “On the purchased. certificates, hi-tech office days he chooses to show up, Because of recent demand for change, Dining DR. CHARLIE Where have all the machines, and what he calls he talks about sports with Services has approved a new method of rolling over FORREST cowboys gone? ‘pretty snazzy furniture’. the bros in the front of the meal swipes to subsequent semesters. With a salary of over class for the whole time.” The meal block options currently available are: $170,000 per year and a list of commen- “Its not a science, to be honest,” re- 285, 255, 210, 150, 105, 75, and 50. Freshmen UNIVERSITY . 3 dations from different university presi- sponded Dr. Forrest when asked how students living in a dorm are required to purchase dents and board members, you would he has kept his job. “The one way to get a 210 block or higher and upperclassmen students METRO . 7 imagine yourself fighting for a spot in your way is to get in their way.” living in a dorm are required to purchase a 105 his class. In reality, this is not the case. “I have stuff on people,” he continued. block or higher. OPINIONS . 8 Charlie Forrest, who began at the “Anytime they try to pull some disciplin- Because the current system of buying different University in 1970 teaching classes in ag- ary bullshit on me, I just do what I need DIVERSIONS . 10 block plans give different costs per meal, the roll- riculture at Cook College, has obtained to do to shut them up. It works so well, over change will effectively make each meal cost the a nickname amongst his followers as the I can say this shit in the god damned SPORTS . BACK same flat fee. “Dr. BA”– a double meaning because he newspaper and not get any shit over it.” Although the flat fee of each meal is yet to be only teaches undergraduate courses, and University administrators have con- determined, meals purchased after the start of a is considered to be a badass. firmed these methods to work on them- semester will cost more than meals purchased in The students who aren’t followers of selves and their colleagues. advance before the semester begins. his would quickly nickname him “Dr. “I remember one time, he actually A sample of students polled revealed a positive ONLINE @ BS”.This name also comes with his re- molested a female student in 1999,” said reaction to the change, looking forward to a greater RUTGERS cord of 641 student complaints since Diana Simmons, an administrator who amount of flexibility for their dining options. he began his current instructional role MEDIUM.COM SEE TENURE ON PAGE 4 – Joseph Threlfall 2 A P R I L 4 , 2 0 1 2 DIRECTORY T HE D AILY M EDIUM WEATHER OUTLOOK NIPPLY WITCH’S TEAT VERY HARD NIPPLES TODAY Its actually quite warm out, but we lost the weather templates. TONIGHT Listen, its 6:00 am and I couldn’t care less. Fuck off. THE DAILY MEDIUM 126 College Ave., Suite 439, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 84TH EDITORIAL BOARD AMY DIMARIA . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF SHANE WHELAN . MANAGING EDITOR JOEY THRELFALL . BUSINESS MANAGER JORDAN GOCHMAN . HEAD WRITER KAITIE DAVIS . NEWS EDITOR JOHN EBERHARDT . NEWS EDITOR PHILLIP LI . FEATURES EDITOR JIGGLE E. PUFF . OPINIONS EDITOR SARA EDWARDS . ARTS EDITOR STEVE TROULIS III . PERSONALS EDITOR BRIANNA PROVENZANO . PERSONALS EDITOR KENNETH BROOKS . WHATS SHAKIN’ EDITOR BEN GREEN . COPY EDITOR GOOGLE IMAGES . STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER KRISTEN CIGNAVITCH . WEBMASTER BARBARA REED . FACULTY ADVISOR CUBBY THE PUG . STAFF MASCOT BUSINESS DEPARTMENT KRUPA PATEL . STAFF EASY TARGET LEIF TORNBERG . STAFF CHILD LABORER STEWART HALLMAN . STAFF GOOFBALL MARIA FINELLI . STAFF TALENTED PERSON EHUD COHEN . STAFF APPARITION JAKE LEWANDOWSKI. .STAFF ALUMNI Corrections PHONE: (732) 867-5309 Are you fucking kidding me? The Medium is pure BUSINESS FAX: Do People Even Fax? satire and we have never, ever taken ourselves seriously. If you really think that we believe in any of the jokes (let E-MAIL: [email protected] me repeat for clarity, JOKES), you’re completely full of WEB: www.RutgersMedium.com retard organs. Come to our meetings Wednesday nights MEET THE MAKERS OF THIS at 8 PM Check the paper for locations We are a comedic satiric publication and if you have a problem with us, read the Constitution of the United © 2011 Medium Publishing Co. States of America. The Medium is a student-written and student-managed, nonprofit WONDERFUL PUBLICATION! inwhoreporated newspaper published by our bare hands, circulation 3500. The Medium (USPS0000001) is published Wednesday in New Also, if you want to write for us, we meet Wednesdays Brunswick, NJ. Every part is able to be used for your dirty purposes. You in BCC 120A or 116 at 8:00pm. Show the fuck up. We Busch Student Center Room 120A 8:00pm silly little girl. don’t do this to please ourselves... every effin’ wednesday! Okay, maybe we do. What of it? THE DAILY MEDIUM A PRIL 4 , 2 0 1 2 UNIVERSITY PAGE 3 CALENDAR OIT to impose new internet restrictions Technology office to add ‘parental control’ style firewalls and blockages APRIL BY OSWALDO SANCHEZ STAFF WRITER 5 April To decrease costs of internet ser- Career Services will be hosting an interviewing skills session vice, new download restrictions are at the Rutgers Student Center at noon.
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