Ectopic Cervical Thymic Tissue Diagnosis by Fine Needle Aspiration D. E. Tunkel, MD; Y. S. Erozan, MD; E. G. Weir, MD c Cervical thymic masses are congenital lesions that result the left side of the neck. At birth he was noted to have very subtle from aberrant thymic migration during embryogenesis. Al- left neck swelling in the submandibular area, which was inter- though most of these masses are asymptomatic, they may preted to be prominent skinfolds and increased subcutaneous fat. cause debilitating symptoms secondary to encroachment His family history, perinatal history, and delivery were unre- on adjacent aerodigestive structures. Preoperative diagno- markable. The patient was managed expectantly, since he contin- sis of ectopic thymic tissue is rare; most cases are clinically ued to gain weight and thrive without dysphagia or respiratory misinterpreted as branchial cleft remnants or cystic hygro- compromise. Although asymptomatic, the cervical lesion persist- mas. De®nitive diagnosis has relied on histopathologic ex- ed and developed a vaguely nodular texture with associated non- amination in nearly all reported cases. However, the in- discrete swelling of the left upper neck. On review of a magnetic resonance imaging scan performed at 9 months of age, a solid, vasiveness of open incisional or excisional biopsy carries homogeneous mass located posterior to the submandibular gland the risk of surgical and anesthetic complications. Inadver- and encroaching on the parapharyngeal space was noted (Figure tent surgical thymectomy may result in cell-mediated im- 1). mune de®ciencies in infants and young children. The utility On physical examination, fullness of the left submandibular of ®ne needle aspiration is gaining wider acceptance in the area was noted without evidence of a discretely palpable mass. diagnostic evaluation of neck masses. We describe an in- The overlying skin was normal, and no tenderness was evident. fant with an asymptomatic cervical thymic mass diagnosed There was no apparent lymphadenopathy. His tonsillar fossae by ®ne needle aspiration. appeared normal, his uvula rose symmetrically, and structures (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2001;125:278±281) of the midline section of his neck were unremarkable. The pa- tient's hemogram, serum calcium level, and serum electrolyte lev- els were all within normal range. he thymus is a primary lymphoid organ in infancy and A computed tomography±guided FNA was performed with a T early childhood. It initially appears early in fetal life 22-gauge spinal needle. The unenhanced computed tomographic and plays a critical role in the development of cell-medi- image demonstrated an oblong, solid mass that measured ap- ated immunity. Ectopic cervical thymus is rarely reported, proximately 3 3 0.5 cm and was located lateral and super®cial because thymic vestiges often remain asymptomatic and to the left submandibular gland. The mass was isodense with unrecognized by clinicians. Most of these lesions arise as muscle, and although it compressed adjacent structures, it was a consequence of migrational defects during thymic em- noninvasive and distinct from surrounding cervical and peripa- bryogenesis. Since 1901, approximately 90 cases of aber- rotid lymph nodes. Cystic features were not radiologically ap- rant cervical solid and cystic thymic lesions have been re- parent. Review of the aspiration material showed predominantly ported in the literature and were identi®ed at either sur- small, round, monomorphous lymphocytes, which on cell block gery or autopsy.1±3 Nearly two thirds of all reported cases material demonstrated an organoid pattern that was compart- were identi®ed in children younger than 10 years.4 Ectopic mentalized by ®brous trabeculae. In addition, several nests of thymic tissue in the neck is rare in patients older than 20 cytokeratin-positive epithelial cells that formed Hassall corpus- years. Surgical excision has the potential risk of rendering cles were scattered throughout the lesion (Figure 2). There was a child athymic and prone for developing immune dys- no cytologic evidence of a neoplasm. A portion of the aspirate regulation and immunode®ciencies. We report a case of was submitted for ¯ow cytometric analysis, which demonstrated nodular cervical thymic tissue in an infant diagnosed by a lymphocyte population of almost entirely immature T cells that ®ne needle aspiration (FNA). coexpressed CD4 and CD8 and showed positivity for the early T-cell markers CD1a and TdT (Figure 3). Together, the cytomor- REPORT OF A CASE phologic and cytometric ®ndings were diagnostic of ectopic cor- tical thymic tissue. The patient tolerated the procedure well. He A 12-month-old, white, male infant was referred to the Pedi- remains asymptomatic with no change in the mass after 4 atric Otolaryngology Clinic for evaluation of a persistent mass on months of follow-up observation. Accepted for publication June 8, 2000. COMMENT From the Departments of Otolaryngology (Dr Tunkel) and Pathology The primordial thymus begins to appear early in the (Drs Erozan and Weir), The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Balti- sixth week of fetal life. It develops primarily from the ven- more, Md. Reprints: Edward G. Weir, MD, Department of Pathology, The Johns tral wing of the third pharyngeal pouch on each side of Hopkins Hospital, Carnegie Bldg, Room 400, 600 N Wolfe St, Balti- the most cephalad portion of the foregut. Lesser more ru- more, MD 21287 (e-mail: [email protected]). dimentary portions of the thymus are derived from the 278 Arch Pathol Lab MedÐVol 125, February 2001 FNA Diagnosis of Cervical ThymusÐTunkel et al Figure 1. T2-weighted image with fat suppression demonstrates a ho- mogeneous mass (arrow) in the left submandibular space, extending toward the left parapharyngeal space. fourth pharyngeal pouch. The proliferation of endodermal cells within the outpouchings gives rise to paired solid structures. By the seventh week of gestation, the thymic primordia lose their connections with the pharyngeal wall and join in the midline. A mesenchymal capsule sur- rounds the developing thymus and maintains the organ in close association with the parietal pericardium. Togeth- er, these structures descend to their ®nal anatomic posi- tions in the anterior mediastinum. The medial-caudal mi- gration pathway forms the thymopharyngeal tract, which runs from the angle of the mandible to the manubrium of the sternum bilaterally. Normally, this tract involutes by Figure 2. (A) Fine needle aspiration biopsy section prepared from cell the completion of development; however, thymic vestiges block material showing lobules of small, round lymphocytes separated may persist anywhere along its course. Lymphocyte in- by vascularized bands of ®brosis. Although monomorphous, the cells vasion occurs at 10 weeks of gestation, whereas subse- lack malignant features (hematoxylin-eosin, original magni®cation quent endodermal regressions form the Hassall corpus- 340). (B) Immunoperoxidase study demonstrating clusters of keratin- positive cells forming Hassall corpuscles (cytokeratin, original magni- cles. Growth and development of the thymus continue af- ®cation 3 60). ter birth until puberty. The thymus later involutes and un- dergoes fatty replacement, rendering it dif®cult to recognize in adults. Cervical thymic anomalies may occur as a consequence in early childhood. Thymic hyperplasia may occur follow- of an arrest in the medial-caudal migration of thymic pri- ing vaccination or in association with an infectious process mordia or sequestration and persistence of thymic vestiges and often resolves with antibiotics or steroid therapy.9 along the course of the thymopharyngeal tract.5,6 It is often Ectopic thymic masses are congenital lesions of either dif®cult to make the distinction between these 2 mecha- solid or cystic nature and usually present between 2 and nisms. In the case of an undescended thymus due to mi- 13 years of age as asymptomatic nodules or neck swellings grational arrest, only half of the normally bilobed thymus on routine examination. Considering that the thymus is present in the mediastinum. However, a normal chest reaches its greatest absolute size at puberty and its great- radiograph, which lacks the absence or diminution of a est relative size between 2 and 4 years of age, presentation thymic shadow, suggests cervical sequestration of thymic and diagnosis during early childhood are not surprising. remnants. Also, several reports have demonstrated the co- Occasionally, large or hyperplastic ectopic thymic tissue existence of thymus and parathyroid glands in lateral cer- may compress or displace neighboring structures and vical masses.6±8 Because the parathyroid glands are de- cause hoarseness, stridor, or dysphagia.10 Most cervical rived from the dorsal wing of the third pharyngeal pouch thymic lesions are unilateral and, for unknown reasons, and descend with the thymus, an ectopic thymus-parathy- are more commonly reported on the left side and in male roid complex mechanistically suggests aberrant migration. patients.11,12 They have been known to occur as high as the An additional cause of cervical thymic anomaly is marked mandibular angle and as low as the thoracic inlet and su- hyperplasia of a normally positioned mediastinal thymus perior mediastinum. Thymic masses in the trachea and Arch Pathol Lab MedÐVol 125, February 2001 FNA Diagnosis of Cervical ThymusÐTunkel et al 279 minimally invasive technique of investigating neck masses in children.15 Not only does FNA provide rapid results, but
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