AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. listener of many delightful and Two Young Artists eatchy, truly Viennese tunes, not two Anti-Nazi Drama Orson Welles’ Statues % of which are alike either Please in Concert in mood "Underground," a drama of the or tempo. Because of a certain Carter Carburetors imimiiinmnniTi hmhtti secret anti-Nazi radio system oper- By ELENA DE SAYN. sameness with which Miss Finna- FOR ALL CARS com treated the ating in Germany, will go into pro- Give Him Trouble Now Two young and attractive artists, arrangement only Liberal Trade Allowance for roar Carolyn Schulte, coloratura soprano, the last of that particular collec- duction at Warner Bros. Studio old carburetor in Hercules Not Be Unadorned; and Helene Finnacom, pianist, were tion, performed keeping with the February 14. Vincent Sherman,! May given a cordial reception at the composer's intentions, reached the whose handling of "Flight From Club auditorium last audience. The artist was rewarded MIUER-DUDHYfi Washington Destiny” brought him critical com- ■ I7lfi NODTH9300 ■ Henie Would Like to Be the She Sonja night. A friendly audience filled by generous applause. displayed mendation, will direct the picture. to with the overflow her brilliant technique in this and Her Own Producer hall capacity, Two brothers, one a Nazi, the other Associate taken care of In the room. in Liszt’s "Gnomenreigen,” which °' Theft ten Having Met in tea. adjoining anti-Nazi, and a girl with whom in a she in a ACADEMY Pe&c‘a?uSd riEot‘,D,‘’ Miss Schulte, becoming gown presented masterly fashion. both brothers are in be E. Uwrencf Theatre By SHE1LAH GRAHAM. love, will Phillip*’ Beautiful. AMBASSADOR was her best The numbers of her Continuous From 5 P.M. £‘h of pale blue, heard to remaining the central of Matinee 1 F.M. HOLLYWOOD. figures the drama. JACK BENNY Starring in in Haendel's "O program were Debussy's "La Soiree GARY COOPER MADELEINE CAR- More trouble for "Citizen Kane" and Orson Welles. The Hay* office advantage Sleep, “Buck Rides ROLL in NORTHWEST MOUNTED Dost Thou Leave Me?,” dans Granarie" and Chopin's "Bal- Benny Again,” Is on some of the statues the magnificent house In the Why POLICE" At 12:46, 2:65, 6:05, frowning adorning lade in G Minor.” Miss Schulte's With ELLEN DREW ANDY DEVINE T in and 8:36, who Spohr's “Rose, Softly Blooming,” PHIL HARRIS. film. And so Hercules will wear a little skirt! ... Irene Dunne, gets CARMICHAEL and Benedict’s "The Wren” and Jacob- final group comprised Oteo's “Mi ROCHESTER. Also "8PORTINO BLOOD” RFVFRIV «®‘* * * ni $150,000 for her imminent picture at R-K-O, was telling a friend the With ROBERT YOUNG. 1 LI. 3300. de Marie Antoinette.” viejo amor,” Charles’ "Let My MAUREEN Mat. I P.M. at for a son’s “Chanson Song LEWI8 8TONE Space to other p.m., "and one time I was under contract there $30,000 yfar.” Theatre PARKING HARD ^ _0;aULLIVAN_and Pirkinr Available Patron.. the Fill Your Heart," "Annie Laurie" HENRY FONDA. LINDA DARNELL in For which sum Irene had to in four or more films Deanna These songs emphasized pleasing * Mast. Are. appear and of the Ease of APEY 48»h Tel. WO 4«00 'CHAD HANNA" Al 1:36. 3:35 of her light coloratura voice “Song Open,” by La parkin* OI LA ghe« Place of the Capital : Durbin's is an outstand-*- quality ass a r a n ce Nation's '".i-_, -35 an do experience Elsie L. Crammer was Free Parkins for Over 500 Cara :35._Cartoon. and its agility. A clear enunciation Forge. the your ear is HEARING" of that sort of Viait Our PA w taTAvaTTTwT” ing example thing. in safe bands Embaair Room LALTLIWIVFRT years old Monday and has received added also to the enjoyment of her accompanist. Continuous From 5:50 F.M. WO. 331 A. Mat 1 P.M. She was earning $50 a w*eek at —‘*fie 6 P M ALICE FAYE BETTY QRABLE JACK Parkin* Space Available tn Patron*. a heap of picture attention at to 1 AM Metro when they singing. Operated The modern conception OAKIT and JOHN PAYNE in "FOUR MOTHER8." With PRIS- Warners’, desires a salary increase by CILLA. ROSEMARY. LOLA LAN* and decided she was The assurance manifested by Miss Service Parkin* ‘‘TIN PAN ALLEY.” 100 cent. She a of the radio tube of per regards $500 Schulte in the of the pro- Carp. hearing At 5 40. 7:4ti and 0:40 not worth it. I beginning THEATER PARKING ^.n^J^raV^a^^5-3*' week as a* nice, round figure—and somewhat in her aid Also Selected Feature ttei_ 4,4 wonder how gram suffered per- Oeiigned far greater CENTRAL that's what she is asking for. “Before *33t ■ St. N E. Atl. *500 So?, much that studio formance of Rachmaninoff's ATI AC Ooen* 0:13 Paulette Goddard chop suey range end cleorer tone. h'WU Mat. I P.M. P'.-.h’e Feature _ A.M. would be eating My Window,” Liadoff's “The Musical CLAUDETTE COLBERT. DON AME- willing James Howes res- JEANETTE MacDONALD. NELSON EDDY in at Cameraman Nome” from MIT Compare with any ether "MIDNIGHT." At 10:25. to for her Snuff-Box” and “Caro * nS pay 25' JOHN taurant—with Anitole Litvak. “BITTERSWEET.” GARFIELD services now—if Verdi's “Rigoletto,” which did not aid regordlen of price. * * * * within her 6 P.M. TO 1 pmiat Also ERROL FLYNN. BRENDA MARSHALL. it could get her? seem to lie as comfortably A.M. run ALAN HALE and CLAUDE RAINS in was Budget plan available. Alice Faye has Joan Crawford had an interested register. However, she encored CAPITAL GARAGE 1 10th fir E STS. N.W, “THE SEA HAWK.” KENNEDY been seen twice onlooker—Ingrid Bergman—for the after the aria and received several SgS® 1320 N. Y. Av#„ Bet. 13th & 14th filS "fwi&*• AT,ll»kl* ‘® Patron*. with George preliminary scenes in "A Woman's floral tributes. *• PM* beMe «r Mrr e*we ,,,h * N r «F AYRW LIONEL BARRYMORE fAROfcnnuuim INA fKW Sanders but that Face." Ingrid made the picture in Miss Finnacom. whose serious out- "dance girl dance.'’ KILDARE'S CRISIS At Eitabluhtd 1895 With MAUREEN O HARA Also "GOLD- 7 401 9:4R P°'*r does not mean Sweden. The scar—around which also evidence EN GLOVES look upon her art gave __ "_ she is going to the film revolves—was invented by of a careful training, presented C Penna Ave at ci«t s* PFNN P*. Ave. at 7th S E GUIS ABRAHAMS riPfl rc.nil FR. 3-*00 Mat. I PM. marry him, as her husband, a doctor. Joan's scar Bach-Vivaldi's sonorous and effec- lellMleE. lew AYRES LIONEL RAR- 1 Parkin* Space Available tn Patron*. RYMORE In "DR. KILDARE'S CRISIS the pre- is the handiworla* of a plastic sur- tive ’’Prelude and Aria” from the "FOUR MOTHERS." With PRIS- gossips OANS ON Sbeilah Grahaa. JEWELRY Shorts.__ CILLA. ROSEMARY LOLA I ANE and dict. What a geon working with the atudio make- “Organ Concerto in D Minor.” She GALE 3223 t 1. Are N.E 2#31 Nichols Ave. S.E. PAGE At 1:35. 3:4o. 5:40, a She has her rrtNrDFCC 7:45 town this is! You go out with man up expert. right eye played the number with a full ring- HAY ADAMS HOUSE—Overlooking White UUIvljIxE.OO Atlentie *700 and 0:60_ Cash ter and down and a welt on effects. Later Your Old Geld House at 18th and H Sts. Dining in an ••YOU'LL FIND OUT." With KAY KY6ER once, you're engaged. Twice, pulled slightly ing tone and dynamic on re _ __m atmosphere of charm, diRnity and gen- BORIS KARLOFF and BELA LUGOSI SHERIDAN S and you're married. Three times, her cheek. But it is not as bad as on the program in Liszt's “Soneto tility Luncheon. 85c; dinner from SI 26. HENRY Organ music nightly during dinner FONDA. LINDA DARNELL in and it’s a divorce Henie it seems because Joan will wear a 104 with feel- "CHAD HANNA." At 1:30. 3:30. Sonja Del Patrarca,” played CARLTON HOTEL. New Cosmos Room. Jfith DUMBARTON CHAR H TO N 7:30 and 0 wants to be the associate hat down on the side. she her understand- LEs'T.AUO producer pulled right ing, confirmed and K Sts. ME. 2926. Music TRIAL PERIOD ARRANGED *nd CAROLE LOMBARD in "THEY 30_ by Carmen of her next and last film at Fox— And her left aide is more of the musical value of a sus- Cavallaro's Orchestra Dancing 6-7 and KNEW WHAT THEY WANTED” Also C|| VFR 61 *ve. * Colesvilla Pike. photogenic ing 10 Writ* for Frca Booklet t.lL.TC.A ♦o 2. Min after 10 p m. except Sat 52. _Short subject *._ sh. 3500 Mat. I P.M “Sun Valley." It starts in Febru- anyway. tained melody, so difficult to achieve tHEO S1_.V Parkinr Space Available to Patrnn*. < §to relievo itching SHOREHAM BLUEROOM. Connecticut at HENRY ary Joan Leslie, who was 16 Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde Spencer on the piano. Calvert. rfc'OTARION COMPANY FONDA LINDA DARNELL n and burning of irritated akin, and Dining and dancing Two floor FA1RLAWN 'Ti "CHAD HANNA At 1:35. 3:35. j Tracy) has the fiu. and his picture Brahms’ “Six Waltzes,” which fol- shows 9:30 and 11:30. Dinner 52. in- 6RACE MacDONALD in "DANCING ON A 5:40. 7:40 and promote long-lasting comfort—USE ciudmt cover.
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