* TODAY: ANGOL)\N RAIDS KILl:.. HUNDREDS ~',ElE¥ERAG ' ES BOOST WOMEN'S PAY * MUN/CDM TO TALK * Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.424 S'wapo slams Unamprobe Garoeb attacks Tjingaete The memorandum STAFF REPORTEA also claims that some of the students, whose pro­ SW APO Secretary General, Moses tests led to the establish­ Garoeb, yesterday intervened in the ment of an inquiry, were controversy surrounding the University "instigated" by former of Namibia. staff members of the Academy who oppose In a strongly-worded proven himself to be un­ change at the University. memorandum addressed professional and parti­ Garoeb alleges that the to the chair of the Uni- san". students' concerns were versity Council, Judge Garoeb feels it is "to­ instigated and then taken Harold Levy, Garoeb tally inappropriate" tQset over by former Academy claims the Commission up a Commission of In­ staff and "turned to a dif­ of Inquiry into misman­ quiry one-and-a-half ferent purpose". agement at U nam is "un­ years after the Univer~ Garoeb then launches necessary". sity was established. a personal attack on Writing on behalf of "What can be properly . Tjingaete, who the the Swapo central com­ evaluated at this early Swapo Central Commit­ mittee, Garoeb goes on stage of Unam's early Moses Garoeb who tee rejects as a member to call for Auditor-Gen­ development? It is a nec­ yesterday launched a of the Commission of eral, Fanuel Tjingaete, to essarily in a transitional vicious personal attack Inquiry. be booted off the Com­ stage ... " the memoran­ on Namibia's Auditor­ mission claiming "he has dum says. General. continued on page 2 Warning shots fired as , residents h-arass Amathila CHRISTOF MALETSKY THE POLICE had to fire three warning shots yester_day when people at the Ministry of Local Government and Housing's Katutura office tried to stop the Minister, Dr Libertine Amathila, from leaving. Amathila had gone to the office to explain matters 'related to the newly-renovated Katutura Singles Quar­ ters houses to residents. The Minister spelt out what was happening and announced that monthly instalments had been slashed. Later people whom she had questioned on whether they were really Singles Quarters residents did not want to let her leave the office. Things got out of hand with people using bad language and blocking her way until the police fired three warning shots and got her to safety. Chair of the Singles Quarters residents' committee, Simon Jafet, expressed disappoinment about the inci­ dent saying they had never expected such behaviour. He added that according to the information he had gathered the troublemakers had not been residents of the Single Quarters. Earlier Dr Amathila announced that monthly instal­ 'NOT ENOUGH' ;.. Despite house prices being ments for residents of the renovated Katutura Singles Quarters house units had been reduced and could' be cut by half and their monthly repayments and interest rate being lowered, residents are still not continued on page 2 2 Tuesday June 71994 1'HE NAMIBIAN -- ,,: Unam "High -Court _ ~r:g~d to find CCB guilty of Lubowski killing prosecute, further inves­ vide evidence of a meet­ '----_F_R_O_M_P_A_G_E_1 FROM PAGE 1 , ---l' I . tigations be conducted in ing between himself, According to Garoeb's and the police failure at trying to establish the Chappie Maree and cl aims, Tjingaete "has that senior level consti- , identities and activities Donald Acheson. spoken openly in recent tutes a gross and very of such people. Calla Botha was also days about his deterrnina- grave dereliction of duty In a lengthy, 142-page implicated by Smuts, as tion to 'get' Unam and its which had, as its possi- 'summary,counselforthe he too was a member of Vice-Chancellor, Dr Pe- ble consequence, the family of the deceased the group which per­ ter Katjavivi. death of Lubowski". ' dealt with the back- formed politically in­ "Indeed Tjingaete has Smuts also submitted ground to the CCB, its spired murders, and had also been heard to boast that certain persons as- structures, purpose and also been involved in the that he will ' get' the en- sociated with the CCB' s methods of operation, as recruitment of Donald tire Government because common purpose to mur- well as ,its true purpose Acheson and attended an it is Swapo," Garoebgoes der Lubowski were and its special interest in on to claim. 'in house meeting' on , Based on these hearsay gUilty of murder, and CCB member Johan Niemoller Namibia in the pre-elec- September 1 when plans ., named Ferdie Barnard, tion period . for the murder of allegations Garoeb states Carl Botha, Abtam The failure to follow up, able public interest and He dismissed theCCB Lubowski were final­ Counset-for the lonthatge Tjingaeter be a member should of theno 'IangS ' van Z y,I Ch ar1 es Smuts added, could be had also highlighted a claim of being an 'inte-I ised. Lubowski family, Commission . The memo- Wildschudt (formerly placed at the door of ei- conflict within the ranks I i genc e - g a the ring Abraham 'Slang' van Dave Smuts randum calls on Levy to Neelse), Donald ther Terreblanche or of the police. Although agency', saying there Zyl was also a knowing remove Tjingaete from the Acheson, Leon Andre Badenhorst,but"clearly accusations against were more than enough member of a group mately responsible for probe immediately. Maree,DanielFerdinand if proper police investi- Deputy Commissioner agencies in place at that which performend politi­ the project to murder As The Narnibian re- du Toit Burger, Wouter gation and appropriate Jumbo Smit . were not timetofulfiII thesefunc­ cally inspired murders. Lubowski. He had also ceived the statement late Basson, Pieter Johan police action were un- supported by credible tions. He put it to the He had been assigned the participated in formula­ last night, we were unable Verster, Johan dertaken then, the pros- evidence,hesaid,Smit's court that the main pur­ Dullah Omar murder, tion of plans to murder to contact the Auditor- Niemoller, as well as pects are that the murder initial investigation was pose of the CCB was had sent operatives to SA journalist Gavin General for comment. other members of the may have been pre- characterised by a fail- 'maximum disruption' Namibia to sabotage ve­ Evans, as well as Gwen Garoeb pledges the CCBoremployeesofthe vented". ure to take steps to in- of those perceived as hicles and was accord­ Lister. He was present in Central Committee's CCB whose identities Smuts also submitted vestigate local involve- enemies by the security inglyawareoftheproject Windhoek at the time of "wholehearted support" could not be determined. that "no reliance' be ment of the CCB. He force establishment, to undermine Swapo's the murder and was then for Katjavivi and "all While blaming the placed on the evidence credited Smit with hav- which could consist of electron prospects. in regular contact with those who are serving the CCB for the commission of' witnesses Romanus ing unearthed details of anything from 'the Donald Acheson had Acheson. Subsequentto university with loyalty of the murder, Smuts said Munango and WilIem the CCB, an organisa- breaking of a window to admitted making himself the murder, he had re­ and dedication. that an important report Rooinasie. tion which was exceed- the killing of a person' . available to the CCB as ceived instructions to go "We will not stand by conceiningtheCCB plot He accused Munango ingly difficult to pen- Insofar as the CCB was a 'hitman' and was han­ into hiding. and let the forces ofreac- to murder the deceased, of"defaming certain pe' r- etrate. Id" II' tion undermine this im- mvo ve m mte Igence- dled by Chappie Maree. Smuts also named along with important sons in a most deplor- Smuts added that gathering this was only Acheson had also admit­ Staal Burger, Wouter randumportantwork," ends. the memo- 1ea d s, were mad e to In- a bl e manner"£; re emng' while evidence had been d oneWl·th'· aVlewtop Ian- ted to being involved in Basson, Johan 'Joe' The University Coun- spec tor Willem in particular to the fact heard concerning the role ning the commission of a project to sabotage V erster, Chairman of the cil unanimously agreed on Terreblanche by Charles that he had implicated of certain people in the unlawful acts. Swapo vehicles and at­ CCB under the com­ a Commission of Inquiry Wildschudt in 1989 prior Michaela Figueira (now Namibian region of the Smuts then dealt with tempting to poison the mand of General Eddie into mismanagemnt and to the death of the activ- Clayton), only later to CCB, such as 'Frik' and each of those CCB mem­ Editor of The N amibian, Webb, who then com­ irregularities at Unam in ist. Terreblanche in turn admitthathisclaimshad a certain 'Hannes bers and/or employees Gwen Lister. He had also manded special forces of early May after students claimed to have reported no b.asis. Coetzee',itcouldberec- whom counsel for the admitted being in pos­ the SADF. Smuts al ~ o marched on State House to General ' Foffie' Smuts said the inquest ommended that, in the family named as being session of an AK-47 as­ named Charles demanding a probe. Badenhorst on the issue. had attracted consider- event of a decision to responsible for the death sault weapon on the day Wildschudt and Johan ---...:::...--!..-----'-----------------------------, ofLubowski. of the murder, and had Niemoller, the former an Ferdie Barnard, Smuts further conducted him­ employee of the CCB, ~--- Congratulation~~~=~ said, had gathered intel­ self in a dishonest and the latter a CCB member ligence on Swapo lead­ suspicious manner be­ and nephew of CCB ers like Lubowski and fore and after the assas­ Chairman, Joe Verster, Daniel Tjongarero, sination.
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