US 20090 137191A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0137191A1 Lee (43) Pub. Date: May 28, 2009 (54) COPPERCMP POLISHING PAD CLEANING Publication Classification COMPOSITION COMPRISING OF (51) Int. Cl AMDOXME COMPOUNDS B24B 53/02 (2006.01) B24B I/00 (2006.01) (76)76) InventorI tOr: Waiai Mun Lee,Lee. Fremont,F t, CA (US)(US CD7C 249/04 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: B24B 7/20 (2006.01) MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKUS LLP 1111 PENNSYLVANIAAVENUE NW (52) U.S. Cl. ................ 451/36: 451/56: 451/41:564/268 WASHINGTON, DC 20004 (US) (21) Appl. No.: 12/260,602 (57) ABSTRACT 1-1. The present invention relates to methods of using amidoxime (22) Filed: Oct. 29, 2008 compositions for cleaning polishing pads, particularly after O O chemical mechanical planarization or polishing is provided. Related U.S. Application Data A polishing pad is cleaned of Cu CMP by-products, subse (60) Provisional application No. 61/000,727, filed on Oct. quent to or during planarizing a wafer, to reduce pad-glazing 29, 2007, provisional application No. 61/006,227, by applying to the polishing pad Surface a composition com filed on Dec. 31, 2007. prising an aqueous amidoxime compound solution in water. 3. Patent Application Publication May 28, 2009 Sheet 1 of 8 US 2009/0137191A1 Eg.Fig. Art)1 atent Application Publication May 28, 2009 Sheet 2 of 8 US 2009/0137191A1 Patent Application Publication May 28, 2009 Sheet 3 of 8 US 2009/0137191A1 Time (minutes) Fig. 3 Patent Application Publication May 28, 2009 Sheet 4 of 8 US 2009/0137191A1 CUC0. (Cu(OH)2 also possible 948 946 944. 942 940 938 936 934. 932 930 928 926 Binding Energy (eV) Control Fig. 4 Patent Application Publication May 28, 2009 Sheet 5 of 8 US 2009/0137191A1 9 x10" C08U0450 07 Spe CuO (low levels) 948 946 944 942 94O 938 936 934. 932 930 928 926 Binding Energy (eV) MeaSUrement taken after 2 hours of cleaning step Fig. 5 Patent Application Publication May 28, 2009 Sheet 6 of 8 US 2009/0137191A1 C08U05098 Spe Analyzed on May Cu20 and Control O After Chemical reatment CU Analyzed on May 12 After Chenical Treatment Measurement taken after days of cleaning "Shake-up" aSSOciatedCUA" with : N 948 946 94 942 940 938 936 984 932 93 928 Binding Energy (eV) Fig. 6 Patent Application Publication May 28, 2009 Sheet 7 of 8 US 2009/0137191A1 C08UO15011 proAfter Cherica Treatment, Day C08UO1503.proAfter Cherical Treatment, After Days 2008 May 1100keV CFRR 9.0385e000rax 2008 May 100key (FRR 2.3033e-COrnax CIF CO3UO150 pro CO3UO1503.pro HHo ext 40 so go to go go to Sputer Depth (A) Sputer Depth (A) Fig. 7 Patent Application Publication May 28, 2009 Sheet 8 of 8 US 2009/0137191A1 Copper Solubility in Water 2 - O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O 12 13 14 15 16 2 2 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 O.8 O8 O6 O6 04 O4 is O2 O2 O O ai -02 -02 -04 -04 -0.6 -0.6 -08 -08 . -1 -12 -12 -14 -14 .16 -16 -8 -1.8 2 - O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 15 16 pH Fig. 8 US 2009/O 137191 A1 May 28, 2009 COPPERCMP POLISHING PAD CLEANING 0007 FIG. 1 is a schematic top plan view of a conventional COMPOSITION COMPRISING OF CMP apparatus 11 comprising a rotatable platen 15 on which AMDOXME COMPOUNDS is mounted a polishing pad 17 for polishing semiconductor substrate S. The polishing pad 17 can be a conventional CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED slurry-type pad having a plurality of concentric circumferen APPLICATIONS tial grooves 19 as illustrated, or a fixed abrasive-type polish ing pad. 0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi 0008 CMP apparatus 11 further comprises a pivot arm21, sional Application No. 61/000,727, filed Oct. 29, 2007, and a holder or conditioning head 23 mounted to one end of the U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/006,227, filed Dec. 31, pivot arm 21, a pad conditioner 25. Such as a pad embedded 2007, both of which are incorporated herein by reference in with diamond crystals, mounted to the underside of the con their entirety. ditioning head 23, a slurry source Such as a slurry/rinse arm 27, and a substrate mounting head 29 operatively coupled to FIELD OF THE INVENTION platen 15 to urge Substrate S against the working Surface of 0002 The present invention discloses a method and a sys polishing pad 17. Pivot arm 21 is operatively coupled to tem for cleaning a chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) platen 15, and maintains conditioning head 23 against the pad. More specifically, the present invention discloses a polishing pad 17 as the pivot arm 21 sweeps back and forth method of cleaning a polishing pad surface Subsequent to across the radius of polishing pad 17 in an arcing motion. chemical-mechanical polishing a wafer Surface. The method Slurry/rinse arm 27 is stationarily positioned outside the including applying to the polishing pad Surface a cleaning sweep of the pivot arm 21 and the conditioning head 23 composition comprising one or more compounds having at coupled thereto. least one amidoxime functional group in water. The compo 0009. In operation, the substrate S is placed face down sition is then allowed to react with a residue that may be on the beneath the substrate mounting head 29, and the substrate pad to produce water soluble by-products. Next, the pad mounting head 29 presses the substrate S firmly against the surface is rinsed with water, preferably deionized water, to polishing pad 17. Slurry is introduced to the polishing pad 17 Substantially remove the by-products. A mechanical condi via slurry/rinse arm 27, and platen 15 rotates as indicated by tioning operation is Subsequently performed on the Surface of arrow R. Pivot arm 21 Scans from side to side in an arcing the pad. In one example, the wafer Surface can be a metal, motion as indicated by arrow S. such as copper or a copper alloy. 0010. When the pad is grooved, then grooves 19 channel the slurry (not shown) between the substrate S and the pol BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ishing pad 17. The semi-porous Surface of the polishing pad 17 becomes saturated with slurry which, with the downward 0003. The present invention relates generally to semicon force of the substrate mounting head 29 and the rotation of the ductor processing, particularly chemical-mechanical polish platen 15, abrades and planarizes the surface of the substrate ing (CMP). The present invention is applicable to polishing S. The diamond crystals (not shown) embedded in the rotating pads employed in CMP particularly conditioning the polish conditioner 25 continually roughens the surface of the pol ing pad to reduce defects. ishing pad 17 to ensure consistent polishing rates. Pad clean 0004 Current semiconductor processing typically com ing must be performed frequently to clean polishing residue prises forming an integrated circuit containing a plurality of and compacted slurry from the polishing pad 17. conductive patterns on vertically stacked levels connected by 0011 Conventional pad cleaning techniques employ rins vias and insulated by inter-layer dielectrics. As device geom ing wherein the substrate mounting head 29 is removed from etry plunges into the deep Sub-micron range, chips compris contact with the polishing pad 17, the supply of slurry from ing five or more levels of metallization are formed. the slurry/rinse arm 27 is turned off, and a rinsing fluid such 0005. In manufacturing multi-level semiconductor as deionized water is supplied via the slurry/rinse arm 27. devices, it is necessary to form each level with a high degree However, merely rinsing the polishing pad following CMP is Surface planarity, avoiding Surface topography, Such as often ineffective in removing polishing residues, particularly bumps or areas of unequal elevation, i.e., Surface irregulari after CMP of metal films, because polishing by-products stick ties. In printing photolithographic patterns having reduced to the polishing pad. geometry dictated by the increasing demands for miniatur 0012 Conventional polishing pads employed in abrasive ization, a shallow depth of focus is required. The presence of slurry processing typically comprise a grooved porous poly Surface irregularities can exceed the depth of focus limita meric Surface. Such as polyurethane, and the abrasive slurry tions of conventional photolithographic equipment. Accord varied in accordance with the particular material undergoing ingly, it is essential to provide flat planar Surfaces in forming CMP. Basically, the abrasive slurry is impregnated into the levels of a semiconductor device. In order to maintain accept pores of the polymeric Surface while the grooves convey the able yield and device performance, conventional semicon abrasive slurry to the wafer undergoing CMP. Another type of ductor methodology involves some type of planarization or polishing pad is a fixed abrasive pad wherein abrasive ele leveling technique at Suitable points in the manufacturing ments are mounted on a backing. When conducting CMP process. with a fixed abrasive pad, a chemical agent without abrasive 0006. A conventional planarization technique for elimi particles is applied to the pad Surface. nating or Substantially reducing Surface irregularities is CMP 0013 When conducting CMP on a metal-containing sur wherein abrasive and chemical action is applied to the Surface face, e.g., Cuora Cu alloy, the working or polishing Surface of the wafer undergoing planarization. The polishing pad is of the polishing pad undergoes changes believed to be caused employed together with a chemical agent to remove material by, interalia, polishing by-products resulting from the reac from the wafer surface.
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