DOCUMENT RESUME ED 268 037 SO 017 024 AUTHOR Brown, Lester R.; And Others TITLE State of the World 1986. A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress toward a Sustainable Society. INSTITUTION Worldwatch Inst., Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 86 NOTE 278p. AVAILABLE FROMWorldwatch Institute, 1776 MassachusettsAvenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036. PUB TYPE Reports - Descriptive (141)-- Viewpoints (120) EDES PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Availablefrom EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Agricultural Trends; *Developed Nations;Developing Nations; Disarmament; *EcologicalFactors; Ecology; *Economic Development; *Economics;*Energy Conservation; Environmental Standards;Food; Foreign Policy; Health Needs; InternationalCooperation; *International Trade; Loan Repayment;National Security; Nuclear Warfare; PetroleumIndustry; Population Trends; Power Technology;Water Resources; *World Affairs IDENTIFIERS Africa; Food Production; Ideology;Interdependence ABSTRACT The third of three annual assessmentsconcentrating on the relationship between the worldeconomy and its environmental support systems, this edition expands earlierthemes on how economic demands of a world population approaching5 billion affects the earth's natural systems andresources to embrace threats to security as well. The first of 11 sections, "A Generation ofDeficits" (Lester R. Brown) examines not only deficits andd.bts in the United States, but in other countries as well. In section2, "Assessing Ecological Decline," Lester R. Brown and EdwardC. Wolf discuss profiles and social consequences of ecological decline,economic costs, "political fallout," and the need for integrated analysis.Next, in "Increasing Water Efficiency," Sandra Postel describeswater-saving irrigation methods, new cropping patterns, recyclingand reuse, conservation in cities, and balancing the water equation.The next section, "Managing Rangelands," (Edward C. Wolf) is followedby two articles, "Moving beyond Oil," and "Reforming the ElectricPocrer Industry" by Christopher Flavin. Section 7, "DecommissioningNuclear Power Plants," (Cynthia Pollock) addressesissues concerning decontamination and dismantlement,waste disposal, and cost. Two health articles: "BanishingTobacco," and "Investing in Children,"by William U. Chandlerare followed by a look at "Africa's Decline," (Lester R. Brown and Edward C. Wolf).In the final section, "Redefining National Security," LesterR. Brown addresses new threats to security, militarization of theworld economy, costs to the two super-powers, countries reducing arms outlays, andchallenges to world peace. (LH) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS * * are the best that can be made from the original document. * *********************************************************************** Other Norton/Worldwatch Books Lester R. Brown / The Twenty-Ninth Day: Accommodating Human Needs and Numbers to the Earth's Resources Lester R. Brown / Building a Sustainable Society Lester R. Brown et al. / State of the World-1984 and 1985 Lester R. Brown, Christopher Flavin, and Colin Norman / Running on Empty: The Future of the Automobile in an Oil-Short World Daniel Deudney and Christopher Flavin / Renewable Energy: The Power to Choose Erik P. Eckholm / Losing Ground: Environmental Stress and World Food Prospects Erik P. Eckholm / The Picture of Health: Environmental Sources of Disease Denis Hayes / Rays of Hope: The Transition to a Post-Petroleum World Kathleen Newland / The Sisterhood of Man Colin Norman / The God That Limps: Science and Technology in the Eighties Bruce Stokes / Heaping Ourselves: Local Solutions to Global Problems 3 it STATE OF THE WORLD 1986 A Worldwatch Institute Reporton Progress TowardaSustainable Scciety PROJECT DIRECTOR Lester R. Brown ASSOCIATE PROJECT DIRECTOR Edward C Wolf EDITOR Linda Starke SENIOR RESEARCHERS Lester R. Brown William U. Chandler Christopher Flavin Sandra Postel Edward CWolf P ESEARCHER Cynthia Pollock WWNORTON & COMPANY NEW YORK LONDON 4 Copyright © 1986 by the Woridwatch Institute All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada by Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 2801 John Street, Markham, Ontario L3R 1B4 Printed in the United States of America. The text of this book is composed in Baskerville, with display type set in Caslon. Composition and Manufacturing by The Haddon Craftsmen, Inc. First Edition ISBN 0-393-02260-9 ISBN 0-393-30255-5 {PBK} W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., 37 Great Russell Street, London WCIB SNU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Orville L. Freeman, Chairman Mahbub ul Haq UNITED STATES PAKISTAN Andrew E. Rice, Vice Chairman Hazel Henderson UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Lester R. Brown (Ex Officio) Anne-Marie Holenstein UNITED STATES SWITZERLAND Charles M. Cargille Abd-El Rahman Khane UNITED STATES ALGERIA Carlo M. Cipolla Larry Minear ITALY UNITED STATES Edward S. Cornish Walter Orr Roberts UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Lynne Gallagher Rafael M. Salas UNITED STATES PHILIPPINES WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE STAFF Robin Cell Blondeen Gravely Pamela Berkeley Jodi Jacobson Colleen Bickman Jodi Johnson Brian Brown Susan Norris Les:er R. Brown Cynthia Pollock William U. Chandler Sandra Postel Christopher Flavin Edward C. Wolf OFFICERS Lester R. Brown Blondeen Gravely PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT Felix Gorrell Timothy Atkeson TREASURER GENERAL COUNSEL 6 Acknoldedgments Although State of the World 1986 is con- following for their generous assistance cerned with the ominous implications of and thoughtful reviews of chapter drafts debts of various kinds, it is a pleasure to at various stages of maturity: Ray Ander- begin by acknowledging our own debts son, Edward Ayensu, Leonard Berry, to the many people who have made he Douglas R. Bohi, Robert A. Bohm, Rob- book possible. We are especially grated ertBrowne, Frank Cardile,Luther to Rockefeller Brothers Fund Presideu, Carter, Duane Chapman, Michael Dow, William Dietel for his untiring efforts on Charles K. Ebinger, Mohamed El-Ashry, behalf of this series. The Rockefeller Henry Elwell, Norbert Engel, Peter Brothers Fund, David Rockefeller, and Erickson, Carl Feldman, Andrea Fella, the Winthrop Rockefeller Trust pro- HowardGeller,RobertGoodland, vided the initial three-year funding that Kenneth Hare, Linda Harrar, Hans launched the State of the World series. Hurni, Judith Jacobsen, Marvin Jensen, State of the World also draws on ongoing Karl Kronebusch, Jeffrey Lewis, John H. research funded by the Geraldine R. Lichtblau,PhilipMetzger,Norman Dodge, William and Flora Hewlett, Edna Myers,FarrokhNajmabadi,Sharon McConnell Clark, Andrew E. Mellon, Nicholson, Donald A. Norman, Rick and r 'ward John Noble Foundations Piltz, David Pimentel, Bob Pollard, R.T. and tilt. United Nations Fund for Popula- Ravenholt, James L. Repace, R. Neil tion Activities. Sampson, Allan Savory, Stephen H. Severalindividuals des, (vespecial Schneider, Saidi Shomari, J. Shukla, S. recognition for their assistance. Orville FredSinger,JyotiSingh,Maurice L. Freeman, Chairman of the World- Strong,Theodore Taylor,Bassirou watch Board of Directors, strongly sup- Toure, J.A.N. Wallis, Charles E. Weiss, ported the concept of an annual assess- Lee Wilson, and Phyllis Windle. The au- ment from the beginning. Iva Ashner, thors, of course, accept responsibility for who anchors our relationship with W.W. any errors that remain. Norton, has always been a delight to Capable and creative research assist- work with. And, Marasia, who manages ance make an author's task immeasurably the printing of State of iAe World at Nor- easier. The authors owe special thanks to ton, puts us on the fast track, producing Angela Coyle (Chapters 8 and 10), Mar- printed copies within weeks of receiving ion Guyer (Chapter 9), Jodi Jacobson the word processing disks. (Chapters 1, 2, and 11), and Cynthia Pol- A book encompassing so many topics lock (Chapters 3, 5, and 6), who did much is necessarily an amalgam of many per- more than gather research materials; spectives and opinions. While acknowl- their many contributions and comments edging an intellectual debt to many oth- proved centraltotheanalytic work ers,the authors especially thank the throu;nout State of the World. (viii) Acinowledgnzents As editor and production coordinator, whileeditingtheregularseriesof Linda Starke managed to distill consist- Worldwatch Papers.Brian Brown ency and unity from the work of six au- managed the countless office tasks that thors. Making the simultaneous stylistic, kept information flowinr smoothly, du- graphic, and logistical decisions that ties that did not stop him from placing allow accelerated production of State of fifth in the U.S. National Whitewater the World, Linda drew on skills befitting Kayak Championships. an air traffic controller. Readers and au- Worldwatch Vice President Blondeen thors both share a debt to her literary Gravely and Treasurer Felix Gorrell and aesthetic judgments. In addition, provide the administrative and financial Bart Brown provided a thorough index leadership that makes ali our work that en;lances the book's usefulness as a easier. Along with the guidance of our reference. Board of Directors, Blondeen's skillful State of the World could not be pro- management frees the research staff to duced at all, let alone each year, with- pursue the standards of quality and inde- out the talented and spirited World- pendence that we hope distinguish State watch Institute staff. Pamela Berkeley, of the World. Jodi Johnson, and Susan
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